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W.HI.P 10-18-2006 05:05 PM

Betting tips
I'm just so good at this, and its been an amazing year so far, so i thought i'd start this thread.
First of all, you can't be betting too many games, 3 is the maximum limit.
Defencive betting is what will make you money.
Let me give you an example of why less is better.
if you were to take 7 games and bet them amongst eachother in bets of 3's with each combination covered, you would have 35 bets.
if you were to take 7 games and bet them amongst eachother in bets of 4's with each combination covered, you would also have 35 bets.
now lets see why the one is better than the other......
lets say each game of the 7 payout 2/1. and lets say we bet $10 dollars on each bet...both bets amount to $350.
most commonly, you would win 3 out of 7, or 4/7 ..and if you're realy lucky, lets 5/7.
now lets see the payout....
with 3 wins:3's payout 1 bet = $10X2X2X2=$80
with 3 wins:4's payout 0 bets = $0

with 4 wins 3's payout 4 bets =$80X4=$320
with 4 wins 4's payout 1 bet = $10X2X2X2X2=$160

with 5 wins 3's payout 10 bets = $80X10=$800
with 5 wins 4's payout 5 bets = $160X5=$800

so as you can see, its just stupid to bet 4 games per bet when you can bet 3

now in the 6-7 option, it would be simply wiser to bet the 6-7, but you'll rarely win, especially at these odds ....end result=4's are not a good idea.
Now lets get to the action.
I've been watching very closely, and i'm 6 out of 6 on the Philadelphia eagels, betting against them twice and for them 4 times=100% success.
On Sunday, the Eagels face the TB Bucs forget the point spread which is 5,5, more or less, and is subjec to hange....look at the Eagels win its paying between 1,40 to 1,60, and it is FREE MONEY!!!! take it, put it on every slip, that price is also subject to change take it now while you can, Mcnnabb is too good, He's taking sips of tea between the snap and the throw.
And don't get fooled by TB being a team, because they're not, they have a pretty good defence, but certainly not good enough to stop this Philadelphia offence which is doing whatever it wants whenever it wants!
Now thats the best bet of the week.

Now I don't know what kinda price you're getting on the Colorado Avalanche-Toronto Maple Leafs game tonight, but here in Toronto, they're giving me 2/1 on Colorado, and I'm taking it...reality check..Toronto has no goalie...Toronto has no defence, Kaberle is actually pretty good, but superstar McCabe can't do anything in the back, its like toronto plays with 4 forwards and 1 defender while he's on the ice...Toronto will be well below .500 this year, and anytime you can get a superior team than them at 2/ take it.
Many of you will see the New Jersey Devils-Pitchberg Penguins game and think that it'll be an easy win for the Devils...but be cautious here, Malkin is making his debut, and although playing on line 2, I'm sure he'll hit the ice with Crosby at some point..I'm no fan, but I'm 100% sure that both Crosby and Malkin will be headline news this year...I'm not saying bet on Pitchberg, I'm just saying don't be betting against them,especially on Malkin's debut!

The Anaheim Mighty Ducks are clearly Stanley cup material with Chris Pronger coming to the team, and tonight they face up against The Red wings...its paying 2/1 ..i'd say thats a good bet.

I think Chris Carpenter is an amazing pitcher and everything points to St.Louis going to the world series after tonight, and they are favorites to do so, but you know what...I say somehow, the mets wins the next 2 games and steals the ticket...I dunno how, I'm the last person that would bet against Chris, but tonight, under the circumstances of the Mets elimination, I took the underdog Mets.


Take Buffalo against The Patriots -6,5.
Take Green Bay against Miami -4,5 (RB Green will play for GB)
Take NY Giants against Dallas -3,5
I'd tell you to take Phillie at 6,5 against TB, but the 1,50 at +3,5 looks better!

robsterman1 10-18-2006 05:32 PM

Seems you got an interesting system here. Worth a try IMO, but has it been proven?

W.HI.P 10-18-2006 10:49 PM

I'm not quite sure what you mean there Robsterman, I think the results speak for themselves! More tips to come...

W.HI.P 10-20-2006 04:25 AM

College Football Point Spread
Take Nebraska over Texas -6,5 Saturday.
I think Texas will find it hard to score against this defence.
IMO, it's a field goal game.

English Premiership
Liverpool is in need of some quick points.
Man Utd should be happy enough with a draw in this one, I can't see how Liverpool could possibly lose this.
Take The draw and the Liverpool win at 1,66 combined.

N.H.L Hockey
Minnesota travels to Anaheim to face the Mighty ducks who are undefeated, I bet they remain so against this team that will probably be hovering just over the .500 mark at the end of the year
Anaheim win=1,60
lol at the ones who make these prices, 2,20 for columbus at home to beat the Leafs?? .....Columbus sucks, but 2,20???....I'm not saying columbus will win, i'm just saing that the price is not realistic, therefore, a good bet for one who's looking for something extra.
..and talking about far fetched prices??....sure Buffalo is looking great this year, but Carolina has picked up these past few games as well, In Buffalo, carolina's win is paying 2,50!!!!!! Thats simply insaine! Jump all over that.

Just to add another.
The New York Jets win at home against the Detroit Lions is looking pretty atractive at 1,90....I'm not taking it until i know Lavernius Coles is playing for sure...I've been watching this Lavernius guy, and he is in superb form,clearly one of the absolute elite WR's in the NFL this year....its basically what he can do after the catch thats so yeah, if he plays, deffinetly take the Jets to win!

W.HI.P 10-20-2006 11:39 PM

College Football Point spread
Please help me understand this one!
Georgia tech plays Clemson and Clemson is the favorite by -7,5??
WTF is that all about?
Apart from the fact that they're plaing at home, give me another reason why Clemson should win this game....easily take Georgia tech here!

W.HI.P 10-21-2006 12:02 AM

NFL-AFC west outright
For those of you who like the long term bet i must recomend the Sand Diego Chargers here at 1,90 to win this division, and here is why....
lol @ Oakland
Forget KC,there OL is all they had and its now fallen to pieces.
The only threat to this bet is the Denver Broncos....
Both teams at 4-1..they do face each other twice, and if you examine their teams a litle and see that San diego is clearly a pass rush defence and a Running LT, the do have the edge..but lets say they split.
San Diego's schedule is just a little easier than Denver's.
IMO, the only real way to lose the bet is if Tomlinson gets injured..and he's just not that kind of running back. I like the maturity of the team, I like the fact that they can protect the lead, and the coaches decision making is exactly how it should be, where Shanahan is unpredictable and sometimes dangerous, especially when the team is in the lead, and will certainly cost the Broncos a close one or two

W.HI.P 10-21-2006 02:29 PM

ummm, Verlander's pitching today,right? well, what more is needed to be said.

W.HI.P 10-21-2006 04:38 PM

Lets see what we've done so far...

Colorado Avalanche 4-1 Toronto Maple leafs WIN=2,00
Mighty ducks of Anaheim 4-1 Detroit Red wings Win=2,00
New York Mets 4-2 St.Louis Cardinals Win=1,80
Mighty Ducks of Anaheim 2-1 Minnesota Wild Win=1,60
Carolina Hurricaine 4-5 Buffalo Sabres Loss=2,50
Nebraska 20-22 (-6,5) Texas Win/Point spread

Still to come
Georgia Tech-Clemson(-7,5)
Buffalo Bills-NE Patriots (-6,5)
Green Bay Packers-Miami Dolphins(-4,5)
New York Giants-Dallas Cowboys(-3,5)
New York Jets(3,5)-Miami Dolphins Payout=1,90 at the time
Liverpool-Man Utd ...Tie and Liverpool win combined=1,66
San Diego Chargers to win Division=1,90
And BEST BET of the week!
PHILADELPHIA EAGELS(-3,5)-TB Bucs Payout=1,50

W.HI.P 10-21-2006 04:45 PM

Oh, and I just saw the price on Detroits win in the first game of the world i take that back..sure they'll win, but its a bad bet at that price.

