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Flint 03-24-2008 10:13 PM

I like beer more than I care about being fat...
Not that I'm obscenely obese or anything. But I keep telling myself that I should eliminate those excess beer calories... and I do, for a while. But, when the weather starts to get nice, and I'm grilling outside... hell, I want a cold, refreshing beer. . . . I'll buy new pants.

Aliantha 03-24-2008 10:14 PM

good for you.

Flint 03-24-2008 10:19 PM

I just watched Defending Your Life and, you know how in Judgement City they can eat whatever they want, just pig out?

Well, I said to my wife, "Hey, I already do that." We enjoy the simple things in life, like good food, good music... and doin' it.

Aliantha 03-24-2008 10:21 PM

there's nothing wrong with that.

Flint 03-24-2008 10:23 PM

Maybe this should be in the Philosophy section.

Cloud 03-24-2008 10:27 PM

a cold refreshing beer on a nice summer's day will not make you fat.

A six pack a day, however, will.

lumberjim 03-24-2008 11:23 PM

i like cold beer and i cant deny

smoothmoniker 03-25-2008 10:49 AM

When I'm grilling and drinking an ice cold one on a summer evening, when the ocean breeze has just kicked up to take the edge off the heat of the day, surrounded by friends and loved ones, I get that feeling of deep, deep satisfaction that reminds me why I'm alive.

Flint 03-25-2008 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by smoothmoniker (Post 441442)
When I'm grilling and drinking an ice cold one on a summer evening, when the ocean breeze has just kicked up to take the edge off the heat of the day, surrounded by friends and loved ones, I get that feeling of deep, deep satisfaction that reminds me why I'm alive.


Originally Posted by Jack Handey
Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you're drunk.

Sundae 03-25-2008 12:58 PM

I love beer
I really love it

I hate fat
or more specifically, I hate being single and feeling unattractive

I use 90% of my brain trying to resolve the dilemma

Shawnee123 03-25-2008 01:30 PM

I like beer.
It makes me a jolly good fellow
I like beer.
It helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me feel mellow
Whiskeys too rough, champagne costs too much, vodka puts my mouth in gear
This little refrain should help me explain as a matter of fact I like beer.

Tom T Hall

Drax 03-25-2008 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 441377)
there's nothing wrong with that.

I wish my mom thought this way, but I think society's image consciousness and Weight Watchers has got her brainwashed.

I for one choose two believe what a wise man once said: "The 'fat epidemic' is BULLSHIT!" and "The BMI is BULLSHIT!"

Aliantha 03-25-2008 05:58 PM

Well, I don't think the fat epidemic is bullshit, but I think people have the right to be fat if that makes them happy.

If it doesn't make them happy, they shouldn't drink too much beer. ;)

Cicero 03-25-2008 06:45 PM

A long-time friend had to give up her alcohol intake. She is over-weight and now has a heart condition.....Sucks. Who in the hell is going to help me drink Baltika? She is the only person I know that would do something like that. Sucks for her and now it's sucking for me. Hey what happened to our "rock and roll" lifestyle?

I guess it goes with the territory..I got married and she had to quit drinking....We used to be so Ab-Fab. Now we're just ab-flab and no fun. plbbbt.

Radar 03-27-2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 441372)
Not that I'm obscenely obese or anything. But I keep telling myself that I should eliminate those excess beer calories... and I do, for a while. But, when the weather starts to get nice, and I'm grilling outside... hell, I want a cold, refreshing beer. . . . I'll buy new pants.

That reminds me of something Drew Carrey said. He said, "My doctor told me if I stop eating donuts I could live another 20 years. So I told him, yes, but it would be 20 years without donuts."

You could work out every single day, and eat crappy rabbit food that has no real taste, and then get hit by a truck. I say, life is short. I'm willing to give up a few years if I can enjoy the ones I have right now.

glatt 03-27-2008 07:56 PM

Article in the paper this morning said that a new study found a very strong correlation between a fat belly at age 40 and dementia later in life. You are two times more likely to have Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia if you have a big gut in your 40's than if you don't. Overall fat, or fat in other areas of the body doesn't seem to matter here. It's just the big gut. [/wet blanket]

lumberjim 03-27-2008 08:32 PM

theyre coming to take me away!

Drax 03-27-2008 08:35 PM

Bullshit! It's just another scare tactic.

monster 03-27-2008 09:21 PM

So I'll get dementia. Not MY problem :D I think I'll use it as leverage on my kids.... behave or i'll drink another beer and be even more embarrassing when you have to look after me...

Drax, if your mom has to help you physically, then I'd say she's allowed to make comment on your weight. Other than that, find a store with online ordering and delivery ;)

Furthermore, the research is not bullshit, although it may be being used as part of a scare tactic. The correletion between belly-fat and dementia does not imply causality. It may be the belly fat causes dementia. It maybe that the first symptom of dementia is belly fat. It may be another disiease entirely which has both belly fat and dementia as symptoms. They may be completely unrelated. This research is in it's early days and discovering the relationship is merely the first step. But calling it bullshit because you don't like the potential implications is imbecilic

Cicero 03-27-2008 10:01 PM

Oh please...I'll be the first with dementia, and skinny as a rail. Thinking of the dementia wards I worked in...naaaaah! Did you know that the most mobile people that had there stuff together enough to walk around all smoked? Just noticed that..that's all....

Radar 03-27-2008 11:55 PM

It's not's being drunk. :)

Cicero 03-28-2008 12:03 AM

I like beer more than I care that LJ and Radar are drunk. :)

Drax 03-28-2008 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 442074)
Drax, if your mom has to help you physically, then I'd say she's allowed to make comment on your weight.

I never said she had to help me physically.

Flint 03-28-2008 08:58 AM

Really? Because your mom helps me physically.

