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tw 07-14-2020 10:08 AM

How to get reelected
Start a war. A few weeks ago, the president sent to aircraft carrier ground to the South China Sea to ramp up tensions. If you have not notices, The Donald is trying to incite a war. Since that gets the emotional to vote for any president - tricky Dick, George Jr, or The Donald.

Flint 07-14-2020 12:39 PM

The only thing we have going for us is that he is such an utterly incompetent imbecile and ƒ#cks up everything he touches so bad that a majority of people will continue to hate everything he tries, no matter what it is. He has a small slice of voters that will never get any bigger, no matter what.

sexobon 07-14-2020 05:00 PM

Trump obviously doesn't plan to fight a war with China. He's just going to start the war and let Biden fight it.

tw 07-14-2020 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1055239)
He's just going to start the war and let Biden fight it.

That is contrary to what Trump has done his entire life. He only does things that advance himself. That means attack anyone, lie, ask Putin and Xi for election assistance, promote hate, stiff contractors, use taxpayer money to even campaign, pardon obvious felons, redirect military spending even at his resorts, lie hourly, don't wear a mask because it will not make him look presidential, fire prosecutors who would investigate his criminal activities and friends, stab close aids in the back ... all to get reelected. His only purpose.

Leaving a war for Biden to clean up does nothing to promote Trump. But that is likely what he might do due to a 30 second attention span. His open and apparent contempt for America and American - when they do not praise his ego.

He so hates me as to not put me on his enemies list.

sexobon 07-14-2020 05:55 PM

After Biden is done fighting China, Trump will build hotels and casinos there; unless, of course, you don't think Biden could win a war with China.

xoxoxoBruce 07-14-2020 11:08 PM

If we have a war with China, there will be no winners... with the possible exception of Putin.

tw 07-15-2020 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1055242)
After Biden is done fighting China, Trump will build hotels and casinos there...

Trump really does not build many of those towers. He franchises his name.

tw 07-15-2020 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1055247)
If we have a war with China, there will be no winners...

One need not create a war. One need only invent a threat to become popular - to be reelected. Wag the Dog.

tw 07-16-2020 09:01 PM

Woolery wrote:

Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it,
Trump repeated and praised it.

United States has posted peak numbers of daily Covid-19 infections in the past few weeks. Six hospitals in Miami are now 100% full. Those numbers reflect an attitude he encouraged maybe four weeks ago. We can expect the next four weeks to only get worse.

Reality makes a dictator look bad. What do all despots do? Same thing that Cheney did to massacre 5000 American soldiers for no purpose in Iraq. Personally take control of all data.

Hospitals are ordered to not report their Covid numbers to the CDC. Since scientists lie to harm Trump. Sarcasm? No. A fact about Trump's psychological profile and the people he surrounds himself with. Obviously it is conspiracy - according to Trump. All Covid numbers are only reported to and controlled by the White House. Only Hitler - sorry Trump - knows better what we should know.

Where is UG and Henry Quirk to defend The Don? Did they finally learn The Donald only has a 30 second attention span?

Wag the Dog? A realistic probability. As Trump's niece notes, he routinely harms everyone and destroys anything to advance himself.

Trump is loved by evangelical Christians. Who are devil worshipers?

sexobon 07-16-2020 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1055219)
How to get reelected...

Very sporting of you to help The Donald out with suggestions.

monster 07-17-2020 01:14 AM

I think we'd all be better off if this was in the politics forum. /2¢

sexobon 07-17-2020 05:48 PM

We have an opening bid of 2¢ from the Woman in Michigan.

Do I hear 3¢? Anyone, 3¢?

This fine suggestion of a thread move would still be a steal at 3¢. Let's see those paddles going up!

xoxoxoBruce 07-18-2020 04:01 PM

Trump will have a breakdown, be unable to carry out the duties of office, and Pence will be bumped up.
Then Pence running for president is a shoo in being a good, wholesome, refuses to be alone with women, pure as the driven snow, Christian soul.

