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extemporaneous 09-20-2006 08:32 PM

attachment issues
when two friends have sex, live together, shit in the same spot, and sleep together is it possible not to get attached? can anybody really not feel for somebody while you share so much?

Clodfobble 09-20-2006 09:05 PM

No, he doesn't love you, and you can't make him.

I suggest you move on and find someone who does, but you probably aren't going to listen to me.

footfootfoot 09-20-2006 09:18 PM

"All that from a 'hello'?"

Clodfobble 09-20-2006 09:58 PM

I know, I probably shouldn't have been so presumptuous, or at least not so glib about it. I'm a little edgy because the young'un is sick this evening. But a visit to the user's myspace page confirms my guess at her gender, and I'd bet a lot of money I'm right about her circumstances too. I've known too many women in her position (and been one myself, once.)

footfootfoot 09-20-2006 10:35 PM

And all this time I thought you were psychic.

Sorry to hear about minifob's ailing. It is extremely disconcerting at first, adn gets a little easier as time passes, but not much. They are pretty tough though.

Hope he feels better soon.

Clodfobble 09-20-2006 11:01 PM

Thanks, me too.

yesman065 09-21-2006 07:08 AM

Well ex- as a fellow philadelphian, I'll say no. I don't know how two people could be so close, yet not care cuz if you didn't one of you would leave. Then again that doesn't mean there are any feelings of love. Then again, it could just be a convenience issue.

joelnwil 09-21-2006 07:09 AM

Well, after they had been together for about 3 years, a friend of mine started calling her lover "my insignificant other".

But I think that is the exception, not the rule.

You make it all sound so routine. Try to spice things up and see what happens.

extemporaneous 09-21-2006 03:16 PM

well i dont know what to say. he was with me in my pregnancy, which was horrible, let me tell and everything...kinda nerve racking if you ask me. the sex is amazing. so is a cigarette in the morning. it's kinda like i dont know how to have a relationship. that's why i see a shrink for attachment issues...

joelnwil 09-21-2006 06:13 PM

Get rid of the cigarette. You will live longer and have more sex.

9th Engineer 09-21-2006 06:22 PM

Everything depends on what you want out of the relationship. You're in it now because it fufills something you need, if it didn't you'd drop it and run no questions asked, the question is whether you know what that something is. Until you figure that out you're not going anywhere, don't kid yourself. If you ask me it's pretty telling that the two things you use to describe this to total strangers is "the sex is great, and he helped me through a tough time". I lost you on the term 'issues' you added to your explanation. It's pretty damn obvious WHY you're attached to him, the question is, why do you not want to be? Is he not interested in going any further with the relationship and you want to? Whatever the case is you should probably drop the shrink, unless your situation is far, far more complicated than what you've said you don't need another brain to figure this out. More often than not all a shrink does is prod you into figuring it out for yourself and you'll probably use him to rationalize things.

Bottom line: Get a list of priorities together
Explore the posibility of those priorities meeting with his
If no, never sleep with him again
Do not rationalize to yourself that the sex is just sex, if you do, nothing is going to change whether you want it to or not
Accept that sometimes you are presented with a situation in which all posible choices suck

WabUfvot5 09-21-2006 08:12 PM

You make it sound like he's the only one who is capable of good sex.

wolf 09-22-2006 10:01 AM

You're fuckbuddies. Even before I made it to post #9 I had it pegged that you were the girl, either actually or conceptually. If what you want is a "capital R" Relationship, go out there and find somebody real.

Especially before he stops being your roommate and starts being referred to as your baby daddy.

footfootfoot 09-22-2006 11:08 AM

lmao, baby daddy. nyuque nyuque

Clodfobble 09-22-2006 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by extemporaneous
he was with me in my pregnancy, which was horrible, let me tell you...

Well that certainly confuses the issue... Do you still have the kid living with you? Is the baby his?

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