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Crimson Ghost 08-18-2007 12:07 AM

Strange Laws
Did you know it's illegal in France to name a pig Napoleon? Or that in Ohio you're not allowed to get a fish drunk? Alex Wade celebrates the spirit of the silly season with a list of the world's most ridiculous laws
Did you know that in France it is forbidden to call your pig Napoleon?


Did you know that in France it is forbidden to call your pig Napoleon?
Alex Wade

25. It is illegal for a cab in the City of London to carry rabid dogs or corpses.

24. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.

23. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down.

22. In France, it is forbidden to call a pig Napoleon.

21. Under the UK’s Tax Avoidance Schemes Regulations 2006, it is illegal not to tell the taxman anything you don’t want him to know, though you don’t have to tell him anything you don’t mind him knowing.

20. In Alabama, it is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while driving a vehicle.

19. In Ohio, it is against state law to get a fish drunk.

18. Royal Navy ships that enter the Port of London must provide a barrel of rum to the Constable of the Tower of London.

17. In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants - even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet.

16. In Lancashire, no person is permitted after being asked to stop by a constable on the seashore to incite a dog to bark.

15. In Miami, Florida, it is illegal to skateboard in a police station.

14. In Indonesia, the penalty for masturbation is decapitation.

13. In England, all men over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice a day.

12. In London, Freemen are allowed to take a flock of sheep across London Bridge without being charged a toll; they are also allowed to drive geese down Cheapside.

11. In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be punished by death before a firing squad.

10. In the UK, a man who feels compelled to urinate in public can do so only if he aims for his rear wheel and keeps his right hand on his vehicle.

9. In Florida, unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be jailed.

8. In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon more than six-feet long.

7. In Chester, Welshmen are banned from entering the city before sunrise and from staying after sunset.

6. In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.

5. In Boulder, Colorado, it is illegal to kill a bird within the city limits and also to “own” a pet - the town’s citizens, legally speaking, are merely “pet minders”.

4. In Vermont, women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.

3. In London, it is illegal to flag down a taxi if you have the plague.

2. In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman’s genitals but is forbidden from looking directly at them during the examination; he may only see their reflection in a mirror.

1. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast is legally the property of the King; the tail, on the other hand, belongs to the Queen - in case she needs the bones for her corset.




DanaC 08-18-2007 04:53 AM

Fabulous! I particularly like that it is illegal to flag down a taxi whilst one is infected with the plague :)

A disproportionate number of those laws seem to be in Blighty.

What always gets me about these is that at some point somebody had to write these laws and people had to agree them. Which suggests they were tackling problems of the day. Now...Weshmen in Coventry? I can see how that might have been a problem when the Welsh were the enemy...likewise a Scotsman in the city of York holding a bow and arrow.

Even the Napolean thing has some basis in sense. But:

In Ohio, it is against state law to get a fish drunk.

What led up to that law being instituted? Was there a problem at some point with people getting fish drunk?

Weird Harold 08-18-2007 06:04 AM

You have to get the fish drunk, remember the penalty for masturbation is decapitation.

skysidhe 08-18-2007 04:47 PM

another one

Did you know that in Lee County, Alabama it's illegal to sell peanuts after sundown on a Wednesday? However, in the same county, it's not illegal to drive the wrong way on a one-way street, as long as you have a lantern attached to the car

Clodfobble 08-18-2007 04:59 PM

I always wonder about the actual laws behind these wacky law lists. For example, what if in Lee County, Alabama, the law is actually something like, "All street vendors must vacate the area after sundown to prevent driving hazards"--which would technically mean that it would be illegal to sell your peanuts (or anything else) after sundown on a Wednesday (or any other day.) Or in Ohio, maybe it's really just that animal abuse is illegal, which happens to include administering dangerous drugs (alcohol) to all animals (including fish.)

rkzenrage 08-18-2007 07:53 PM

No legislation, IMO, is stranger than hate crime legislation.
"Your suffering/life is worth more "justice" (really vengeance, which the law is NEVER supposed to be) than theirs because of your melanin or sexual preference".
The most xenophobic laws in the world and a travesty.

Round here it is illegal to tie your alligator to a fire hydrant.

Weird Harold 08-18-2007 09:14 PM

Speaking of Alabama, on another forum, we drifted to talk of vibrators, and someone from Alabama said they are illegal, and can not be sold there. Never mind the whole government in your bedroom debate, never mind the idea that they know what they are doing, and don't need any help. You see, I live in Illinois. Fireworks are illegal in Illinois. Whenever we go on vacation, when you cross the state line of Indiana, Wisconsin, or Missouri, you see huge yellow, and red tents selling fireworks. That's how I picture Alabama, completely circled by yellow, and red tents full of marital aids.

busterb 08-18-2007 09:32 PM

illegal in MS. also.

bluecuracao 08-18-2007 10:05 PM

In Pennsylvania, it's legal to sell fireworks, but illegal for PA residents to buy them. Yes, they still buy them. No, no one cares.

