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monster 05-06-2009 09:58 PM

How much do you get? What wakes you? how do you feel when you wake up?

I've become an old person. I used to go to bed at whatever am and slowly start to come round about 10 hours later (student days). Then I adapted to parent-of school-aged-kids hours -going to bed at whatever am, getting up at 6:30 woken by alarm and feeling like shit.

Now I still go to bed at whatever am (but it's smaller numbers these days) and I wake at the crack of sodding dawn (5:15). Sometimes, I can get back to sleep, often I can't. sometimes I feel crappy, but mostly I'm ready to deal with the day. I wonder what happened to the girl who could sleep through 3 alarms.... And I'm pretty damn sure 5 hours is not enough

Aliantha 05-06-2009 10:05 PM

I'm not getting enough. I'm grumpy all the time.

I need more sleep!

Of course, my answer here is probably redundant since we all know why I'm not getting enough sleep. :(

monster 05-06-2009 10:12 PM

But your answer is the same as mine....

Aliantha 05-06-2009 10:15 PM

Yep well I need more sleep. lol Plus, my 5 to 7 hours is broken, so it's not quite as invigorating maybe.

eta: before becoming heavily pregnant and then mother to a newborn, I would have put myself in the 8 to 10 hour bracket and said I woke up feeling fine and ready to face the day.

Juniper 05-06-2009 10:26 PM

I am very bad about sleeping.

"Whatever a.m." for me tends to be something crazy, like 3 or even later. Then I have to get up at 5:30 to get my daughter off to school. After she leaves I get to sleep for an hour and then at 7:30 I get up with my son and get him off to school. If I feel particularly crappy, I go back to bed for another hour or two. This is not healthy. :(

Pie 05-06-2009 10:46 PM

I go to bed around 10 or 11pm, stare at the ceiling (now vaulted, with a nice fan) & listen to my husband snore for two or three hours... finally nod off. Then get up around 6:30 or 7am.

I can't remember the last time I woke up and didn't feel like shit. I'm pretty sure it was in the 1990s.

ZenGum 05-06-2009 11:23 PM

I *have to* get up at 6.30 to get to work by 8. Not too bad really, except that my student habits linger and I tend to stay up 'til well after midnight.
So I've put an alarm clock in the lounge room which beeps at 10pm, and tells me it is time to go to bed. I'm normally in bed by 10.30, now that I've done that and it seems to be helping. Still, I take a long time to get to sleep, maybe an hour or so.
To wake up I bought a clever alarm clock/radio. Clever? It has TWO alarms. The radio comes on at 6.25 to wake me gently, and then the beeper sounds at 6.30 to make me get up. (EVEN CLEVERER - its a digital clock that can be adjusted either forwards OR backwards! I've been wanting that for YEARS! No more running through 23 hours and 45 minutes to set an alarm back 15 minutes! If only the LCD screen had a viewing angle of more than about 30 degrees, it would be great.)

Beestie 05-07-2009 01:41 AM

During the week, I get to sleep around 11 and get up at 3. I try to make it up on the weekend.

Tiki 05-07-2009 01:54 AM

Depends on how stressed I am. During times of high stress I either sleep very little or far too much, but normally I will go to bed around 12 and wake up at 7:30, pretty alert and refreshed.

glatt 05-07-2009 07:32 AM

10 is my "bedtime." I'm asleep at around 10:30 to midnight, depending on if I read in bed or not. The alarm goes off at 6 AM. On Saturdays, I usually wake up without the alarm clock at around 5. I have no idea why. It pisses me off. Sometimes on the weekend, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to stay asleep until 7:30. That's sleeping very late for me.

I used to be able to sleep into the afternoon on the weekend, back in my 20s. I miss that. I'm becoming an old man.

Shawnee123 05-07-2009 07:34 AM

Mom says when I was a baby she had to check on me a lot because I slept all the time. I can still sleep like an expert, mostly. I had a rare night of bad sleep last night.

I'm a night owl, so I often stay up too late. I get up at 6:30: once I've had a shower I feel rather awake but until I get here and start mainlining coffee I am still pretty sluggish in the morning.

