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staceyv 05-13-2005 06:50 AM

Customer service has gone to hell in a handbasket
WHY, oh WHY can't I receive good service anywhere???

Restaurants are okay, because they work for tips, but all of these companies that hire teenagers and pay minmum wage are making my life miserable.

Last week we went to the grocery store deli. The kid behind the counter told us :"sorry, I closed 5 minutes ago".
I went to the front and asked what time the deli closed- they said 10:00. It was 9:45.
So, the manager told him to serve us. This kid proceeded to finish washing the entire floor and then he dried it before he asked what we wanted.
By that time, I was waiting in the car because I felt like I could flip out.
It took us 21 minutes from the time we asked until the time we got the meat.

Then I went to Walmart last night and some little bitch at the customer service counter decided that I'm retarded, or at least that's how she made me feel. She kept clicking her fingernail on the counter to accent her words:
"No (click), you cannot (click) have store credit (click). You must (click) use the credit (click) card (click) that you paid (click) with.

Oh my god, I wanted to rip off her fingernails and poke her eyes out. She was like a robot, speaking in monotone, repeating the same thing over and over and clicking.

I was trained to be polite to all customers at all times- has this gone out of style?

I've had my cashiers complain to me that they are tired, some don't ever look at me and say "thaaaanks" like it sucked every last bit of energy out of them.
They are either bitchy, stupid, rude or incompetent.

I don't even ask for much!!! I am NOT a needy customer. I don't want special favors. I just want to be treated with politeness and respect and get out of the store. I don't need to chat, I don't ask questions unless I can't find something (and then they act like I put them through SO much trouble because they have to stop stocking that very important bra rack they were working on- how DARE I? )

If they didn't have customers, they wouldn't have a friggin job.
It's getting to the point that I don't want to go in any store where they pay minimum wage.
DAMN it.

Catwoman 05-13-2005 07:20 AM

Not to mention the ubiquitous and immensely irritating mass of outsourced phone lines, where some unintelligible 18 year old answers your balance transfer request by putting you through to the Balance Transfer Department [beeeeeeeep. beeeeeeeeep.] 'Howlow, hyow can I helup yow?' where you have to start All Over Again including personal information, who says 'I'm sorrrry madim, but I don't actually undershtyand yow' and you ask to speak to a manager and get put through to Thailand where some automated dope whore tells you to 'Press 1 for Cussomer Sivice' and 2 to be connected to your fucking mobile phone operator who's organised a commission based sponsorship of your BANK to get calls put through to them. What the fuck's the matter with this culture - you no longer EXPERIENCE products you PAY for them, dearly, and with more than just money. I cannot see any solution other than retiring early and moving away from this common sense draught, and I hereby vow to never shop in an underpaid department store or PhoneBank Express with anyone ever again. Ever.

Beestie 05-13-2005 08:30 AM

I have found that polite persistence pays off in the face of poor service. That and "perhaps your manager is better suited to assist me."

I think I would have head-butted the lady in WalMart.

OnyxCougar 05-13-2005 08:40 AM

Maybe because customer service reps are TIRED of dealing with assholes all day, and they're stressed out that they have to put up with stupid shit for minimum wage. Note to the government: minimum wage isn't.

staceyv 05-13-2005 08:51 AM

well, I'm tired of dealing with assholes all day, too. But I find it in myself to be polite and respectful to ALL of my customers, even when I am in a bad mood. If a person can't manage that, they shouldn't be working with people.

endeka 05-13-2005 08:52 AM

Wal-mart has become the worst offender overall, in my opinion. The "greeters" at the wal-marts I've been to lately don't even pretend to be "greeting" customers anymore- you get scrutinized at the door like you're a kleptomaniac planning a felony (why have umpteen security cameras if you're going to go out of your way to offend every customer anyway?), NO ONE in their electronics section seems to know a damned thing about what they're selling, overall the stores are pretty dirty, and if you go there at night you're not a customer- you're just a jackass getting in the way of the stockers. To those who say "you get what you pay for", it's not necessarily true- wal-mart used to be pretty good at customer service, but they (and admittedly, many other stores) seem to have shifted away from that to just not giving a damn about anything not Directly profit-related. They've even removed the customer price check scanners in our local stores. Which wouldn't be a problem if they'd ACTUALLY MAKE THE PRICES AVAILABLE- how hard is it to stock AND price items? Anyways... I refuse to go there anymore. Overall, I think businesses have realized that people will patronize their stores regardless of how they treat the customers- and it's just going to get worse.