In Virginia, it's illegal for an unmarried, unrelated man and woman to live together. Whoops, glad we moved!

Cicero 08-20-2007 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by bluecuracao (Post 376277)
In Pennsylvania, it's legal to sell fireworks, but illegal for PA residents to buy them. Yes, they still buy them. No, no one cares.

In Virginia, it's illegal for an unmarried, unrelated man and woman to live together. Whoops, glad we moved!

Ha Ha!!! In Colorado that's how they make you married through common law. One of many evil, evil, ways.....
Or if they make a major purchase together and both sign the receipt. (you are then automatically married through common law)

Bad side effects:
My friend lived with a woman for a year...they split up. She proved they had been living together for more than 48 hours....and got alimony. AAAh!

classicman 04-02-2010 09:03 AM

BUMP - This was emailed to me. Some are funny others maddening.


STILL on the subject of weird laws, here are some ridiculous pieces of legislation that are still, inexplicably, on the statute books in the US.

In Missouri, it is illegal to drive with an uncaged bear (caged bears are OK ).

In Maine, it’s illegal to have Christmas decorations up after January 14.

In New Jersey, it is illegal to wear a bulletproof vest while committing a murder. (Murderers no doubt live in fear of being nailed for this crime.)

In Nevada, it is illegal for a man to buy drinks for more than three people at a time.

In Wisconsin, it is illegal to serve butter substitutes in state prisons.

In New Jersey, once convicted of drunk driving you may never again have personalised number plates.

In North Dakota, it is illegal for beer and pretzels to be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant.

In Alaska, waking a sleeping bear for a photo opportunity is strictly forbidden.

In Connecticut, a pickle is not officially a pickle unless it bounces.

In Ohio, it is against state law to get a fish drunk.

In South Carolina, you must be 18 years old to play a pinball machine.

In Michigan, anyone over the age of 12 may own a hand-gun as long as they have not committed a felony.

In Idaho, it is illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of chocolates weighing more than 22kg.

In North Carolina, Bingo games may not last longer than five hours.

In Louisiana, there is a 500 fine for instructing a pizza delivery man to deliver pizza to a friend without the friend’s prior knowledge.

In Connecticut, it’s illegal to walk across a street on your hands.

In Arizona, it is illegal to own more than two dildos.

Shawnee123 04-02-2010 09:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)

In Ohio, it is against state law to get a fish drunk.
I call BS. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in Ohio is drunk.


Pie 04-02-2010 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 645166)
I call BS. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING in Ohio is drunk.

Amen. It's the only way to survive in The Heart Of It All aka The Middle Of Nowhere.

Shawnee123 04-02-2010 10:01 AM

Ahh yes, and you KNOW this area!

(Suddenly craving Wooden Shoe chicken again.)

Pie 04-02-2010 10:30 AM

Holy hell, get out! You know about The Wooden Shoe, in Minster Ohio????

Shawnee123 04-02-2010 10:37 AM

We talked about it a long time ago! Heck yeah. I'm familiar with the Great White North. I live rather in between that area and Date-uhn.

classicman 04-02-2010 10:46 AM


In Louisiana, there is a $500 fine for instructing a pizza delivery man to deliver pizza to a friend without the friend’s prior knowledge.
So much for the surprise aspect.

Pie 04-02-2010 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 645192)
We talked about it a long time ago! Heck yeah. I'm familiar with the Great White North. I live rather in between that area and Date-uhn.

:o Don't mind me; I have the memory of a goldfish.

Carruthers 04-02-2010 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Crimson Ghost (Post 376149)


24. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.

I don't know about that, but Members of Parliament never die within the Palace of Westminster even if they expire in a blaze of spontaneous combustion. They always die 'in the ambulance on the way to hospital'. From memory, if they do depart this mortal vale of tears within the bounds of the Palace it sparks off an incredibly complex inquest procedure. In other words, there's too much paper work involved.:eek:

classicman 04-02-2010 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 645294)
there's too much paper work involved.:eek:

... because its illegal .:cool:

Carruthers 04-02-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 645299)
... because its illegal .:cool:

You may well have a point there!

classicman 04-02-2010 01:43 PM


Crimson Ghost 04-02-2010 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 645294)
I don't know about that, but Members of Parliament never die within the Palace of Westminster even if they expire in a blaze of spontaneous combustion. They always die 'in the ambulance on the way to hospital'. From memory, if they do depart this mortal vale of tears within the bounds of the Palace it sparks off an incredibly complex inquest procedure. In other words, there's too much paper work involved.:eek:

Just like Disneyland/Disneyworld. If you die on a ride, the report read that you died in the ambulance. Then it's all "Hose it off and crank it up."

Business as usual in the "Happyest Place On Earth".


In New Jersey, once convicted of drunk driving you may never again have personalised number plates.
This is true.
Even the 'Cure Cancer', 'Save The Earth', ect...

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