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Griff 09-15-2003 12:09 PM

We may as well start our hurricane watch party. Right now, its tracking into central PA. This is a major league storm. Should we start a pool on where she makes landfall?

btw- I picked up lamp oil today. Anybody prepping?

ThisOleMiss 09-15-2003 12:23 PM

seriously though....
That storm's pretty darned big and getting worse. At this point in time there is no telling where it's going to end up. As a Hurrican Camile survivor who now lives on the Gulf Coast, I'm hoping it stays the hell out in the Atlantic.

Follow the low pressure ridges. Hurricans love low pressure.

I'm taking dibs on the North Carolina Coast, between Wrightsville Beach and the Pamlico Sound.

If it weren't for the collateral damage associated with a catagory five hurrican, I'd sorta like to see one hit the Mississippi gulf coast and take out every last one of those freaking casino's. The coast has been ruined by those things. Anyway to get a storm to selectivly take out the casino's and then head back out to sea? Just hoping. Let the thing head out to the Atlantic and die over the cold water.

elSicomoro 09-15-2003 12:28 PM

I'm going to go with the Delmarva Peninsula: Somewhere between Bethany Beach, DE and Virginia Beach.

I'll probably pick up a few things tonight. Hopefully this will only give us a lot of rain, but even that's a bad thing around here. Six inches apparently fell in some of the western suburbs this morning. My boss was apparently a victim of the rains--his basement flooded and he won't be in today.

Elspode 09-15-2003 12:33 PM

Just be prepared, all of you coasties out there. Hurricanes are nothing to sneeze at, even if you are inland a few hundred miles. Monsoon rains and secondary tornadoes are associated with these monsters.

Buy your batteries, check out your radios and flashlights, and buy a few gallons of bottled water. We back here in the Midwest got some pretty serious wake up calls this past May, and I'd hate to think that the rest of the nation hadn't learned anything from Stockton, MO, KC KS and all the other devastated areas in my neck of the woods.

ThisOleMiss 09-15-2003 12:42 PM

Definatly prepared
We're definatly prepared. My husband's a Mormon and they've been preparing for disaster for the last hundred years or so. Got the dried food, tarps, duct tape, plastic sheeting, bottled water, and assorted other goodies all stashed away. Now the fun part: we are currently living in a mobile home, Ok, it's a freaking trailor, until our house gets built. Yes, it's anchored and all that happy crappy, but it was builit before the code changes and I'll give it about a snowballs chance in hell in a cat 5 hurrican. Only thing is, I'm not evacuating because I'm not leaving my goats. Don't think I have to worry, we're about 100 mile inland and I don't see the storm heading into the Gulf.

BTW, if you don't have a good weather radio, time to invest in one. Also, if you have food stored in a freezer, and the freezer isn't full (full freezers stay cold longer) the quickest and easiest way to fill one is to fill two liter soda bottles and gallon milk jugs with water. A layer of these on top of frozen food will help keep
it colder longer. Just make sure you keep the freezer closed until the power comes back on.

e unibus plurum 09-15-2003 01:14 PM

Re: Definatly prepared

Originally posted by ThisOleMiss
snowballs chance in hell in a cat 5 hurrican. fill one is to fill two liter soda bottles and gallon milk jugs with water.

do you pronounce it hurra-can ?

and good advice on the ice bottles - but don't fill 'em all the way! leave and inch or 2 for expansion!:)

russotto 09-15-2003 04:01 PM

Meteorologists like disaster predictions. I'm going to go way out on a limb and predict landfall in the Outer Banks as a Category 3(so far, matching the pros), and then a turn to the northeast, going off to sea.

OnyxCougar 09-15-2003 04:02 PM

I think it will hit land in North Carolina, and as I just moved here and don't have any money for gas, let alone emergency provisions, I am woefully unprepared. I get paid on Friday, but guess when it's supposed to hit land.....

ThisOleMiss 09-15-2003 04:14 PM

forgot to tell you folks I'm about as dyslexic as you can get. So much for spelling!!

OnyxCougar 09-15-2003 04:27 PM

I love my company.

Just got an email that we get our checks on Wednesday, so we can go buy emergency supplies.

Like food.

Elspode 09-15-2003 05:41 PM

Wow...that is awesomely cool. Good luck, OC. Take pictures, keep us posted, but most of all, stay safe!

wolf 09-16-2003 01:34 AM

The projections I saw online last night (from drudge's site) showed the track of the hurricane heading straight for Grifftopia.

As far as where it's gonna make landfall ... just because it's an odd possibility, I'm pickin' Baltimore.

Griff 09-16-2003 06:09 AM

I see it tracking from DC to Grifftopia.

Undertoad 09-16-2003 09:32 AM

OC's linked to the dynamic version of that image so it updates automatically!

It's dropping in power now and we all won't see 100 MPH winds on Thursday... only OC.

BrianR 09-16-2003 11:01 AM

And me and my bad luck...I'll be in Baltimore until Thursday morning or so. I hope I don't get hit with even high wind as I'll be riding my motorcycle. I don't like being blown around much, and getting wet even less.


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