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Brett's Honey 10-25-2005 11:17 PM

Desperately Need PETA'S Advice..
It seems to me like PETA thinks they have the answers to not all - but most everything animal -related. So...please tell me the right thing to do!
To make a long story short - I live a ways outside of town, I love cats, we had one male cat when we moved out here - he's a member of the family. Then we took in my ex-husband's kitten when he had to move suddenly, so for the last year we've had two tom cats that we're very close to. Those two cats soon multiplied to 11 cats! (Females came around, reproduced, and various kittens and bigger cats too started appearing every couple of weeks. Yes, I've now had my two males neutered, but that isn't solving the problem. I was up to 11 cats, gave away 4, already we're back up to 8 cats. I just cannot have 20-30 cats!! The humane society says they're limit is 30, and they currently have 60, so they will not accept any more.
WHAT DO I DO??!! For the first time in my life, I now see why people in the country shoot cats. I have FIVE females hanging around outside now that will be re-producing! Do the math............
So.....Just what is the "PETA-THING" to do? I need the answer! Soon, And thank you. I appreciate the advice very very much. I'm feeling more and more over-whelmed every day.

Brett's Honey 10-25-2005 11:21 PM

And.....yes, I have paid to have two ads put into the paper giving away cats, and put up posters wherever I have been able to.

Elspode 10-25-2005 11:36 PM

I believe that the PETA thing to do is to allow the cats to live a meaningful, fulfilling cat existence, unfettered by the artificial constraints of human ownership or so-called "domestication".

I'm sorry that I don't have a serious answer to this problem, BH.

marichiko 10-25-2005 11:46 PM

Spay clinic. I'm not PETA, but that's my advice as a cat lover. Most communities have low cost spay and neuter clinics. Let your fingers do the walking. When new feline members show up to join the herd, have the phone number of the local animal rescue group handy. Practically every community of any size now has animal rescue groups where volunteers will foster strays until a home can be found for them. You have to drive into the nearest town for groceries at least now and then. Get a crate, round up the cats and avail yourself of the town's animal services.

Tonchi 10-26-2005 12:06 AM

Geez, don't call PETA, they are a bunch of nuts! So long as you aren't making coats out of the cats, they have no interest in getting involved.

The shelters now recommend that if you are an animal lover who is concerned about the feral cats in your neighborhood, the solution is to trap them and have them spayed or neutered. Then release them back where you found them. This actually DECREASES further breeding in a very large area. Many shelters will do this for a low cost if you tell them the purpose, or veterinary schools will do it for free. See, if all you do is keep removing cats from their viable range, more breeding will take place until the space is "saturated" again. So long as a colony of cats which can't reproduce are in possession of the territory, nature takes over and breeding females will not move in. Or if one shows up, she is unlikely to find a mate before you catch her and get her spayed.

San Francisco has found this to be an excellent solution to all the feral cats in the parks there. I also saw a program on Animal Planet about this becoming the new policy in many urban areas as the word spreads. The only problem is the lowlife people dumping cats in your neighborhood, in that case you might have to take other measures. If you have really severe weather, the cats will have to fend for themselves, but cats who can't find food won't breed either. And maybe you don't want to feed 20 cats, neutered or not, so you will have to force yourself to ignore all the pleading. I suggest that you Google or Clusty "feral cats" or similar topics and there might be some very good specific suggestions online. Good luck!

wolf 10-26-2005 12:19 AM

I think that the most recent news stories on PETA have indicated that their solution is to take charge of the animals stating they will house and feed them, and then kill them all and put them in a dumpster in a shopping center.

Elspode 10-26-2005 11:20 AM

As long as they use the money they saved to fund putting more nude or nearly nude attractive young women on public street corners carrying signs protesting against fur.

darclauz 10-26-2005 03:00 PM

MY brother lives in Norfolk, VA where PETA is. Periodically, they get to him, and he calls them on the phone at night and reads Leviticus to them (thou shalt eat... ). FM99 hosts a fishing tournament outside the water by their building every year...the annual PETA fishing tourney.

mrnoodle 10-26-2005 03:09 PM

Unless you want to catch a disease of some kind, you have to get rid of some. If you don't have the nerve, ask a farmer neighbor to do it for you. It's ugly business, but you are going to have a major health hazard on your hands in a few months.

Domestic cats have no place in the natural world. Humans created them, so we have to be the population control, as well. Before you take the last-resort option of killing them, however, you might find out if there's some kind of national cat rescue organization that's willing to come get them.