@ Zen: I bought an alarm clock that projects the time on the ceiling. It's pretty cool. I don't use it for the alarm clock...I have a beepy one (that also can be adjusted old one couldn't and as I set it for 6:15, then reset it every morning for 6:30, it was a pain to set it back again at night) for that, but it also has ambient noise like thunderstorms, rain, the ocean. Mostly I fall asleep to crickets and I feel like I'm camping.

piercehawkeye45 05-07-2009 08:21 AM

I get around 4-6 hours a sleep a night, which I assume isn't that healthy either, but I honestly have not felt much difference.

But I rarely am asleep past 9:30 even on weekends so I don't know if I just have a natural body alarm clock or my body just doesn't need that much sleep anymore since I probably did stop growing a few years ago.

Sundae 05-07-2009 08:41 AM

I need 8 hours to be healthy and happy.
When I'm going through a bad patch I get 3-5. Or sometimes 6-7 but all broken up.

I've had trouble sleeping all my life.
I have a burning envy of people who look forward to going to bed at night, and drop off without even realising.

There was a study done that linked depression to dreams, in that the middle of the night dreams are supposedly negative in nature. If you wake at the end of that cycle (symptomatic of depression) then you absorb the negative impact of the dream, rather than carrying on into the positive dreams which follow. No idea if it's true, but as someone who wakes between 02.00 and 05.00 almost every night and has trouble getting back to sleep, it's interesting to me.

I'm on Trazodone, but it makes my feet itch. I assume it's that anyway, they weren't itchy on Zopiclone.

Cloud 05-07-2009 09:13 AM

ugh. I'd be totally useless if I only got 5-7 hours of sleep. 7 is okay for a few days; 8 is better.

I'm a lucky person in that I generally don't have sleep problems.

daff0dil 05-07-2009 10:14 AM

I actually have struggled with my sleep the whole night...mild apnea (possibly, still not tested) insomnia. I went to a sleep clinic and registered really high on their sleep deprivation scale. I've tried all sorts of crap. exercising alot, not drinking. cutting down and out caffeine. no results. no matter what time I wake up I wake up exhausted.

the sleep therapist told me to lose over 10% of my body weight (those who have met me know this is..well, extreme...I am definitely more meaty than I want to be but still within my BMI range) and see if that helps. so that's on the agenda. that and dancing the tango in brazil.

daff0dil 05-07-2009 10:15 AM

that was meant to say "whole life" not "whole night"

Shawnee123 05-07-2009 10:40 AM

Who Needs Sleep?

Now I lay me down not to sleep
I just get tangled in the sheets
I swim in sweat three inches deep
I just lay back and claim defeat

Chapter read and lesson learned
I turned the lights off while she burned
So while she's three hundred degrees
I throw the sheets off and I freeze

Lids down, I count sheep
I count heartbeats
The only thing that counts is
that I won't sleep
I countdown, I look around

Who needs sleep?
well you're never gonna get it
Who needs sleep?
tell me what's that for
Who needs sleep?
be happy with what you're getting
There's a guy who's been awake
since the Second World War

My hands are locked up tight in fists
My mind is racing, filled with lists
of things to do and things I've done
Another sleepless night's begun

There's so much joy in life,
so many pleasures all around
But the pleasure of insomnia
is one I've never found
With all life has to offer,
there's so much to be enjoyed
But the pleasures of insomnia
are ones I can't avoid

--Barenaked Ladies

Tiki 05-08-2009 01:52 AM

Love that song. :)

Also, I wish I was asleep now! Another hour before bread comes out.

Sundae 05-08-2009 05:47 AM

I seem to be having one good night one bad night at the moment.
Last night was great, which makes me dread tonight... I'm going to acupuncture this afternoon so perhaps that will help break the pattern.

bluecuracao 05-09-2009 04:52 AM

I really need to sleep at least 8 solid hours, to feel completely refreshed when I wake up, but of course that can't always happen. It's a treat when it does, though.

