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Undertoad 12-31-2001 12:10 PM

12/31: Buffalo snow

Of all the snow that feel in Buffalo - 7' of it in a few days, for you non USians - there were precious few pictures of it, probably due to the fact that most photographers are not basketball players. I even went to Buffalo web-cams to try to find images of the stuck city. What I saw there included a plowed parking lot, with asphalt peeking out under a very small sheet of packed snow, and a city street, plowed to one lane with asphalt peeking out under a very small sheet of packed snow.

That's very impressive, but not the stuff of the image of the day, and so we are left with the above. Which is impressive IMO, but kind of an anti-climax to the idea that somewhere there is a town so hard-hit that it is immobilized. Maybe some folks are having trouble, but Buffalo's ability to deal with the situation is what's most impressive. I wouldn't want to live there or anything, but don't worry about the folks who do - they can handle it.

dave 12-31-2001 12:38 PM

Dad and Joann were up there visiting Joann's equally annoying mother (whom I cannot stand either). Unfortunately for us, they dit not get stuck up there, because Buffalo is well equipped to handle that snow. Alas, Joann has returned home. And there was not much rejoicing. At all. Matter of fact, there was none.

So, while a lot of snow fell on Buffalo (dad said about 7 1/2 feet where they were at), it was not enough.

juju 12-31-2001 08:11 PM

I kinda like this one, too..

dave 01-01-2002 01:36 AM

If only we had one of Joann buried in it up to her neck, with a target painted on her snow-covered head...

Er. No. But seriously. I like snow. Except for when I have to shovel it.

Up in Garrett County, MD, we used to get a lot of snow. 4 feet was not uncommon over a weekend. It was cool, 'cause we'd get a week of school off. The best part, however, was creating awesome snow forts in the huge piles of compacted snow pushed up by the dozers - we're talking 10 feet or so at a good corner. Man, we'd have all sorts of tunnels going through those things. Stupid, I guess, since it could have collapsed at any time. But hella fun.

kaleidoscopic ziggurat 01-07-2002 08:51 AM

given what they've gone through i feel ashamed to live NORTH of buffalo here in TORONTO... we didn't get hit by this storm [at ALL!] but last year [or was it the year before?] we had a bit of a blizzard and suddenly our lame mayor called in the ARMY to help dig us out... lame!

...and it really wasn't anywhere near that much snow.

Nic Name 01-10-2002 07:47 AM

We got clobbered!

The Clobber Index is the proposed winter storm impact index that would rate every storm with two numbers, both running from a low of 1 to a high of 5. The first number represents the intensity of the storm, the second its duration at any particular place. Nice segue from the previous post, eh? Toronto the Good helped our friends in the Buff dig out from under the lake effect snow. :)

juju 01-10-2002 08:43 AM

What exactly is the obsession with embedding links into your post? Do you doubt my ability to use Google? Let's hear your opinion, not some link.

Nic Name 01-10-2002 08:48 AM

Sorry, I wasn't even thinking of you. Don't like 'em ... don't click 'em.

Joe 01-10-2002 10:24 AM

I like the links
Links are one of those things that make the Internet so cool. Without them, web pages wouldn't be half as much fun.

I just blow off the links I don't care about, follow the ones I find interesting.

Mystery link

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