W.HI.P 10-23-2006 04:12 PM

lol at Mcnnabb throwing 5 touchdown pases, 3 for the Eagels and 2 for the Bucs..... that set me back a bit ..and what about that 62 yard field goal??
it if had been a 64 yarder, he would have made it for sure and broken the record of 63!

whenever you get these insaine prices, you have to jump on them.
and its not about who's better, its about taking the price..hell, its hockey.
Montreal at home against Buffalo is more than just form, its a history its passion...Buffalo will not maintain its perfect record.
WTF? For the LA Kings to beat the Avalanche in Colorado pays 2.90!
who's playing? is it soccer Italy against luxemburg or something???
I didn't think so..take the Kings!
Dallas is a much better team than Vancouver but again, take the price=2,20.
LMAO ...tuesday ottawa travels to Toronto and are the underdogs at 1,95???

When you bet defencivly, you can afford to lose a few at these prices.

N.H.L Hockey
Montreal Canadiens to beat Buffalo Sabres=2,00
LA Kings to beat Colorado Avalanche =2,90
Vancouver Canucks to beat Dallas Stars=2,20
Ottawa Senators to beat Toronto MapleLeafs=1,95

N.F.L Point spread
NY GIANTS to beat Dallas Cowboys(-3,5)

Undertoad 10-23-2006 04:32 PM

I say to you, that was the most incredible fourth quarter ever. Including the best McNabb on-field vomiting so far, of the three I've seen.

The McYack happens when the entire team must be heaved up on his shoulders, and he accepts the burden because he is who he is.

The last two times, it didn't work.

This time, it worked - and he engineered two incredible drives, in which he ran and passed and performed the usual McNabb miracles. In which they suddenly needed a TD instead of a FG in the last 4 minutes to win, and in which I knew for certain that they would get. And they did. It wasn't karma; it was the point that happens in every single Eagles game, setting up for the point at which McNabb can score on you at will. Whether that happens early or late, it has inevitably happened in every game this year.

The only way TB could win that game was through an outrageous miracle. Which then happened. Every Eagles loss has been a game in which they pretty much dominated the opponent... but the improbable events of the NFL led to weird outcomes.

Meanwhile, their #1 WR Donte Stallworth has been out four weeks... may be back next week... figure that into your betting WHIP... they are poised to kick someone's ass hard, and Will Not Lose to a team with any serious weakness in the secondary.

W.HI.P 10-23-2006 05:47 PM

Oh i agree with ou 100%,and although Stallworth's abscence may not be that visable with Mcnnabb doing well without him.
Donte has amazing value in this Eagels team with his incredible Speed, its exactly what Donovan wants in his WR's.
Although the score would decieve everyone, the Eagels defence is as solid as it ever was, The jaguars will be a piece of cake with their injured and then its the bye week, and by week 10 the Eagels should be 100% percent against Portis and the Redskins...I don't think i will bet against the Eagels again this year till the NFC final against the Bears, not even against the P.Manning's colts where there will be some obvious points given to us on the spread.

Undertoad 10-23-2006 06:04 PM

I love this game.

W.HI.P 10-24-2006 12:59 AM

MLB World Series
Chris Carpenter pitching at home against Robertson...I'll be damned if Chris dosen't show up here, If St.Louis has a shot at this, it Begins with Carpenter's win tommorow...its probably the last real chance to bet on a baseball game with some safety this only pays 1,50, but Its on Chris and the Cardinals for sure~!~

Price change on the Ottawa-Leafs game..from 1,95 to 1,75, but its still a good bet!

Pari St Germain travel to Lyon to face one of the absolute best teams in the world for the french league, But there's one thing as a fan of Lyonnais that I've noticed throughout the past 5-6 years ...they don't care about the French league cup AT ALL!!! I mean, we're pretty unfortunate that they face Pari St.Germain here as opposed to some smaller team from the 2nd or even third division, because we would have made a fortune at 20 or 25/1 ......... tie pays 4,00
..but even better and more likely Pari St.Germain's win =6,50

Bolton is not last years team where Stelios giannakopoulos was on fire ..his feet are dragging, and Bolton IMO seem to be the small team they used to be....they travel to London to face Charlton for the League cup,and believe it or not Charlton's win pays 2,90 thats a good bet!

W.HI.P 10-25-2006 12:43 PM

NHL Hockey
Atlanta visits Carolina...both teams are in excellent form!
I really like what i've seen from atlanta this year, and the goaltender is elite.
Although it will be close, I have to take the underdog's Thrashers here at 1,90

San Jose in Detroit..People have the Sharks as one of the favorites to win the stanley cup...i don't see that, and until the rest of the world understands this, we have to take the price against them..especially IN DETROIT,it pays 1,95 and we'd be crazy not to take it

Vancouver is also placed amongst the favorties to make it all the way, and even more so, this is not gonna happen IMO, maybe in two three years they could mount a challenge...on the other hand, Chicago is not the st.louis/columbus terrible team they were last year, not at all, they will be in 3rd place in this division at worst at the end of the year, so as long as the team is underestimated, take the money..and at home it pays 2,20!

Tommorow Montreal goes to Boston, i think they can win, i like the depth in the team, and both goalies are worthy of the job, 1,85.

also tommorow, i don't care how many times you'll see the ottawa-Leafs game this year, but each time no matter where they play, take the pays 1,50 tommorow in ottawa.

lol, the most uneven game of the year takes place on Sunday where the 49ers travel to Chicago to face the Bears, now I know that he Bears will be looking at going 8-0 before this game is finished, but no matter how you look at it 16,5 points is simply not enough!
And what is probably the best bet of the week is in Denver where the Colts visit and the Broncos are favorites at -2,5 ...this dosen't make sense to me.
I mean the Broncos really can't score, and even if the broncos were the Bears, i'd still expect at least 21 points on the board for the Colts...hell if the were giving the colts favorties by -7 i'd take it.

The Results so far
Colorado Avalanche 4-1 Toronto Maple leafs Win=2,00
Mighty ducks of Anaheim 4-1 Detroit Red wings Win=2,00
New York Mets 4-2 St.Louis Cardinals Win=1,80
Mighty Ducks of Anaheim 2-1 Minnesota Wild Win=1,60
Carolina Hurricaine 4-5 Buffalo Sabres Loss=2,50
Nebraska 20-22 (-6,5) Texas Win/Point spread
Georgia Tech 7-31 Clemson(-7,5) Loss
Buffalo Bills 6-28 NE Patriots (-6,5) Loss
Green Bay Packers 34-24 Miami Dolphins(-4,5) Win
New York Giants 36-22 Dallas Cowboys(-3,5) Win
New York Jets(3,5) 31-24 Miami Dolphins Payout=1,90 Win
Liverpool 0-2 Man Utd Loss=1,66
Philadelphia Eagels(-3,5) 21-23 TB Bucs Payout Loss=1,50
Montreal Canadiens 1-4 Buffalo SabresLoss=2,00
LA Kings 1-6 Colorado Avalanche Loss=2,90
Vancouver Canucks 1-2 Dallas Stars Loss=2,20
Ottawa Senators 6-2 Toronto Maple Leafs Win=1,95
St.Louis Cardinals 5-0 Detroit tigers Win=1,50
Charlton 1-0 Bolton Win=2,90
Pari St.Germain 1-2 Lyon loss=6,50

Still to come...

