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LJ 11-30-2007 12:54 PM

The procrastination thread
....actually....I'm a little busy just now....I'll be back to start this thread properly in just a bit....

Cicero 11-30-2007 01:18 PM

Good, I'll come back to it tomorrow......

Shawnee123 11-30-2007 01:24 PM

I'd respond but I don't feel like it right now. Maybe later.

lookout123 11-30-2007 01:28 PM

i'm here instead of working, so do you thi

Cloud 11-30-2007 02:05 PM

when's the deadline?

classicman 11-30-2007 02:51 PM

Lemme mull it over for the weekend - I'll get back to ya next week, mmkay?

jester 11-30-2007 03:37 PM


toranokaze 11-30-2007 03:44 PM

I will write something witty latter

LJ 11-30-2007 04:07 PM

UT, please change the title of this thread to

'the same joke told over and over thread'


glatt 11-30-2007 04:18 PM

You know, procrastination is actually pretty good. I'd estimate that about a third of the requests given to me don't actually need to be done. And if you procrastinate long enough and don't do it, there are no repercussions. Many problems I come across end up fixing themselves or simply going away. (But I deal with people, and not equipment like some of you. YMMV.)

LJ 11-30-2007 04:26 PM

the only thing i can think of right now that goes better with procrastination is eating. hunger pangs tend to last 15 minutes, and if i dont panic and eat at the first one, i do much better. of course, i just ate, so i'm able to see that.

Happy Monkey 11-30-2007 06:14 PM

Is there a non-procrastination thread?

LJ 11-30-2007 06:49 PM

i was going to make that one tomorrow.

SteveDallas 11-30-2007 10:31 PM

I would reply to this if I wasn't busy setting up a database server that needs to be done by 1PM Monday.

Undertoad 11-30-2007 10:53 PM

^ overachiever

SteveDallas 12-01-2007 01:46 AM

Yeah I know.. I should wait till Sunday night.

NoBoxes 12-01-2007 05:55 AM

Maņana, maņana, maņana is soon enough for me. :biggrinba

Cicero 12-03-2007 10:32 AM

I know I said I would come back tomorrow, but I was sick and had to work through some fact I really need to go right now, lets call to confirm for next week?

lumberjim 06-04-2008 12:18 PM

i was reminded that I hadn't done this yet.....I'll be getting to it soon though.

DanaC 06-04-2008 12:20 PM

No rush

Crimson Ghost 06-04-2008 11:21 PM

I'll have to remember to post here later....

classicman 06-05-2008 08:36 AM

When I get back I'll do it - k?

Sundae 06-07-2008 08:41 AM

Gotta go, got things to do.
Well, just 10 more minutes, k?

Sundae 06-08-2008 02:20 PM

Sposed to be colouring my hair.
Have been meaning to every day since last Saturday. A week and a day.
I promised myself I'd do it before Derren Brown on Weds.
As I half expected (given my seat) I was featured in the show and may be on tv/ the dvd - with grim rootage.

The next deadline is Friday night. I have to have it done before my brother-in-law's 40th on Saturday.

Anyone want to set up a sweepstake re whether I actually do it before Saturday morning?
I might agree to split the winnings and fix it just to give myself an extra incentive!

spudcon 06-08-2008 06:06 PM

Okay, I've been meaning to post this since last December, and finally have all my ducks in a row so I can say it. Here's the punch line...
11:50 A 22-second fart which changes note 4 times and forces the dog to leave the room. Ha ha ha ha ha. Funny stuff, ain't it?

Crimson Ghost 06-08-2008 06:51 PM

On that note, I come back later.

classicman 06-10-2008 11:06 AM

I was gonna do it when I got back, but I am so behind at work, it'll just have to wait a bit. Once I get caught up there.....

Cloud 06-10-2008 11:25 AM

I'll post on Monday. I promise!

dar512 06-13-2008 01:02 PM

BigV 06-13-2008 01:17 PM


classicman 06-13-2008 01:21 PM

shit thats really funny!!!!

lumberjim 03-26-2009 12:20 PM

i thought this had been done!

dammit....I just don't have time right now....

TheMercenary 03-26-2009 12:49 PM

I will glady do this for you next week.

Cicero 03-26-2009 02:01 PM

I was going to do it yesterday but ran out of time. Can we reschedule it for Monday? Or is Tuesday better? Maybe I should call about doing first and let the proper committee take a vote. I'll be right on that tomorrow!

DanaC 03-26-2009 04:22 PM

I think before the right committee takes a vote, the whole matter needs looking into in detail. I'd suggest we form a working group to set the initial parameters of the investigation and they can then also look into the most effective method for setting up a steering committee to guide the investigation and report its findings to the appropriate oversight committee...

Said oversight committee will then have responsibility for taking the steering committee's report out to consultation with the wider public. Given the varied routes for input I would suggest the consultation period be set at no less than 6 months.

The whole thing, including public consultation feedback can then be passed to an external agency to work up into a usable form which we can then vote on.

[eta]: no I'm not bitter and disillusioned about local government, no not me, not one jot.

