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henry quirk 05-31-2012 08:36 AM

What the fuck is wrong with New York City Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg?

Trilby 05-31-2012 08:50 AM


glatt 05-31-2012 09:18 AM

I'll tell you what's wrong with him. The bozo puts ice cubes in his beer. WTF?

infinite monkey 05-31-2012 09:35 AM

Don't you get you no big old drink at Teh Booger King. Next: you can only order three individual french fries (not packs...fries) and half a Whooper at a time. That'll solve a lot.

Just go inside and get free refills on a small. Like we haven't figured that out already.

Does it apply to diet drinks? "Oh, you're drinking DIET coke? Here, have a keg of it." (cue arguments about how bad diet pop is for I give a fuck and will listen to those who presume to be the deciders of what I put into my body, or take out of it.)


Broad public health initiatives have become a hallmark of Bloomberg's administration. Under Bloomberg, the city has banned trans fats from restaurants, smoking from parks, and has placed graphic ads targeting junk food and tobacco in public transit.


Broad public big brother has to watch because we're so stoooopid acts have become a hallmark of Bloomberg's administration. Under Bloomberg, the city has banned trans fats from restaurants, smoking from parks, and has placed graphic ads targeting junk food and tobacco in public transit.

NEXT UP: New York City Mayor Bloomingidiotberg to issue MREs to all citizens: no other food or drink will be available for purchase.

henry quirk 05-31-2012 09:41 AM

infinite monkey

infinite monkey 05-31-2012 09:48 AM

I know, right? ;)

piercehawkeye45 05-31-2012 10:30 AM

Soda is bad. mmmkay.

infinite monkey 05-31-2012 10:32 AM

Bad? Man, it's worse than bad. It's instant fucking death in a can (or a handy 20 oz bottle.) Bad bad bad. Nuclear attacks got nuttin' on a frothy cold pop.


glatt 05-31-2012 10:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It's ridiculous for the government to be getting involved at this level, but this level is getting pretty ridiculous too.

Attachment 38911

infinite monkey 05-31-2012 11:09 AM

Bobcat Goldthwait, stand up routine, taking yet another can of Tab from his bench: see, I can drink a six pack of these and not say to a cop (spitting liquid and slurring and stumbling and snotting--you know what I'm talkin' 'bout): fuckin' blow me, fuck pig, blah blah blahhh.

Maybe that cup is filled with water and angel juice and health bubbles and love.

Imma rendition my old thought that cops should just gun people down as they leave the bars. Now I also think we should gun down people drinking big gulps. We need tough legislation, them's some crazy wacked out pop drinkin consumers out there.

I mean, fuck crackwhores and cokeheads and the homeless lulling and rolling about the streets, Mayor Bloompurge...we HAVE to get this pop drinkin' in LINE. Then there will be hope for the homeless and the insane and the hardcore drug users. :eyebrow:

tw 05-31-2012 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 813465)

Look how malnourished that girl is. Those toothpick thin arms combined with high corn syrup and zero nutrition soda. A poster child for what threatens NYC.

Within maybe the next decade or generation, NYC can expect about 1 million new diabetics. Over one in eight diabetics. Obesity, malnutrition, and diabetes created by junk foods has become epidemic and unchecked.

When I was growing up, soda was not a whole aisle in the supermarket. Cookies were not another aisle. And potato chips did not have another aisle. We never had such crappy food in the cafeteria. Never had liquid turds called cola. We did not live off of shit that girl has implanted on her lips.

NYC has a looming health epidemic. One third of all kids are now obese. One third of kids are fatter than the fattest kid I went to school with.

That girl is just another example of what happens when eating junk. She already has serious health problems. She looks like a model – a model of sickly malnutrition.

The same myopia also criticized NYC for building massive clean water projects. Meanwhile Philadelphia said that was silly. Philadelphia gets its water from the SureKill River. As a result, NYC with wasteful spending on water, has major growth. Has a population with higher intelligence levels. Philadelphia has no growth because its mayor ignored health issues.

henry quirk 05-31-2012 01:05 PM

"...1 million new diabetics...(o)besity, malnutrition...a looming health epidemic...(o)ne third of all kids are now obese...serious health problems..."

So what?

Not my *problem.

Bloomberg needs to mind his own damned business and keep his hands to himself.