Scary as that sounds you know it can happen. :thepain:

tw 07-19-2020 08:57 AM

Already started. Trump sent Storm Troopers into Portland to attack peaceful George Floyd demonstrators. In black unmarked vehicles. Without any identification. Whose authority is unknown even to Oregon State and Local law enforcement.

There was always little difference between the psychology of Trump and other famous, notorious despots. Trump always harms and destroys anyone only to advance himself. His supporters even say why. They want to wreck shit. What they mean is they even want war with China and to continue harm to all American allies. Trump is even throwing the Afghan Government under the bus (much like Henry Kissinger did to the S Vietnamese government) by trying to negotiate a similar surrender in Afghanistan.

From The Economist of 18 Jul 2020 - an obvious example of who Trump is:

Though a fan of Confederate monuments, Donald Trump could not have taken down Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, a living memorial to the rebel South and the president’s first attorney-general, more ruthlessly. This week the Republican veteran named after two Confederate heroes (Jefferson Davis and General P.G.T. Beauregard) suffered his first electoral defeat, in a primary for the Alabama Senate seat he occupied for 20 years. When he last defended it, in 2014, Mr Sessions won an uncontested race with 97% of the vote. But against a Trump-backed rival—a former college-football coach and political debutant, Tommy Tuberville, who seemed unsure of most issues—he was trounced.

Even after so many illustrations of the president’s grip on Republican voters, it was astonishing to see Mr Sessions’s career-long claim on Alabaman affections blown away in this fashion. It was equally remarkable, even after so many displays of Mr Trump’s vindictiveness, to see him end his former aide’s career so cruelly. No Republican played a bigger part in Mr Trump’s rise than Mr Sessions. No one did more to try to make Trumpism meaningful. ...

If Mr Sessions were a slightly more sympathetic figure, his downfall would be tragic. Instead it mainly points to Mr Trump’s abandonment of much of the populist platform he was ostensibly elected on. While he persists with protectionism—an important exception—he has not restored manufacturing jobs, built infrastructure including a border wall, or changed America’s immigration regime in any way that a Democratic administration could not change back. He has no heavy-hitters working on those issues. Mr Miller, a writer of dystopian speeches, is the last Bannonite standing. Mr Sessions’s latest successor, William Barr, though not opposed to tough policing and border policies, spends more of his time protecting the president and his criminal cronies, in precisely the way Mr Sessions refused to.

No regard for Beauregard
A few prominent conservative populists are still struggling to make Trumpism mean something more than presidential whim—led by the Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson and a handful of senators, including Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio. But none, for obvious reasons, is eager to enter the administration, which makes them much less influential than Mr Sessions and Mr Bannon were. The result, less than four months from the election, is that Mr Trump appears to have no policy agenda of any kind for a second term. Trumpism, as Mr Sessions must now suspect, as he slopes back to his church and grandchildren, appears to mean little more than Mr Trump. Actually, he must have suspected that all along.
Could they be any more blunt? Only those easily brainwashed did not see that even four years ago. Trump's 30 second attention was clearly defined by his closest advisers.

Air craft carriers USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan have been deployed to China to increase war tensions now that more Americans are finally admitting how corrupt Trump has been his entire life.

sexobon 07-19-2020 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1055370)
... Trump sent Storm Troopers into Portland to attack peaceful George Floyd demonstrators. ...


Protesters dismantled fences in front of the Multnomah County Justice Center and Hatfield Federal Courthouse. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Oregon had previously said the fences were in place to "de-escalate tensions between protesters and federal law enforcement officers" and allow repairs on the buildings to begin.

Demonstrators also set fire to the Portland Police Association building, according to Portland police. The fire was put out later in the evening, and police declared a riot in the area.

Originally Posted by tw (Post 1055370)
... They want to wreck shit. ...

That's what protesters and demonstrators have been doing.

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