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Ibby 04-20-2007 09:33 PM

Split from Cloud's Kids&Internet Thread

Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335463)

You're a mother-fucking asshole.
No offence.

If your kids are smart, then let them roam the internet to their heart's content. Make sure they know how to be safe and keep them away from the porn, and they'll be perfectly fine. You shouldnt have to shelter them.
I've been a resident of the interwebs since I was nine or ten, and look how I turned out.

(that's supposed to be a PRO-internet argument, thankyouverymuch!)


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335572)
Honestly, if my momma and poppa spied on me online, I couldn't be here. But they trust me to use my best judgment about where I go and what I do online - And I know the cellar ain't a threat to anything but my innocence.


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335848)
My house, my computers, my internet bill, my rules.

We have busted our kids on the verge of doing things they know they should not have been doing. Our spy ware has served us well. And if any of you parents think that the internet is a safe place for your kids and teens to hang out unsupervised you are kidding yourselves. When they move out and start paying their own way in life they can do what ever they want. Until then, I make the rules.


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335931)
I never said you weren't entitled to do what you like; I only said you were an asshole for doing it. If your kids have half a brain at all they can make their own decisions about what is and isnt okay. You teach them how to be safe, and let them do the rest.

Unless, of course, your kids are idiots, or unless you're more concerned about censorship than protection. Coming from you, neither would surprise me, but I'm leaning towards the second.


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335935)
Ok, you are a young punk. I understand where you are coming from. Your parents are idiots for trusting you. No one is censoring anyone. the best that can happen to you is your kids will be just like you. Since you obviously do not have any humans that you have to be responsible for, because you are an inmature punk, you will not be able to relate. If I am incorrect please tell me you that you are a parent of some teens. Otherwise STFU. :D


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335936)
I'm not a punk, though I do have a thing for safety pins...

The difference between me and you is that I favor freedom over authoritarianism in ALL forms, whether it be at home, in the government, anywhere.


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335937)
My bad, you are a gay young unsupervised punk with the all the worlds experience of what 14 years? :D


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335938)
Sorry son, that does not wash. You are still a punk with no life experience. And you are going to tell me how to raise my kids. Fuck off. When you get some of your own give me a call. Until then you have no dog in the hunt.


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 335939)
And yet he's made a more reasonable argument than you, in this exchange.


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335940)
I'm a bi teenage responsible kid with more experience in my 16 years than you've have in your life, old man.


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335941)
And you know this because of.... how many kids are you responsible for..????:D :D :D :D


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335943)
And for that matter, TheMercenary, which of the two of us do you think has more respect on this board - the reasonable, nice-as-often-as-possible, quick, witty, sharp, modest teenager or the old fart with a big mouth and an argumentative nature?

I'm sorry, that was rude. Sorry, the rest of you old farts. Youre not all like him.


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335944)
You are bi confused fag who is totally dependant on someone else for your life, your food, the roof over your head, and your 16 years of jerking off to the thoughts of your mommies titties will never trump my years of worldly expericence. :D

Now wipe that cum off your lips teen slut.


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335945)
TM, your argument thus far has been "U DONT HAV KIDS SO DONT TELL ME WUT 2 DO11!!1!one!!eleven". Mine has been "If your kids have half a brain at all they can make their own decisions about what is and isnt okay. You teach them how to be safe, and let them do the rest."

Oh yeah, I forgot the part where you tried to discount my argument by calling me gay. Homophobe.

EDIT: okay, after that last hate-fueled, toxic spewage, I think bannage is looking nicer and nicer, UT.


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335946)
Wow!!!! now that is important! :D Virtual respect of what??? :D You don't even support your own life.



Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 335947)
I have mature friends who are gay. They are 100 times more mature and in touch with who they are than you can ever hope to be within the next few years. You are a poser. You have no idea who you are. keep pulling your pud and you may figure out what it is all about someday.


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335949)
Guys, cellar, help me out here:

Who's more mature, the one who argues calmly and reasonably, with logic and facts and all that jazz, or the one who screams and yells and insults and makes sweeping homophobic generalizations at a teenager?

Let's continue this here, and let cloud's thread continue in peace.

Perry Winkle 04-20-2007 09:51 PM

If Merc's kids want to do off-limits things undetected, they will figure out how. In the mid-90s my parents were on the "Cyberpatrol" bandwagon. That's how I learned about computers. A teenage boy is going to get his free porn no matter what obstacles you put in his way.

Ibram, I think you're probably at least as mature as I am, and probably moreso in some ways. And I'm generally considered extremely mature, for my age. If I were bi (or gay, or whatever) I probably wouldn't have the sack to admit it and be happy with myself.

I don't always agree with you Ibram (Rammstein fucking rocks) but on this one you are very right.

The idea that the number of kids you have has a positive, causative correlation with the amount or quality of life experience someone has is ridiculous.

