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Spexxvet 03-02-2012 01:18 PM


From Wiki:

Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2]) is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others. It is defined in different ways, but can involve a lack of empathy or remorse, false emotions, selfishness, grandiosity or deceptiveness; it can also involve impulsiveness, irritability, aggression, or inability to perceive danger and protect one's self.

infinite monkey 03-02-2012 01:24 PM

Sigh. Now what'd I do?

Seriously Spexx, what are you trying to tell us?

Spexxvet 03-02-2012 01:33 PM

Just tryin to edjumakate my friends.:)

xoxoxoBruce 03-02-2012 09:12 PM

Sounds like a catch-all for anyone that annoys you.

ZenGum 03-02-2012 09:33 PM

If you're serious, read Without Conscience by Robert Hare.

Griff 03-03-2012 06:21 AM

I assume Spexx is taunting Henry Quirk but that definition easily covers a lot of politicians and followers of all parties. Disregarding the rights of others is crucial to any true believer.

BigV 03-05-2012 11:49 AM

I agree with Griff on both points.

I've begun, refined and discarded numerous posts originally intended to respond to henry quirk's posts. I believe there's no point to it. He is extremely consistent, he sounds coherent, and he's apparently immune to the influence of the thoughts and ideas of others. Some of the things I began to write were challenges to his examples, some were rebuttals to his opinions, etc. I don't think he's open to persuasion, so I just keep to myself mostly in those kinds of conversations.

Let me be clear, I believe most of what he says is wrong, especially about the role of government, about the nature of society. I believe his position is inconsistent and contradictory. I also don't like the ideas he touts. I can tolerate a lot of dislike and discord. I don't need to be right all the time. I hope I'm not the smartest person I know. I like to be right when I can, of course. But I need to learn and that means finding out stuff I don't know already. But when I get new info of this kind, I compare it to other stuff I *do* already know, and if it's compatible, I'll add it to the sum of my knowledge. But if it's not, I consider it wrong. This is why I have turned my back on most of his political and sociological discussions.

Is he a psychopath? I don't know. Is he hard headed? Yeah, I think so. Are the ideas he holds forth anti-social. Yep. Sorry, henry quirk. It looks like we're not going to be very good neighbors.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 11:53 AM

No, there's no point in responding when you know you can't win, is there? I never expect that to change here.

You don't really know anything about him, do you? Any of you? Anyone? Buehler?

Now excuse me while I go start a thread about what a know it all __________ is, or what a pansy ___________ is, or what a snot __________ is, or what a liar ____________ is, or how goddam boring ___________ is, or what a phony attention whore __________ is.

I hope you all jump on board right away, or boy won't I look stupid?

jimhelm 03-05-2012 11:56 AM

oh, cool... that's like a Mad Lib!

but you tipped your hand! now people will cheat!

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 11:57 AM

Another thing, he hasn't said anything disrespectful to any of you. Yet you still act like butt-hurt babies because you know you will never, ever, win a battle of wits with him.

Grow up.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 799582)
oh, cool... that's like a Mad Lib!

but you tipped your hand! now people will cheat!


None of them was you. You are none of those things.:D

BigV 03-05-2012 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799583)
Another thing, he hasn't said anything disrespectful to any of you. Yet you still act like butt-hurt babies because you know you will never, ever, win a battle of wits with him.

Grow up.

I am grown up.

I have said nothing disrespectful of him (or you for that matter) either. My point is that I disagree with his opinion, he's made it clear that he's unwilling to accept the other ideas in several discussions, so I believe we're done talking.

That's not butt hurt. That's saving my conversations for people who want to share ideas. Sharing's a give and take. He's all give, and no take.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 12:05 PM


Another way of saying he dismissed your 'ideas' for whatever it was you were discussing, by offering his opinion on it and not budging when you offered what I'm sure was the most well thought out and persuasive argument ever.

You just can't take it. Yeah, it's butt hurt. Someone didn't bow down before the mighty BigV, and we can't have that. Someone might be more cleverer or smarter than the mighty BigV, and we can't have that.

So transparent.

Having said that, this thread is in poor form.

