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Cicero 10-17-2008 02:44 PM

Spirit Animal- You animals!
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What is your animal spirit for the day?:D Mine is:

Attachment 19912

I was just served.

glatt 10-17-2008 02:53 PM

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They didn't have mine, so I looked it up myself.


The Sloth

Sloth is not a nickname most people would be happy about. Slow moving and unenergetic are its main traits. It spends it life just “hanging out”. The algae growing on its fur gives it a green color that acts like camouflage. So what might seem like a giant clump of leaves hanging from a branch in the rainforest canopy may really turn out to be a sloth.

Sundae 10-17-2008 02:56 PM

I clicked, then felt ashamed.
I was an owl, but I can't bring myself to post it.

I suppose it makes as much sense as any other divination method. The sad thing if this is aimed at people who really believe it.

Cicero 10-17-2008 03:03 PM

Well it's a good thing this thread was posted in all seriousness then. ;) You take your online spirit animal daily horoscope srsly..or get out!! lol!!!

Sundae 10-17-2008 03:06 PM

Actuallym it was more that it lead me to check out my online tarot card reading. Which had so many mis-spellings I finally woke up to what I was doing.

Thank goodness for that, or I'd probably be on the line to a psychic at £10 a minute by now :eek:

Pico and ME 10-17-2008 04:04 PM

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Yeah! I lucked out and am keeping my first try...:p


Cougar has long been associated with leadership. Cougars are powerful, agile, and unhesitating. When Cougar attacks, he throws one hundred percent of himself into the pursuit. Although cougar is strong, he is also elusive —hard to spot in the wild—until he decides to pounce. His lesson to you today is one of being a balanced leader—not rushing into the attack, not always lurking in the brush.

Cicero 10-17-2008 04:18 PM

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Your Native American Name Is...

Etenia Cocheta

Your name means: Rich Stranger

What's Your Native American Name?

Hey I'm RICH!

Attachment 19915

I am a rich freakin' strange badger today!!!

TheMercenary 10-17-2008 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 494786)
I clicked, then felt ashamed.
I was an owl, but I can't bring myself to post it.

I suppose it makes as much sense as any other divination method. The sad thing if this is aimed at people who really believe it.

An Owl would be awesome! Why the sad face? :D

TheMercenary 10-17-2008 04:33 PM

Ha, funny considering I went deer hunting today (sorry to anyone who may pull a deer, nothing personal)


Buffalo has come snorting into your life today to bring a message of great hope. Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him—but he also gave his spirit. And, it's that spirit of hope, abundance, and a bright future that he brings to you today. If you are experiencing a troubled journey, help is here.

Sundae 10-17-2008 04:48 PM

Interesting that you should be Buffalo, Merc.

Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him—but he also gave his spirit.
Your spirit animal "gave himself" almost to the point of extinction. No wonder you are wary of taxes :)

Cicero 10-17-2008 04:59 PM

I think it's the armadillos wearing him down.:)

TheMercenary 10-17-2008 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 494826)
I think it's the armadillos wearing him down.:)

Yea, I never did get the little bugger. His days are numbered.

SG, I would have a hard time getting many here to believe that the Buffalo, given the description is quite fitting on many levels. I mean if you believe that animals have spirits, and I do.

Sundae 10-17-2008 05:11 PM

Merc I don't doubt for a second that you'd give everything you had to those you love. It was the outsiders who decimated the herds that I was referring to.

All for funsies anyway.

TheMercenary 10-17-2008 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 494839)
Merc I don't doubt for a second that you'd give everything you had to those you love. It was the outsiders who decimated the herds that I was referring to.

All for funsies anyway.

Yea, just for fun. I do a lot of things for others as well. We donate thousands a year to various causes. I have even been known to send the Cellar a ten spot (5 pound st.) every now and again. :D

Cicero 10-17-2008 05:18 PM

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I'm going to go pick UT's animal spirit for the day. He's going to love this::D

Attachment 19916

Sorry I'm terrible with paint....

UT our Panther Administrator!! Our fearless pussy cat. Rawr kitty cat!!

TheMercenary 10-17-2008 05:30 PM

Yep, that's UT! :D

Cicero 10-17-2008 05:33 PM

I think that joke backfired. I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable just now.

