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tw 03-01-2019 11:10 AM

What happened with N Korea
The Don desperately wants a legacy on the international stage. Meanwhile both Putin and Xi know how to play the Don - by manipulating his ego. Fatty III (Kim) was properly instructed how to do this.

So they met in Singapore. Kim told Trump that he would discontinue testing and dismantle his test sites IF the US stopped maintaining military preparedness; stopped all future war games. (IOW reduce US troop readiness to 80%.)

Trump loved it because, to Trump, than meant the entire Korean nuclear program ended. And that he was not giving up anything. He ignore his intelligence people and military advisors by even meeting Kim without those advisors (or note takers).

We know Kim no longer needs those test facilities. He has proven designs and a steady supply of rocket motors (apparently from Russia). So Kim was fully involved in constructing at least 20 hardened nuclear missile silos. The Don was told this and denied it. In part because Putin told him it was not true.

Second meeting. Rather than do the always required months of pre-meeting sessions to work out details, Kim knows exactly where the weakness is in America. Kim would do all talking only with The Donald. Those pre-meeting sessions only started two weeks before a Hanoi meeting. At this point, we have a first indication that The Don finally heard what all America intelligence agencies were saying.

First he tacitly admitted that N Korea had continued with nuclear weapon construction. So he said the VietNam meeting would be a success if it only banned testing. The Don lowered the bar so that Americans would not see how obviously he had lied even to himself about Singapore.

Well, N Korea offered to destroy all know uranium and plutonium ar sites (ie Yongbyon) if the US retracted all trade sanctions. Finally The Don had to listen to the American intelligence agencies. Missing from that N Korean list were many secret facilities (one only miles from Yongbyon). It was written all over the N Korean faces when the US asked about all those other sites. N Koreans assumed American did not know about any of them.

So The Don has no option but to finally listen to the American intelligence agencies. They had caught the N Koreans in obvious lies. And had forced The Don to admit he was being taken for a patsy. That is when The Don immediately terminated all talks - angry to discover who N Korea was playing for a fool.

By terminating military war games, the N Koreans only eliminated test facilities they no longer needed. To eliminate sanctions they would have kept many newer nuclear weapons factories and continued assembling nuclear missiles and silos. They were baiting the mark - The Don.

But this time The Don had no choice but to finally hear and believe the American intelligence community. This time the N Korean plan to play on The Donald's ego (that succeeded in Singapore) did not work in Hanoi.

sexobon 03-01-2019 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1027042)
… This time the N Korean plan to play on The Donald's ego (that succeeded in Singapore) did not work in Hanoi.

That's wonderful news!

It's probably fake.

slang 03-01-2019 08:13 PM


sexobon 03-01-2019 08:52 PM


henry quirk 03-02-2019 08:23 AM

here's what really happened...
Kim: 0

Trump: 0

China: -1

tw 03-06-2019 08:22 AM

Rather than let low level negotiators hammer out details many weeks before the meeting, North Korea was only going to negotiate with the weakest link in the American government: Trump.

It worked in Singapore. Trump vocally announced he has solved the N Korea problem - because he lives in his fictional world. All he did is surrender military readiness for a promise to no long test missiles and bombs. All that testing was completed anyway. Kim negotiated everything from a ego whose only concern is his popularity and legacy.

Well, N Korea's ambush of Trump in Hanoi failed. N Korean negotiators were shocked to learn that the US knew of their so many secret nuclear construction facilities. So the gambit failed.

No problem. Their test launch sites remain unnecessary. But other testing facilities (ie for rocket motors) is now being rebuilt. They will keep the promise of not 'test launching'. And now will more overtly continue with construction of nuclear bombs and missiles.

N Korea did not do all this on their own. Those rocket motors (in part or in full) must have come from Russia. They did not make those nuclear developments without outside help. Putin has also played Trump for the ity bity egotist that is The Don.

Other missile development facilities are now being upgraded. A site that launches satellites is now being readied for something. Once one can orbit satellites, then sub-orbital launching of nuclear weapons is possible. With reentry being a last problem.

So what did Trump get? Well, thanks to an intelligence community (that Trump routinely disparages), Trump this time did not surrender more for nothing. Hanoi was the American intelligence community finally showing Trump that his ego has kept him misinformed and easily played by people he calls friends. The North Korea problem continues to get worse. And Korean/American military readiness now suffers.

xoxoxoBruce 03-06-2019 08:27 AM

Will this affect sales of "The Art of the Deal"?
Maybe not if they're autographed.:rolleyes:

slang 03-06-2019 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by slang (Post 1027083)

I was expecting a BIG back and forth flame a thon. Thought I'd sit back and have some popcorn.

sexobon 03-07-2019 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027086)

I was encouraging more fluids so all that popcorn didn't make you constipated.

tw 03-07-2019 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027706)
.. so all that popcorn didn't make you constipated.

How does popcorn make one cornstipated? Is it painful?

sexobon 03-07-2019 05:55 PM

Plain popcorn is high in fiber and can help relieve constipation; but, look at what he's eating … movie theater popcorn, or popcorn topped with butter is high in fat, which can cause constipation.

tw 03-08-2019 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027719)
Plain popcorn is high in fiber and can help relieve constipation; but, look at what he's eating … movie theater popcorn, or popcorn topped with butter is high in fat, which can cause constipation.

I thought the purpose of a movie theater was to get traffic in and out. Constipation would be counter productive.

sexobon 03-08-2019 07:18 PM

They'll sell more drinks. Traffic will flow.

tw 03-09-2019 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027811)
They'll sell more drinks. Traffic will flow.

Do the hard asses in North Korea drink soft drinks?

sexobon 03-09-2019 02:18 PM

This thread is about popcorn. Please try to stay on topic.

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