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Coign 11-19-2007 04:19 PM

November 19, 2007: Bear vs. Truck
I got this one via e-mail with only the subject line of Bear vs. Truck. Really that is all you need to know after viewing the pictures.

EDIT: UT can you change the date of this thread to today? Edit will not allow me to change my supbject line.


Sundae 11-19-2007 04:24 PM

Sigh, poor bear.
All the protection nature can give doesn't count against a truck.

Nikolai 11-19-2007 05:48 PM

Why is it if a deer hits a truck they screw it up real bad but when its a grizzly all that happens is the bonnet gets a lil screwed up

Clodfobble 11-19-2007 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nikolai
Why is it if a deer hits a truck they screw it up real bad but when its a grizzly all that happens is the bonnet gets a lil screwed up

Two theories:

1.) A deer is light enough to get thrown up onto the hood and go through the windshield, whereas hitting a bear is more like hitting a tree.
2.) A deer's skin is thinner and not covered with thick fuzzy hair, so it pops like a balloon, and the blanket of guts makes the impact appear more gruesome than it really is.

Rusty Mail 11-19-2007 06:14 PM

They are not the same trucks!

orthodoc 11-19-2007 06:35 PM

I can't believe how little damage there is to the truck. There's not much exterior damage to the bear either. Was it a head-to-head contest?

Those claws give me the creeps (shudder). :worried: (Bears in general give me the creeps.) When I read John Gardner's Grendel I imagined the monster as a sort of humanized bear.

smurfalicious 11-19-2007 07:09 PM

I thought seeing the damage to the vehicle would be interesting so I clicked the link to this thread, however that turned out to by highly anticlimactic.

Now I'm only horribly saddened by the sight of the bear. Don't know why seeing the blood oozing from the bear's head is affecting me so.

spudcon 11-19-2007 08:54 PM

It doesn't even tell us how many steaks you get from a "grilled" bear of that size.

ViennaWaits 11-19-2007 09:37 PM

I was feeling REALLY bad for the bear.

Then I saw the front paws. Creepy. Yay truck!

ZenGum 11-19-2007 10:25 PM


Welcome Rusty!

Nice one Spud! Thats as much as I can bear.

I thought the paws were cute ... except for those giant claws! Whoah!

Nikolai, did you notice that big heavy crash bar on the truck? They're also highly effective against pedestrians. Also Clod's 2nd point holds - hit a deer and it comes over the bonnet and takes out the windscreen, hit a bear and you knock it to the ground. In Australia there is a similar situation with kangaroos which have no bloody road sense: they are often deflected off the 'roo bar and hit the windscreen. Some rural vehicles now sport 'roo bars that lean out at the top, designed to knock the 'roo downwards onto the road. SPLAT!

Warren Peas 11-19-2007 10:27 PM

Hm, I think he's playing possum, maybe that blood ain't his own, maybe it belongs to the missing gas jockey.

think-floyd 11-19-2007 10:40 PM

Note the cartoon style tongue-protruding-from-side-of-mouth face the bear managed to pull before he croaked. At least he had a sense of irony!

ZenGum 11-19-2007 10:45 PM


Welcome Warren Peas. You're so obvious, I can read you like an open book!

The IotD sure does draw them in, doesn't it?

Warren Peas 11-19-2007 11:57 PM

Thanks for the welcome Zen. Quite a set of mittson that bruin, reminds me of the joke about the dog, walked into a bar. Says" I'm lookin for the guy that shot my pa.

SPUCK 11-20-2007 03:44 AM

[quote=ZenGum;408838 They're also highly effective against pedestrians.[/QUOTE]

And Hugos and Volkswagens and Metros and Priuses and Miatas and motorcycles and ...

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