Undertoad 04-20-2007 10:02 PM

I outright closed the other thread, it's ridiculous. If someone wants to start a new thread, that's fine.

I wouldn't ban Merc just for one thread, but please Merc dude, settle down.

Ibby 04-20-2007 10:05 PM

This thread is useless considering TM wont move his awful, hateful, virulent filth out of cloud's thread, so... yeah.

EDIT: well if UT closed the other thread then yeah, this is useless anyway but whatever.

Thanks UT.

Oh, and Cloud, sorry about your thread getting closed...

TheMercenary 04-20-2007 10:07 PM


So let me get this straight. Since I say youre an asshole for for being an overcontrolling little dictator to your poor kids, then you suddenly have the right to break the third law of the cellar ("basically, if you are a troll, attention whore, moron, spammer, single-issue hammer, or otherwise want to hurt this community, you WILL be removed and banned") and be a flaming, yelling, screaming, homophobic, ageist prick?

I'm sorry, TheMercenary, but after this I simply have to call for a ban - or SOME action at the very least. You have fallen to the level of a troll.
So let me get this straight.
Some young punk teen with no life experience is going to tell a parent of teens that he is a "overcontrolling little dictator to your poor kids", whom he does not even know... And this same punk teen comes up with some laws of a internet forum??? I have neither screamed, flamed, nor any thing else your teen fantasy has thought up in your masterabatory mind... :D

TheMercenary 04-20-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 335970)
I outright closed the other thread, it's ridiculous. If someone wants to start a new thread, that's fine.

I wouldn't ban Merc just for one thread, but please Merc dude, settle down.

Dude this is a two way street. Don't put this all on me. You get what you give on the internet.

TheMercenary 04-20-2007 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335971)
This thread is useless considering TM wont move his awful, hateful, virulent filth out of cloud's thread, so... yeah.

Are you pained teen?

Ibby 04-20-2007 10:12 PM

Merc, I would really suggest shutting up. UT said cool it. That means cool it.

zippyt 04-20-2007 10:14 PM

TM DUDE take a chill pill !!! Listen at your self argueing with a kid whos ball havent even droped yet !
IB shut up and stop baiting him !!! His house , his kids , his little exestance , If he does it right he will have good smart kids , if he doesn't then he will have to suffer the consiquences !!!

Undertoad 04-20-2007 10:14 PM

"Ad hominem" is perhaps the most well known of all the logical fallacies. Literally translated as "against the man", it describes any argument in which the proponent's arguments are dismissed because of who he is or represents, instead of addressing the argument itself.

Wikipedia entry on Ad Hominem

Argue the point, not the man.

TheMercenary 04-20-2007 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 335977)
"Ad hominem" is perhaps the most well known of all the logical fallacies. Literally translated as "against the man", it describes any argument in which the proponent's arguments are dismissed because of who he is or represents, instead of addressing the argument itself.

Wikipedia entry on Ad Hominem

Argue the point, not the man.

Which is what I have asked from the beginning... The teen cannot make the point that a parent has no right to see or monitor what is being transacted under the roof that the parent controls.

TheMercenary 04-20-2007 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 335976)
TM DUDE take a chill pill !!! Listen at your self argueing with a kid whos ball havent even droped yet

That is quite obvious. :D
Hey, it is like shooting fish in a barrel.:blush:

Ibby 04-20-2007 10:22 PM

My argument is as yet untouched.
I said it twice: "Make sure they know how to be safe and keep them away from the porn, and they'll be perfectly fine. You shouldnt have to shelter them."
"If your kids have half a brain at all they can make their own decisions about what is and isnt okay. You teach them how to be safe, and let them do the rest."

As of yet you havent responded to it at all. You've just called me a fag a half-dozen times and said a lot of other ridiculous and hurtful things. (or at least things that would be hurtful to anyone who wasnt secure and fine with themselves)

Undertoad 04-20-2007 10:25 PM


Which is what I have asked from the beginning... The teen cannot make the point
Literally, "against the man". As long as you construct the argument this way, you are committing the logical fallacy. Address the point, not the teen.

TheMercenary 04-20-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 335984)
My argument is as yet untouched.
I said it twice: "Make sure they know how to be safe and keep them away from the porn, and they'll be perfectly fine. You shouldnt have to shelter them."
"If your kids have half a brain at all they can make their own decisions about what is and isnt okay. You teach them how to be safe, and let them do the rest."

As of yet you havent responded to it at all. You've just called me a fag a half-dozen times and said a lot of other ridiculous and hurtful things. (or at least things that would be hurtful to anyone who wasnt secure and fine with themselves)

You poor baby...

I never said that 'porn' was or was not the problem. As with all teens, yourself included, you do not have the "half of a brain" for which to make decisions about what is ok and what is not ok. Someday you will know exactly what I am talking about. Until then you are but another punk teen on the net trying to be something you are not. Come back and visit us in 20 years.

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