*only becomes my problem when (1) some jackass tries to punish 'all' for the stupidity of 'some', and, (2) when some jackass tries to make me pay for the stupid person's medical care. #1 will see Bloomberg out of office (problem least until the next jackass comes along); #2 is not an issue for me 'cause I didn't pay yesterday, ain't payin' today, won't pay tomorrow.

Now get outta my way: I have 20 cigarettes to smoke and gallons of coffee to drink... :neutral:

classicman 05-31-2012 01:17 PM

Why all the outrage? He was just following Michelle's example.

aside/solving the obesity issue will virtually solve our healthcare cost issues/aside

infinite monkey 05-31-2012 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 813472)
Look how malnourished that girl is. Those toothpick thin arms combined with high corn syrup and zero nutrition soda. A poster child for what threatens NYC.

Within maybe the next decade or generation, NYC can expect about 1 million new diabetics. Over one in eight diabetics. Obesity, malnutrition, and diabetes created by junk foods has become epidemic and unchecked.

When I was growing up, soda was not a whole aisle in the supermarket. Cookies were not another aisle. And potato chips did not have another aisle. We never had such crappy food in the cafeteria. Never had liquid turds called cola. We did not live off of shit that girl has implanted on her lips.

NYC has a looming health epidemic. One third of all kids are now obese. One third of kids are fatter than the fattest kid I went to school with.

That girl is just another example of what happens when eating junk. She already has serious health problems. She looks like a model – a model of sickly malnutrition.

The same myopia also criticized NYC for building massive clean water projects. Meanwhile Philadelphia said that was silly. Philadelphia gets its water from the SureKill River. As a result, NYC with wasteful spending on water, has major growth. Has a population with higher intelligence levels. Philadelphia has no growth because its mayor ignored health issues.

She looks like a model of sickly malnutrition because she pukes up anything she actually does eat. Or maybe (OMG) she's just a naturally thin person. They exist. Especially in one's teens. It's easy to be tiny when you haven't become a woman yet. :lol:

What's in that cup tw? Do you know?

I never thought you as the type to want the govt to legislate every single freaking thing on earth. Soon, we won't be able to leave our houses because everything, EVERYTHING, is dangerous.

Me? I'll die happily with my diet coke, maybe some Miller Lite, a couple Marlboro's and it's my right and it's legal to do so. For the illegal let's throw in some primo California Doc-pot and I've all my bases covered. Yeeee freaking HAAAAAA.

"She died doing what she loved!"

"What? Reading? Sailing? Climbing Everest? Healing the sick?"

"No silly, smokin' and drinkin her face off. Good on her!"

(deep bow left, deep bow right, deep bow center)

So some of you may think me a heathen but why would YOU care, if I'm safe out in public with a big old diet coke, how much of it I consume? Don't worry, your BIG TAX PAYING SELF won't be paying for my ulcer care. My own insurance from my own job will.


I thought so many of you want really tiny government that you can fit on the head of a pin as it passes through the eye of a needle. When? How? What are the exact conditions for when we are BIG and when we are small?

henry quirk 05-31-2012 01:35 PM

"...solving the obesity issue will virtually solve our healthcare cost issues..."
A low-to-no-cost solution already exists: death.


IM: :thumbsup:

Cyber Wolf 05-31-2012 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 813492)
Soon, we won't be able to leave our houses because everything, EVERYTHING, is dangerous.

Can't stay home either, everything dangerous there too.
Mold, mildew, pet dander, pet poo, stairs, area rugs, carpets, tile floors, table edges, table corners, knives, forks, cleaning agents, bathtubs, dust, other people, electricity, water, lead piping, lead paint, asbestos, not enough fresh air, not enough sunshine, not enough exercise, not enough human interaction/socializing... umm... what'd I miss?

infinite monkey 05-31-2012 01:59 PM

omg you're right.

We need some regimen imposed upon us. We'll be like a superior race! We'll all be pretty much the same and RUGGED and HEARTY...can we be brunettes though, please, this time? Hai Hitler! Oh hai! :lol:

classicman 05-31-2012 03:15 PM

We could go stay with Newt at his vacation setup on the Moon.

classicman 05-31-2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 813494)
A low-to-no-cost solution already exists: death.