At some point, cats are going to have to die, though.

marichiko 10-26-2005 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by mrnoodle

Domestic cats have no place in the natural world. Humans created them, so we have to be the population control, as well. Before you take the last-resort option of killing them, however, you might find out if there's some kind of national cat rescue organization that's willing to come get them.

At some point, cats are going to have to die, though.

Actually small cats do quite nicely in the natural world - back in the mid-East where they originally evolved to live. Even in other parts of the world, feral cats get by just like any other wild animal would. They do upset the natural balance when allowed to go wild in North America or Europe, though. Cats have had a very negative impact on the native bird populations in both these places, and farmers consider them a nuisance because they'll go after poultry.

The spay clinic and the animal rescue people will help to avoid the need of bringing in someone with a gun.

Beestie 10-26-2005 09:16 PM

Only as a last resort, of course....

lumberjim 10-26-2005 09:19 PM

a few drunken ideas for your reading pleasure:

1. set a coyote loose in your yard.

2. buy a flute, and march them out of the country like st patrick

3. nuke 'em

4. just kill one cat, but do it so brutally that all of the other cats will flee in terror. make sure you display the evidence of it's demise for future cats to see.

5. move and never return.

6. call the spca

Beestie 10-26-2005 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim
... 3. nuke 'em...

The only problem with that is having to clean the microwave after each one.

darclauz 10-26-2005 09:31 PM

you can do 'em two or three at a time -- it's not like they have to be comfortable in there.

feesh13 10-26-2005 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
As long as they use the money they saved to fund putting more nude or nearly nude attractive young women on public street corners carrying signs protesting against fur.

No, no they still do that least here. We recently had on that chained herself to a pole on the corner in protest of the Barnum & Bailey Circus coming to town. She wasn't nude though, just topless with "lash marks" marks on her back and had her arm covering up her boobs as not to get arrested for indecent exposure. Imo though thats the half-assed way of doing it. If you believe in something you should go all the way.

As for the cats, try contacting pet overpopulation and see if they can help. They sent us a discounted thing to get our dogs nuetered.

Brett's Honey 10-27-2005 12:08 AM

The local Humane Society has a capacity of only 30 cats and they currently have 60, so they aren't accepting them at this time. I would have to get a hell of a good discount to keep paying for all of these critters spaying and neutering. And the first problem with getting three (beautiful calico) females living outside spayed would be to catch them! They're wild. The same goes for a couple of the males that are hanging around.
I'm much too young to be an old "cat lady!"

Tonchi 10-27-2005 12:25 AM

If you got close enough to know they are females, you got close enough to catch them ;) A food trap would be the best way, and if you call an exterminator they will tell you which works best. The ones we got were Havahart, something like that. It was for squirrels, but we kept catching the neighborhood cats instead.

wolf 10-27-2005 01:00 AM

If you stop taking them into the house natural attrition will take care of some of them.

There's always this solution.

An Israeli friend tells me that cats are considered vermin rather than pets over there.

So much for the Middle East thing.

Tonchi 10-27-2005 01:20 AM

And in Rome, they are considered a national treasure, so go figure. Rome is covered with pigeons and feral cats, and for centuries the people have fed them proudly.

Iggy 10-27-2005 01:38 AM

Masturbate :lol:

But seriously, there isn't a lot you can do. In one of the old neighborhoods I lived in people would dump their cats all the time and it seemed like it never went away. If you could go to a veterinary school and they would fix (spay/neuter) for free, that would help. If you can catch them at least. Good luck!

wolf 10-27-2005 01:39 AM

Do the feral cats eat the pigeons?

Might be a win-win.

Tonight I watched a feral cat in the now-harvested cornfield across from the front porch at work. He diligently sidled his way through the stubble of stalks, testing the wind, advancing on his prey ... you could actually see the thoughts going through his little kitty mind as he thought the better of going after a Canada Goose.

Iggy 10-27-2005 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Beestie
The only problem with that is having to clean the microwave after each one.

:lol2: :rotflol: :vomitblu: :lol2: :rotflol:

I laughed so hard... but it was sick at the same time... I don't know what to think!!! :lol:

wolf 10-27-2005 01:43 AM

It just means that you have the same kind of hard time fitting into "polite company" that the rest of us do.

Iggy 10-27-2005 01:44 AM

Good thing to know about myself I guess... :cool:

Brett's Honey 10-27-2005 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Tonchi
If you got close enough to know they are females, you got close enough to catch them

I haven't gotten that close, but all calicos are females.

Tonchi 10-27-2005 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Do the feral cats eat the pigeons?

Might be a win-win.

I dunno, maybe it's a food chain - the Romans feed the cats and then they BOTH eat the pigeons. but only while the tourists aren't watching :yum:

Iggy 10-27-2005 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Brett's Honey
I haven't gotten that close, but all calicos are females.