Cicero 03-26-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 549730)
I think before the right committee takes a vote, the whole matter needs looking into in detail. I'd suggest we form a working group to set the initial parameters of the investigation and they can then also look into the most effective method for setting up a steering committee to guide the investigation and report its findings to the appropriate oversight committee...

Said oversight committee will then have responsibility for taking the steering committee's report out to consultation with the wider public. Given the varied routes for input I would suggest the consultation period be set at no less than 6 months.

The whole thing, including public consultation feedback can then be passed to an external agency to work up into a usable form which we can then vote on.

[eta]: no I'm not bitter and disillusioned about local government, no not me, not one jot.

I'm not bitter about about the local government either.

So let's get together next week to go over the proper format for bringing the question about doing it, to the proper members, and think on ways to increase the efficiency of doing it. There are contractors that have done it with us in the past that should probably be consulted before we really work out the format and framework of the question and how it is to be posed to the committee. I can send them an e-mail tomorrow and see if they can advise on an appropriate meeting time, and we can go over the initial question and nail down the finer points, as well as go over the previous rfp, and what they have been contracted to do with us in the past, and amend the agreement as needed. Now I know that they have been really busy over there and might not get back to my e-mail quickly so we might have to set this out for a couple of days. Oh, and please back up all communications about doing it with the appropriate time stamp as we need to go over the policies and procedures for this project, and it needs to be reviewed by all parties. The files should all be marked by date of correspondance and they need to be faxed to someone on the state level. If you have any questions about how to proceed, please leave it in my voicemail as I will be out of town and need to streamline all communications in that box for now.

Thank you for your continued action on these items, as we all know that this is time-sensitive. We can go over that with everyone later this week.

classicman 03-26-2009 05:42 PM

I'm on vacation later - How bout next week or better yet the one after. We should have most of the info by then and can look into moving forward with this at that point - ok?

limey 03-26-2009 06:09 PM

... er ...

Beestie 03-26-2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by LJ on November 30, 2007
The procrastination thread

Damn, you beat me to it.

classicman 03-26-2009 08:36 PM

I was gonna make one too, but...

monster 03-26-2009 08:57 PM

I've almost finished it, I just had to put the last few things on hold to finish this other thing, then i'll get it right to you

Crimson Ghost 03-26-2009 11:01 PM

Um, today's not a good day.

Tommorrow's not looking too good, either.

How about I call you when I get a chance?

DanaC 03-27-2009 06:47 AM

Tell you what Crimson, leave it til after the weekend, give us a bell and we can work something out then?

Scriveyn 03-27-2009 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 549730)
I think before the right committee takes a vote, the whole matter needs looking into in detail. I'd suggest we form a working group to set the initial parameters of the investigation and they can then also look into the most effective method for setting up a steering committee to guide the investigation and report its findings to the appropriate oversight committee...

Said oversight committee will then have responsibility for taking the steering committee's report out to consultation with the wider public. Given the varied routes for input I would suggest the consultation period be set at no less than 6 months.

The whole thing, including public consultation feedback can then be passed to an external agency to work up into a usable form which we can then vote on.

Does the feasibility study come before or after that?

DanaC 03-27-2009 07:21 AM

Scriveyn, you're right. We didn't set up a feasibility study. That was woefully remiss. I think we should launch an internal enquiry to ascertain lines of responsibility and find out exactly who dropped the ball.

limey 03-27-2009 07:54 AM

But before that we need a meeting to establish who will head the internal enquiry - can you call me to discuss when would be good with you? (But not right now ...)

classicman 03-27-2009 08:04 AM

Perhaps we should consider hiring someone from outside the organization. We don't want the impression of bias and all.... Lets talk to HR soon and see if someone there can take care of that.

Pico and ME 03-27-2009 09:50 AM

I just jumped into this thread, I still have to read through it...maybe later.

SteveDallas 03-27-2009 10:01 AM

Slackers. I can do a week's worth of procrastination before lunchtime.

Trilby 03-27-2009 10:02 AM

i cannot be arsed to read this muck.

Crimson Ghost 03-27-2009 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 549940)
Tell you what Crimson, leave it til after the weekend, give us a bell and we can work something out then?

Sounds good.

capnhowdy 03-29-2009 08:11 AM

I googled procrastination. I should be getting the results via email any day now.

Queen of the Ryche 04-07-2009 02:42 PM

I was going to reply to Capn sooner, but I got sidetracked.....

SteveDallas 04-07-2009 02:45 PM

Hey, I have a question for everybody.

(Needless to say, you should answer it when you get around to it.)

Does it count as procrastination, if you just damn well had no intention of ever doing it in the first place?

Queen of the Ryche 04-07-2009 02:52 PM

Sure, as long as you really don't do it.....i think. Maybe I'll have to get back to you on that.

limey 04-07-2009 03:43 PM

Oh! I'd forgotten about this thread ...

dar512 04-07-2009 07:38 PM

I thought LJ finished this already.

capnhowdy 04-07-2009 08:50 PM

He's getting around to it.

Crimson Ghost 04-08-2009 01:01 AM

I was going to say something, but... ahh...

Fuck it, I'll do it later.

TheMercenary 04-08-2009 03:57 AM

I don't have time for this.

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