Getting to the point of death is where the costs are.
It's the diabetes and heart issues and cancers treatments BEFORE they die that are so expensive.

glatt 05-31-2012 03:37 PM

And if you think you aren't paying for them, you are deluding yourself.

infinite monkey 05-31-2012 03:54 PM


Paying much more for myself than many, maybe most, for sure. Paying for others, for sure. Don't mind, for sure. I live in a society, but I don't think that makes me a decider. :lol:

Cyber Wolf is right. Don't get busy livin' get busy dyin'. And fear everything that you think is baaaaaddddd and espouse everything you think is gooooooooooood.

Jesus Henry Christ, we're talking about POP. :lol2:

tw 05-31-2012 06:18 PM

We don't hear regulations imposed on patriotic industries. Because most industries quietly remove dangers before you hear of them. How many products no longer have methyl ethyl ketone? No regulations necessary. The danger removed long ago.

How often do you consume 90 sugar cubes in a sitting – and love it. Clearly everyone does that because they want to. Or maybe because some industries easily manipulate lies and spin so that you did not know it was 90 sugar cubes per cup. If the heavy sugar drink industry was honest, then everyone knew that supersized soda was 90 sugar cubes. Most did not know until reading here because the industry is about spin and lies.

Why did better car manufacturers stop putting emblems on the front hood? They were killing people. Why were regulations not required? Because even GM eventually stopped harming people when other more responsible (patriotic) manufacturers eliminated them.

Why not sell cocaine laced drinks. After all, it is your right to consume what you want. That sugar laced drink is nutritionally equivalent to cocaine. So let's stop banning cocaine from drinks. After all, cocaine creates a similar health problem.

Some industries - including banks and cigarettes - earned the regulations they deserve. In every case, it was about manipulating people even by lying.

Supersize me. It took a glaring movie before MacDonalds suddenly realized they would be heavily regulated if they did not start making changes. Even MacDonalds only posted nutrition information after regulations finally required it. Sometimes regulations are necessary. The more corrupt the industry, then the more regulations it earns.

Your home has few dangers because so many companies addressed their defects rather than earn regulations.

classicman 05-31-2012 11:39 PM


How many products no longer have methyl ethyl ketone? No regulations necessary. The danger removed long ago.
Its available on Ebay

classicman 05-31-2012 11:50 PM


Why did better car manufacturers stop putting emblems on the front hood?
Rolls Royce still manufactures their vehicle with them this year. I would consider them better than a better car manufacturer.
jus sayin.

xoxoxoBruce 06-01-2012 01:46 AM

They all do, they just stopped using hood ornaments for safety.

glatt 06-01-2012 07:30 AM

Safe for whom? Indiana Jones needed that hood ornament to hang onto the truck long enough to get his whip situated.

Sundae 06-01-2012 12:44 PM

I have no issue with a "fat tax" or minimum pricing levels on alcohol.
They'd help me make better choices.

It won't affect citizens who have more self control than me, because they don't make my poor choices, or at least don't make them as often as I do. So the immediate cost to them is negligible, and they benefit from long term savings on healthcare.

Which we need to offset the cost of treating stooopid smokers :p:

Gravdigr 06-01-2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 (Post 813463)
Free will is bad. mmmkay.

Fixed it.

Spexxvet 06-01-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 813491)
Why all the outrage? He was just following Michelle's example.

And Jack LaLanne, Euell Gibbons, and many others.

Gravdigr 06-01-2012 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 813536)
How many products no longer have methyl ethyl ketone? No regulations necessary. The danger removed long ago.


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 813551)

The vacuum harness assemblies for environmental controls on a lot of cars/trucks is manufactured using MEK. I know, I used to make them.

infinite monkey 06-01-2012 01:58 PM

Is that like Trichloroethane? 'Cause I used to practically bathe in that shit.

Cyber Wolf 06-04-2012 03:34 PM

I wonder how places like Starbucks will deal with a ban like this. The ban mentioned 'sugar sweetened' drinks, not specifically 'soda'. Sodas certainly fall under that heading but so does a lot of what places like Starbucks serves, what with the sweet flavorings. Their venti (20 oz) white chocolate hot chocolate has about 100 calories more than an average bottle of 20 oz soda. And even if it is made with more than 51% milk/milk substitute, which would get it an exemption from the ban, it's still 100 calories more than a 20 oz soda.

xoxoxoBruce 06-04-2012 06:08 PM


Beverages are contributing an increased proportion of energy to the diet. Because they elicit a weak compensatory dietary response, they may increase risk of positive energy balance.