Just curious... how does everyone know that? I have only heard this once before. I guess I am really sheltered. :blush: The cellar dwellars will keep me informed (I hope at least). :worried:

I have also heard something about the male cats having barbs on their penii... is this true, or was someone bullshitting me?

Brett's Honey 10-27-2005 02:02 AM

Having been a cat lover forever, I've always heard that too. I've been around many, many cats and have never found a male calico. In grade school, a friend's grandpa offered us $100.00 each if we could find him one. That was a lot of $$ to us back then! We had kept asking "why" and "how do you know there are no male calicos?" and I guess he got tired of trying to explain!
These are beautiful calicos - maybe if I offered them to somebody to make beautiful unique mittens, PETA would come calling!!

Brett's Honey 10-27-2005 02:03 AM many cats as I've been around, I've never check a single penii for any barbs!! Sorry...

xoxoxoBruce 10-27-2005 02:16 AM

Give them away as prizes at the race track. ;)

Brett's Honey 10-27-2005 02:27 AM

Heyyy!! Why didn't I think of that?! Thanks! (But other people may not be thanking you!)

marichiko 10-27-2005 02:35 AM

Coat color on cats is sex linked. Sexy cats have... No, never mind. The coat color gene is carried on the X chromosome. For anyone whose parents didn't let them take biology in high school, females are XX, males XY. Calico cats get their coat color when they have two X genes carrying the orange coat color chromosome. Shouldn't they be orange then? Nope, because in the case of two O for orange genes, something called mosaic inheritance comes into play - the fur will be orange, white, and shades in between, giving the classic calico coat. Since a male can only one X and, therefore one O gene, a male cat will never display the mosaic calico pattern EXCEPT if he is a highly unusual XXY male which can occur but the odds are something like 1 in a thousand.

By the way, Wolf, just because your Israeli friend considers cats vermin doesn't mean that cats did not originate in the Middle East. The cats probably consider her and the other humans there illegal immigrants from Africa and, thus, vermin, as well.

I'm not fond of pack rats. Doesn't mean that they didn't evolve in the Southwest.

End of science lesson. Quiz on Friday. ;)

Tonchi 10-27-2005 03:03 AM

YES to the barbs on the penis. The female is yelling for a very good reason. (Well, she's liking it too) But don't assume they are like fishhooks, ask your vet for a picture ;)

As for all calico cats being female, it depends on what you mean by CALICO :lol2:

Trilby 10-27-2005 08:02 AM

Only 3% of calico's are male. The males (Toms) have barbs on their penii to stimulate the female (Queens) to ovulate at the exact time of ejaculation thus ensuring a kitten will indeed result. A Queen will conceive with every single act of copulation! That is why one Momma cat will have such a variety of kittens. Pure black, calico, white, orange, tabby's.....on and on. Every Tom she takes on will score a kitten!

glatt 10-27-2005 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Tonchi
YES to the barbs on the penis. The female is yelling for a very good reason. (Well, she's liking it too) But don't assume they are like fishhooks, ask your vet for a picture ;

Or ask Google image search:
Cat Penis picture

Iggy 10-27-2005 10:18 AM

See, I knew you people would have all the answers! ;)

wolf 10-27-2005 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by marichiko

By the way, Wolf, just because your Israeli friend considers cats vermin doesn't mean that cats did not originate in the Middle East. The cats probably consider her and the other humans there illegal immigrants from Africa and, thus, vermin, as well.

I didn't say cats didn't originate in the middle east.

I said the middle east doesn't think much of them today.

Happy Monkey 10-27-2005 11:41 AM

What did you mean by this, then?


Originally Posted by wolf
So much for the Middle East thing.

If they are thought of as vermin, then I'd think that they are doing quite well in the wild.

darclauz 10-27-2005 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
Or ask Google image search:
Cat Penis picture

i clicked on this and then i thought...AUGH! what the hell are you doing????????????? :worried:

it's time to update my resume. when you're following cat penis spine links instead of giving it up and getting back to work, it's time to look for a more challenging jobs.

it's these blinding flashes of the obvious that really muck up my day.

glatt 10-27-2005 02:47 PM

I always wondered about the cat penis thing myself. It seems to me that it would be a very bad idea to have spines in such a location. But there are, so it must actually be a good idea. There certainly are a lot of cats around.

Anyway, I wondered about it the few times I heard about it in the past, but never found myself sitting in front of Google when it came up. This time I was.

I honestly think you are a better person for having clicked on that link. You had a quest for knowledge. You learned something. And you were able to save time gaining that knowledge because someone else posted the link for you.