Atlanta Thrashers-Carolina Hurricaine =1,90
Detroit red wings-san jose Sharks =1,95
Chicago Blackhawks-Vancouver Canucks =2,20
Montreal Canadiens-Boston Bruins=1,85
Ottawa Senators-Toronto Maple Leafs =1,50

N.F.L Pointspread
Chicago Bears (-16,5)-SF 49ers
Indianapolis Colts-Denver Broncos(-2,5)

W.HI.P 10-26-2006 04:45 PM

College football point spreads

Virginia tech - Clemson(-4,5)
Penn State (-3,0)-Purdue

NHL Hockey

Anaheim-Minnesota =1,90
Detroit-Dallas =2,00

W.HI.P 10-26-2006 11:18 PM

N.H.L Hockey

I've been going on about the Mighty ducks of Anaheim since day one, well actually since the day they aquirred Chris Pronger from the Stanley Cup finisher's oilers. Its not just Pronger, Its the 2 Goalies who IMO ae equally as good, and Scott .and most of all the coach, the coach which is doing some amazing work given the tools that he has.
For this year at least, Anheim is the # 1 team in the NHL, they Play in Minnesota tommorow after a days rest, and lol at them being underdogs at 1, thats a good bet!

I watched the Detroit Red wings last night, and what i saw was that the've changed that old school hockey they were playing last year and are adapting to the new thats a scary thought..I mean when these guys get it rolling with this lineup, they're gonna look like the senators, but with a better defence and a hard hitting team, anyhow, they play in Dallas tommorow, and although its a toughy, at 2,00, whats not to like?


Now lets take a closer look at some of these.
Now I've already given the Chicago Bears over the 49ers at 16,5 points, and you're probably saying wtf? .but you know, out of all those spreads between 13 and 20, this is really safe, i mean this Bears Defence is not gonna be letting up at any time in the game, and no matter how many time the Bears run the ball to kill the time or protect their lead, or even keep players on the bench to get ready for next week.this 49ers pass defence is High-school, the only threat we really have is the 49ers scoring a whole bunch of thats simply not gonna happen, because this Bears defence will simply not let up no matter what the lead is! Don't fear the spread on the Bears this week.

Now I've also given the Indianapolis Colts over the Broncos.
Now in this one..even if the broncos had the Bears defence...the colts would still score AT LEAST 21 points..and given that the Broncos cannot score no matter who they're up against..AND!!! the friggin Broncos are favorites by 2,5!!?!?! Colts all the way..actually take the -3,5 that pays 2,50 on the colts win.I aready have!

Texans-Titans(-3) My hands are kind up in the air in this game.My gut says the Titans, fact is the Titans are a beter team, at home, so even logic say titans, but i'm not touching it.

Jaguars-Eagels(-6,5) First of all ,Mcnair's not playing,that one of the reasons for the 6,5, and apart from the solid Jaguars defence, Mcnair has been the reason the Jag's have won some thi year. Now i dissregard last weeks weak appearence by Jacksonville, and I also must point out the fact that the Bucs offence could NOT move the ball against the Philadelphia Eagels defence last week, both touchdowns came from picks off Donovan Mcnnabb, who showed us an excuse of why is game was a little off....fact is, he is the #1 Quarterback in the NFL at the moment and He will score some touchdown this week, and I really doubt the jags will manage much against this really solid eagels defence, especially without McNair .-6,5???Eagels,easily

Falcons-Bengals(-3,5) you got to like this Bengals team,especially the offence,and it's very very hard to bet against them, and I don't plan to until they face the Chargers maybe, for the obvious reason that Cincinati can't stop the run, now you could say DUNN, and of course Vick and say bet on the Falcons, but given the fact that if this Bengals offence starts rolling, they'll be scoring a touchdown on almost every drive,so,i'm not gonna be touching this.

Bucs-Giants(-8,5) I continue to believe that the Bucs are one of the worst teams in the NFL despite last weeks win, now, the New York Giants, what can you say about them? Amazing pass rush defence, and the offence has too many options, Now i don't really like what i've seen from E.Manning, but this should be a very easy week. even with the -8,5 spread take the Giants

Cardinals-Packers(-3,5) there's no comparing these two teams, Arizona has a better team, i mean, their offencive units are elite..their defence is less than so-so, but there are serious problems in Arizona with the coaching, i mean wtf are they doing??? the had a 20 point lead against the bears with a few minutes left in the third do you do?...ask a child, a 5 year old...he'll tell you....YOU RUN THE BALL!!!!!!!, you eat the clock...LMAO, but noooooo the coach gave the rookie qb the freedom to throw on every play..and throw 20-30 yards down the field on ever play..assuring that the time would not given the fact that Arizona's defence sucks, and Green is back for the Packers , it would seem like the Packers win by over 3,5 is easy, but I'm not gonna touch it based on the fact that this Arizona offence CAN SCORE multiple points at any given game.

Seahawks-Chiefs(-6,5) Hasselbeck out,Alexander out for another week at least, looks like the chiefs game, but i don't like all the publicity on this game almost beggin us to bet on KC, keep away from it

Ravens-Saints(-2,5) I lift my hands in the air in this one.

Rams-Chargers(-9,5) LT can't be stopped, and even though he's not getting enough touches, his back-up has risen to the occasion...given the fact that their at home, the defence is coming back,I am gonna bet on the San Diego Chargers to beat this spread -9,5 basically because the rams are not as good as their record shows, not at all.

Steelers(-9,5)-Raiders..the Steelers are a team that will finish below .500 this year, and next year, below .300, Now ok so the raiders suck as well, I should take the -9,5 but I won't.

Jets(-2,5)-Browns..the jets are my 2nd favorite team, but i'm not gonna be betting on them this week as the Browns are really a better team than they seem, and they're gonna score against the jets weak will he Jets, but I'm not gonna risk my money on it.

Cowboys-Panthers(-6,5) Bledsoe's out FINALY!!! I mean, Bill should have done that at the start of the year, he looked like a headless chicken running around back there, he disgraced this amazing Dallas Cowboys i know rollo looked a little messed up coming on last week, but keep in mind, they brought him in in a game of desperation againt a team that was expecting the pass on every play..i say, with these tools, rollo's gonna do just fine, the Cowboys aren't only gonna beat this -6,5 point spread, I say their gonna win thi game EASILY on Dallas!!!

Patriots(-2,5)-Vikings..If I've made one mistake this year in my estimation of a team, it been on these Minnesota Vikings, i thought they just sucked, but let the truth be told, Brad Johnson is really playing well, I mean, if you 've watched him in a few games this year, you'd know one thing..he's not gonna throw a pick! He's mature and having his best year of his life, the defence isn't that bad at all, so yeah, the Minnesota Vikings don't suck, they don't suck at all, now they don't have muh of a chance at winning the division with the superbowl bears there, but they can sure beat this Patriot team at home, and given the fact that patriots are -2,5 point favorites, I'd say thats a good bet!

