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Razorfish 10-21-2003 10:48 PM

Kill Bill
Anyone see it? I'm a big Quentin Tarintino fan and thought it was great (albeit it was extremely violent). Also like many Tarantino flicks, it had a great soundtrack. Any thoughts? Opinions? flames?

dave 10-22-2003 12:38 AM

It ruled. Saw it three times. Probably going to go see it again. Have got "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" (the song that starts playing when O-Ren slips off her shoes) permanently stuck in my head. Good lord.

Tobiasly 10-22-2003 12:24 PM

As I implied in the "soundtrack" thread, you all suck very much.

In other news, I just found out my deployment is being extended until February. So I get to miss not only Christmas, but also all the movies released over the holidays.

Man, I would really like to see this movie.

dave 10-22-2003 12:36 PM

And as I said in the soundtrack thread, I got ya covered. :)

(If I can send you shit, maybe I can finagle a bootleg SVCD and send it to you? Just an idea.)

vsp 10-22-2003 01:20 PM

I walked out of Kill Bill, turned to my wife and friend, and said "That movie kicked somewhere between nine and thirteen kinds of ass. Could be 11... could be 12... I'm not sure yet."

My only regret was that as cool as it was to have the 5,6,7,8s playing at the club, getting the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra instead would've been PERFECT.

mwbEEf 10-22-2003 01:21 PM

woo woo woo woo woo

dave 10-22-2003 01:25 PM

It's funny you interpret it that way, Matt, because I interpret it the correct way, which is:

"Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo!"

vsp: I think it's nearer to 13.

dave 10-22-2003 01:36 PM

I saw Tarantino's movies in this order: Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill.

I loved Pulp Fiction, loved Reservoir Dogs, and thought "What the fuck happened with Jackie Brown?" (I might need to see it again - I only saw it about 1.5 times.)

So, when I heard about Kill Bill a year or so ago, I thought "Wow, that's a dumb fucking name for a movie." And since it seemed as though he peaked with Pulp Fiction, I figured that it was going to suck eggs. Tarantino, I thought, was a two-hit wonder.

Then I started seeing commercials for it, and I was like "that looks like it might be pretty okay." I just felt kind of compelled to see it, half expecting it to be crap.

I was <b>wrong</b>. Dead wrong. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay wrong. It's the best movie I've seen all year. It's right up there with Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, and has me thinking that maybe I was wrong about Jackie Brown and need to watch it again. Kill Bill is awesome. I will buy the DVD. I will buy it twice, just to help boost sales and encourage movie studios to take risks on movies like this. Wow.

Tarantino has me believing again.

mwbEEf 10-22-2003 02:13 PM


It's funny you interpret it that way, Matt, because I interpret it the correct way, which is:

"Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo!"
Giles stole my "h" key, I had to use what was available.

dave 10-22-2003 02:14 PM

I sure do wish Giles would die.

Griff 10-22-2003 02:46 PM

Weird. I've seen a couple commercials for it since I'm watching baseball. I have no desire to see this film.

campingho 10-22-2003 02:52 PM

>dave: I sure do wish Giles would die.

Fine. I will.

all the way to the bank!

hot_pastrami 10-22-2003 04:27 PM

At first I was uninterested in this movie, but peoples' reactions have piqued my curiosity. I'll have to see if I can talk the wife into going to this one.

Of course, of all of Tarantino's films, I have only seen Reservoir Dogs. I enjoyed it, though... and I keep meaning to rent Pulp Fiction. I just don't get to watch many movies these days... that's one of the hazards of being a newlywed with a full-time job who recently moved into a semi-fixer-upper house.

daniwong 10-22-2003 06:28 PM

Ok - we going to see it this weekend. (Don't spoil it peoples) But I have to say, along with scarface & old jakie chan - pulp fiction & resevoir dogs are two of my most favorite movies of all time.

Also on movies and video games - cause they are never far from my heart - Today Tricky 3 came out - got it already. We also go the new Simpsons one. (can't remember the name but it is basically the Simpsons meet vice city.) And then next Tuesday Final Fantasy XI comes out. (I'm taking 1/2 day & Wednesday off work in order to play with out sleep) And then the week after that Matrix Revolutions comes out. I'm gonna be chock full of stuff to do for the next 3 weeks!!!

elSicomoro 10-22-2003 07:55 PM

Rho and I were supposed to go see Kill Bill 2 weeks ago, but didn't. We're now going to go Friday or Saturday.

My favorite Tarantino film is probably Pulp Fiction, though I've liked them all. I know some folks are kind of iffy on Jackie Brown, but I thought that was good--and it had Pam Grier in it! Come on now!

breakingnews 10-22-2003 08:57 PM

I'm supposed to see Lost in Translation or School of Rock tomorrow night - I know I'm way behind the cool train, but I've just been so busy sucking down rum n cokes in Old city bars.

Any comments? Go? No go?

Beestie 10-28-2003 11:48 AM

My name is Beestie and I must be a wimp.

I took my wife to see it based primarily on the rave reviews here. I've seen Tarantino movies before and don't really mind extraordinary violence in movies if its not too personalized -e.g., anonymous people getting their head's blown off is fine.

BUT, I could not get through the first 20 seconds and left to take in a different movie. I probably could have made it through the scene but then I heard the opening line from the guy (who they hadn't shown yet). I feared the worse as far as what he was going to do and decided not to have that imprint.

I kinda wish I could have stuck it out - I probably would have liked the rest of the movie and depending - maybe even the rest of the scene but I wimped out :(

I'll try to do better next time :)

edited to correct minor grammatical error - content unaffected

wolf 10-29-2003 12:47 AM

Did your wife stay through Kill Bill, or did she accompany you to the less intense film?

Beestie 10-29-2003 06:40 AM

Oh no, she bailed also. I guess we're both wimps!

At 14, my father took my to see the Exorcist as soon as it came out and I didn't find it scary or disturbing. Later, in my 20s, I saw the Texas Chainsaw Massacre - scary but no real problems.

After thinking about it for a while, I figured out that its not the violence or the horror but explicit torture scenes that I have trouble with. Especially when the victim is a presumably innocent female. If the scene were, say a military context where a soldier is being tortured to give up secrets (and, therefore is at least partially in control of his fate) then that would be ok - at least there is something to admire - the soldier's dignity and courage. That is still tough, but do-able. Soldier of Orange comes to mind.

Whatever... I'll just wait till the DVD comes out and just skip through what I don't want to watch. I really do want to watch the rest of it.

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