OnyxCougar 05-13-2005 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by staceyv
well, I'm tired of dealing with assholes all day, too. But I find it in myself to be polite and respectful to ALL of my customers, even when I am in a bad mood. If a person can't manage that, they shouldn't be working with people.

Get cursed and screamed at and called stupid before you even have a chance to find out what this guy's NAME is, and then come talk to me about "managing to be respectful".

SILVERWOLFNC 05-13-2005 09:23 AM

Lately I've noticed it too. I worked my way up from a buss proming tobacco at 12 to buss boy at 16, and an incredibly long list of boring jobs but lately I've noticed food service is getting worse and worse at places like Wendy's, Mc Donalds and even my beloved Bojangles Chicken resturant. Its a crappy job I agree but you don't have to stay there forever. You do like I did you work hard keep trying and start to look for a diffrent job soon you'll be able to have a job you can deal with. Don't ever stop looking till you find your dream job. But you don't have to take it out on your customers because you have that job. People used to be kind and caring in food service. Now a days you have to almost go behind the counter and fix it yourself to get it right. I'm even starting to hate going to Burger King cause they give you sut attitude when you try to order it "your way". Like if they put a lil bit more than a drop of ketchup it will kill them. Well that's my soap box for today.

Trilby 05-13-2005 01:31 PM

I like Beestie's idea. That usually works for me. When the manager gets there ask who the President of the company is and his/her address and be sure to make a point of getting everyone's name-..."and you are? Is that the only way to identify you?" (sometimes-esp. over the phone-people will say "I'm Mary" and when you call back they say, "Which Mary?") I've dealt with loads of insurance reps and they can be absolutely infuriating. It's a problem all over and it kinda makes you want to pack heat. (JOKING!)

cowhead 05-13-2005 02:18 PM

yeah.. there really has been a downtrend in the service industry especially with larger chains/corporations, now I don't know if people are just getting dumber and meaner or just more apathetic.. I don't know about all of you but it was 1988 when I really entered the workforce and jobs were about as scarce as they are now.. and worked my ASS off to make sure I stayed employed, although I have tried to avoid dealing with the general public there have been managerial resturaunt jobs where I have had to from time to time, and beestie is right, if the CSR can't be polite at the very least.. yes! do summon a 'higher power'.. the thing is that when I had to deal with people dealing with people I made it VERY FUCKING CLEAR that if you couldn't be nice then don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. ( that and just be able to do your job.)

russotto 05-13-2005 03:03 PM

As the economy improves, more and more retail jobs are left for the dregs. It's a good sign, in a way. It was VERY noticable during the dot-com boom.

As for Wal-Mart, just don't go. I only go when there's something they have I've found nowhere else (frigging Target can't keep shaver blades stocked). And yes, their greeters are there to deter shoplifting; that IS their real purpose and always has been.

tw 05-13-2005 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by cowhead
yeah.. there really has been a downtrend in the service industry especially with larger chains/corporations, now I don't know if people are just getting dumber and meaner or just more apathetic..

Isn't this why we once had a draft? Leave it up to the Army/Marines to put the kids' head back on straight.

lookout123 05-13-2005 03:36 PM

tw, i've seen two of your posts today and both times i've had to stop and make sure that it wasn't the "other" tw posting. tw is being funny today.

elSicomoro 05-13-2005 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by russotto
As the economy improves, more and more retail jobs are left for the dregs. It's a good sign, in a way. It was VERY noticable during the dot-com boom.

I don't think that things ever improved from the late 90s, though. When I was a manager at CVS in 2000 and 2001, I had a bunch of morons to deal with.

tw. 05-13-2005 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123
tw, i've seen two of your posts today and both times i've had to stop and make sure that it wasn't the "other" tw posting. tw is being funny today.

you are too emotional to tell what's funny.

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