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footfootfoot 12-21-2017 10:22 AM

Update of me
Buenos Nachos, pilgrims!

I want to give all y'all an update since I've been scarce for a while.

Still fighting the good fight.

I've been working with a couple of people I know on a startup business that will turn into long term, solid employment and income, it is taking a lot of my time and not paying anything at the moment, which I'm told is par for the course.

We are working with SCORE and are very close to putting the plan in front of first round investors.

It has to do with the semiconductor industry.

In June I began seeing a woman I met on acceptable cherub. She's from the Chicago area and she is smart, funny, and kind. She lives about an hour away, in Vermont, which isn't a bad drive when the roads are clear, except a few months ago I was driving and my car finally rusted to pieces and the front wheel basically came off. The ball joint went and the wheel folded under. Luckily I was on a back road and doing 20 when it happened.

So, she is doing all the driving until I can save up for a new car. It's a good thing she likes to drive.

The mm, although she hates school and wants to be home-schooled again, is doing great, high 90s in all her subjects, was asked to be in the math olympiad, crushing fifth grade. I think boredom and common core bullshit is at the root of her desire to home-school. She also loves my gf, who also has a dog that looks a lot like Doge. So the three of them are as thick as thieves.

The inch, grew 1 3/8 inches in three months. The fucker is almost 5'-9" and in 8th grade. He also likes my gf, but holds his cards close to his vest.

Last year, against my wishes, his mom got him a cell phone with a data plan. The good news is that I am all up to date with memes. The bad news is his grades went from high 90s to mid 70s. Steadily dropping since the advent of the phone. She's an ass who is in denial about the correlation. Had a meeting with her and the school because he got kicked out of AP Bio and booted back down to regular science. The guidance counselor straight up said, kids+school+cell phones = poor grades, and his mom won't back down, claiming that it doesn't apply to him because he rides his bike a lot and spends time outside with hsi friends. I SHIT YOU NOT.

The scary thing is that woman can vote and is partly raising my kids.

My shoulder that they fixed several yeas ago got fucked up again but before we deal with that, we are dealing with a mysterious lump on the side of my knee. I had an MRI yesterday and today I see the doc and find out if he wants to biopsy it, remove it or ignore it.

Insurance is fucked up, you can only talk to the doc about one thing per day / per visit. So, I figured rather than making sequential trips alternating treatments, I figure I'll do them one at a time.

I sold off a ton of my photography equipment and have some more to go, but the low hanging fruit is mostly gone, now I'm weighing whether it is worth it to sell something that will only net 10 bucks. I'm at the giblet phase.

Gotta go now.

Happy christmas.

Also Doctor Who.

glatt 12-21-2017 10:42 AM

Nice to hear from you foots! Glad you're still fighting the good fight.

The cell phone thing is a real problem. Your son's issue is a microcosm of society at large.

xoxoxoBruce 12-21-2017 10:56 AM

Buenos Nachos? Git over that wall you interloper.

Glad you found a woman you mesh with, it makes the bullshit life throws at you tolerable.

fargon 12-21-2017 11:56 AM

Happy Christmas Foot.

Gravdigr 12-21-2017 12:00 PM

Hiya Feets! Glad things are looking rosy for ya, man. Don't worry too much about The Inch, draw him a picture, he'll turn around.

Hope the car situation straightens out soon. I know that no reliable transpo gets old very quickly.

Enjoy everything else going fairly well while ya can, dude.


You gotta woman that'll drive an hour to see ya?

Ring the bell, dude, that shit is on!:cheerldr:

Gravdigr 12-21-2017 12:01 PM

Thanks for the update!

monster 12-21-2017 01:57 PM

heya yardie! We have the cellphone issue too ----without data plan. We really need him to have it because our schedule changes all the time, but even with wifi turned off and apps password protected, he finds a way to fuck about on it In class and whenever. Will let you know if we have any major breakthroughs. Keep on keeping on, good luck with the business

Griff 12-21-2017 06:12 PM

Your phone story is the story of everyone right now. Glad the boy is riding. It's a bright spot.

Clodfobble 12-22-2017 05:54 PM

Hi foot! Nice to see you!

classicman 12-22-2017 07:20 PM

Hey buddy. Good to read you again. Merry Ho Ho.

DanaC 12-23-2017 01:42 PM


Yey. I was thinking about you the other day - wondering how life was treating you. The business venture sounds exciting - nerve wracking during the no income phase of things, but exciting.

The phone thing's a difficult one. On the one hand - it has the potential to get in the way of other stuff - on the other hand, that is the world they live in, an important part of young people's social landscape. Connectivity is the reality of modern life and learning how to navigate and manage that is an important skill set.

nowhereman 12-30-2017 08:28 AM

Great to hear things are going better Foot !

Big Sarge 01-01-2018 10:18 PM

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

footfootfoot 01-09-2018 10:18 AM

Thanks folks!

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