BigV 03-05-2012 12:07 PM


infinite monkey 03-05-2012 12:29 PM




Some 8th Grader

classicman 03-05-2012 01:47 PM

What that heck is THAT about???
I highly doubt that V is the only one with that opinion of HQ.
I find his posting style odd. For example, he refuses to use the quote function. OK no biggie.
He has some opinions that are certainly unique and when pressed, they really don't hold water (see what I did thar?)
But all in all he's fine. I read what he writes. Agreement or movement from his engrained opinion?
Nope, not gonna happen. His mind is made up. There is no disputing that.
That says nothing about whether he's a nice guy or not.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 01:54 PM

I find your posting style odd.
You now turn every post into a pome.
It's really annoying.
And you turn others' posts into pomes too.
That's even more annoying.
Learn to write a paragraph. ;)

Let's see, a thread was started that was for the sole purpose of calling a dwellar that some don't particularly care for the posting style of a psychopath? And you ask...what the heck is that about? It's about it's a bunch of bullshit, is what that's about.

Nothing personal to you, of course. I just really don't get where this is coming from. For instance, I've seen you and, say, Lamp talk (argue) about something...and no one's opinion changes ONE IOTA. However no one starts a thread implying that one of you is a psychopath.

And who are you to speak of others' opinions of anyone? What do you know? I only see a few clamoring for space in this thread. Is there a secret club where the really good people talk about the really bad people? Can I get a decoder ring and a t-shirt?

jimhelm 03-05-2012 02:05 PM

ah, see... that's why I don't participate in political debate. because NO ONE changes their opinion based on what other people tell them. You're not going to win a subjective argument. There are no right or wrong answers. to me, politics is just large scale bickering.

and that brings out the nasty side of people like nothing else I've seen.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 02:06 PM

This is true, but this is not what this thread is about.

classicman 03-05-2012 02:11 PM


Let's see, a thread was started that was for the sole purpose of calling a dwellar that some don't particularly care for the posting style of a psychopath?
It was? Really? I totally missed that. As you know, I'm more honest with my insults. That kind of shit, just isn't my style.
For instance, I've seen you and, say, Lamp talk (argue) about something...and no one's opinion changes ONE IOTA.
You haven't been paying attention then. How do you know what influence my conversations with him have had on either of us?

And who are you to speak of others' opinions of anyone? What do you know? I only see a few clamoring for space in this thread. Is there a secret club where the really good people talk about the really bad people?
Right back at you. I believe you did the same thing to V that you are accusing me of doing. How is that different?
Who is clamoring? I was just voicing my opinion - kinda what we do here - regarding the previous exchange.
Apparently you know a lot more - Care to share?
Any clubs that exist here would not invite me. Of that I am sure. Perhaps you'd like to ask your group.

jimhelm 03-05-2012 02:12 PM

oh, I assumed that this thread spilled out of some political disagreement between spex and hq. ....admittedly, gathered solely from the context of this thread.

was wrong?

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 02:12 PM

You know that sound that cartoon characters make when an anvil falls on their head and they have to shake their head around so it pops back out?

I'm making that sound right now.

edit: @ jim, sure it stemmed from something like that. I wasn't sure if the implication was what I thought it was until griff pointed out he thought so too. Of course, Spexx could still confirm or deny this.

classicman 03-05-2012 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799622)
This is not what this thread is about.

Please explain what this thread is about then.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 02:18 PM

Oh ffs. I don't even know what you're talking about half the time, you know? Stuff a sock in it, Vinnie.

Who's not paying attention? You, sir. You. Please read for comprehension this time. (I'm channeling you, you see.)

henry quirk 03-05-2012 02:25 PM

"I believe his position is inconsistent and contradictory."

Specific examples, please.


"so I believe we're done talking"

Fine by one is compelled to participate in any thread...interesting, then, how you just HAD to pipe in, about me, in this one.

You want my babies: admit it... ;)


"He has some opinions that are certainly unique and when pressed, they really don't hold water"

Again: specific examples, please.

BigV 03-05-2012 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799580)
No, there's no point in responding when you know you can't win, is there? I never expect that to change here.



Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799583)
Another thing, he hasn't said anything disrespectful to any of you. Yet you still act like butt-hurt babies because you know you will never, ever, win a battle of wits with him.

Grow up.


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 799621)
ah, see... that's why I don't participate in political debate. because NO ONE changes their opinion based on what other people tell them. You're not going to win a subjective argument. There are no right or wrong answers. to me, politics is just large scale bickering.

and that brings out the nasty side of people like nothing else I've seen.

Perhaps it is because you see political conversations this way, something to be won or lost, and I do not, that we also don't agree on how they have been conducted.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 02:35 PM

Then what the fuck is your problem with henry?

Hypocritical, you are.

And remember: an unexamined life is not worth living. I propose you examine why you have these feelings towards him, for no apparent reason, and why you felt compelled to post how bad you are as neighbors. Why did you feel compelled to tell yet one more person how they don't stack up? You pretend to be open to everything and willing to learn and grow...yet you had to be snottish towards someone...for what reason? I still can't figure that out, but it's hardly the open and honest discourse ability you profess to possess.