TheMercenary 10-17-2008 05:41 PM

Why, I thought it was fitting. Dangerous animal lurking in the back ground. Sort of like the Cellar is his hunting ground. Eliminating the weak and spamers. :D

footfootfoot 10-17-2008 06:51 PM

My spirit animal is the Oyster.

Cloud 10-17-2008 07:31 PM

I'd rather go on an actual vision quest to find my actual spirit animal.

'cause I'd like to know what it is and where the hell it's been when I need advice!

wolf 10-18-2008 10:17 AM


Your Animal Spirit for Today
October 18, 2008


Is your life in a state of balance? If not, long-legged Heron has flown in today to help you. Because Heron is a water bird, he is most often associated with emotions. He stands motionless, almost in a trance, his body mirrored in the water below. Take a few moments today to be like Heron—be quiet, go within, and discover the answer to your questions.
Of course, nice as herons are, they aren't my totem.

now, that native american name gadget was on to something ...


Your Native American Name Is...

Makkitotosimew Mai

Your name means: Large Breasted Coyote

Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 494874)
I'd rather go on an actual vision quest to find my actual spirit animal.

'cause I'd like to know what it is and where the hell it's been when I need advice!

I've done that. betcha can't guess what it is ...

Trilby 10-18-2008 10:20 AM

A hummingbird?!


Sorrow and worry have no place in your life today, as Hummingbird's message is one of absolute joy. Hummer's darting movements, flashes of brilliant reds and greens, and unmistakable whirr are all guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of even the most dour among us. If live has been difficult of late, know that joy is whirring your way.

My Native American name: Magaskawee Pakuna

Your name means: Graceful Deer Jumping Downhill

So. I'm a Graceful Deer Jumping Downhill to catch the Hummingbird of Joy.


lumberjim 10-18-2008 10:41 AM

Green Man

Green Man peers out of the foliage to remind you that not all of life's mysteries have logical solutions. Be open to magical opportunities, spirit allies, and unconventional paths. Get out into the wilderness, ground yourself in meditation, and listen for Green Man's wisdom. You may just catch sight of him eyeing you in his leafy camouflage.

wolf 10-18-2008 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 495012)
A hummingbird?!

With his jewel-like colors and ability to fly forwards, backwards, and sideways, hummingbird is understood to be a strong warrior totem. The little guys mean a lot.

Trilby 10-18-2008 10:50 AM

Is that supposed to make me feel better coz I'm not a large-breasted coyote? Coz, lemme tell ya, it's cold comfort not being a large-breasted thing. Cold comfort, indeed.

regular.joe 10-18-2008 11:01 AM

Your Animal Spirit for Today
October 18, 2008

Polar Bear

Has Polar Bear lumbered into your reading? If so, he's reminding you of the value of being flexible. Polar Bear instinctively knows how to conserve his energy and will observe a situation before he takes action. Once he decide it's the appropriate time to move forward, however, he has the strength, energy, and fortitude to face whatever dangers lie ahead. Having problems making a change? Polar Bear is here to help, and his message to you is: Take heart, have courage, build your strength, then MOVE!

yes, I will be conserving my energy today.

skysidhe 10-18-2008 11:17 AM

I tried to cheat and get something else but I got this twice so it wins out.

Poor Rabbit! No other animal is so associated with fear than Rabbit—that nervous little bunny who hops and leaps at every little sound. Rabbit has come to you today to ask you to have the courage to face whatever difficulties you’re having instead of running away to a safe burrow. Face your fears, examine your old “fight or flight” patterns, and determine once and for all to stop hiding away.

My native american name:

Takhi Keezheekoni

Your name means: Cold Burning Fire

Fun site cic, thanks.

Pico and ME 10-18-2008 11:43 AM

Well, heck...a rabbits survival is totally dependent on its ability to out run what it fears!

Unless you are this guy...

Cicero 10-18-2008 11:49 AM


Sundae 10-18-2008 12:00 PM

My Native American Name is: Takhi Pauwau
My name means: Cold Witch

Boy they got that wrong!