TheMercenary 06-05-2012 07:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)

TheMercenary 06-05-2012 07:03 PM

Follows Obama's use of Drones to kill US citizens as a part of his "kill" list.... Hide your Big Gulp's!

Urbane Guerrilla 06-09-2012 08:32 AM

Crossposted from someplace else:

How's this for perfectly legal NYC civil disobedience to the Bloomberg sixteen-ounce mandate?

You BYOB, a two-liter of soda pop, to your favorite fast food joint, and order your sixteen-ounce drink. Then you refill as many times as you like, getting ice from the machine as needed, while otherwise staying seated. Get a lot of friends to do this too, filling the tables and chowing on burgers, their bottles on their tables, and invite the media to get a load of it all -- this liter-in. A bit of prearranging with the restaurant management, including the chain's corporate office, should smooth the way. Somebody in the fast-food world has to be annoyed enough at Bloomberg's NYC City Council to take a step like this.

Ibby 06-09-2012 09:31 AM

As far as I can possibly tell... he only wants RESTAURANTS to stop selling large drinks. it would not be at all illegal to DRINK them, only for them to HAVE cups that size. durr.

Sundae 06-09-2012 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 814550)
Crossposted from someplace else:

How's this for perfectly legal NYC civil disobedience to the Bloomberg sixteen-ounce mandate?

You BYOB, a two-liter of soda pop, to your favorite fast food joint, and order your sixteen-ounce drink. Then you refill as many times as you like, getting ice from the machine as needed, while otherwise staying seated. Get a lot of friends to do this too, filling the tables and chowing on burgers, their bottles on their tables, and invite the media to get a load of it all -- this liter-in. A bit of prearranging with the restaurant management, including the chain's corporate office, should smooth the way. Somebody in the fast-food world has to be annoyed enough at Bloomberg's NYC City Council to take a step like this.

Yeah, cute. But how does that possibly help anyone?
It's like deciding to wear multiple nicotine replacement patches because you can't smoke at work any more. Yeah! Stick it to the man!!

No one needs that amount of sugary drink.
This is about curbing excess in an overfed, overspending, wasteful society.
And I do not just mean America.

When does freedom tip over into irresponsibility?
Not when you are putting your own health at risk I guess.
And yes, I am obese. Better me to say it than be called out on it.

infinite monkey 06-09-2012 10:37 AM

Why can't I have that amount of diet drink?

Where are we drawing this line?

And back in the 60s there were peaceful protests like sit-ins.

Raises awareness.

A liter-in would be fun.

And what's REALLY funny is enforcing it. Let's spend taxpayer dollars making sure private restaurants aren't buying, using, or offering the DREADED BIG CUP. :lol: Raids, swat teams, undercover officers. They ain't playin' around!

I prefer to make my own choices in such matters. Yeah, freedom.

tw 06-09-2012 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 814560)
Why can't I have that amount of diet drink?

Early indications from research suggest that four 12 oz cans of diet soda per day reduces memory. Causes what is similar to a precursor of Alzheimer’s. And typically takes 3 or 4 months to undo the resulting diminished memory.

How to get fat? Drink regular or diet soda. Difference is little. Diet soda only reduces body weight when the reasoning comes from advertising. However diet soda is clearly not as destructive as regular soda.

We are not discussing companies interested in you or your health. They are interested in your money. How much does that sound like the tobacco industry?

What was the new Coke? A shift to corn syrup. Or did they forget to mention what new Coke was really about. Why? Honesty would harm sales?

What is the Appalachian Smile?

How can anyone make an informed decision when spin keeps them misinformed?

Sundae 06-09-2012 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 814560)
Why can't I have that amount of diet drink?
Where are we drawing this line?
I prefer to make my own choices in such matters. Yeah, freedom.

Yebbut you live in a country which decides when and where you can smoke. Because smoking is harmful.
And you live in a country which decides you cannot buy, carry or smoke marijuana. Because that is also harmful. Apparently.

Why can't you make your own choice in those areas?
You are responsible enough.
Turns out when the Dutch were offered that decision on dope.
They really were responsible enough. But they still banned tobacco in Coffeeshops. And are now banning tourists.

