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AgentApathy 02-07-2007 11:16 AM

TX gov seeks to require HPV vaccines
Texas' governor, Rick Perry, announced last week that he will be requiring all young girls to have the HPV vaccine as of 2008. For those unaware, HPV is an extremely common sexually transmitted virus, mutated into many, many strains, that can cause genital warts and is the leading cause of cervical cancer.

Texas lawmakers are angry that the governor passed this edict without Congressional approval, and there are many, many opponents who believe that parents should make the choice rather than have the government dictate it. (parents can opt out under this executive order, but I can't imagine that that is a fun process).

What do you guys think?

Clodfobble 02-07-2007 11:25 AM

If someone objects to this because they object to vaccines in general (as demonstrated by previously opting-out of other vaccines) then I don't have a problem with their opting-out of this one as well.

But if we're talking about the idiots who object because giving their kid the vaccine rudely implies that their perfect little angel might one day have--heaven forfend--pre-marital sex!!--or worse yet somehow encourages their child to have sex, well, I think those people ought to be beaten with 2x4s studded with framing nails.

Cloud 02-07-2007 11:32 AM

I think Perry decided it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. I also think that vaccinations work best when they are universal. As a Texas resident, I have 4 little granddaughters growing up, the oldest in the 4th grade, and I certainly support their getting vaccinated.

The biggest problem in my opinion, and it's not exclusive to this vaccine, is the high cost of vaccination. If you have to pay out of pocket it will be $300+.

jinx 02-07-2007 12:04 PM

The vaccine is available, it does not need to be and should not be mandated.
This article details some concerns.

Sundae 02-07-2007 12:18 PM

Sounds like typical drug company spin to me. I deal with reps on a daily basis, and while I'm sure there are good honest professional reps out there, many of them will tell you that their new product will solve all the problems of the western world if you give it half a chance.

I certainly wouldn't want my niece injected with this until some more evidence regarding its safety and efficacy was forthcoming.

Shawnee123 02-07-2007 01:04 PM

My mom has worked in the immunization clinic for years, providing all kinds of vaccines for lower income families.

If a vaccine such as this were mandated certainly the sliding scale would apply to it.

I for one am just glad someone spent some time working on a medicine that has nothing to do with men being able to have a sustainable hard-on. Next, lets work on ovarian cancer, that highly deadly and barely perceptible killer. Or lets work on detecting breast cancer without smashing a woman's breast in two.

I had a friend who died of cervical cancer when she was 34 years old. That is 8 years younger than I am now, though she was older than me at the time. I was mid 20's.

If it weren't too late for me to get said vaccine, I would be banging down the door right now to get it. Women's cancers scare me.

BigV 02-07-2007 01:08 PM

For every 1 of these:

Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 313583)
If someone objects to this because they object to vaccines in general (as demonstrated by previously opting-out of other vaccines) then I don't have a problem with their opting-out of this one as well.

there will be 25 of these.

Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 313583)
But if we're talking about the idiots who object because giving their kid the vaccine rudely implies that their perfect little angel might one day have--heaven forfend--pre-marital sex!!--or worse yet somehow encourages their child to have sex, well, I think those people ought to be beaten with 2x4s studded with framing nails.

Having arbitrarily and precociously removed the last obstacle to the wanton release of raging sixth grade female hormones in an orgy of Sodomish and Gomorrahic proportion, Texas will be smited!

If we don't have fear of icky warts and cervical cancer as a bulwark against seck-shul immorality, those little girls are doomed! Damned and doomed! [/zacazm]

glatt 02-07-2007 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 313617)
I for one am just glad someone spent some time working on a medicine that has nothing to do with men being able to have a sustainable hard-on. Next, lets work on ovarian cancer, that highly deadly and barely perceptible killer. Or lets work on detecting breast cancer without smashing a woman's breast in two.

That's really not how medical research works. It's not some big plot to keep women down.

Viagra, if I recall correctly, was discovered accidentally. The research was really being done in the area of cardiovascular disease which is the number one (or maybe 2) killer, and Viagra came out of that. Once Viagra came out, and was a huge money maker, the other pharma companies jumped on the easy money bandwagon. All the hard work was already done, and it was free money.

Research into different medical areas is done based on how likely success will be and how big the $$ payoff might be. So the more widespread a problem, the bigger the market and the more research in that area. Also, if an area is pretty well understood and it's easy to launch new drugs in that area, it will see a lot of interest.

It's not a bunch of men smoking cigars in some back room looking for new ways to screw over women.

Cloud 02-07-2007 05:46 PM

I discussed this with some of my co-workers and was really surprised at their attitude, which was against mandatory innoculation. I pointed out there has been and continues to be mandatory innoculation of several diseases; e.g. polio; and the current requirement for school age children to be innoculated against measles, mumps, etc.

"But that's different" they said, "those diseases are contagious."

(raised eyebrows). But HPV is contagious.

"Yeah, but only through sex."

Well, I said, if there was a vaccine against HIV, would you be in favor of mandatory innoculation? "Well, but you can get HIV if you use needles."

I pretty much gave up at that point.

Aliantha 02-07-2007 07:29 PM

Gardasil is currently being introduced as a vaccination for girls aged about 13 to help guard against cervical cancer. If I had a daughter I'd encourage her to have it as I would have had it myself if it had been available when I was younger.

That being said, I'm in favour of innoculations in general and believe that the benefits far outweigh the dangers.

warch 02-14-2007 03:32 PM

girls 13-26, if I had a daughter the series of shots would be part of her general healthcare. Best if given before sexual activity, but even after, it can protect against some forms of the virus.

But then I watched a friend die of cervical cancer. She went quickly before her 50th birthday.

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