The Results so far
Colorado Avalanche 4-1 Toronto Maple leafs Win=2,00
Mighty ducks of Anaheim 4-1 Detroit Red wings Win=2,00
New York Mets 4-2 St.Louis Cardinals Win=1,80
Mighty Ducks of Anaheim 2-1 Minnesota Wild Win=1,60
Carolina Hurricaine 4-5 Buffalo Sabres Loss=2,50
Nebraska 20-22 (-6,5) Texas Win/Point spread
Georgia Tech 7-31 Clemson(-7,5) Loss
Buffalo Bills 6-28 NE Patriots (-6,5) Loss
Green Bay Packers 34-24 Miami Dolphins(-4,5) Win
New York Giants 36-22 Dallas Cowboys(-3,5) Win
New York Jets(3,5) 31-24 Miami Dolphins Win=1,90
Liverpool 0-2 Man Utd Loss=1,66
Philadelphia Eagels(-3,5) 21-23 TB Bucs Loss=1,50
Montreal Canadiens 1-4 Buffalo Sabres Loss=2,00
LA Kings 1-6 Colorado Avalanche Loss=2,90
Vancouver Canucks 1-2 Dallas Stars Loss=2,20
Ottawa Senators 6-2 Toronto Maple Leafs Win=1,95
St.Louis Cardinals 5-0 Detroit tigers Win=1,50
Charlton 1-0 Bolton Win=2,90
Pari St.Germain 1-2 Lyon loss=6,50
Atlanta Thrashers 4-5 Carolina Hurricaine loss=1,90
Detroit red wings 2-1 san jose Sharks Win=1,95
Chicago Blackhawks 0-5 Vancouver Canucks loss=2,20
Montreal Canadiens 3-2 Boston Bruins Win=1,85
Ottawa Senators 7-2 Toronto Maple Leafs Win=1,50
Virginia Tech 24-7 Clemson(-4,5) Win

Still to come...

NHL Hockey

Anaheim Mighty ducss-Minnesota Wild =1,90
Detroit Red Wings-Dallas Stars =2,00

College football point spread

Penn State (-3,0)-Purdue

N.F.L Pointspread
Chicago Bears (-16,5)-SF 49ers
Indianapolis Colts-Denver Broncos(-2,5)

Philadelphia Eagels(6,5)-Jacksonville jaguars
New York Giants(8,5)-TB Bucs
San Diego Chargers(9,5)-St.louis rams
Dallas Cowboys-Carolina Panthers(-6,5)
Minnesota Vikings-New England Patriots(-2,5)

W.HI.P 10-29-2006 10:52 PM

N.H.L. Hockey

Are they insaine? Have they even watched the Atlanta Thrashers play this year? ...Hossa is amaing, I mean, I can't believe the stuff he does on the ice... So they're coming here, to Toronto, to face the figure they're the favorite right? ...WRONG!!
Toronto win=1,50
Atlanta win=2,20
If you don't take this 2,20 on Atlanta, then don't bet on hockey!

Latest Results................

NHL Hockey

Anaheim 2-3(SO) Minnesota Loss=1,90
Detroit 4-3 Dallas WIN=2,00

College Football

Virginia Tech 24-7 Clemson(-4,5) WIN
Penn State(-3,0) 12-0 Purdue WIN


Chicago Bears(-16,5) 41-10 SF 49ersWIN
Indianapolis Colts 34-31 Denver Broncos(-2,5)WIN
Philadelphia Eagels(-6,5) 6-13 Jacksonville JaguarsLoss
New York Giants(-8,5) 17-3 TB Bucs WIN
San Diego Chargers(-9,5) 38-24 St.Louios Rams WIN
Dallas Cowboys 35-14 Carolina Panthers(-6,5) WIN

Still to come...................

NFL Football

Minnesota Vikings - New England Patriots (-2,5)

NHL Hockey

Atlanta Thrashers-Toronto Maple Leafs

Undertoad 10-29-2006 10:57 PM

Uh yeah, sorry about the Eagles. They could not have looked more average, which hopefully means they turned in their season mulligan. Although there was no reason to turn in a mulligan the week before the bye and after two losses.

W.HI.P 10-29-2006 11:37 PM

I would have chosen them anyways... this is kinda reminding me of last year.
Of course Donovan has his health and all, the defence looks just fine, it all rests on Mcnnabb and what kinda day he's gonna have.
lol, did i say McNair up here in my analyses....of course i meant Leftwich.
I guess the Jaguars defence did that little extra to win the game...
Nooooo who are we kidding? it was Mcnnabb...we knew this was a difficult division to begin with, and with the Giants flying, and now that Dallas has OBVIOUSLY got things going without the bledsoe burden, the year is starting to look grim..I mean, even if Phillie had won, those teams will be hard to beat now.

W.HI.P 10-30-2006 12:34 AM

In total annaylsis of my so far tips, if you were to wager $100 on each as a single bet, you would be +$575.00.

Undertoad 10-30-2006 07:37 AM

Yes, you're exactly right, every Eagles game rests completely in McNabb's hands... when he is on they win, but if he is a little bit off the game turns into muck. The west coast offense depends on him throwing little "dink n dunk" passes with 100% accuracy and if he can't do that for some reason, everything seems to fall apart.

W.HI.P 10-31-2006 01:22 PM

Ouch@ the Vikings and Thrashers losses

Not much to talk about over the next couple days, just one game, and you'll call me crazy, but hear me out...

CSSKA Moscow travels to London to take on Arsenal, after beating them at home 1-0.
One would say that ok, it was in Moscow, therefore very cold and the Russians had the advantage.
One would say that Arsenal will take revenge against this much weaker Russian team.
Fact:Russian football is on the rise, it has been over the past 5 years, with various teams popping out of the woodwork making their mark, proving worthy against the strongest teams. ...But one Russian team was to stand out in front of the rest ....CSKA Moscow of course, European basketball champions, have been dominating it since the turn of the century alongside Panathinaikos and various italian and spanish teams.
And now its time for its football(soccer) school, and they are for real, and WILL NOT go away.
Now if all you get out of this is avoiding to bet on this 1,20 Arsenal win, then fine. But you could get more by taking the 5,00 on the draw, and 9,00 on the far fetched CSSKA Win!!

W.HI.P 11-01-2006 01:40 PM

N.F.L Football

Both teams are mediocre, The Chiefs offencive line has gone down the drain since last year, and the rams despite the positive record, are so-so.
I suppose they can beat KC and better their record,thus destorting our perception of how good they are, but i'm not convinced that they will, so I'll leave this one alone

Now this is the kind of match-up one can dissect and find the winner.
Cincinnati is back, their offence is rolling, and the've got more wins then losses coming...this division is theirs to take!
They've got one major weakness, they can't stop the run, and with an unavoidable loss coming up against LT and the chargers, you'd have to think they'll win this one against the ravens,and they will.
Baltimore is not famous for their running game and the fact is, when you have an offence like cincinati's or the colts for example, they will generally beat the best defence in the nfl, especially with so many options....look at them!
4 key wr's, looking at each matchup against the cb's, the Cincinnati Bengals are better.
And if that wasn't enough, look at the RB Johnson, he can catch the ball as well as run it while the ravens are playing the nickel and dime.
...and the ravens are the favorites by -3,0?~?~?
....Bet on the bengals!!!

Are you guys watching this New York Giants team? so Mannings lucky to be here with this multiple choice offence, and unlike Bledsoe with the Cowboys, he's holding his job.
...and what about the Giants defence? Strahan's pass rushing on every down like no other...and boy is he gonna have some fun against this texan weak OL and passing game...
this game is a joke, and so is the -14 points.
Take the Giants!

Nice rivalry here, I like the titans on this spread,it should be a low scoring game, but for another week, I'm gonna leave them alone.

Washington's coach is too much! Run the ball on 1st 2nd and 3rd down, and who wouldn't with Clinton in the backfield, and he will beat the Cowboys on some plays, but I'm afraid this defence will be too much for Portis, and the offence is too predictable.
The Dallas Cowboys offence on the other hand, will not be stopped, and this -3,0 point spread is nothing in this one.
Bet on Dallas!

Buffalo is a better team, but it seems as though the were in form pre-season and start, and have fallen from it, and with Green on fire for the Packers, you would assume that they can win this. BUT, the Bills are better than this, they really are a good team and i can't believe their record this year, it just dosen't relate to the quality this team has, I recomend staying away from this one and watching these two teams closely for next week.

