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Adak 11-14-2012 08:04 PM

The Benghazi Incident
1 Attachment(s)
The facts we know:

*four Americans were killed: 3 CIA (ex-Seal types) were there trying to secure the most dangerous weapons from the militias in Libyia, and our Ambassador to Libyia.

The CIA agents were told to evacuate - run away, from the attack on the Benghazi consulate. These three did not, they ran 1/3rd of a mile to get TO the consulate building that was under attack.

*repeated requests were made for help, as soon as the attack began. No help arrived until 14 hours later. We have a large air base that defended the City of Benghazi, one hour away, at Aviono, Italy. Their motto is "Anytime, Anywhere".

Attachment 41670

They were never asked to help.

*The attack lasted for 6 to 7 hours, with the last 2 hours or so, being monitored by a real time reconnaissance drone, which had no attack capability.

*Five days AFTER the attack, Susan Rice, our UN Ambassador, who knows NOTHING about the Benghazi attack, is repeating on several talk shows, info she's been given by the President: The attack was a demonstration against this video, that turned violent.

Everything she was told, was a lie. It never was understood to be a mere demonstration against a video - we're talking explosives, and mortars, etc. all used in the attack.

This is :( - the President doesn't want to lie, so he has Susan Rice lie for him.

Now, Obama defends Rice for lying for him, and wants to promote her to Secretary of State, since Clinton is leaving that position.

John McCain, and a few other Senators have said "No!" won't approve Rice's nomination".

Obama says "that's outrageous! Wants to "take them on" in his fiery speech today, defending the lying mouthpiece he used, to deliver his message - Susan Rice.

IMO, Obama is a liar, who abandoned the Americans in our consulate in Benghazi, because he didn't want to admit that it was Al Qaeda affiliates and members, who were making the attack, before the election. That would make him look weak on national defense, to the voters.

Nixon and Clinton both faced impeachment, on FAR less egregious actions than what Obama is apparently guilty of.

bluecuracao 11-14-2012 08:32 PM

IMO, John McCain is a jackass.

He and his equally scummy cohort Sen. John Kyl have been pushing SB2109, a bill that would strip water rights from from the Hopi and Navajo nations. They want to give them away to their corporate mining and and energy friends.

So, I really don't care what McCain's position is on Susan Rice. He and Kyl should be the ones to be impeached.

SamIam 11-14-2012 10:39 PM

Wow! McCain's attempt to deprive the Hopi and Navajo people of their water rights is happening right in my own backyard, and I wasn't even aware of it. Thanks for the heads up, Blue!

From Native News Network:


S.2109 and the "Settlement Agreement" deny the Navajo and Hopi people the resources and means to bank their own waters, or to recharge their aquifers depleted and damaged by the mining and energy corporations that S.2109 benefits. S.2109 and the "Settlement Agreement" require Navajo and Hopi to give Peabody Coal Mining Company and the Salt River Project and other owners of the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) tens of thousands of acre-feet of Navajo and Hopi water annually - without any compensation - and to force the extension of Peabody and NGS leases without Navajo and Hopi community input, or regard for past and continuing harmful impacts to public health, water supplies and water quality - as necessary pre-conditions to Navajo and Hopi receiving Congressional appropriations for minimal domestic water development.

This is coercive and wrong.
Yet one more example of the Republican's ongoing championship of big money interests to the detriment of everyone else. Peabody Coal has caused incredible ecological damage around here, not to mention the destruction of sites considered sacred by the Navajo and Hopi alike. Now McCain wants to reward Peabody for its misdeeds and add insult to injury to the members of both tribes by handing over tribal water rights with no consideration of the consequences for the people living in this land of little rain. I hope a skinwalker gets him! :mad:

Trilby 11-15-2012 04:27 AM

Adak-you're looking like a troll.

Adak 11-15-2012 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 838978)
Adak-you're looking like a troll.

And you're looking like a dimwit who doesn't give a damn that Americans were abandoned, killed, and our Ambassador's body (probably dead, but not confirmed), was dragged through the streets (for awhile), by Al Qaeda.

Do you really believe it's nothing? Ho hum, another Ambassador is attacked overseas, and we ignore their plea's for help, so he gets X'd out -- just another day at the ol' White House?

This isn't politics. This isn't just another dumber than dirt policy decision by our glorious leader. :p:

@Water rights for the Hopi and Navajo:
Why not start a thread on it? It's off topic here, but sounds like something people should be made aware of, and follow developments therein.

Ibby 11-15-2012 04:55 AM


orthodoc 11-15-2012 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by SamIam (Post 838967)
Wow! McCain's attempt to deprive the Hopi and Navajo people of their water rights is happening right in my own backyard, and I wasn't even aware of it. Thanks for the heads up, Blue!

