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lumberjim 05-30-2007 12:00 AM

I know what I want from the cellar, ya cock.

Originally Posted by bruce almighty
What do you want, Jim? I'm not being a smartass, I'd like to know what you want? If you're not happy with the type of threads being put up can you tell me what you'd rather see?
I'm under the impression you don't cotton to the political/serious shit, because you usually don't participate in them. You don't like chit chatty, so what would you like to see discussed? Seriously.

Or is it attitude? You've accused me of being shitty to everyone, but that's not true. I've come down harder on the people that piss me off, especially by making false accusations. But that's far from everyone.

Yeah, ok. prick......this has been bothering me for like... a week.

My subconscious has been working on this, and I've decided what I want. It's pretty simple really. you ready?

I want more participation from the people I like. dammit.

It's the people. the topics are irrelevant. I used to read this and be able to get a sense of real people on the other my fucking eyes glaze over every time i try to read it. fake ass opinions espoused by fabricated personalities, purely for dramatic affect.

i call upon Pie, stevedallas and Griff, sundae girl and wolf, foot3 and Elspode, Flint and Happy Monkey, case and Beestie. I summon hot_pastrami! Where is Dar512?! What ever happened to fucking Perth?! Sycamore, what the fuck was that a three week teaser?! get back here! Go find filenotfound. blue58?! answer the question.......I'm not digging the most active posters right now. sigh. what can i do, but rail against it?


zippyt 05-30-2007 12:24 AM

And folks in Hell want ice water !!!
This IS a public forum . folks come and go .
I agree that there have been some better than others , some more proliphic than others , some more fun than others , some trolls , some just ASSHATS .
But this is a PUBLIC forum .
Folks are like that , some good , some smart , some funny , some insitefull , some just flat out stupid and annoying .
This is life .

I look at this place like a good collage bar , brick layers agrueing politics with poli-sie Professers , Electritions argueing with Physist , the odd collage kid argueing with an adult about life in general ,
but then a hot chick walks past and Turns EVERY bodys head !!!
ALL fun , some folks acting pissy but mostly all good, things will swing the way you like ( if you make them swing that way ) that is !!

Ya Whineing Byotch !!!!!!! ;)

lumberjim 05-30-2007 12:29 AM

i knows it. i'm a just a sayin. he asked me what i want...and that is it.....that and a nice BJ. is that so wrong? you could post more, too, you little marine pecker head. and tell that faggot plthijnx to get his head out of his ass.

Aliantha 05-30-2007 01:37 AM

Don't you like my content lj?

xoxoxoBruce 05-30-2007 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 348429)
i knows it. i'm a just a sayin. he asked me what i want...and that is it.....that and a nice BJ.

Thanks, I appreciate the response. I was hoping if I stuck a little grit in your craw, you'd make a pearl. You did.

In appreciation, I promise next time I'm in Cherry Hill, buying a Nissan, I'll give you a blow job.

DucksNuts 05-30-2007 05:59 AM

Thats a visual I didnt need.

But can you take pics anyway?

BrianR 05-30-2007 07:24 AM

Um, isn't plthijnx kinda unavailable right now? And I don't think that's his HEAD that's up his ass...

Griff 05-30-2007 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 348425)

I think I know what you're saying. We had a particularly sweet vibe there for a while, but the cellar changes. We can never really drive it in a certain direction. Defining what we had probably only limits our possibilities. I want folks to be thick-skinned, prickley, edgie, and funny but not asshat friendly... tough to hit the sweet spot.

lizzymahoney 05-30-2007 07:44 AM

I think that would involve a third party.

Or at least a tripod.

Cloud 05-30-2007 09:03 AM

What ever happened to the way it USED to be!

The new people are ruining it!

I miss the old days!



COME ON, people--this is a classic forum lament, and it's B.S. You CAN'T control the ebb and flow of people. I would have thought LJ and Bruce to be way too forum-savvy to fall for this trap. It's a sucker punch.

As a relative noob, let me tell you, it's like being invited to the party, and then shoved into a locked bathroom with all the uncool people. Tough room. Yeah, I may not be thick skinned, prickly, edgie, or funny, but neither am I a fabricated personality with fake opinions. So what?

The Cellar is unique in my experience (although I'm sure not unique-unique) in that it does not have a primary subject matter. That leaves people free to talk about what they want. It's a party, not a club meeting. Instead of whining about it, put up the threads YOU want to talk about, and let other people do the same.

and remember, I give free blow jobs, so try not to hurt me. :)

lumberjim 05-30-2007 10:14 AM

it's not about you, cloud. you're fine. it's not about anyone specifically. as griff says, it's the overall dynamic. I know good and goddamn well that I can't DO anything about it. I just wanted to say what I was feeling about the place lately.

Use your party ananlogy....It's like I was at the party with cool college kids and seniors havin fun, groovin' ...and then they all started to drift away, and the freshmen and sophmores started showing up.

I don't want to drift away though....but..i just don't feel the same connection.

I know it's all in my head. I just don't like most of you as much as the old crew. I know that's hard to hear.....but you probably don't like me either, so I'm sure you don't give a shit. I tried looking around for a new forum, but they're not easy to find.....

LabRat 05-30-2007 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 348550)
I don't want to drift away though....but..i just don't feel the same connection.

It's not you, I'm feeling the same way. :neutral: I still like the celler, for crying out loud I'm here about every day. But, it doesn't have the same tone that it did. The newer people seem to be a bit more sensitive, taking everything as personal attacks, rather than opportunities to investigate some new POV.

Maybe they just aren't as witty, or creative as some of the old ones. Maybe just more whiney, or less open-minded. <-- Not thinking of anyone in particular. I know I'm by far not one of the most intellegent or eloquent that has ever hit the enter button. But, there used to be more quality posts IMHO. People would actually think about what they were going to say, preview it, edit it, then post.

Oh, and if you want that BJ, you gotta earn it baby :D

rkzenrage 05-30-2007 10:29 AM

It's true, too many whiners now.
There are very few that I respect.

Cloud 05-30-2007 10:32 AM

if you want something done right, do it yourself.

If you want witty, thoughtful posts which are up to your standards--it's up to you to make 'em. Lead by example.

rkzenrage 05-30-2007 10:34 AM

I do.

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