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april 11-18-2003 09:00 AM

Can we start over... again?
Can we start over?
Untertoad please don't do the same thing again.
I'll not post as much.
I'm sorry.
I'll stay low and out of everyones way.

elSicomoro 11-18-2003 09:06 AM

Jesus Christ...fucking block her completely.

Undertoad 11-18-2003 09:10 AM

No Syc... April all we ask is that you take it seriously and not use it as your personal attention-seeking playground/sandbox. If you GET IT you can stay. If not you have to go. Simple as that.

dave 11-18-2003 09:14 AM

I agree.

April, the Cellar is a community. To be taken seriously, you have to take it seriously. Afford it the same respect you seek and you'll do fine here.

Do you have something to add? Cool. Post it if you think other people will be interested in it. Try writing something up - don't just post little "Me too!" or "Yeah!" posts.

Why don't you start by telling us about who you really are. Don't make anything up.

What you get back from the community is what you give. If you make an effort and are good to the community, the community will be good to you.

elSicomoro 11-18-2003 09:30 AM

While I respect the fact that it's your decision to make UT, I strongly disagree with letting her stay. I think the Dwellars were more than accomodating to begin with, not to mention she's hidden under one (maybe two) id's already.

And while people certainly have the ability to change, at least several folks that are assholes and/or started as assholes here brought some substance. And if we're one of the only boards these folks can access at school, I'd hate to see what else could be brought in.

My $0.02...

Undertoad 11-18-2003 09:39 AM

Well if they get out of hand again it will be an easy problem to fix.

Beestie 11-18-2003 09:52 AM

Just please - no more F YOU tirades. That was beyond uncalled for.

Welcome back but heed dave's words.

And I don't think the point is to "...stay low and out of everyone's way" - I believe its to figure out how to find a way to fit in and contribute which will surely involve screwing up once or twice (as I can attest). But as long as they are good efforts, folks here seem pretty tolerant.

Find your niche but dont' force it and don't be so easily offended or challenged. And, if I may suggest, don't post pissed. Calm down first.

These are my observations but I haven't been here that long myself so I could be wrong.

april 11-18-2003 10:23 AM

No more F you posts I promise.

I'm April, I'm 17 and a senior in high school. I have a 9 1/2 month old little girl. I'm not really lonely in high school. I have a lot of friends. I was just trying to start an interesting conversation. Thats me. Anything else you want to know?

SteveDallas 11-18-2003 10:26 AM

other advice: read some threads.

If you have something to say, chip it in. But if you spend more time reading than posting, you'll get more out of the experience.

dave 11-18-2003 10:34 AM

Who's the father? Is he helping out?

lumberjim 11-18-2003 10:39 AM

yeah, let her stay, as long as she promises to say something really really stupid at least once a day. I like it when dave reams her out. and change her handle to "fluffer"

that was only my $.01 I'm cheap!

Beestie 11-18-2003 10:41 AM

Originally posted by April

I was just trying to start an interesting conversation.
Well, you are certainly in the right place for that!:)

First of all, GRADUATE! My hat is off to you for staying in school! :beer: (That's root beer for you, dammit :)

Secondly, do you have help caring for your baby? Is it a boy or girl, are your parent(s) helpful? Is daddy "in the picture."

One thing I am somewhat interested in is what they are telling high school kids these days. About sex, about politics, about social responsibility (in general), about everything that's not strictly "knowledge."

Are a lot of your friends going to college? Are you?

I do wonder where the class of 2004 will be coming from as I don't know anyone in that age group and suspect I am slightly out of touch in that regard.

wolf 11-18-2003 12:58 PM

Although I understand and respect your decision, UT ... I'm with syc on this one.

She had her chance. Folks here (myself included) made it very clear what the 'pool rules,' such as they are, were.

She didn't get it then, I doubt very much that she'll get it now.

wolf 11-18-2003 01:00 PM

And another thing ... This is an adult board, with adult content that April is accessing from her school ... what, if any, are the legal implications of this ... does any liability attach to you as the 'content provider'?

Undertoad 11-18-2003 01:18 PM

I think the full responsibility lies with the filter provider.

SteveDallas 11-18-2003 01:19 PM

I Am Not A Lawyer, but IMO the relatively small proportion of indecent material that appears here, and the noncommercial nature of the enterprise, makes it highly unlikely anybody would bother to prosecute.

april 11-18-2003 01:43 PM

My mom takes care of my baby. Me and my b/f have been together for over 3 years and he lives with us.

Anything else. Yes I'm going to college and becoming a Graphic Designer.

juju 11-18-2003 01:45 PM

Were you using any "protection" when you got pregnant?

april 11-18-2003 01:47 PM

No I never do.

wolf 11-18-2003 01:48 PM

That is foolish on more than one level.

juju 11-18-2003 01:49 PM

So you still don't use protection?

april 11-18-2003 01:50 PM

I just have birth control, patch and pill.

juju 11-18-2003 01:54 PM


Originally posted by april
I just have birth control, patch and pill.
Are those three separate things?

april 11-18-2003 02:00 PM


juju 11-18-2003 02:05 PM

This is like talking to Billy.

