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Juniper 08-12-2008 12:26 AM

Motorcycle vs. Motor Scooter
Maybe this is an adjunct to that Midlife Crisis thread... ;)

Let me start off by saying this: I am a short, kind of dumpy middle-aged mom who still has dreams of being...well, at least not dumpy. When gas climbed to $4/gal, I said to the hubster, "it might be nice to get a scooter." I was thinking a little 50cc dealie I could use just to cruise up to the store for a gallon of milk and loaf of bread (or a 12 pack) without feeling too guilty.

So DH bought me a 125cc scooter from some guy at work. It's blue, it's Chinese, it's a Yumbo. It cranks!

But it's still a *scooter.* So here I am, feeling like Cool Motorcycle Mama in my helmet and stuff, cruising around town not just to get milk and bread but because it is SO MUCH FUN and still not feeling guilty driving to go no place special because it gets like 90 MPG....

and I I look silly with a scooter?

Should I just ditch the darn thing and go all the way, and get a REAL bike? I mean, you know...take my midlife crisis to the next logical level.

I can handle looking like a cute chick on a scooter, if indeed that is possible, if I don't end up looking like a silly, cheap, wannabee instead. Tell me truthfully. I can take it. I'll buy me a damn Harley and sell the scooter. ;)

monster 08-12-2008 12:35 AM

Triumph, not Harley ;)

morethanpretty 08-12-2008 12:45 AM

My mom raised me to have a severe aversion and prejudice against motorcycles. I was regaled with injury stories she herself and friends experience in her big motorcycle chick days. I hate the things, although I bet they're fun and the gas mileage is commendable I can't get over the lack of safety. Especially here where almost everyone drives an over sized truck or SUV it seems, scares the hell outta how easily you'd be crushed. Since you're only around town on it, I worry less. In these days, I don't think anyone looks silly on a scooter though. I say stick with whichever costs the least.

xoxoxoBruce 08-12-2008 01:05 AM

Stick with the scooter, it's chic and currently "in". A Harley would make you look like, "a silly, cheap, wannabee", as it does most people. ;)

HungLikeJesus 08-12-2008 01:20 AM

Typical motorcycle fuel economy isn't much better than a small car: 35-50 mpg, some even worse. I think you're better off with the scooter, as long as you don't need to go on the freeway or travel cross country.

Scooters are lighter, easier to park and just right for what you're doing. Some places even let you park scooters on the sidewalk like a bicycle.

Cyclefrance 08-12-2008 01:24 AM

Mods and Rockers - remember the 60's!!

Nostalgia ain't what it used to be - Vespa's with chrome bubbles (Lambrettas too), front racks filled with lights, Long whippy aerials at the back with 'cat's tails' swinging from their top, throbby exhausts (well for a 150-175cc 'monster' that is). Top scooter in UK was Lambretta TV175, followed by Vespa GS 150/160 - I had a 160 (sorry Elspode - no Harley's around then!). Might have a pic somewhere - although may have gone west with a lot of my other parents old photographs

On the bike front - it was a Triumph Bonneville as top dog I seem to remember.

Sundae 08-12-2008 05:26 AM

Why is a moped (scooter) like a fat bird?
Because they're both fun to ride but your mates would rip the piss out of you if they knew.

I say stick with the scooter - I am horribly envious.
I spent a year entering every (free) competition I could find to get one.
For some reason I had it in my head that I was destined to win one.

Reading this, I feel the need to start again!

glatt 08-12-2008 06:41 AM

Scooter's are cool. Stick with the scooter.

classicman 08-12-2008 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Juniper (Post 475577)
and I I look silly with a scooter?

Pics required for answer

TheMercenary 08-12-2008 08:27 AM

If it meets your needs stick with the scooter. If you feel a need to branch out and do more then you should not advance til you take a state sanctioned Motorcycle Safety Course which can be found at your state DMV website. Usually courses are offered every month around your state. Then I would progress to a Honda Shadow no bigger than a 250cc til you have a few years on your belt to go bigger. Either way you may want to take the course. Your life could depend on it.

sweetwater 08-12-2008 08:53 AM

The 2 vehicles serve different purposes so decide what you will do and then get/keep the one that suits. You can't see yourself, so who cares what it looks like? Scooters for in-town errands, motorcycle for commuting and travel. MSF course, YES. It's not only fun, it's a good course.

My largest motorcycle was a 500cc Virago and it had plenty of power. I've had one scooter that got very little use because it felt just one degree above a Hoveround.

BrianR 08-12-2008 09:59 AM

Scooters for in town short errands. NO more is needed.

Motorcycles for longer errands. A motorcycle gets about half the mileage of a scooter, but has the advantage of being able to run on highways and fast roads.

My wife has been hinting that she wants to learn to ride a motorcycle, but I'm skeptical...her arthritis isn't good for gripping things and that's too important on a bike to allow to deteriorate. A scooter, however, offers her the advantages of a bike without the dangers. Hmmm...

I've ridden motorcycles for years, my biggest one being a Virago 1100. I prefer the 750 range for the economy and adequate power. I feel that nothing over 1100 cc is required for 99% of motorcycle applications, YMMV. Safety courses are a MUST for a beginner, or even a seasoned rider who has never taken one.

I vote with Bruce, HLJ and glatt... stick with the scooter unless you NEED more.

HungLikeJesus 08-12-2008 11:47 AM

BrianR - do you track your motorcycle gas mileage? Just curious.

My 1989 Honda Transalp (dual-sport, 600 cc V-twin) gets about 50-55 mpg, and my 1990 Honda Hawk (standard, 650 cc V-twin) gets 60-65 mpg.

FStop 08-12-2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 475581)
Triumph, not Harley ;)

I second that.

Elspode 08-12-2008 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Cyclefrance (Post 475591)
I had a 160 (sorry Elspode - no Harley's around then!).

Hey, you can't go wrong looking like the cover of Quadrophenia in my book!

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