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Undertoad 02-23-2004 11:42 AM

New policy for the Cellar
From here on out, this place is no longer a Democracy.

If I feel a thread has an overall negative effect, I will delete it.

If you are really concerned about this situation, I encourage you to buy the system from me. I will entertain all offers, and work towards a smooth switchover.

If you believe that I am a poor moderator, you may not like the Cellar any longer. In truth, I really doubt that any message system can exist without a benevolent dictator, who will delete threads as needed. I urge you to consider that when offering to buy it from me. The responsibilities that you take on are enormous, much larger than you imagine, and much of the time they will only cause you grief.

wolf 02-23-2004 11:45 AM

At this point I am going to BEG people (and you know who you are) just to shut the fuck up and let us get back to our regularly scheduled discussions.

I love this place, and don't wish to see it melt down.

I have no social life to speak of. This is it folks. Don't screw this up.

Elspode 02-23-2004 11:47 AM

What she said, and a subtle inference of an ass kicking in store for anyone who can't grow up on top of it all...

Whoever is causing the problem, fine, you're right about everything. Whoever is feeling victimized, you should know that you were right all along.

Now, let's get on with it, shall we?

FileNotFound 02-23-2004 11:58 AM

Fuck that.

The fact that we were "free" to speak our minds what the only thing that I liked about this place.

I'm out. Sorry.

If I wanted to play nice, chat nice, be kind and considerate like some fucking Prozac overdosed care bear I'd go to the local church forum and we could all discuss what a lovely day it is, how much we all love each other and how happy we all are, then we'd eat muffins and sing kumbaya…

Undertoad 02-23-2004 12:01 PM

Already the policy causes an improvement in the user base.

Don't let the virtual door hit your virtual ass on the virtual way out.

Elspode 02-23-2004 12:19 PM

I've got to learn to appreciate extremism, I guess...sigh.

I always thought it was entirely possible to speak one's mind without being overly harsh, insulting or personal. Guess not.

juju 02-23-2004 12:22 PM

Freedom of Speech is extremism? What a sad place the Cellar has become.

For the record, *I* thought FNF was cool.

Elspode 02-23-2004 12:26 PM

Freedom to keep and bear arms is also a Constitutional Freedom, but see what happens if you shoot some unwitting soul in the head with one.

And, for the record, I didn't have a problem with FNF, either, but then he never tried to belittle or humiliate *me*.

Troubleshooter 02-23-2004 12:37 PM

Freedom of speech, barring libel or defamation, is also freedom to ignore.

I've never used the ignore function before so I'm a bit fuzzy on the mechanics of it. Can you simply ignore someone in a single thread or are you stuck with a site wide ignore?

Whit 02-23-2004 12:42 PM

      I'm on the WTF? side of things here. With a strong leanings to everything's supposed to be up for discussion.
      This being said, take a deep breath before responding on this subject. From what I can see UT's putting a moratorium on discussions that touch his personal life. Just not saying so flatly. If this is the case then it's reasonable, just poorly handled. If it's not the case then it's a reversal in Cellar policy.
      I'm nervous, but I would like to suggest that UT has done very well for a long time. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. If I'm wrong to do so I'll know soon, and follow FNF. If I'm not I'll not notice the 'new rules'. I have trouble believing UT's principles have changed completely, so I'm staying for now.
      I'm saying give UT a chance. He's earned that much.

blue 02-23-2004 12:43 PM

I think any good BBS is pretty much run as a dictatorship, and when it's not things tend to go to hell in a hurry...I never expected any different from the Cellar.

However, one of the reason I signed up here is because we can pretty much speak our mind and not worry about being politically polite constantly. Personal attacks and constant arguing are NOT what I mean by speaking your mind.

Obviously that can be a pretty fine line, but you've been doing this how many years UT? Seems you must have pretty good judgment.

Anyway, I don't even know what set off this thread in the first place. So I'll just be here watching, under the radar, plotting...

Elspode 02-23-2004 12:47 PM

I also forgot to point out that Freedom of Speech doesn't apply to privately held entities...the owner can choose to allow whatever content suits him or her. Similarly, those who object to such moderation are free to a) start their own board, b) find another or c) quit being online altogether. How much freedom do you want? Shit, UT even offered to sell The Cellar in order for someone to continue to allow *their* conscience, or lack thereof, to rule the day.

I've been on boards where absolutely anything goes, no matter how harsh. They all end up turning into cesspools filled with tiny little minds calling each other names, making ongoing ad hominem attacks, and completely stifling any real discussion. Juvenile tripe.

It boils down to good manners. I'm not perfect at that, but at least I try, and most of my posts are not overly cutting, even when I'm at my most cynical. I think some people have no other form of expression, and that sucks, especially when it is fairly clear that said people obviously have an intellectual capacity to show some reasonable restraint, and instead choose to spew bile and venom, or to project superior attitudes and be utterly condescending.

Ick. Give me moderation any day over that crap.

juju 02-23-2004 12:51 PM

I guess I'm leaving, too.

Whit 02-23-2004 12:58 PM

      Um, Ep? This place has been around for a while without this kind of enforcement. One of the best things was that we didn't need it. We're intelligent adults. Most of us are above that kind of crap. That hasn't changed, much. Yeah, we've had some stupid things go on of late but we don't need to be told what to say. My point is that while I appreciate you backing UT, I don't think your argument holds water. We don't need big brother holding our hands.
      This said I'm refraining from making a final decision till I see how this plays out. Again, I think UT's done enough in the past to deserve a little leeway.

SteveDallas 02-23-2004 01:04 PM

Thanks, Tony.

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