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lumberjim 01-15-2004 03:45 PM

Although I have had SOME evidence to the contrary, I would say that most of you are of reasonably high intelligence, and relatively successful in your chosen proffessions. I have always felt that more people smoke pot than don't. I just think people don't admit it. Please be honest with your answer, and stay anon if you wish, or state your views. This may not be a true slice of the populous, as we are mostly nerds, but still, I'm curious

FileNotFound 01-15-2004 03:51 PM

Never did because:
1) I can't afford it.
2) Drug tests and it stays in your for what is it...6 months?
3) Hate smoking.
4) Don't like drugs in general. (Not even Tylenol. I hate the fact that I 'HAVE TO' take Flonase every damn day or I'll be an alergic mess the next morning.)
5) Don't want anymore addictions. EQ is bad enough.

Undertoad 01-15-2004 04:02 PM


Already admitted in another thread so what the hell.

Kitsune 01-15-2004 04:05 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
and relatively successful in your chosen proffessions. I have always felt that more people smoke pot than don't. I just think people don't admit it.
Being successful in my current profession requires that I don't smoke it. Only one job out of all the positions I've ever held didn't require a drug test and I've been told that company has since changed their policies to include them for all new hires.

headsplice 01-15-2004 04:58 PM

Herby Turkey makes me giggle.
I'm normally more paranoid than this, but, it's too late now, and too many people know already for it to be a secret anyhow.
I have another question, for those that smoke/d: did anyone name their piece something interesting? For example, a friend had a red plastic three-stage called Big Red. Another had an ancient piece of glassware called Charlemagne. Another had a black six-footer called Death.

zippyt 01-15-2004 05:03 PM

I have smoked it in the past . I can't now ( work and all that ).
But if i ever win big on the Lotto , then CAMBODIA HERE I COME !!! Its legal there . Find me some nice little resopt on the beach , smoke dope , drink beer , and chase whores !!! Yeppers that will be the life !!!!:joint: :drunk: :doit:

Of corse i will have to subsist on half the winnings , my wife would get her half :rolleyes:

The CIA 01-15-2004 07:35 PM

Re: Herby Turkey makes me giggle.

Originally posted by headsplice
I'm normally more paranoid than this, but, it's too late now, and too many people know already for it to be a secret anyhow.
I have another question, for those that smoke/d: did anyone name their piece something interesting? For example, a friend had a red plastic three-stage called Big Red. Another had an ancient piece of glassware called Charlemagne. Another had a black six-footer called Death.

we thought it was you. now that we have the proof, we'll be right over.

elSicomoro 01-15-2004 07:43 PM

Notice that Jimbo didn't answer his own question...

I smoked a bit here and there from 1992-1998. Had some great times...never had a bad high. I think about getting stoned again every now and then, but I don't really want it that much. Besides the fact that it's not worth the risk anymore, I get high enough off life.

lumberjim 01-15-2004 07:50 PM

i think most folks are aware of my habits, and those that don;t would assume that, having asked the question in the first place, I have more than a casual interest in it. besides, i'd HAVE to be high to write some of the shit i write late at night......

sixfeet 01-15-2004 09:42 PM

I was not comfortable enough to try. I have way too many allergies, would be my luck I would be allergic to that too.

Radar 01-15-2004 09:56 PM


2) Drug tests and it stays in your for what is it...6 months?
1 month blood and urine, 3 months hair......I heard.....from a guy....yea.....that's it.

Beestie 01-15-2004 10:16 PM

Radar wrote:

1 month blood and urine, 3 months hair......I heard.....from a guy....yea.....that's it.
Funny you bring that up... One used to have to worry for only 30 or so days. Well, that's about to change. :(

Sun_Sparkz 01-15-2004 11:02 PM

i replied "never tried" to the poll, but once in high school i had one drag of one joint. that was it i thought it was disgusting and i'd never do it again. One of my ex's (back when i was 17) used to do it daily, and thats where all our $$ went. I used to hate seeing him pull a bong it was so derelict :shudder to think: ... or maybe that was just him... ?

I have heard though that smoking daily can cause the THC levels in your skin to rise which is the reason that most pot heads have such revolting body odour ??

Happy Monkey 01-15-2004 11:25 PM

Never done it ( I don't even drink ), but I support full legalization.

wolf 01-16-2004 12:49 AM


Originally posted by Sun_Sparkz
I have heard though that smoking daily can cause the THC levels in your skin to rise which is the reason that most pot heads have such revolting body odour ??
That's just because when you're THAT stoned, you lack initiative to do things like wash regularly.

I smoked weed in college. That's just one of those things that college in America is for, right? Pretty much on a more than daily basis. Then I figured something out.

I wanted to move on to a new activity, and I couldn't.

That scared the shit out of me.

Haven't used any street drug since. That was oooh ... about 22 years ago now.

As all here know, I do drink on occasion, and get genuinely drunk once per year.

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