The one good thing about getting crappy or no sleep for a few days, is that eventually my body will just completely shut down for that wonderful eight straight hours.

Apollo 05-09-2009 04:57 AM

I just recently figured out that the anti-depressants that I was on were causing me to sleep 14 to 16 hours a day. :eek:Not fun, especially when you have classes to go to. So I switched meds and now I'm thankfully back to 7 to 9, just in time for finals.

Sundae 05-09-2009 07:32 AM

Damn, Apollo - what were you on?
I'd love to be on that kind of schedule (having no classes to attend)

Apollo 05-09-2009 02:28 PM

I was on a fairly high dose of Prozac, I guess fatigue is one of the side effects. It wasn't good at all, cause even after that much sleep my body would still feel tired and weighed down. It was weird.

wolf 05-10-2009 12:08 AM

Most of the time I get between five and six hours. I do not set an alarm clock, because pretty much no matter when I get up it's at least four hours before I have to go to work. Only time I wake to an alarm is if I have to be up earlier than usual, mostly for momwolf's doctor appointments, less often for conferences, training, and such.

Only advantage I can see to the evening shift job. I get home, stay up until I'm actually exhausted, fall asleep, then wake up when I want to. Plays hell with my social calendar, though.

xoxoxoBruce 05-10-2009 02:34 AM

I agree with Wolf, 2nd shift has the advantage of never waking to an alarm clock, which is the bee's knees.
If I'm not asleep 4 minutes after I hit the pillow, I get back up. Laying there trying to get to sleep is frustrating and counterproductive.

Trilby 05-10-2009 02:36 AM

HEY! I'm AWAKE and have been since 235 this morning!


why, no. I don't suffer insomnia. I have PETS!

xoxoxoBruce 05-10-2009 02:39 AM

BigV syndrome.;)

Trilby 05-10-2009 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 564306)
BigV syndrome.;)

Coffee? Or pets?

xoxoxoBruce 05-10-2009 02:44 AM


Trilby 05-10-2009 03:01 AM

Did you see the video of his dog Andy? it's toooooo funny.

xoxoxoBruce 05-10-2009 03:09 AM

Ah yes, a sweetheart. :D

Aliantha 05-10-2009 04:16 AM

Last night I went to bed at 7pm and didn't wake up till 3am when Max needed a feed, then I slept till about 8am.

I finally had the big sleep I've been craving, but the catch was, I decided to try my drinking shoes on. It was a big mistake to have three glasses of bubbly. One minute I was just sitting there with a pleasant buzz on...the next minute I was pissed as a maggot. I didn't so much decide to go to bed as to go lay down before I fell down. That was after hurling the last glass I drank, which was probably fortunate because I didn't seem to have enough alcohol in my system to create a hangover today.

So anyway, I'm sure tonight I'll be back to the usual 5 or 6 hours again. No darling husband here to get Max up in the morning, and I want to do his last feed again tonight before I go to bed.

slang 05-10-2009 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 563439)
How much do you get? What wakes you? how do you feel when you wake up?

.......woken by alarm and feeling like shit.

My life is quite different from yours and most everyone's here I'm guessing.

I finish work during the week at between 4 and 5 pm and go directly to sleep. Sometimes I need 10 hours of sleep sometimes only 5.

When I'm done sleeping my eyes fly open and I get up. I do have an alarm but almost never need it.

I'm up and about when most of the world here is still hours from getting up. Most of the time I'm at the office at 4am. That's 7 days a week now.

This crazy system that I've created makes my life so much easier and despite it being completely different from anyone else that I know of, it really works great for me.

Waking without the alarm when my body is rested takes me through the entire day. Most of the time I'm not overly tired until 3 or 4.

By the time I sleep my battery is surely running low so there's no troubles falling sleep and very little wakes me up. If there is something loud or annoying that wakes me I go directly back to sleep without any effort. My moods through the day are much better without waking to an alarm.

Throw in some regular bike riding ( at night ) and my energy level is high most of the time.

It's not a lifestyle that would work for many people here but it's close to perfect for me.