Cicero 10-18-2008 12:53 PM

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Since Case is probably going to be too busy to join us (moving into a fancy mountain home and all), I have taken the liberty, once again, :D to choose for her. Boy, I guess she is lucky today:

Attachment 19922

skysidhe 11-06-2008 04:50 PM

wow pico! great stupid bunny.:thumbsup:

ZenGum 11-07-2008 07:50 AM

That bunny is awesome. Do you reckon it lived or copped a bit of poison in that exchange?

Shawnee123 11-07-2008 08:33 AM

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My native american name is

Alsoomse Keezheekoni

Your name means: Independent Burning Fire

Here's my daily critter:


Porcupine has appeared in your reading today to bring a message of innocence and trust. Although Porcupine can throw quills when cornered, he is gentle, loving, and non-aggressive. Is there an area of your life that need Porcupine energy? Have you lost the ability to trust??

Shawnee123 11-07-2008 08:40 AM

LMAO. I just put in my first middle and maiden name and got this name:

Makawee Tolinka

Your name means: Mothering Flapping Ear of a Coyote

WTF????? :lol:

kerosene 11-07-2008 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 495092)
Since Case is probably going to be too busy to join us (moving into a fancy mountain home and all), I have taken the liberty, once again, :D to choose for her. Boy, I guess she is lucky today:

Attachment 19922

And I just now saw this. Thanks for being in a good mood that day, Cic. :D

Razzmatazz13 11-07-2008 08:59 AM

The Crane

Cranes have been revered for centuries in many Oriental cultures, symbolizing good fortune and long life. If Crane has flown into your reading today, he brings a message of good tidings. Be prepared for something special today—emotional balance, good health, a spiritual “ah-ha!”, or simply pure joy.

Native american:
Talutha Mika

Your name means: Blood Red Intelligent Raccoon

deathlysilence 11-07-2008 09:40 AM


Buffalo has come snorting into your life today to bring a message of great hope. Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him—but he also gave his spirit. And, it's that spirit of hope, abundance, and a bright future that he brings to you today. If you are experiencing a troubled journey, help is here.

toranokaze 11-19-2008 10:37 PM

Antelope medicine is one of right action. If you were to visit Northern Plains today, you would see groups of antelope scattered about the fields and hills. However they are so quiet and unmoving that (from a distance) they resemble stones. But, get too close and they move like lightening. Antelope asks you: are you being still when you should be moving, or moving when stillness is required?

But really I'm an elephant

Cicero 03-09-2009 10:42 AM

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:D For today:

Attachment 22335

BigV 03-15-2009 06:25 PM

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Ancient culture associate Magpies with excellent fortune—so it looks like you’ve got something really terrific coming into your life today. However, you may need to search a little to understand the true gift that’s being presented. Pay attention to omens, messages, the clouds, feathers, bird song—your fortune is hidden in those subtle messages. Opportunity is knocking at your door—will you answer?

xoxoxoBruce 03-15-2009 06:52 PM

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Nothing to Crow about.

Elspode 03-15-2009 09:21 PM

I pulled mine. It was butterfly. which is pretty complete bullshit. Pretty tacky site. :-)

I'll stick with Turtle, which I discovered last Labor Day weekend, after spending freaking *years* trying to divine my totem. It fits me.

wolf 03-15-2009 09:35 PM

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That's just an Energy O' The Day reading, els.

I think you're right on the Turtle.

Not technically an animal:

Green Woman

Green Woman has magically floated into your life to remind you of the energy of fertility--fertility for a project, a garden, a love affair or conception. If there is fertile ground, it WILL bear fruit. Green Woman encourages you to practice your own brand of magic, and to appreciate the talents you have that will, in the near future, give birth to a magical creation.

sugarpop 03-16-2009 12:40 AM

I picked a Squirrel. :D I LOVE squirrels! Not my totem animal, but it is definitely one that I draw on sometimes because I have something to learn.

Shawnee123 03-16-2009 08:01 AM

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I needed a little animal spirit today: It's our state bird, too.