From Native News Network:

I hadn't heard about this until now either. Thanks, bluecuracao! This is outrageous. There was a meeting yesterday in DC on it; apparently the Secretary of the Interior wants to force it through the lame-duck Congress in the next few weeks. Wtf! Without tribal agreement? I think this does deserve its own thread. Not because Adak says so, but because it would get more attention from intelligent Cellarites if not buried here.

Sheldonrs 11-15-2012 07:52 AM

So McCain is trashing this Rice after 4 people were killed and she spoke to the press with the info she was given at the time, but he approved Condi Rice after thousands were killed after she KNEW about the threats BEFORE it happened and did nothing. And then supported war against people who had NOTHING to do with it and got thousands MORE killed.

Adak, you are a moron.

DanaC 11-15-2012 07:57 AM

But not, apparently, a mormon.

Stormieweather 11-15-2012 09:54 AM

You know, I have lived overseas, in the middle east, and was employed by the US army, on a base. I worked for a year as a communications coordinator. I know how information from situations and other countries on the other side of the world comes in...bits and pieces and dribs and drabs.

There is confusion, conflicting information, missing information and some guesswork involved. As more and more information is received, the picture begins to develop and crystalize. But it isn't complete (or accurate) in an hour, or day, or even a month.

Unlike in the US, you can't just send personnel from point A to B and expect them to get there like an ambulance would do here!. There are unbelievable traffic situations, foreign military checkpoints to get through, tons of bureaucracy and red tape to navigate. Even if I, as a civilian, wanted to go to the grocery store off base, there was red tape. :rolleyes:

And then you have people all along the way who may have made mistakes and are covering ass. So they may fudge and/or leave things out trying to protect themselves and their fellows.

I think it is absolutely absurd to expect the commanders, including the commander-in-chief, to have everything 100% accurate, immediately.

Additionally, Ambassador Stevens was not dragged through the streets by Al Qaeda. He was found in the safe room, nearly dead from smoke inhalation (which he did eventually die from) and rescued. The cheers in that video going around is because he was alive! I'd really refrain from going around calling people dimwits until you get your own facts straight, Adak. :eyebrow:

New York Times


“In the video, none say anything that shows ill will.

I swear, he’s dead,” one Libyan says, peering in.

“Bring him out, man! Bring him out,” another says.

“The man is alive. Move out of the way,” others shout. “Just bring him out, man.”

“Move, move, he is still alive!”

“Alive, Alive! God is great,” the crowd erupts, while someone calls to bring Mr. Stevens to a car.

Mr. Stevens was taken to a hospital, where a doctor tried to revive him, but said he was all but dead on arrival.

Spexxvet 11-15-2012 10:01 AM

The only thing that matters. The thing that, had it not happened, would have prevented anything Adak could conjure.

Originally Posted by Adak (Post 838952)
The facts we know:


For fiscal 2013, the GOP-controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection program — well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration. House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012.


Stormieweather 11-15-2012 11:29 AM

Yes, Spexxvet. It really burns my butt when people try to lay the blame on the President for this incident, when the REPUBLICAN'S refused to fund the additional security asked for BY THE PRESIDENT'S Administration.

J.F.C. :mad2:

Cyber Wolf 11-15-2012 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 838980)
... and our Ambassador's body (probably dead, but not confirmed), was dragged through the streets (for awhile), by Al Qaeda.

You're the first person I've heard this from. Cite? Any video?

Adak 11-15-2012 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sheldonrs (Post 838987)
So McCain is trashing this Rice after 4 people were killed and she spoke to the press with the info she was given at the time, but he approved Condi Rice after thousands were killed after she KNEW about the threats BEFORE it happened and did nothing. And then supported war against people who had NOTHING to do with it and got thousands MORE killed.

Adak, you are a moron.

A mouthpiece for a huge lie, is hardly someone to reward by giving them the Secretary of State position.

I am making no comparison with Condolezza Rice, and not defending Bush, either.

I did not support the invasion of Iraq. Crippling sanctions against him - yes; invasion and rebuilding for 10 years? No.

Adak 11-15-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 839008)
Yes, Spexxvet. It really burns my butt when people try to lay the blame on the President for this incident, when the REPUBLICAN'S refused to fund the additional security asked for BY THE PRESIDENT'S Administration.

J.F.C. :mad2:

The Republicans refused to allocate the funds, because the State Department already had millions of dollars in a "slush" fund, that they (Hillary), refused to spend.

But let me ask you:

Does the military have the money to fly in a few fighters and an A-10 or two to support the consulate when it's under attack?

Oh, yes they do! Aren't we the clever one's to have figured that out? :rolleyes:

We flew hundreds of missions out of Aviano Air Base, in support of the rebels - especially around Benghazi and Misrata.

And now what? We can't fly one more mission to save our Ambassador?


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