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limey 06-18-2004 04:14 PM

Tester or tested? Not my question but Jag's.
Have you ever been tested by someone only to find out later? How did you feel? Ever tested someone? How? Why? Did you tell them?

Jag asked this in another thread, and I think it merits a thread of its own.

glatt 06-18-2004 04:23 PM

I will sometimes put my bare feet up on the coffee table to test my wife. She often fails the test by tickling them. I always inform her when she has failed the test. She doesn't care, and seems to actually enjoy failing.

SteveDallas 06-18-2004 04:40 PM

Tested somebody?

What, you mean like sent some people a list of bogus book titles to read, to see if anybody actually tries to track any of them down?


jaguar 06-18-2004 04:43 PM

Clearly I need to explain a little further. Lets say you meet someone, maybe an early date, maybe someone you're looking into starting a project with, have you ever put them in a situation or done something just to see how they react, gague their abilities etc.

perth 06-18-2004 04:53 PM

Yes, and maybe it's shallow, maybe it's not. I always give a girl the "courtesy test". At the first opportunity in a budding relationship, I administer the following test:

I unlock and open the passenger side door for my date. After she is in, I close the door and go around the car to get to the driver side. If the driver side door has not been unlocked by the time I get to it, she has failed the courtesy test. This isn't, by itself, a dealbreaker, but the information is valuable when taken with other things she says and does.

jaguar 06-18-2004 05:04 PM

Can be shallow, can be not, depends when why and where. I've often played tester for friends new boyfriends, come across flamboyantly gay or maybe crack a racist joke, it's amazing what you can find if you dig for it.

Catwoman 06-21-2004 09:47 AM

I test people all the time. They always fail. This is because I am a WOMAN.

Tests I perform on unsuspecting males include:

- The Come Hither Eye Test

This involves gazing at said man through lowered eyelids in the middle of a conversation. The conversation need not be remotely romantic. If the man responds with an equally seductive gaze, I conclude that he is in love with me. If he continues in conversation, he is not interested. He doesn't love me. Bastard!

- The 'How Much Do You Love Me' Test

As a WOMAN, it is important that every man I meet falls in love with me. I will always try to make them fall in love with me, even if I think they are less attractive than a three year old apple core. This gives me SECURITY and makes me feel WANTED. I can tell how much a man loves me by testing the speed at which he comes to my rescue (e.g. if my car brakes down) and by whether he is willing to open doors for me, fight other men for me, and get on with my father. If the man fails any one of the above tests, he is in denial of his love for me and is therefore Not Good Enough.

- The IQ (Impossible Question) Test

To get an accurate understanding of someone's intelligence it is necessary to first evaluate their response to unexpected stimulae. This can take the form of unprecedented sarcasm, presentation of a contraversial object (such as a vibrator) or an Impossible Question. If they respond promptly with style and vivacity, they have passed The IQ Test. If they in any way stumble, stall or mess their up words, they have failed miserably.

I am now going to test my potential lover's desire for me by arriving home early to see if he has cooked me dinner, bought me flowers and is lying in bed naked covered in rose petals having spent the entire day alone dreaming about me and offering up an engagement ring on a solid gold cushion.

xoxoxoBruce 06-21-2004 09:51 AM

OK Catwoman, so you're telling us your just a normal example of your gender.;)

Catwoman 06-21-2004 10:05 AM

It was sardonic. I would hate to think I am anything like that. And what do you mean I'm average? You said I was special! You don't love me anymore. I knew it. You're seeing someone else aren't you, aren't you, you bastard I never want to see you again!

xoxoxoBruce 06-21-2004 10:08 AM

But Darling, you said I passed the tests, even the rose petals.:joylove:

Catwoman 06-21-2004 10:18 AM

Yes but you cancelled all that out with one tiny mistake. Now either buy me an expensive holiday to make it up to me or you'll never see me again.

Oh. What do you mean ok? Darling? Darling! Come back!

xoxoxoBruce 06-21-2004 10:40 AM


SteveDallas 06-21-2004 11:03 AM


Originally posted by Catwoman
This can take the form of unprecedented sarcasm . . .
In my book, there is no such thing as "unprecedented" sarcasm. There's ALWAYS a precedent for sarcasm.

Torrere 06-21-2004 02:40 PM

I think that I understand a little more about women now. Thank you.

BryanD 06-21-2004 03:05 PM

A friend of mine does this a lot.

"Oh, I've set a trap for them - let us see if they walk into it!"

Often, I let the testee know about it before the test is over. Occasionally, I let my friend know that I did it.

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