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Griff 07-15-2019 05:39 PM

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Undertoad 07-15-2019 06:12 PM

Some ppl I follow are saying it's 4D chess, because it has caused the entire left bubble to circle the wagons around the progressives --

... one day after Pelosi tried to shrug them off, again, because...

... the day before, an internal D poll showed AOC is "defining the Dems" among swing voters in swing states, they never hear about anything else, and she has a 22% favorable rating.

It's a trap!

Undertoad 07-15-2019 06:17 PM

ah, not just some ppl I follow. NBC News figures it out

Undertoad 07-22-2019 09:02 AM

Aaaaaaand the first approval poll after all this, shows: a little uptick

Rasmussen has it at 50% approval 48% disapproval. Well they are an "outlier"

If there is a full court press declaration of racism, and the voters seem to not care, the only way to move forward with it is to accuse the voters of being racist... and that has now happened

He has made everyone so angry they can't shoot straight... they are shooting everything, there are bullet holes everywhere and a lot of bleeding, but the shooters are so angry they have forgotten how to hit the target

Insulting the pols can be productive if done right, but insulting the voters is not. I don't know for sure but I betcha, if you watch Trump, his playground bully style taunting is directed at his enemies, not at the people who vote for them.

The loser in all of this is the US of A. I hope we stop losing so hard but I think it will get worse first

xoxoxoBruce 07-22-2019 10:23 AM

I think you're right. :yesnod:
Trump has pissed off so many factions, in their indignation they're at odds with not only with him but with anyone who doesn't share their specific butthurt. He'll do a lot more damage to the nation, indeed the world, before he's done. I'm glad it's not my problem.

tw 07-22-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1035970)
Trump has pissed off so many factions, in their indignation they're at odds with not only with him but with anyone who doesn't share their specific butthurt.

You are trying to understand logically. Plenty know only from their emotions. If thinking logically, his supporters should number something well less than 20%. Why still well above 40%? That many are that emotional. The relevant expression was clearly posted here.

They want to "wreck shit". And only openly endorse their emotions when they have a bully to promote it. Be it Milosevic, Hitler, Hutu elite, Stalin, Pol Pot, or Trump. They know he must be right because their emotions say so. That many voters are not officer material. Assuming those who want to "wreck shit" are logical is a major mistake.

sexobon 07-22-2019 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1035978)
... Assuming those who want to "wreck shit" are logical is a major mistake.

Not necessarily so, if one wants to "wreck shit" as a calculated act of desperation.

xoxoxoBruce 07-23-2019 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1035978)
You are trying to understand logically. Plenty know only from their emotions. If thinking logically, his supporters should number something well less than 20%.

I was speaking of the democratic politicians/entourages that Tony referred to being insulted, don't drag me into your tangent.

tw 07-23-2019 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1035992)
... don't drag me into your tangent.

You are my personal project. For the first time in your life, you will eventually perform a logical act. You may do it desperately. But anyone can eventually act as an adult.

xoxoxoBruce 07-23-2019 12:50 PM

The fuck I will.
I refuse to become one of you bags of self-righteous insecurities who are always wrong but never in doubt.

tw 07-23-2019 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1036007)
The fuck I will.

A classic emotional response from the reptilian brain.

Please withhold your profanity until you have something sentient to contribute.

fargon 07-23-2019 09:12 PM

tw bite my ASS.

Urbane Guerrilla 07-24-2019 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1035967)
The loser in all of this is the US of A. I hope we stop losing so hard but I think it will get worse first

About the only thing I see the US of A losing is the Socialist-Democrats and their brood of vipers.

Which is a great gain. Unless you're a viper.

Is The Donald obnoxious? Yes. Does that impair his being President? Some would like to think it does -- I don't. Don't like keeping that kind of company. I didn't like the way the economy acted under Obama, that socialist, and I do like the way the economy acts under Trump, that real estate mogul and capitalist and maker of more capitalism. The rising tide lifts all the boats, and only the carefully noneducated will say otherwise. It's how you detect that species of ignoranus. With an N -- those people carry a stink.

There is freemarket capitalism, and there are the lesser, poorer ways, in which life is less. Not for me; and if it's for you you've got another think coming. You might prefer to do that before the people of liberty throw you into prison so you can't mess up any more lives or cities.

Trump has set the would-be political class at their true value: Trump spent a real estate career cultivating, buying, selling, renting politicos as needed for his work -- to facilitate, to hold back, to whatever. They were a cost item. He knows their price -- and their worth *isn't* the inflated valuation they give themselves. Now the sheet's off, and their small penises revealed. They can't stand that. Their media mouthpieces can't take it either. This has resulted in slumping share for CNN and MSNBC, the mouthpieces and sockpuppets.

There was for many Administrations this tendentious insistence in some quarters, some dark, unenlightened quarters where hopelessness and socialism are concentrated, that any Republican President means the republic loses by having him. The evidence shows these predictions are wrong. They said it of Goldwater and a majority believed it. They said that of Reagan, of Bush the elder, of Bush the younger, they wouldn't say it of Clinton the non-ethical, and they're really ranting up a din of it with Trump.

We will find they are just as wrong this time as they were the last four times. I will rejoice at the Socialist-Democrats taking a thumb in the eye. I want the Left defeated, then indicted, then convicted of misdemeanors against humanity. Then on the several Capitol steps of the several States and DC, given Public Enemas No.1 through No.51; not ethnic cleansing, but personal. They will become less full of ... it.

It won't help our Democratic Congresscritters to distinguish mental masturbation from scalp massage any better -- but there, counseling may help.

Urbane Guerrilla 07-24-2019 11:59 PM

That sort of thing is mighty rich coming from you, tw.

You're trying to tell us you're worth something. Well, no. You haven't been worth something since age ten. You want to tell anyone how to be worthy? You can't do that: in TW World, *nothing* and *no one* is good, nothing is worthy. *All* things are spoken of only to bitch about them. You're like an Aspberger's case in a permanent bad mood.

Because of that you don't get interacted with very much on-forum. Reptilian brain? You *have all of the reptilian brain,* and you won't share. You have it; we don't get any. Guess we'll just have to enjoy well adjusted mentalities, which concept seems not merely inconceivable to you, but alien.

tw 07-25-2019 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by fargon (Post 1036016)
tw bite my ASS.

Sorry. Somebody already beat me to it. Nothing is left.

And I don't eat leftovers anyway.

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