Wake up! Cardinal is chirping at you—bringing a message of personal power. Stop shrinking from your destiny. Stop pretending that you are less than. If you are unsure of your path, ask Cardinal to fly with you—it’s certain he will help you focus, gain clarity, formulate a plan, become self-assured, and step out into the world with the confidence befitting a person of your power.

capnhowdy 03-16-2009 08:12 AM

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looks like I'm in for a great day.....
Attachment 22437

sugarpop 03-16-2009 11:25 AM

OH COOL! I drew a Raven today! I LOVE Ravens!!!


Raven has long been known as the magical bird—the one who carries our messages and our prayers to spirit. Raven has been called a shape-shifter, and his message to you today is one of change—expect the unexpected, but know that Raven is flying close and will help you transform life’s challenges into life’s greatest blessings.

sugarpop 03-19-2009 02:08 PM

Cougar has long been associated with leadership. Cougars are powerful, agile, and unhesitating. When Cougar attacks, he throws one hundred percent of himself into the pursuit. Although cougar is strong, he is also elusive —hard to spot in the wild—until he decides to pounce. His lesson to you today is one of being a balanced leader—not rushing into the attack, not always lurking in the brush.

Trilby 03-19-2009 02:13 PM

I am a Coyote today.

"Taking yourself too seriously? If you are, Coyote will throw a banana peel in your tracks just to see you take a silly spill. Coyote medicine is Trickster medicine—the practical joker, the chaos maker. If Coyote appeared in your reading today, be ready for a curveball thrown in your direction. Remember, though, Coyote uses the bizarre to help us learn lessons we just can't seem to get any other way."

It's always the bizarre with me.

Sheldonrs 03-19-2009 02:27 PM

I choose Matt Damon as my totem...pole. ;)

sugarpop 03-24-2009 01:52 AM


Buffalo has come snorting into your life today to bring a message of great hope. Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him—but he also gave his spirit. And, it's that spirit of hope, abundance, and a bright future that he brings to you today. If you are experiencing a troubled journey, help is here.

This is cool. I really like this. :)

wolf 03-24-2009 02:32 AM

funny ... for a change I got one that's actually my totem.



Hawk flies into your reading today to bring you an important message. It may come in the mail, e-mail, a casual remark at the grocery store, a randomly selected page in a book, or even a phrase heard on the radio. Be alert, as hawk messages can sometimes be delivered in a subtle fashion.

Cicero 03-24-2009 01:20 PM

I was just punted in the cu*** by my spirit animal...Sounds about right........Evil. That was

Don't get the "mockingbird" it isn't is pretty as it sounds.

Shawnee123 03-24-2009 02:24 PM

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Who Who?


Many cultures associate Owl with death, while others see Owl as the “night eagle”—the bird that embodies shamanism. Owl has exceptional hearing, and his medicine is one of clairaudience—the ability to hear spirit. If Owl has silently glided into your life today, he is asking you to face your own fears, and listen to the messages spirit is sending you.

lumberjim 03-24-2009 03:21 PM

I doubt this will surprise anyone:


Has turkey gobbled his way into your life today? If so he brings a message of sacrificing for the greater good. To some indigenous tribes, Turkey represents the spirit of the giveaway--a ceremony where those who have more give to those who have less, thus "sacrificing" for others. If Turkey helps you feel the spirit of giving, who can you help?

Get Another Reading

Shawnee123 03-25-2009 10:49 AM

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Polar Bear

Has Polar Bear lumbered into your reading? If so, he's reminding you of the value of being flexible. Polar Bear instinctively knows how to conserve his energy and will observe a situation before he takes action. Once he decide it's the appropriate time to move forward, however, he has the strength, energy, and fortitude to face whatever dangers lie ahead. Having problems making a change? Polar Bear is here to help, and his message to you is: Take heart, have courage, build your strength, then MOVE!

capnhowdy 03-25-2009 07:51 PM

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I'm going out tonight.....

Attachment 22629

Undertoad 03-25-2009 07:54 PM

Shawnee123 03-26-2009 08:28 AM

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:lol: Look what the heck I got today! WTF? I like the grammar, too.


Is Big Foot real or a hoax? It doesn't really matter, because he has ambled into your reading to remind you of life's mysteries. Not everything can be explained, not everything can be touched—but that doesn't mean it don't exist. Suspend your logic for a bit, and be open to the mystery.

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