Dagney 11-18-2003 02:06 PM

Nah, Billy makes more sense.

Tries to use better grammar as well.

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:06 PM

So...whats wrong with using "real" protection, the one with 99.9% rate of prevention...

april 11-18-2003 02:08 PM

Do you mean condoms? If so he won't by them and I don't have the $$. Hey give me some credit I ahven't had sex in over 3 months.

juju 11-18-2003 02:09 PM

How old were you when you first had sex?

april 11-18-2003 02:10 PM

I don't really like this question b/c its embarrassing....12.

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:12 PM


Originally posted by april
Do you mean condoms? If so he won't by them and I don't have the $$. Hey give me some credit I ahven't had sex in over 3 months.
Is it soooo hard to say "No!"

12??? WTF?!'re nuts. Where did you leave your straight jacket?

juju 11-18-2003 02:13 PM

Were you ever sexually abused as a child? And, I'm just curious... how old was the guy you first had sex with?

juju 11-18-2003 02:14 PM

Oh, I thought of another question. What are your parents like?

april 11-18-2003 02:15 PM

It was new years eve. He was drunk. I was young, stupid and curious, at first I said no, but he kept on. No I wasn't abused as a childd. Beleive me I regret it, alot. He was 19.

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:17 PM

You know...frankly I'm almost certain that you're a troll and that you're just making all this shit up.

Post a picture of yourself and your daugher holding up a sign saying : "I don't use condoms!" and I'll believe you.

That or of your "bf" holding up a sign: "I raped a 12 year old"

elSicomoro 11-18-2003 02:18 PM

A real man would care about you not getting HIV or pregnant, and would haul his happy ass to the free clinic (every city or county should have one, especially a city as large as Houston) to get condoms on the cheap or free. And if he doesn't wear one, don't give him any poontang.

Goddamnit, that kind of shit pisses me off to no end. "It doesn't feel right," "I'm clean," etc. Put a fucking rubber on that dick! Unless he's allergic to latex (which I doubt in this case).

For that matter, women should be on the protection tip at all times too.

FNF, tell me you're not referring to abstinence...

elSicomoro 11-18-2003 02:19 PM


Originally posted by april
It was new years eve. He was drunk. I was young, stupid and curious, at first I said no, but he kept on. No I wasn't abused as a childd. Beleive me I regret it, alot. He was 19.
That's called a felony in most states.

dave 11-18-2003 02:19 PM

Eh, it's believable enough. I've known girls in similar situations (including one that lost it at 11).

Try to do the right thing, April, and most of the time it'll end up okay.

april 11-18-2003 02:20 PM

I see what your saying. Yeah it is my fault. FNF yeah you have your opinion just calm down. I don't have a scanner but, I'll find a way.

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:22 PM

Your first mistake was not dragging that 19 year old asshole of to court on Jan 1st. It'd be a great start for a new year.

What has his new year resolution? " I will no longer rape little girls." ?

april 11-18-2003 02:24 PM

I wouldn't consider it rape. I didn't stop him like I should have.

Dagney 11-18-2003 02:26 PM

If you didn't want it, and he didn't stop it....

by definition, that's rape.

Pure and simple.

april 11-18-2003 02:27 PM

Well I figure if I didn't stop it its not rape. But whatever.

dave 11-18-2003 02:32 PM

Rape isn't one of those things a lot of people feel comfortable with reporting right away. It was a mistake perhaps, but she's dealing with it. Whatever.

I know you don't care, FileNotFound, but one thing you might consider is this: When you asked for help regarding your elbow, people were helpful and informative. Perhaps you might use your helpful and informative comments on people that need them (like April) and save your invective and sarcasm for those that are less impressionable and couldn't give a shit about your opinion (like me).

In other words, if you don't have something nice to say, maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.

tonksy 11-18-2003 02:33 PM

if you said no it is rape....unless you said no while flinging off your clothes....

april 11-18-2003 02:33 PM

Thanks Dave. Hes an ass.

perth 11-18-2003 02:34 PM


Originally posted by dave
In other words, if you don't have something nice to say, maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.
I think a better rephrasing might have been:

"If you don't have something nice to say, say something nasty to Dave."

Edit: now that I think about it, that might make a good Cellar tagline

Beestie 11-18-2003 02:36 PM

Its statutory rape - consent is irrelevant.

But he's making good and being daddy so maybe that's not important right now.

What's important, imho, is the child and having a healthy household which is better if daddy isn't incarcerated.

WHatever happened, it sounds to me like things are on a good track.

Keep up the healthy attitue April - that'll get you very far in this world.

Undertoad 11-18-2003 02:38 PM

If you are legit,

Sometimes you think you're a "bad person" because you've done something bad or stupid. But that's not true; everybody makes mistakes.

If you look back and think about things, and realize what was a bad idea and what a good idea, then you improve as a person. Then you have an advantage over people who never made any mistakes, like FNF.

