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Dunlavy 02-08-2005 02:20 PM

Yeah, something I created myself. I don't care much for other religions. I'm neither Agnostic, nor am I Atheist, but I enjoy the beliefs I have now, and I call it Philosophism.

Within every religion, there is a large amount of people who view it as facts, or like to start arguments, taking what they've learned in those religions to be fact, and it annoyed me for A long time.

So, here it is, Philosophism. A somewhat religion/belief that is based on the constant questioning of the world around it, even the questioning of this religion/belief itself. A way to gather those of different beliefs and share without accusation, but more a way to spread knowledge and to think about the world around them.

~Nothing is a fact, all is to be questioned~

smoothmoniker 02-10-2005 12:53 AM

As a helpful service to the Cellar community, I'll translate:


Originally Posted by Dunlavy
Yeah, something I created myself. I don't care much for other religions. I'm neither Agnostic, nor am I Atheist, but I enjoy the beliefs I have now, and I call it Philosophism.

I haven't read Joseph Campbell, Kant, Descartes, or Derrida, so I'm going to assume that I've created this assume thing that nobody has ever thought of that's a contradictory ad hoc mix of radical skepticism and spiritual pluralism


Within every religion, there is a large amount of people who view it as facts, or like to start arguments, taking what they've learned in those religions to be fact, and it annoyed me for A long time.
Within these belief systems, there are like, these people who like, believe the stuff that the belief system is tied to believing in. Like, they really believe it! Don't you hate that?


So, here it is, Philosophism. A somewhat religion/belief that is based on the constant questioning of the world around it, even the questioning of this religion/belief itself. A way to gather those of different beliefs and share without accusation, but more a way to spread knowledge and to think about the world around them.
As I said before, I hate it when people believe stuff, and get all superior about it because they, like believe stuff. I am superior to them, because I believe that everything should be doubted, which is an inherently better belief than the beliefs of all those other people. They should be more like me, and believe what I believe, that everything should be doubted.


~Nothing is a fact, all is to be questioned~
Which I will state simply, and elegantly, as an unquestionable fact.

We hope you've enjoyed this service of the cellar community.

wolf 02-10-2005 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dunlavy
~Nothing is a fact, all is to be questioned~

Please do me the favor of not driving anywhere near where I need to.

Brown Thrasher 02-10-2005 05:39 PM

I feel It refreshing to look at possibilities that make others uncomfortable. Even though I find the word philosohism a bit implicate, I find the ambiguity of it relative to the whole argument of other theoretical definintions.

lumberjim 02-10-2005 06:05 PM

cmon, ya just know this is an 18yr old stoner. weren't you that guy once, smooth? i know i was. i've refined that into my current pickandchoosist religosophy. but is it any different really? dont beat up on the young and vulnerable. save it for dicks like mr condescendingman above me here.

Beestie 02-10-2005 07:17 PM

[john leavy]
smooothmonikerman, chewing up newbies and spittin' 'em out.
the smoothmeister
[/john leavy]

good work, sm

Griff 02-10-2005 08:12 PM

I hope there is a Round 2.

Note to newbie: sm is wicked sharp and your self-esteem may get bruised but a few ritual butt whippings later you're in the club. good luck

oh, you may want to try politics next. that's pretty safe territory

Dunlavy 02-10-2005 08:25 PM

Heh, let them say what they want. And i'm not a stoner by the by. For someone who replies under a thread within a section known as Philosophy, Smooth doesn't exactly sound too open to listen to other beliefs. Excuse me if you will if I ignore him. I doubt how high a number of posts generally shows the character of a person, or determine how they should be treated..

You really do make yourself appear intelligent, don't you think? Taking someone's views and warping them to make the person sound stupid themselves. I never stated that "Philosophism" or whatever you may choose to call it was original, I merely stated that what I believe is something I created, not something that another person laid out before me. Next time you decide to try and chew out someone who is new to the forum, get your head out of your arse.

We hope you've enjoyed this service of a guy that joined a forum not for the purpose of being stepped upon by someone who's been apart of the forum longer than me.