LabRat 03-28-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 442074)
~snip~ The correletion between belly-fat and dementia does not imply causality. ~snip~ This research is in it's early days and discovering the relationship is merely the first step.

The following is the abstract from a recent review on this very subject in January's issue of Nature Neuroscience Reviews:

Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition.
Hillman CH, Erickson KI, Kramer AF.


An emerging body of multidisciplinary literature has documented the beneficial influence of physical activity engendered through aerobic exercise on selective aspects of brain function. Human and non-human animal studies have shown that aerobic exercise can improve a number of aspects of cognition and performance. Lack of physical activity, particularly among children in the developed world, is one of the major causes of obesity. Exercise might not only help to improve their physical health, but might also improve their academic performance. This article examines the positive effects of aerobic physical activity on cognition and brain function, at the molecular, cellular, systems and behavioural levels. A growing number of studies support the idea that physical exercise is a lifestyle factor that might lead to increased physical and mental health throughout life.

monster 03-28-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Drax (Post 442132)
I never said she had to help me physically.

That why I said IF, mushbrain

monster 03-28-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 442146)
Really? Because your mom helps me physically.


Drax 03-28-2008 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 442200)
That why I said IF, mushbrain

Ok :cool:, but the way that you said makes it seem like you think I'm completely helpless. IF that's not the case, then I apologize for my misunderstanding. Please forgive me, oh wise one. :p.

monster 03-28-2008 06:22 PM

Nope. Shan't. The way you read it maybe, but the way I said it was just fine and reinforced by the alternative I offered. So there.

Drax 03-28-2008 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 442343)
Nope. Shan't.


TheMercenary 03-28-2008 09:08 PM

Someone pass me a beer. I drink to this thread.

Sundae 03-29-2008 10:33 AM

Drax - Moster died in the Twin Towers bombing.
You insensitive arsehole.

xoxoxoBruce 03-29-2008 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Drax (Post 442346)

You can call her names but don't give her a bloody nose. :headshake

monster 03-29-2008 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Drax (Post 442346)

thanks :D (I've been working on it......)


monster 03-29-2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 442484)
Drax - Moster died in the Twin Towers bombing.
You insensitive arsehole.

Moster? Is that Monster to the nth degree? If so, she musta rocked. I miss her. let's all charge our glasses and drink a toast...

(wait...anyone's toaster fry in the twin towers when the electricity went down?)

lumberjim 04-17-2008 10:48 AM

caloric, and carb stats along with alc. content (US) domestic beers and imports

Shawnee123 04-18-2008 02:30 PM

Heehee, Bud Dry. I remember when it came out, and I was at a party with my work buddies, and the one guy was videotaping and interviewing us. He asked Mark what the difference was between the Bud Dry he was drinking and Bud light.

"Well, Sean, it's a lot less light, and a lot more dry."

Dingleschmutz 04-18-2008 02:43 PM

I've been drinking scotch more lately, it helps with the caloric intake, especially considering the sheer volume of beer it takes to get me loopy.

icileparadise 04-19-2008 08:55 AM

Hey Dingle, try a high proof beer instead of nasty scotch. I admit a lot of them taste like malty gravy but some are really good. Look for 8% proof and try them (not all at once - leave about 2 years in between) They cut the calories and carb intakes right down. For instance a British brew from Hampshire called Gayles' HSB needs only half a pint to be consumed before significant motor skills reduction. Set yourself a limit and you consume way less beer than before only be sure to go to bed timely as they tend to whack you on the back of the head without warning. These are beers to be consumed at home only.

Griff 04-19-2008 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Dingleschmutz (Post 446731)
I've been drinking scotch more lately, it helps with the caloric intake, especially considering the sheer volume of beer it takes to get me loopy.

I was following this logic last year and my scotch intake continued to get incrementally higher. I had to pull the plug on the whole alcohol scene.

classicman 04-20-2008 11:58 AM

How's it going with that Griff?

Griff 04-20-2008 05:06 PM

It hasn't been that tough. The habitual drinking is over, now it's just the occasional situational urge. It got hot here this week and I was thinking cold beer but I kept my head on straight. As long as I don't have that first drink, I'm cool. Thanks for asking man. g

classicman 04-21-2008 01:05 PM

Great to hear that! Been going through a similar situation with smoking. I quit last Sept. after 20+ yrs, but lately its been really bugging me. Stress sucks.

Dingleschmutz 04-21-2008 03:57 PM

I do like good beers, guess I've never really looked at the alcohol content on them before. All I know is that anything Ice isn't worth the next morning.

But yeah, I should probably just pull the plug on the whole thing, it'd be nice to ditch the tummy.

Urbane Guerrilla 04-22-2008 05:31 PM

Well, congratulations on staying sober, Griff.

Alcohol doesn't give me a habit, so I'm luckier than my late uncle. I seem to take more after my rather abstemious father. A glass of wine once or twice a week, beer a little more often if it's in the house, and about once a month a single-malt Scotch, if that often.

And when you're taking Metformin, you're not supposed to get drunk anyway.

gizt 04-25-2008 04:07 AM

There's 24 beers in a crate and 24 hours in the day.I don't believe that's a coincidence.

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2008 08:42 AM

Welcome to the Cellar, gizt. :D
No, it's not a coincidence, but what came first, the hours or the beer?

Perry Winkle 04-27-2008 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 448228)
No, it's not a coincidence, but what came first, the hours or the beer?

If I recall my Sunday school lessons correctly, God created time before beer. It's a good thing too. Sunday school also taught me that the reason God took Sunday off was because of the Saturday night bender he went on. Also, it turns out that God is an alcoholic, and has been plastered ever since.

I mean, how else can you explain the Special Olympics? They're obviously the result of a drunken prank.

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