It was pointless. That's why this whole thing is so funny. The protesting too much, the backpedaling, the giant letters...such folly for dwellars! I laughed! I cried! I saved 5 bucks!

classicman 03-05-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799626)
You know that sound that cartoon characters make when an anvil falls on their head and they have to shake their head around so it pops back out?

I'm making that sound right now.

Yes, I know it quite well. Happens many times upon reading your posts.

edit: @ jim, sure it stemmed from something like that. I wasn't sure if the implication was what I thought it was until griff pointed out he thought so too. Of course, Spexx could still confirm or deny this.
So, because you and griff made the same assumption (Spexx calling HQ a psychopath) you went off on V. Got it - yeh, uh no.

Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799628)
Oh ffs. I don't even know what you're talking about half the time, you know? Stuff a sock in it, Vinnie.

Who's not paying attention? You, sir. You. Please read for comprehension this time. (I'm channeling you, you see.)

Again with the incomprehensible BS and attempted insults. OK. You are currently not worth my time. Have at it.

jimhelm 03-05-2012 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 799634)
Perhaps it is because you see political conversations this way, something to be won or lost, and I do not, that we also don't agree on how they have been conducted.

like an election or something, you mean?

classicman 03-05-2012 02:41 PM

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 02:46 PM

I'm incomprehensible? I'M INCOMPREHENSIBLE? OMG that is classic Classic.

Went off on V? Yeah, a bit. Because he stuck his two cents in amidst his usual proclamations of how fair and wise he is. You know, if more people could be swayed by his views the world would be a better place.

BigV 03-05-2012 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 799639)
like an election or something, you mean?

An election is to be won or lost, yes. But we're not having elections here in the cellar. We're having conversations, at least in the political area. There are other things here too, even contests. But there aren't contests in the politics area. I'll speak for myself. I am not competing in the politics area. Others might be, fine. I do sometimes try to persuade, and I am sometimes persuaded. Certainly what I read here influences my opinion. But that is very different from "winning" and "losing".

Do you agree?

Spexxvet 03-05-2012 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799614)
Let's see, a thread was started that was for the sole purpose of calling a dwellar that some don't particularly care for the posting style of a psychopath? And you ask...what the heck is that about? It's about it's a bunch of bullshit, is what that's about.

I started the thread. I made no reference to anyone in my post.

classicman 03-05-2012 02:50 PM

You missed a comma in there between the two classic(s)
Please take one, or a few of mine. I've got plenty to spare.

BigV 03-05-2012 02:51 PM

Hey, infinite monkey. Are you saying you agree with Griff's statement that he thinks Spexxvet is taunting henry quirk?

Did you see that I agreed with Griff?

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 799649)
I started the thread. I made no reference to anyone in my post.

No you didn't. But what was your implication, Spexx? Be honest. You tell me that certain anyone wasn't your intention, and I'll walk away and not say another word. The whole thing could be circumstantial: the recent conversation between you and henry where you called him selfish, the timing of said thread and this thread, the lack of explanation when I asked what you meant.

But go ahead, clear it up. I'll shut up and walk away.

classicman 03-05-2012 02:56 PM

You edited you post and STILL missed the damn comma (,)

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 799657)
You edited you post and STILL missed the damn comma (,)

You didn't edit you post, I see.

henry quirk 03-05-2012 02:58 PM

Er, if everyone’s finished: CM and BV I want specific examples of my inconsistencies and lack of foundation.

If neither of you can or will offer such examples, then I'll take that as an admission of jackassery.

Sorry guys, you opened the door, I'm just steppin' through.

Call me a psychopath: pffftt! what do I care?

Call me inconsistent: them's fightin' words!

So: put up or shut up.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 03:01 PM

And classic Classic was exactly what I meant to say. That is a classic move by Classic. I wasn't talking TO you, I was talking ABOUT you. Hence, no comma, oh genius of the written word. :lol:

classicman 03-05-2012 03:02 PM

Pick a thread, virtually any thread where you have interacted.
I'll maintain my opinion based upon your interactions and posting over the last two years. The latest of which was the sewer issue.
I have no interest in going any further with this. That was never my intention.
I think you are a unique, quirky & interesting guy/person. I'm staying with that.
Flame away.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 03:03 PM

I dunno, ya think they're gonna write a lil about examples of your inconsistencies?

classicman 03-05-2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799661)
And classic Classic was exactly what I meant to say. That is a classic move by Classic. I wasn't talking TO you, I was talking ABOUT you. Hence, no comma, oh genius of the written word. :lol:

:blush: gotcha.

henry quirk 03-05-2012 03:06 PM

"Pick a thread"

No, YOU pick make the's on YOU to support it.