Your Govt (AND MINE - I am not targeting America) think we are not responsible in that area. In all honesty, many people are not. And that's the point. In this country it is illegal to sell alcohol to someone obviously inebriated. Of course it happens all the time, but if it is brought up as a mitigating factor in a Court Case the Landlord may lose his licence.

The idea that freedom is the freedom to do what you want is never carried across the board. Not even if it's the freedom to do want you want as long as you don't harm others. People will always abuse that freedom. And some people need (need don't want) some sort of control on what they can do, maybe when, maybe where, maybe how much. I see this is a fact of the human condition, not as repression.

I do think we will have to disagree on this.
I leave room for a rebuttal but I feel we see it differently.

infinite monkey 06-09-2012 10:36 PM

You're the only person I know who lives in Notamerica. You protest too much every time you say it isn't about being a merkin.

classicman 06-09-2012 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 814563)
However diet soda is clearly not as destructive as regular soda.

:eyebrow: Not true.

xoxoxoBruce 06-09-2012 11:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Not much of a rebuttal, classic.

From yesterday's Cape Cod Times.

Sundae 06-10-2012 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 814617)
You're the only person I know who lives in Notamerica. You protest too much every time you say it isn't about being a merkin.

I know there are posters in here who respond aggressively if they perceive an attack on their country. There have been posts on here in the past that suggest America polices the world, supports the world, protects the world and just gets abuse in return.

Maybe I do mention it too much, but it's from an honest POV.
I'm trying not to offend people and also not have the discussion descend into a mistaken assumption that I am simply having a pop at one specific country.

I do not support my current Government coalition. I do not agree with my country's financial or foreign policy. I am certainly not impressed with our current tax laws. So I assume many Americans feel the same about things at home and am probably just over-careful.

I'll drop that line in future ;)

And I promise to only visit the states that still sell soft drinks over 16oz when my boat comes in. 16oz is the equivalent of a British pint btw, so I won't buy them. That will be my civil protest.

Clodfobble 06-10-2012 04:19 PM

I'm sure no one will be surprised, but I'm on your side here, Sundae.


Originally Posted by infinite monkey
Let's spend taxpayer dollars making sure private restaurants aren't buying, using, or offering the DREADED BIG CUP.

As opposed to using taxpayer dollars for the extensively documented and undeniable health problems of those who consume that amount of soda in one sitting.

Libertarian-style freedom like you describe is an all-or-nothing deal. Freedom to eat whatever the hell they want means I have the freedom not to care about their insulin needs, or pay for their diabetes-caused leg amputation, or support them now that they can never work again. There are very, very few scenarios in which one is really "not hurting anyone else" with their behavior.

Sundae 06-10-2012 04:27 PM

Oh Clod. Why do you hate America?

Rhianne 06-10-2012 05:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
From myfoodlooksfunny

classicman 06-10-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 814627)
Not much of a rebuttal, classic.

Let him prove it. I've seen nothing to support his claim. Heck the only cites he ever offers is his own dribble from years ago. Hardly worth reading.

xoxoxoBruce 06-10-2012 09:11 PM

You don't accept drinking diet soda would be better for you than drinking regular soda? I know there have been claims diet soda ain't great, but the advantage of eliminating all that sugar is just common sense.

classicman 06-10-2012 11:17 PM

Are there other chemicals in diet soda that are not present in regular soda?

TheMercenary 06-11-2012 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Rhianne (Post 814691)
From myfoodlooksfunny

That freaking rocks... :lol:

henry quirk 06-11-2012 11:15 AM

“It's the diabetes and heart issues and cancers treatments BEFORE they die that are so expensive.”

Sure. And who should absorb the cost? The diabetic, the heart patient, the cancer patient, that’s who.

Spreading the misery only makes more folks miserable…those with cancer still have it; those with diabetes still have it, and on and on, no matter how many non-sick folks chip in.

No friggin’ guarantees in this (or any other) life…some folks have a fabulous time of it; others suffer for the entirety of it…this is the way it is.

Do what you can to self-preserve, expect nothing from any one.


“…if you think you aren't paying for them, you are deluding yourself.”