Now if only I could get the sun to stop shining without killing the planet. :blush:

Stormieweather 05-10-2009 06:39 PM

I need 7 hours, minimum What I get is between 5 and 6. I go to bed about midnight and am usually asleep by 1 am. Alarm goes off at 6:25 and I'm up by 6:45. I don't often have any difficulty staying asleep, once I'm out, I'm OUT. The only thing that wakes me is child sounds (crying, calling mommy, etc.)

I put off eating my lunch until as late as possible (usually eat by 2:00 pm), because once I do, my blood suger goes haywire and I'm so utterly sleepy and draggy that my productivity goes down by at least 50% and that isn't good. I do eat a light snack every two hours to regulate my blood sugar, but that lunch really does me in (any full meal does). If I can swing it, I'll take a nap when I get home, but usually my children don't let me indulge.

monster 05-10-2009 08:29 PM

stop eating lunch. eat six small meals instead of three big ones.

ZenGum 05-10-2009 11:07 PM

Salng, you just need to move to a different time zone.

TheMercenary 05-11-2009 11:45 AM

Sleep is overrated.

Sundae 05-11-2009 01:45 PM

Another poor night last night.
Approx 4 hours.
Went out walking for over an hour today, hoping that does the trick.

slang 05-11-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 564641)
Slang, you just need to move to a different time zone.

Yes. Starting late July.

Then I can work in some strange sleeping pattern in THAT time zone too.

DanaC 05-11-2009 05:08 PM

I can function well on little to no sleep for a little while then I crash. Once I've crashed I need, like, ten hours sleep for a couple of nights...

My sleeping patterns are erratic. Sometimes I have difficulty commiting myself to the whole sleeping thing. Even if i'm tired. Other times I am desperate to sleep and just can't...then again sometimes I sleep quick and deep...then wake at 3am.

I need at least 6 hours most nights; I rarely get that without oversleeping. Even then I often only just scrape 4 hours. I am shit at hearing alarms. I have three going off at slightly different times. Sometimes I sleep so deep an earthquake couldn't wake me; other times, I swear a mouse moving through a skirting board two houses away would wake me up.

Talking of which. Fucking owl, man. Kept me awake last night, damn thing wouldnt shut up. Hoo...Hoo...Hooo. Trouble is I love that sound. It sends a little thrill of excitement down my spine and then I am well and truly awake and my mind racing about the place again.

Havent heard the nightingale lately. Don't know if we're out of season (? wtf do I know, I grew up in a milltown) or, if that just means I've managed to avoid the 4:30 chorus.

I rarely have any problem sleeping in the day. If I nap in the day, I go out like a light. Mind you, I think my natural inclinations veer to the nocturnal. left to my own devices, with no timetables/job to get to, I gradually slide into someone else's timezone. When I was playing UO I lived on California time mostly :P

piercehawkeye45 05-11-2009 11:54 PM

Hibernation mode is coming up for me soon.

10-12 hours for a week straight then I'm back to normal.

morethanpretty 05-13-2009 07:53 AM

I have a difficult sleeping pattern, its rare I get to bed before 11 and I have to be up for work no later than 6AM, and thats sleeping late. I don't sleep well most nights, either bad dreams or pain, just generally alot of waking up. I've started taking half a dose of Tylanol PM on a regular basis, only way I get some real sleep. To top it off, I try not to, but I usually take a 3hr nap during the day, starting sometime after 1PM. I get a headache and nothing will cure it except closing my eyes, and then I'm asleep. Having the nap or not having the nap doesn't seem to affect my night sleep, I still sleep shitty at night with or without a nap or exercise.

Tiki 05-13-2009 11:16 AM

I am a very very light sleeper, which sometimes I forget because my bedroom is in a silent haven at the back of my house and, of course, I sleep alone.

Damn cat wakes me up every morning at buttfuckthirty meowing outside my door. Why?

classicman 05-13-2009 11:36 AM

...cuz you close the door

Tiki 05-13-2009 12:01 PM


If I left the door open, he would be up on my bed waking me up with his nuzzling and purring at least three times a night. It's cute, but I value my beauty sleep!

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