"my opinion"

Unsupported, un-cited: worthless.


"the sewer issue"

Obviously, you need to read again.

henry quirk 03-05-2012 03:06 PM

"I have no interest in going any further with this."
One down, one to go.

jimhelm 03-05-2012 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 799647)
An election is to be won or lost, yes. But we're not having elections here in the cellar. We're having conversations, at least in the political area. There are other things here too, even contests. But there aren't contests in the politics area. I'll speak for myself. I am not competing in the politics area. Others might be, fine. I do sometimes try to persuade, and I am sometimes persuaded. Certainly what I read here influences my opinion. But that is very different from "winning" and "losing".

Do you agree?


classicman 03-05-2012 03:17 PM

This thread.
I fully expect you will not see the inconsistency in yourself Sir Quirk.

or here
here and here.

BigV 03-05-2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 799668)

I WIN!!!!


glatt 03-05-2012 03:18 PM


infinite monkey 03-05-2012 03:20 PM

Really? Cite entire threads and expect us, the readers, to find the inconsistency which you doubt Sir Quirk will see? What is this, where's fucking waldo?

Huh what?

Hey henry, see in this thread here, where you posted, and in this other thread, where you posted? See that? That. That's what I mean. Ayup. :lol:

Spexxvet 03-05-2012 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 799654)
No you didn't. But what was your implication, Spexx? Be honest. You tell me that certain anyone wasn't your intention, and I'll walk away and not say another word. The whole thing could be circumstantial: the recent conversation between you and henry where you called him selfish, the timing of said thread and this thread, the lack of explanation when I asked what you meant.

But go ahead, clear it up. I'll shut up and walk away.

My posts are works of art. As such, they should be interpreted by the reader. ;););) That's humor - I do not believe it at all.

I was not taunting anyone. Henry's extreme antisocial viewpoints made me do some research, and I came upon that definition. So I posted it. That is all.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 03:23 PM

OMG the health thread. It's 198 pages long. :lol2:

Too freaking funny.

henry quirk 03-05-2012 03:24 PM

"I fully expect you will not see the inconsistency in yourself"

Probably not.

However, plunking down threads is not offering specific examples.

Again: you make the claim, I wanna see the examples.

Making me wade through lengthy threads is making me do YOUR work for you.

And: I'm still waiting on you, BV.

henry quirk 03-05-2012 03:29 PM

Let me help a little, CM.

You point to this thread... an example of my inconsistency.

What did I post in that thread that's inconsistent or foundationless?

classicman 03-05-2012 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 799677)
"I fully expect you will not see the inconsistency in yourself" Probably not.However, plunking down threads is not offering specific examples. Again: you make the claim, I wanna see the examples. Making me wade through lengthy threads is making me do YOUR work for you. And: I'm still waiting on you, BV.

As I specifically stated I based my decision off of YEARS of reading your posts.
I also said that you would disagree. Shock, you do.
Lastly, I said it wasn't worth my time to prove the point.

Posting links to the last four threads you were involved in was an intentional joke.
I simply do not care enough about this conversation, you nor IM.

You want an opinion - post a poll. Blessed be.

henry quirk 03-05-2012 03:38 PM

" wasn't worth my time to prove the point"

You state the opinion (which you are entitled to hold) but then don't support it (when you bring that opinion into the public sphere) making the opinion: worthless.

Again: one down, one to go.

Your turn, BV.

infinite monkey 03-05-2012 03:55 PM

Par for the course.

"It's not so much that I can't do it see, it's that I don't care enough to...Yeah, that's the ticket. I just don't care enough to. It's not that I don't have a leg to stand on, see?"

You can't make this crap up. :lol:

jimhelm 03-05-2012 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 799672)
I WIN!!!!


not so fast, there.....

classicman 03-05-2012 04:46 PM

Quote: wasn't worth my time to prove the point You state the opinion but then don't support it
I chose not to. That in no way invalidates shit.
Care to try again, hq?
You keep missing the part where I repeatedly state that I don't care enough about YOU
to weed through all the threads and pick out your BULLSHIT over the last couple years.
Again, if you want opinions - post a poll.

classicman 03-05-2012 04:46 PM

Does being a bitch come easy for you or do you have to work on it?
If it takes work, you've perfected the art and made it seem flawless. Good Job.
Want some cites? I'll be more than happy to go through 6 years and over 20,000 posts to find a few examples for you. :eyebrow:

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