Clodfobble 02-10-2005 10:25 PM

I never stated that "Philosophism" or whatever you may choose to call it was original, I merely stated that what I believe is something I created, not something that another person laid out before me.

There's a difference between taking the first thing that's laid out in front of you, and making the effort to learn everything you can about philosophy (or anything) and then drawing conclusions. The fact that you believe it is something you created proves that you haven't done much research into what other people have written on the subject. And if you don't make the effort to learn the answers, 'questioning all' is really just being contrary.

You didn't deny the "18-year-old" part of the "18-year-old stoner" supposition. Ten years from now, you may stumble across something you wrote on your Philosophism, and you will laugh at yourself too.

smoothmoniker 02-11-2005 03:02 AM

Dunlavy, I'll quit jumping up your ass when you start making sense.

“Doubt Everything”. Really? You want to doubt everything? Ok, start by doubting that chair you’re sitting in will hold you up, that the roof won’t fall in, that somebody isn’t standing behind you with a knife, that the whole world isn’t just 2 minutes old but pre-programmed with mass memories so that we believe to have thousands of years of human history. What’s the problem?

“Spread Knowledge”. What is knowledge, if everything is dubious?

“Gather people who believe different things without accusation”. What if the things I believe are inherently contradictory to the things you believe? The mere fact of my holding them is a passive accusation that your beliefs are false. I think the only way you can concoct this ecumenical wonderland is if the only people you let into your circle are people who really don’t believe anything at all.

“What I believe is something I created”. Why believe it? If you know that some particular idea, thesis, tenet, principle, whatever, has no grounding in reality, and is only based on your creative intuition, why believe it at all? If I create a belief that pink bunnies will one day usher in a utopian socialist paradise if we worship them, what possible reason could I have for thinking it’s true? Ask wolf what we call self-created beliefs held by people that have no grounding in reality.

Here’s why this gets my goad; I think I know what you really mean. What you meant to say is, “These things that people believe can’t really be true, so let’s see if we can get them all together in a room and pick and choose, buffet style, the things we like from each of them and assemble them together in a sort of cold bouillabaisse that manages to believe everything and nothing at all.”

Only you don’t know it well enough to say it.

Griff 02-11-2005 06:22 AM

I thought I'd make my pm reply part of the public record. It may help other new guys understand the lay of the land.

Welcome aboard! You may have caught Smooth at a bad moment. He really is especially sharp in discussions of philosophy. It'd be a shame if you didn't interact with him. The Cellar has a long history of giving new guys a hard time to test their tolerance for opposing ideas. It's just something that evolved over time but it has had the positive effect of reducing the number of thin-skinned posters, which improves our ability to communicate ideas. see yah, Griff

garnet 02-11-2005 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Griff
The Cellar has a long history of giving new guys a hard time to test their tolerance for opposing ideas. It's just something that evolved over time but it has had the positive effect of reducing the number of thin-skinned posters, which improves our ability to communicate ideas.

And it also serves to drive away potentially intelligent individuals who aren't interested in taking crap from strangers. Sad.

jaguar 02-11-2005 09:16 AM


And it also serves to drive away potentially intelligent individuals who aren't interested in taking crap from strangers. Sad.
Talk shit, get shitted on, everyone's pretty much equal round here.

LabRat 02-11-2005 09:41 AM

One who has a solid background about WHY they believe what they believe shouldn't be afraid to debate those reasons. This is a group of intellegent debaters, if you're not into that, then this isn't the place for you I guess. Me, I'm still in the info gathering mode, so I don't participate much in the political or philosophical topics.... I read what others write, and ask myself "do I agree with that or not? Why?" I'm not really ready for the debating part there.

lookout123 02-11-2005 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by garnet
And it also serves to drive away potentially intelligent individuals who aren't interested in taking crap from strangers. Sad.

garnet, did you take any flak when you first popped up? you are still here and posting. i think you have thinner skin than most of the other regulars, but you've toughened your skin enough to stick around. in just the last 10 months that i've been here, i've seen a lot of people pop up, post something, get blasted and then go into full troll mode. they usually go away. those that get blasted but argue their point intelligently usually stick around and gain acceptance and possibly respect.

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