TB is not a good team, i mean, ok, so they have an above average defence, but thats nothing when you have the worst offence in football.
This has New Orleans written all over it, but since the start of the year, i've been watching the saints, and there's something really fishy about some of the games they've played, against the falcons etc etc.
IMO?? the saints are NOT even remotely as good as they seem to be, and based on that alone, i'm not touching this.

90% of the bets will be on the falcons with this spread, and i don't blame them, the Lions as a whole are less than a team, and I do not believe they will find their form any time this year, But my instincts tell me not to touch, so i won't!

This is around the time where a team like the Bears start looking to next week and the week after, and even the playoffs. This will result in AT LEAST 2 losses...they can afford it. I'm not saying that the Miami Dolphins will win, I'm not ruling it out either, not with the superbowl on the line, and I don't see how the Bears can lose it this year, they are by far the best team in the NFL, but under the circumstances, against the Dolphins who are not the 49ers with this -16,5 point spread.
Bet on the Dolphins!

Oh my, the Vikings looked bad Monday night, Maybe my original estimation that they sucked was pretty accurate.....I think it was watching Johnson vs the bears that made my opinion of them change...well, back to reality!

This should be an easy win for the Chargers, but i dunno about that pointspread.

WTF is this??? how is it that they have the Steelers favorites here by -2,5?
This is a 10 point win for the Denver Broncos kind of game, thats if they're being nice. The Steelers are competing for the worst record in the NFL, and they are gonna have a dificult time winning even that, but next year, they'll be odds on favorites.
HELLO!?!! Bet on the Broncos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <---Is that enough emphasis?

Yeah thats right, keep making the Colts -2,5 point underdogs so we can keep making money. the Indiannapolis Colts players are returning from injuries every week, this team just keeps getting stronger, and P.Manning??? the man is unbelievably its "Unbelivably Great!
Bet on the Colts

Now if this was a sunday game, I'd tell you to stay away from it, but Monday night is kind of a must for at least a small wager...hrmm, so who to pick?
Hasselbeck out, Alexander out for another week, Seattle's defence is not cutting it, the Raiders just beat a terrible steelers team, so that dosen't count.
You know, I don't care if its a monday night game...Avoid

W.HI.P 11-06-2006 01:27 PM

Latest Results

Arsenal 0-0 CSKA Moscow WIN =5,00
Cincinatti Bengals 20-26 Baltimore Ravens(-3,5) Loss
New York Giants(-14,5) 14-10 Houston Texans Loss
Dallas Cowboys (-3,0) 19-22 Washington Redskins Loss
Miami Dolphins 31-13 Chicago Bears WIN
Denver Broncos 31-20 Pitchberg Steelers WIN
Indianapolis Colts 27-20 New England Patriots WIN

NFL Pointspread

I'll give a tip even though my better instincts tell me to avoid this Monday night game.
I have the outmost respect for Holmgreen, and overall, i believe he is the best coach in the game, ok, so he made some visable mistakes last year, but they are overlooked. The man is an OL specialist, which is great for both Alexander and Hasselbeck...But they're not playing! Now I've coached basketball, and i know what its like not to have your starting PG and Center in your line-up, and sure you can work around some things, but overall, your chances of achieving without them are limited.
So yeah, I'm recomending and taking the Oakland Raiders tonight to beat this -8,5 pointspread, and why not win the game? If Seattle's defence plays like last week, the Raiders 3rd win in a row is on its way!

N.H.L Hockey

Philadelphia Flyers-Toronto maple Leafs = 2,90
Dallas Stars-Vancouver Canucks = 1,90
Ottawa Senators-Washington Capitols = 1,50
Anaheim Ducks-Pitchberg Penguins = 1,50

W.HI.P 11-08-2006 11:45 AM

N.F.L Pointspread

Chiefs (-3,0)-Dolphins

To judge this one based on the week that just passed would be wrong, as KC beat a so-so Rams team and the Miami Dolphins got a gimme from the superbowl Bears. I don't see too many differences between these two teams, and based on the fact that the Dolphins are playing at home and there's a -3,0 pointspread,
Bet on the Dolphins

You always look at a team like the Texans at the end of the year and wonder how they manage to pick up 3 wins in the year, and you look at the stats and you say, not bad, not bad at all, but these Texans have scored more touchdowns in the 4th Quarter than in any other, while they were down by a bundle...its that prevent defence to kill the time and relax a bit that Houston jumps on to steal these points...this team is really bad.
The Jaguars on the other hand are a playoff team, but at this point, they are having a little bit of roster trouble, and until they sort their team out, I'm gonna have to stay away from them, especially when there's a 10,5 pointspread at hand.

If you we're to ask me who the better team is here, I would have a hard time answering. I know how good this Bengals offence is..they simply haven't gotten it together much this year, and even if they do in this game, the San Diego Chargers will just run the ball at them with super LT. This particular matchup is so imbalanced its not funny.
Look for a career breaking day for Tomlinson because the Bengals defence against the run Is that bad, and LT Is that good.
the -2,5 is nothing here.
Bet on the Chargers!!!

As I've said on more than one occasions, the Browns are really a pretty good team, all round... the falcons have shown glimpses of a good team as well, but something is not right in the team. Although in my eyes, this is an easy Browns pointspread cover, i hesitate as both the browns have off days, and falcons have good days, so I'll just sit back and watch it.

So, you wanna bet on the Ravens eh? well consider many wins do you think the ravens will have at the end of the year? 9?? ...10 at the most?
thats quite a few losses coming for em'. Ok, it looks like a mismatch here, so here's another one to watch.

This is so wrong, the Buffalo Bills are a good team, they really are, they should have and could have beaten them Patriots...them Patriots who last week we're listed as -2,5 point favorites over these Colts, so WHY the -14??
The Bills have the kind of team to keep Super Manning off the field and make this a low scoring close game, which is exactly what they're gonna set out to do in this McGahee get a lot of touches, and he'll do well.
...and you know, at 9-0, the Colts are not gonna kill themselves to beat this spread. As a coach, +10 would mean give Manning a rest, run the ball safely and punt.
Bet on the Bills


Ok, so I'm an Eagels fan, but that dosen't influence my judgement. Keep in mind that i have bet against them twice this year, and one of them (against the Giants) was my clutch bet, meaning that all bets of mine that week involved the giants win over my Eagels.
McNnab hasn't been well these past 2 games, and then the bye week.
So westbrook has probably recovered in full, Donovan has had the time to get on track and get ready for this very important rivalry against the Redskins.
One of the things that have been absolutely solid is this Eagels defence which allowed merely 1 touchdown in these two consecutive losses.
So yeah, if McNnab is at 75% at least this will be a very easy win for the Philadelphia Eagels, and the -7,0 will not be a factor
Bet on the Eagels

These Vikings look really bad, and even if they play like they did against the Bears, these Green Bay Packers with Green 100% are really playing some excellent football. Expect Green to get 130-150 yards with a few touchdowns, and that alone will give Favre the freedom to throw some passes without getting picked off.
The Vikings are -6,5 point favorites?? , it should be the other way around!
Bet on the Packers!!

Expect Brady to preform like he did last week as this New York Jets defence is just about as bad as the Colts's. One thing they understimate here is the Jets offence which really have an amazing passing game, and judging by the fact that the Patriots defence is not that hot against the pass.
The Jets might actually win this and with a -10,5 pointspread it looks like a safe wager.
Bet on the Jets

Two of the worst teams in the game face each other.
One would expect an easy highscoring Lions victory here, but i hesitate recomending them because not too much seperate these teams in my eyes.