Oh, indirectly, by way of artificial links between me and him and her, I’m sure I pay something…but not directly, no. You probably do, being a *law-abider and all…*shrug*


“…he only wants RESTAURANTS to stop selling large drinks…”

Translated: he wants to interfere in the activities of private business owners and the voluntary transactions between those business owners and customers.

**Hoorah for him.


“Freedom to eat whatever the hell they want means I have the freedom not to care about their insulin needs, or pay for their diabetes-caused leg amputation, or support them now that they can never work again.”

Yes! Exactly! Not a complicated notion, is it? If, as a smoker, I contract a cancer, not a one of you is obligated (beyond the copious bleeding of your hearts) to do a damn thing for me. That you all allow yourselves to be hoodwinked into (1) believing you are obligated, and (2) allowing yourselves to be bled for cash in support of that obligation, is an incredible ***stupidity and an evidence of the domestication of the West.

**piss on him
***’homo sapien’ my nicotine-enriched ass

piercehawkeye45 06-11-2012 11:22 AM

Life doesn't work that way...

infinite monkey 06-11-2012 11:29 AM

I get really sick of paying healthcare for the billions of children people feel they aren't complete without popping out, and all their health problems real or imagined.

No, really I don't. As a part of a society I figure it's the cost of admission: sometimes it covers selfish and stupid decisions.

Yeah yeah, you got it bad, here's some more money, hope it's cured, blah blah.

And the bottom line is regulating the size a cup a restaurant can use is so ludicrous I'd think this were an April Fool's joke if it were the right time of year.

I'll be looking forward to the studies showing a smaller 'large' cup size virtually wipes out obesity and all the problems associated with it. Even the smarter than thous must realize how far-fetched that is.

Now go stuff some Cheezy Poofs in your face and leave me alone. YOu can have my diet coke when you pry it from my cold, dead, hands.

piercehawkeye45 06-11-2012 12:49 PM

No one expects limiting soda cup sizes will wipe out obesity just like no one expects banning incandescent light bulbs will wipe out global warming. It's designed to have a small symbolic effect by taking advantage of people's laziness. You may refill your smaller cup two or three times but most people won't, at least on a regular basis.

henry quirk 06-11-2012 01:04 PM

"Now go stuff some Cheezy Poofs in your face and leave me alone." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
"Life doesn't work that way..."

I take it you mean: 'Do what you can to self-preserve, expect nothing from any one.'

That's exactly how it works...that so many are now blind to this is -- again -- an evidence of widespread domestication.

'Teaching' folks to 'play nice' can work, sure...but: such a lesson is surface-only, tenuous, and comes crashing down the second the largely non-existent foundation for such 'education' is challenged.

I'll say it again, in expanded form: Do what you can to self-preserve (feed yourself, clothe yourself, attend to your wounds and illnesses, take hold of yourself in worrying times, be wise during abundant ones...the stupid, weak, mercenary, etc. are sitting on your stoop just begging to be let in...lock your door)...


...expect nothing from any one (don't be stupid, weak, or have all the tools you need to live...use them, use your 'self').

Nothing I'm saying here precludes alliance, cooperation, 'working together'; everything I'm saying here precludes catering to the demands of the weak, the stupid, the lazy, the (self)terminally 'compassionate' or the greedy.

Each of you should do exactly, with your time, resources, 'self', as you like (up to and including self-cruxification if you think such a thing will do any good for any one)...I simply claim the same for myself (to attempt to do as I choose).

Bloomberg apparently believes himself wiser (or more likely, more compassionate) than other much so, he must 'save' them from themselves.

Arrogance (that he shares with any- and every-one who believes him- or her-self 'leader', elected, appointed, declared, or born into).

henry quirk 06-11-2012 01:08 PM

"small symbolic effect"
Incrementalism. Boil the man alive (and without complaint) by slowly raising the temperature half a degree every hour...additionally: ply him with distraction.

The result: human stew.

Eat hearty.

BigV 06-11-2012 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 814687)
Oh Clod. Why do you hate America?

you're kidding, right? what's more american than privatizing profit and socializing risk?

infinite monkey 06-11-2012 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 814774)
Incrementalism. Boil the man alive (and without complaint) by slowly raising the temperature half a degree every hour...additionally: ply him with distraction.

The result: human stew.

Eat hearty.

Smarter than the average bear. :thumb:

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