Sure, on the surface, clicking links to pictures of cat penises sounds bad. But it's really not. You are a student of life, trying to learn as much about the world around you that you can. You should embrace a job that lets you do that. Slacker.

Trilby 10-27-2005 03:28 PM

why doesn't anyone believe me about cat penii?

Iggy 10-27-2005 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
why doesn't anyone believe me about cat penii?

Well, I didn't believe the person that orginally told me either so don't feel bad. It is just hard to believe that there would be barbs on any creature's penii, I mean, isn't copulation supposed to be fun? :doit: :doit:

Happy Monkey 10-27-2005 06:00 PM

Barbed for her pleasure.

BigV 10-27-2005 06:01 PM

no... copulation is 'posed to make babies. "fun" is just the bait on the hook so to speak. and the barbs help seal the deal.

I have often wondered about what it's supposed to be and what the motivations for it are.

Elspode 10-27-2005 06:03 PM

I'm frankly surprised that some adult toy company hasn't come up with a version of this for extreme bondage play.

Iggy 10-27-2005 06:04 PM

well, now that I see the barbs, it doesn't look so bad. If the cats enjoy it more power to them!! When I first heard it though it sounded like it would hurt the kitties, thus causing them to not copulate anymore... Maybe that was just me. :o

Iggy 10-27-2005 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
I'm frankly surprised that some adult toy company hasn't come up with a version of this for extreme bondage play.

But I thought they had... Studded condoms and vibrators and the like... ;) Or were you talking about something I didn't pick up on? :blush:

lumberjim 10-27-2005 06:15 PM

i don't know about you guys, but when i picture 'the act' with the barbs, my nuts keep trying to retreat into my body cavity.

Dagney 10-27-2005 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
I'm frankly surprised that some adult toy company hasn't come up with a version of this for extreme bondage play.

You just haven't looked in the right places *G*

Radar 10-27-2005 09:59 PM

Speaking of PETA, here's something I found extremely funny and fits in well right before Halloween.

feesh13 10-27-2005 11:24 PM

Well the barbs would explain all of the yowling my cat did when she got knocked up.

She's spayed now but when she was in heat it was hilarious.

wolf 10-28-2005 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Radar
Speaking of PETA, here's something I found extremely funny and fits in well right before Halloween.

I click the link and I get a somewhat amusing blog called "what would tyler durden do?" ... but no video.

OnyxCougar 10-28-2005 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
I click the link and I get a somewhat amusing blog called "what would tyler durden do?" ... but no video.

A few minutes of reading that site yeilds links to T and A of Monica Belucci, who played Mary in Passion of the Christ.

BigV 10-28-2005 10:32 AM

And Persephone, in a very shrink to fit dress in one of those ridiculous Matrix movies.

Radar 10-28-2005 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
I click the link and I get a somewhat amusing blog called "what would tyler durden do?" ... but no video.

Try right-clicking on the link and save the file. It's an effeminate PETA advocate who gets hired as a temp to do inventory on a fake lab that had been evicted. He sees animals in the lab and asks if they did animal testing and he's told yes, they did do animal testing and tried to mis human and animal DNA. He picks up a rag to find a fetus in a jar, and he starts to panic. Then he opens a cabinet where they have setup a midget with a sort of rat/human monster costume and this guy's reaction is awesome!

xoxoxoBruce 10-28-2005 11:12 AM

Yes, that works!
Wow...that's funny. :lol2: :thumb:

Radar 10-28-2005 03:13 PM

The first time I saw it, I was laughing so hard I was crying. I couldn't breathe. My friends at work were telling me, "Don't look at it again, we're going to have to call an ambulance!"

glatt 10-28-2005 03:43 PM

It was pretty good. I liked mutant rat boy. I'd also be startled if I saw him hiding in that cabinet. But not as much as this guy was fraeking out.

Brett's Honey 10-28-2005 10:58 PM

Spending time down here in the cellar will assure that you will aquire a well rounded education! And thanks mari - FINALLY I have some specifics to tell people who argue about male calicos or just look at you like you're delusional.

And all these years around literally hundredsof cats, and I never even heard of the spikey penii! (A rougher version of the "ribbed for her pleasure items?" When mating, cats do howl and carry on quite a lot.)

Tonchi 10-29-2005 01:19 AM

Dogs are just the opposite, it's the FEMALE who controls the coitus. Once the male gets mounted, the female clamps down like a vise and he could not withdraw even if he tried. This causes some very awkward moments during the next few hours if she doesn't let go. With all these "built-in" features to ensure pregnancy, it's no wonder this country is over run with dogs and cats.

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