Poor raiders, R.moss, wants to leave the team and is at war with the franchise dropping passes whenever he can, to get the point across.
I wonder at which point they'll come to a verbal agreement, and he'll start playing again. Until then, you'll just have to avoid the games they play.
Whats up with that 10,5 pointspread? it dosen't feel right here, whatever you do, don't take it!

Whats up with these guys? When will they realize that the Steelers aren't the team they were 3 years ago, they've been on the downfall ever since, and its just gonna keep getting worse, Never bet on these guys until 3-5 years go by. This particular week though, against these Saints which are full of question marks, I'm just gonna pass on it.

It looks like Alexander's coming back for this one, I don't know if he's 50% or 100% percent, and based on the fact that these Seahawks looked really really bad these past 2 weeks, despite the fact that their facing a mediocre team, avoid!

This is such a lopsided matchup. All of the quality on theis Cardinals team is in the offence, leaving Romo and the Dallas Cowboys the freedom to run up the score as much as they want, and based on the fact that they're 4-4, they'll kill the Cardinals. Now Arizona will score, but I expect the Cowboys here to have the most points scored in the nfl this week, that'll erase the -7,5 pointspread.
Bet on the Cowboys!

Wow, this could be the NFC Final!
2 amazing defenes, the one better than the other.
Key factor in this one is that the Bears have no opponent in their division, this continues to be relax time for them Bears, while the New York Giants have 3 superteams waiting for them to slip up.
Don't get me wrong here, IMO, the Bears ae a better team, my recomendation here is based on the Bears looking at the superbowl, think about it for a second. How much of a superbowl team would they be without Brian?
Even though Strahan is out and there's a -2,5 pointspread.
Bet on the Giants!

Clodfobble 11-08-2006 02:09 PM

W.HI.P, if I knew a bookie, I would be very tempted to try out your system. (By which I mean doing exactly what you tell me, since I don't actually understand the system you have going here.) Maybe I have a latent gambling addiction, eh?

W.HI.P 11-08-2006 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble
W.HI.P, if I knew a bookie, I would be very tempted to try out your system. (By which I mean doing exactly what you tell me, since I don't actually understand the system you have going here.) Maybe I have a latent gambling addiction, eh?

Its pretty simple actually, for example this week, I've recomended 8 games on the pointspread..A defencive bet with 3 games per bet, with every combination of the 8 games covered would equal 56 bets.
For you to better understand the system, here is how each of the 56 bets combine. I'll list them numerically so its easy to visualize.

1)Dolphions Over Chiefs(-3,0)
2)Chargers(-2,5) over Bengals
3)Bills over Colts(-10,5)
4)Eagels(-7) over redskins
5)Packers over Vikings(-6,5)
6)Jets over Patriots(-10,5)
7)Cowboys(-7,5) over Cardinals
8)New York Giants(-2,5) over Bears

The 56 bets would be

that would cover every combination.
at the lowest limit of $2 per bet that would be a total of $112.
it would ensure you, that if you were to win 3 games, you would win 1 bet.
with 4 wins, you would win 4 bets.
with 5 wins, you would win 10 bets.
with 6 wins, you would win 20 bets.
with 7 wins, you would win 35 bets.
and of course if you win them all, thats 56 winning bets.

Of course the reason for a system like this, is the simple fact that you can't get them all right, and defecnive gambling ensures ou that if you have a terrible week, you get our money back, or at least most of it, and if you have a good week, you can double or triple your money, which should be very often. and sometimes when you have that amazing 6/8 or 7/8 week, you get paid. The problem with most gamblers worldwid4 is that they need to win every game for them to cash it the next day, and most of the time they're asking for too much. These bookies depend on gamblers like that to make their income, with defencive gamblers its at best, give and take with them.

Undertoad 11-08-2006 03:02 PM

I don't know much about it but somebody told me once that to make money you have to pick 55% or better against the spread, is that pretty much true?

W.HI.P 11-08-2006 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
I don't know much about it but somebody told me once that to make money you have to pick 55% or better against the spread, is that pretty much true?

Well yeah, sorta, it seems as though most mistakes in these spreads are all about understimating a team, based on the previous week which would result in a larger pointspread then it should be.
Especially later in the season when the best teams in the nfl start relaxing and resting their key players and keeping them healthy for games that matter like the playoffs.
My picks this week are 50% against the spread

Flint 11-08-2006 03:13 PM

Is that because the other 5% is "rigged" as profit for the bookie?

W.HI.P 11-08-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Flint
Is that because the other 5% is "rigged" as profit for the bookie?

Suprisingly, the most commonly rigged matches worldwide are Champions league finals, World cup finals or semi's,Euro cup finals, and Uefa cup finals.
This happens because of money. These 4 events are the most wagered events wordwide every year or whenever they happen, and over 90% of the money is wagered on the one team to win or the other team to win, leaving the draw open for the bookies to collect all the money.
In football(Soccer) all bets end at 90th minute.
The result is that its not even unfair, i mean, so they all get payed to end in a draw, and play overtime and if neccesary a penalty shoot out straight up to determine the winner.
If you look back over the past 5 years, and notice the amounts wagered, you'll notice that the 4 most highly wagered events in history all ended in a draw.

Flint 11-08-2006 03:21 PM

I don't mean whether the sports are rigged, I mean whether the betting system is rigged.

Clodfobble 11-08-2006 03:23 PM

So what you're saying is, one should bet for the World Cup Final to end in a draw, since all that matters is that they're at a draw at the 90-minute mark?

W.HI.P 11-08-2006 03:24 PM

The bookie is ensured his percentage on the wager, i mean a 3 game footbal bet should payout 8/1 to be fair, but it pays 5/1 - 7/1 depending on where you make your wager...this is the profit for the bookie.
But in reality the greatest profit for the bookie are those wagers with more than 3 games per bet, thats just money in the bank for them.

W.HI.P 11-08-2006 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble
So what you're saying is, one should bet for the World Cup Final to end in a draw, since all that matters is that they're at a draw at the 90-minute mark?

Anytime you see a masivly wagered event, always bet for the house to win.

W.HI.P 11-08-2006 05:03 PM

I forgot about Mondays game, so I'll update...........

N.F.L Pointspread

Chiefs (-3,0)-Dolphins

To judge this one based on the week that just passed would be wrong, as KC beat a so-so Rams team and the Miami Dolphins got a gimme from the superbowl Bears. I don't see too many differences between these two teams, and based on the fact that the Dolphins are playing at home and there's a -3,0 pointspread,
Bet on the Dolphins

You always look at a team like the Texans at the end of the year and wonder how they manage to pick up 3 wins in the year, and you look at the stats and you say, not bad, not bad at all, but these Texans have scored more touchdowns in the 4th Quarter than in any other, while they were down by a bundle...its that prevent defence to kill the time and relax a bit that Houston jumps on to steal these points...this team is really bad.
The Jaguars on the other hand are a playoff team, but at this point, they are having a little bit of roster trouble, and until they sort their team out, I'm gonna have to stay away from them, especially when there's a 10,5 pointspread at hand.

If you we're to ask me who the better team is here, I would have a hard time answering. I know how good this Bengals offence is..they simply haven't gotten it together much this year, and even if they do in this game, the San Diego Chargers will just run the ball at them with super LT. This particular matchup is so imbalanced its not funny.
Look for a career breaking day for Tomlinson because the Bengals defence against the run Is that bad, and LT Is that good.
the -2,5 is nothing here.
Bet on the Chargers!!!

