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Hoof Hearted 08-01-2007 11:34 PM

So, how do you sleep?
What are your sleep habits? Got any funny quirks? I've got plenty!

I MUST read at least a few pages, but usually for 30-90 minutes, before I can fall asleep.
I use a baby noise-machine, set to chirping crickets and croaking frogs.
I can NOT put my feet out from under the covers just in case something were to grab them from under the bed.
I can NOT sleep with my hands uncovered because I had a cat for nearly a dozen years who would suck my fingers if they were in his reach.
My ears must be covered, either by my hair or blankets.
I MUST sleep with a king size pillow, one corner under my head, the length of the pillow against my body and the other corner between my knees (bad hip).
If I dream of water, I had better wake up and go tinkle...or I'll pee the bed. Haven't wet the bed since grade school and I learned this trick, but having a water dream (water, snow, glass of water, ocean, ice, fishbowl, fog, swimming, boating, lakes, rain, streams, if there is water in ANY form...) means I need to get up and go to the bathroom. I wake up whenever I dream of water.
If I set the alarm, I always wake up 10-7 minutes before it goes off, no matter what time(s) it is set for. I cannot STAND to be startled awake. I can even do this if Hubby sets the alarm. I must hear a 'tick' or something as it prepares to go off.
I sleep pretty still. R-side or L-side with no rolling around. Sometimes the kitty will sleep against my chest and push me onto my back, but I never move myself unless I wake up and change positions.
I cannot fall asleep if people are talking/singing and I can hear the words (tv or radio) because I will stay awake to 'listen'.
I have to check the time before I fall asleep so I can keep track of how long I sleep between waking.

MalzB 08-02-2007 12:07 AM

I must have one leg straight and one leg bent.
I must have one arm under my pillow and one out.
I must have my TV on because I am afraid of the dark......still.
I always look around my head and nearby walls a few times before I can sleep to make sure there are no spiders lurking in the dark.
I must have my soft green blanket from Wal*Mart to sleep...and yes it does go EVERYWHERE with me.

elSicomoro 08-02-2007 12:35 AM

I generally sleep with my legs slightly bent, sometimes with them elevated on a pillow. I also regularly stick my left out of the covers and put it on top of the bed.

Before I go to bed, I usually put my CPAP mask on and turn my alarm on. I can sleep with or without a TV on, but I usually just turn it off since the noise from the CPAP blocks out the TV.

Perry Winkle 08-02-2007 01:04 AM

Not well.

bluecuracao 08-02-2007 02:08 AM

I usually just fall asleep because I'm friggin exhausted. But if MB's away, or if I'm away, I'll read until the wee hours...and drift off (with the damn light on). Thankfully, I'm not in that situation very often.

Aliantha 08-02-2007 03:16 AM

I toss and turn at night, so I don't have any particular position.
I sleep lightly and wake at the slightest sound.
I can't sleep if I can hear any noise, so if there is noise, I put ear plugs in. These tend to get a bit hurty after a couple of hours and wake me up though. Usually by then whatever noise was bothering me has stopped though, so I can go back to sleep.
I always read before going to sleep. If I don't read, I don't sleep.
As I'm getting older, I'm finding I need less and less sleep, although right atm I haven't had enough due to sick kids.
I need a new mattress. Maybe I'll stop tossing at night when that happens.

freshnesschronic 08-02-2007 04:13 AM

I must be tired.
Otherwise I won't sleep.

Gaelic Ninja 08-02-2007 06:50 AM

I just sleep. Tired, not tired, noise, no noise. Not even light levels really affect me. I'll just sleep through it all. However, if something changes rapidly, like someone flicking on lights, or people talking, I'll wake up really fast.

Shawnee123 08-02-2007 08:45 AM

Restlessly. Toss and turn, but I don't sleep on my back. Curled up on my side or on my stomach with one leg bent. I kind of look like I'm doing that Karate Kid thing. Lots of dreams so I wake up a lot. Light doesn't bother me. Noise might wake me.

My ex b/f always said I could sleep on a rock. He's probably right. When I lived in my old apartment I got used to sleeping on the floor in front of the TV after I broke my arm. It was the only place I could sleep for a long time because I had to prop my arm up, then I just got used to it.

smurfalicious 08-02-2007 08:58 AM

I'm just now learning the art of falling asleep without the TV on. [Read: :doit: or Mostly :doit:]

As long as I'm not spooning with my hunny, I prefer my right knee bent, left leg straight, on my back to fall asleep. Eventually, I end up on my side in a fetal position.

Sometimes I sleep with my head under my pillow. Not because it's too light, but just because it feels good. Usually I have an upper back or neck ache that instigates this.

I have to sleep with something covering me - a sheet at minimum. Even during the weeks without power following the hurricanes in 05-06, and it was 94 at night and muggy with no a/c and the windows boarded up, had to have that sheet. And if the feet were ever to left uncovered, I'm quite sure after 31 years in this world, that something would surely nibble on them.

I sleep like a freakin rock. Nukes wouldn't wake me up (although my daughter rolling over in bed across the house will). My mom and brother are the same way. My brother has three alarm clocks and sleeps through all three of them going off at the same time. I'm not quite that bad.

I carry on conversations in my sleep. Sometimes it's talking in my sleep... sometimes I actually carry on entire, rational conversations with eyes open, appearing to be awake and alert to others. I remember none of it.

My hands have minds of their own when I sleep. I always have to one hand touching my bedmate. Usually I stick a hand in the waistband of his drawers (if he's wearing them), or slide a hand under his torso. I kinda wedge my hand anywhere I can. The Man tells me that when he comes back to bed after a midnight pee, my hand is roaming all over, searching the bed for him.

glatt 08-02-2007 09:12 AM

Every night is different. Some nights I sleep soundly all night long. Some nights I'm sleeping lightly and toss and turn. Last night I was hot and didn't sleep very well.

I like to sleep on my stomach, but it eventually hurts my neck so I put one pillow under my left shoulder to raise it up and take some of the strain off my neck.

As I get older, I'm thinking we need to get rid of this double bed and get a King sized one. We'd probably both sleep better. If she tosses and turns, it wakes me up, and vice versa. Can be hard to get back to sleep.

Rexmons 08-02-2007 09:37 AM

i got used to sleeping with a body pillow now i can't sleep without one.

jinx 08-02-2007 10:35 AM

I need a noisemaker, and either a window open and fan on, or an a/c (not C/A, its not noisy or windy enough). I like to on my stomach, or on my left side with several pillows. I take personal offense to being awakened by snoring and have a tendency toward physical violence in these situations.

Clodfobble 08-02-2007 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Hoof Hearted
I must hear a 'tick' or something as it prepares to go off.

You probably just have a good biological sense of time. My father is like that. He hasn't bothered to set an alarm clock for as long as I can remember. He just stops for a moment before falling asleep, and considers what time it is and what time he has to get up, and he wakes up on time, even if he's not fully rested. It's insane.

Me, I toss and turn. I wake up at least 5-6 times a night. Always have. There was a period several years ago where I was on a particular medication that had side effects of deep sleep and very vivid dreams. It was so incredibly disorienting to wake up and find that it was morning already.

Cloud 08-02-2007 12:57 PM

I use many pillows--like 7, placed all around my body, and sometimes on top of my head.

I use a fan and/or a white noise generator.

I sleep like the proverbial stick of wood.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

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