Beestie 11-18-2003 02:45 PM


Then you have an advantage over people who never made any mistakes, like FNF.

...I flew of the left side of my bike, landed on my side and tumbled. (No before anyone asks, I was wearing NO saftey equipment... I've fallen off my bike countless times...

dave 11-18-2003 02:48 PM

I don't think she's said that it was the same guy at 12 that is the dad.

April, is the same guy the dad?

Try not to look at him as an ass. It doesn't really help. It's not a positive feeling. He has a different opinion, and he's not being particularly helpful or productive. That's okay - people will do that. It's just maybe not exactly what the conversation needs right now. You've said that you regret it and you know it was wrong; that's all you really need to say. If you can recognize your mistakes, then you have an advantage over the people that can't (which is most, believe it or not).

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:51 PM

dave, your advice is appreciated and ignored.

What is April asking here for? Friends? Well I'm sorry dave, I won't be her friend because she's not my kind of person.

Compassion? Not out of me. Why should I feel sorry for someone else's fuckups? Thats what they are. Everything that happened to her has been her decision or a result of her accepting her position.

Advice? On what? Stay in school, use a god damn condom, next time and every damn time(I'll appreciate it).

I mean come on. Yeah I knew a girl who got raped also, guess what she did that same day? She went to the station to report it and draft a scetch of the sob while it was fresh in her mind and get a DNA sample and got a pregnancy check several days after. Emberassing? No dobut. Responsible thing to do? Yes.

Come on dave, what has this poor april suffered that she deserves my respect and support? Her own stupidity and irresponsibility?

Dagney 11-18-2003 02:53 PM


Originally posted by april
Well I figure if I didn't stop it its not rape. But whatever.
No, there's no 'whatever' about it.

I didn't stop it when it happened to me, because I _COULD_ not stop it.

I definitely didn't want it.

Even if you didn't stop it, or want to stop it, or did whatever you felt necessary to seduce him into taking him to bed with you, he was of the age of majority, you were of the age of minority, which by definition of the law of most states, was rape.

Look at it this way - your 12 year old daughter is lured into bed by a 19 year old looking for a quick roll in the hay with no commitments.

Would YOU be upset?

Or perhaps I shouldn't ask that question, I think I already know the answer.

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 02:55 PM


I'd think the fact that I pointed it out shows that I know it to be a 'mistake'. More of a risk. I have the saftey equipment, I wear it when I'm seriously mountain biking in places where there are lots of trees and jagged rocks and steep hills. I do not wear it when I'm going to the park with my friends for a relaxing ride...

I did point this out in the thread. But thats for misquoting me. Jerk.

dave 11-18-2003 02:57 PM


Originally posted by FileNotFound
dave, your advice is appreciated and ignored.

What is April asking here for? Friends? Well I'm sorry dave, I won't be her friend because she's not my kind of person.

Compassion? Not out of me. Why should I feel sorry for someone else's fuckups? Thats what they are. Everything that happened to her has been her decision or a result of her accepting her position.

Advice? On what? Stay in school, use a god damn condom, next time and every damn time(I'll appreciate it).

I mean come on. Yeah I knew a girl who got raped also, guess what she did that same day? She went to the station to report it and draft a scetch of the sob while it was fresh in her mind and get a DNA sample and got a pregnancy check several days after. Emberassing? No dobut. Responsible thing to do? Yes.

Come on dave, what has this poor april suffered that she deserves my respect and support? Her own stupidity and irresponsibility?
Apparently you had trouble reading my post. I didn't ask you to care; I asked you to shut the fuck up.

I hope this clarifies any misunderstandings.

dave 11-18-2003 02:59 PM

Dagney -

Different people deal with sexual assault in different ways. Who are you to judge?

She'll deal with it how she'll deal with it. Whatever works best for her.

Beestie 11-18-2003 03:01 PM

Originally posted by fileNotFound

I did point this out in the thread. But thats for misquoting me. Jerk.
C'mon - I was just ribbing you! :)

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 03:02 PM


Originally posted by dave
Dagney -

Different people deal with sexual assault in different ways. Who are you to judge?

She'll deal with it how she'll deal with it. Whatever works best for her.

Ignoring it isn't "dealing" with it. It's "ignoring it".

FileNotFound 11-18-2003 03:02 PM


Originally posted by Beestie
Originally posted by fileNotFound

C'mon - I was just ribbing you! :)

Sigh..sorry. I'm in a pissy mood this's been a bit of a mess.

Dagney 11-18-2003 03:10 PM


Originally posted by dave
Dagney -

Different people deal with sexual assault in different ways. Who are you to judge?

She'll deal with it how she'll deal with it. Whatever works best for her.

Understood and I agree with you completely. However, shrugging things off with a 'whatever' - especially in relation to this particular topic is somewhat of a hot button to me.

I dealt with it the way I had to, and part of that is to try and educate people on what it really is.

No means no - no matter who says it.

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