As I've said on more than one occasions, the Browns are really a pretty good team, all round... the falcons have shown glimpses of a good team as well, but something is not right in the team. Although in my eyes, this is an easy Browns pointspread cover, i hesitate as both the browns have off days, and falcons have good days, so I'll just sit back and watch it.

So, you wanna bet on the Ravens eh? well consider many wins do you think the ravens will have at the end of the year? 9?? ...10 at the most?
thats quite a few losses coming for em'. Ok, it looks like a mismatch here, so here's another one to watch.

This is so wrong, the Buffalo Bills are a good team, they really are, they should have and could have beaten them Patriots...them Patriots who last week we're listed as -2,5 point favorites over these Colts, so WHY the -14??
The Bills have the kind of team to keep Super Manning off the field and make this a low scoring close game, which is exactly what they're gonna set out to do in this McGahee get a lot of touches, and he'll do well.
...and you know, at 9-0, the Colts are not gonna kill themselves to beat this spread. As a coach, +10 would mean give Manning a rest, run the ball safely and punt.
Bet on the Bills


Ok, so I'm an Eagels fan, but that dosen't influence my judgement. Keep in mind that i have bet against them twice this year, and one of them (against the Giants) was my clutch bet, meaning that all bets of mine that week involved the giants win over my Eagels.
McNnab hasn't been well these past 2 games, and then the bye week.
So westbrook has probably recovered in full, Donovan has had the time to get on track and get ready for this very important rivalry against the Redskins.
One of the things that have been absolutely solid is this Eagels defence which allowed merely 1 touchdown in these two consecutive losses.
So yeah, if McNnab is at 75% at least this will be a very easy win for the Philadelphia Eagels, and the -7,0 will not be a factor
Bet on the Eagels

These Vikings look really bad, and even if they play like they did against the Bears, these Green Bay Packers with Green 100% are really playing some excellent football. Expect Green to get 130-150 yards with a few touchdowns, and that alone will give Favre the freedom to throw some passes without getting picked off.
The Vikings are -6,5 point favorites?? , it should be the other way around!
Bet on the Packers!!

Expect Brady to preform like he did last week as this New York Jets defence is just about as bad as the Colts's. One thing they understimate here is the Jets offence which really have an amazing passing game, and judging by the fact that the Patriots defence is not that hot against the pass.
The Jets might actually win this and with a -10,5 pointspread it looks like a safe wager.
Bet on the Jets

Two of the worst teams in the game face each other.
One would expect an easy highscoring Lions victory here, but i hesitate recomending them because not too much seperate these teams in my eyes.

Poor raiders, R.moss, wants to leave the team and is at war with the franchise dropping passes whenever he can, to get the point across.
I wonder at which point they'll come to a verbal agreement, and he'll start playing again. Until then, you'll just have to avoid the games they play.
Whats up with that 10,5 pointspread? it dosen't feel right here, whatever you do, don't take it!

Whats up with these guys? When will they realize that the Steelers aren't the team they were 3 years ago, they've been on the downfall ever since, and its just gonna keep getting worse, Never bet on these guys until 3-5 years go by. This particular week though, against these Saints which are full of question marks, I'm just gonna pass on it.

It looks like Alexander's coming back for this one, I don't know if he's 50% or 100% percent, and based on the fact that these Seahawks looked really really bad these past 2 weeks, despite the fact that their facing a mediocre team, avoid!

This is such a lopsided matchup. All of the quality on theis Cardinals team is in the offence, leaving Romo and the Dallas Cowboys the freedom to run up the score as much as they want, and based on the fact that they're 4-4, they'll kill the Cardinals. Now Arizona will score, but I expect the Cowboys here to have the most points scored in the nfl this week, that'll erase the -7,5 pointspread.
Bet on the Cowboys!

Wow, this could be the NFC Final!
2 amazing defenes, the one better than the other.
Key factor in this one is that the Bears have no opponent in their division, this continues to be relax time for them Bears, while the New York Giants have 3 superteams waiting for them to slip up.
Don't get me wrong here, IMO, the Bears ae a better team, my recomendation here is based on the Bears looking at the superbowl, think about it for a second. How much of a superbowl team would they be without Brian?
Even though Strahan is out and there's a -2,5 pointspread.
Bet on the Giants!

Week in week out, I keep mentioning how bad this Bucs team is, and if it wasn't for the Raiders and the Moss problem, the bucs would be at the bottom of the pit alongside the 49ers. The Carolina Panthers are an excellent team, a little one dimensional, even last year, but look how far they got!
This should be a defencive battle, but i think this Panthers team will be able to score just enough to beat this quite big for my liking -9,5 points.
There are 8 better bets than this one, but Monday night is a must.
Bet on the Panthers

BigV 11-09-2006 09:45 AM

Alright, perfesser. I got a question. How do you read those, what are they called? Betting lines? Bucs-Panthers(-9,5) or Bears-Giants(2,5) or Bills-Colts(-14) or Saints-Steelers(-3,0)??!? I think the second team name is the home team right? Maybe not. Does it matter? Sometimes there's one number, sometimes two. Sometimes one of the numbers is zero. Is the difference in the numbers important? What do they indicate?

I'm just warmin up.

W.HI.P 11-09-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by BigV
Alright, perfesser. I got a question. How do you read those, what are they called? Betting lines? Bucs-Panthers(-9,5) or Bears-Giants(2,5) or Bills-Colts(-14) or Saints-Steelers(-3,0)??!? I think the second team name is the home team right? Maybe not. Does it matter? Sometimes there's one number, sometimes two. Sometimes one of the numbers is zero. Is the difference in the numbers important? What do they indicate?

I'm just warmin up.

In the pointspread, a certain handicap is given to the weaker team.
Example in this case :Bucs-Panthers(-9,5) the Panthers start the game with -9,5 points, meaning that if you bet on them to win, they have to win by 10 points to beat the spread, if they win by 9, its like they lost.
in this example: Saints-Steelers(-3,0), its the same thing,the steelers have to win by 4 points or more to actually win the bet, the saint win even if they lose by two. but in this case, should the steelers win by 3 points, all bets are off. its like the game never happened...
Just getting started eh? Thats fine.

BigV 11-09-2006 01:39 PM

Ok so "," is your decimal separator. That clears up a lot. In my neck of the woods, "," is used to separate items in a list, or elements of a set, but rarely in an arithmetic context. That's very helpful.


BigV 11-09-2006 01:41 PM

So are (-14) and (-14,0) equivalent statements using this notation?

W.HI.P 11-09-2006 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by BigV
So are (-14) and (-14,0) equivalent statements using this notation?

no ...the .0 is used, as it is rare, and must be clear to the gambler that there is no .5


A little turn of events here, I've given the Bills to beat this spread based on the fact that McGahee will be able to keep Manning off the field, he is OUT!, so yeah, all bets are off here, I take back my recomendation.
Here are my recomendations for the weekend now:

Miami Dolphins Over KC Chiefs(-3,0)
San Diego Chargers(-2,5) over Cincinnati Bengals
Philadelphia Eagels(-7) over Washington Redskins
Green Bay Packers over Minnesota Vikings(-6,5)
Ney York Jets over NE Patriots(-10,5)
Dallas Cowboys(-7,5) over Arizona Cardinals
New York Giants(-2,5) over Chicago Bears
Carolina Panthers(-9,5) over TB Bucs

BigV 11-09-2006 01:58 PM

Sorry, I wasn't picking on a *specific* remark/tout/tip whatever. But I'm still confused about the difference when there's a second number following the separator and it's zero compared to when there's only one number. Don't both of them indicate a whole number of "points" in the "spread"?

BigV 11-09-2006 02:00 PM

And what is "all bets are off"? Returned to the bettor? Completely?

W.HI.P 11-09-2006 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by BigV
Sorry, I wasn't picking on a *specific* remark/tout/tip whatever. But I'm still confused about the difference when there's a second number following the separator and it's zero compared to when there's only one number. Don't both of them indicate a whole number of "points" in the "spread"?

That was coincidence.
over 90% of spreads are .5 thus eliminating an possiblity of a tie, I don't why they've added the .0 into it.


And what is "all bets are off"? Returned to the bettor? Completely?
On a bet of 3 games, depending on where you play it, the pay-out would be 7/1
in the case that the game ends exatcly at the .0 that the spread offers, all bets for that game are off, the other two games on our ticket are still a gamble, if you lose one of them, you lose your bet, if you win them both, instead of 7/1, you collect 3/1...i repeat, those odds differ depending on where you've bet, i believe the lowest odds given would be, instead of 5/1, you'd get 2/1.

BigV 11-09-2006 02:19 PM


On a bet of 3 games, depending on where you play it, the pay-out would be 7/1
in the case that the game ends exatcly at the .0 that the spread offers, all bets for that game are off, the other two games on our ticket are still a gamble, if you lose one of them, you lose your bet, if you win them both, instead of 7/1, you collect 3/1...i repeat, those odds differ depending on where you've bet, i believe the lowest odds given would be, instead of 5/1, you'd get 2/1.
And we were doing so well.... :( what the heck did you just say? pretend I don't know about it, cause I don't.

a "bet"--just one game, win/lose, right? I grasp the point spread (x,y) concept now. I thought I understood bet too, but clearly I don't.

I think I also get p/q--the ratio of winnings to bets, right?

W.HI.P 11-09-2006 02:46 PM

Go to post #28 in this thread, its on page 2

W.HI.P 11-09-2006 03:53 PM

I don't know why they keep posting the Maple leafs as the favorites.
They travel to Boston, and the Bruins win pays 1,90.

There's one undefeated team in the NHL still, and its no coincedence that its Anaheim, I say they'll remain so for quite some time, their defence is too good with Chris and scott, but its not just them, there's the two irishmen who are playing their roles perfectly. And what can one say about Giguere and Bryzgalov, ok, so they have a lot of help, but they are both amazing tenders.
Anaheim's win in Vancouver tonight pays 1,85, and its a good bet.

NHL Hockey

Boston Bruins -Toronto = 1,90
Anaheim Ducks-Vancouver Canucks = 1,85


Miami Dolphins Over Kansas City Chiefs(-3,0)
San Diego Chargers(-2,5) over Cincinnati Bengals
Philadelphia Eagels(-7,0) over Washington Redskins
Green Bay Packers over Minnesota Vikings(-6,5)
Ney York Jets over New England Patriots(-10,5)
Dallas Cowboys(-7,5) over Arizona Cardinals
New York Giants(-2,5) over Chicago Bears
Carolina Panthers(-9,5) over Tampa Bay Bucs

BigV 11-09-2006 05:19 PM

I read post #28 with very little enlightenment. Sorry.

So now, what's the "spread" difference between the boston/toronto game listed above and the anaheim/vancouver game? Nothing, right?

W.HI.P 11-09-2006 05:24 PM

I'll IM you a thorough annalyses

BigV 11-09-2006 05:27 PM

I mean, what's the difference between having to win by more than 1.90 goals versus having to win by more than 1.85 goals? Or am I off track?

W.HI.P 11-09-2006 05:32 PM

1,90 and 1,85 is the payout on the dollar, and please, can we continue this conversation via Instant message

W.HI.P 11-10-2006 04:19 PM

I know its pushing it, you'd figure if Anaheim is gonna lose a game this year, it would probably come in Calgary or something like that, but I can't even imagine this team loosing, not when their playing like this.
The other 3 games, look easy to me Detroit is really good, Columbus is really bad, probably the worst, and well, Ottawa's record at the end of the year will be above .600, so they're gona have to start winning.

NHL Hockey

Edmonton Oilers-Columbus Blue jackets = 1,70
Ottawa Senators-Pitchberg Steelers =1,65
Detroit Red Wings-Nashville Predators=1,65
Anaheim Ducks-Calgary Flames=1,85

W.HI.P 11-10-2006 11:38 PM

College Football

Auburn at home against Georgia.
This is a lot closer than it looks, Georgia will stop this Auburn offence.
...and just imagine how easy this -13,5 point spread will be if Georgia score a touchdown or two.

Texas A&M at home against Nebraska.
Lets not fool ourselves here, Texas A&M won some predictable matches, even as underdogs, you could see it coming, but Hello!! Nebraska's coming here with purpose, and I can't see how Texas A&M can stop them, and to top all that Nebraska are -1,5 point underdogs?

Arkansas at home against Tennessee.
You know, Tennessee may actually be a better team than Arkansas, but they certainly do show their good faces at home...but their not at home this week.
Arkansas is. I'll take the home side here, even with the 5,5 point spread

Latest Results

Boston Bruins 4-6 Toronto Maple Leafs Loss=1,90
Anaheim Ducks 6-0 Vancouver Canucks WIN=1,85
Edmonton Oilers 4-1 Columbus Blue Jackets WIN=1,70
Ottawa Senators 6-3 Pitchberg Penguins WIN=1,65
Detroit Red Wings 3-0 Nashville Predators WIN=1,65
Ottawa Senators 0-3 Calgary Flames Loss=1,85

...Still to come

College Football Pointspread

Nebraska-Texas A&M(-1,5)

N.F.L Football Pointspread

Miami Dolphins-Kansas City Chiefs(-3,0)
San Diego Chargers(-2,5)-Cincinnatti bengals
Philadelphia Eagels(-7,0)-Washington Redskins
Green Bay Packers-Minnesota Vikings(-6,5)
New York Jets-New England Patriots(-10,5)
Dallas Cowboys(-7,5)-Arizona Cardinals
New york Giants(-2,5)-Chicago Bears
Carolina Panthers(-9,5)-Tampa Bay Bucs

W.HI.P 11-10-2006 11:45 PM

In the results, let me corect that Ottawa 0-3 Calgary one.
It was Anaheim that lost to Calgary, not Ottawa.
Their first one at that. There won't too many of those this year.
Some would say that it was the Bryzgalov start, but i don't agree.

Undertoad 11-12-2006 03:36 PM

Holy crap dude, you are gonna be able to retire on this week! I was just checking it because the Eagles crushed, and San Diego just went up by 8 and stopped the Bengals from scoring from the 15 with 40 seconds left, maintaining the spread victory. Am I wrong or are you 8-0 on college and pro football so far?

W.HI.P 11-12-2006 05:52 PM

No, you're right, and with Dallas it'll be 9-0, its really a good weekend!

W.HI.P 11-12-2006 05:56 PM

Its not just that though, if you check the comments on page 3 , the tips i didn't give, you'd see that I'm also pushing for Clevland, Tennessee, Buffalo, the 49ers and the Raiders!

W.HI.P 11-12-2006 05:57 PM

I'd be like 14-0

W.HI.P 11-12-2006 10:59 PM

For those of you who are high rollers.
looking to make some sure money, large bet, long term.
Iv'e alredy given the Chargers to win their division in the NFL,
but there's a bet out there that is very safe.

The English Premiership.
Its a good time, Chelsea's main threat "Liverpool" is out of contention.
Leaving a rebuilding Man Utd team as the only threat.
I've had this conversation with so many people, and I know both teams inside out. There is no competition, Chelsea will win it by at least 15 points, and nothing can stop that from happening.
Today's false reality offers you 1,66 on Chelsea, and if you have enough money to wager, IMO, its the surest thing out there at that price.
That is if you can wait till spring to get paid.

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