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Griff 12-20-2014 08:04 AM

Obama anti-censorship!
Obama vows U.S. response to North Korea over Sony cyber attack

Just kidding. Every byte of SONY's data already resided in NSA hard drives.

sexobon 12-20-2014 01:03 PM

The President has a big mouth. He just surrendered plausible deniability for anything bad that happens to North Korea, anything they can accuse the US of instigating in retaliation for the Sony fiasco, whether the US has underlying responsibility or not. Obama gave them a motive they can assign to us and painted us into another corner with his posturing. He's no Shaka Zulu.

Obama still hasn't learned how to walk softly and carry a big stick; or, that talk is cheap. That's reflected in his popularity polls. There are short term solutions to appease people's anger and long term solutions to counter problems like this. The short term solution isn't flapping your gums and making threats.

The short term solution requires action; but, this President just isn't astute enough to come up with something like having Sony immediately release the movie in all movie theaters on all US military installations around the world and inviting foreign VIPs from all walks of life to attend special viewings at our installation's theaters in their countries. That would send an appropriate message to both foreign hackers and domestic capitulators.

Posturing on the long term solution is a sign of weakness indicating the President may not expect to be in office long enough to implement it. Now he has to respond with something "proportional" [Obama] within a few months or else that impression will stick.

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing" [Disney] in situations like this. The talking should have been done in sequester and the first thing the public should have heard from him was about doings already in progress. I won't be surprised if a significant part of this President's legacy is that Americans had to settle for less due to his methodology of too often coming up a day late and a dollar short.

And that's that.

tw 12-20-2014 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 916820)
The President has a big mouth. He just surrendered plausible deniability for anything bad that happens to North Korea,

Let's face it. George Jr did it. Cheney told him to do so.

sexobon 12-20-2014 09:13 PM

Obama telling N. Korean hackers that we'll retaliate whenever and however we feel like it is more like George Jr. telling Al-Qaeda terrorists to bring it on ... a childishly cocky invitation to escalation.

busterb 12-21-2014 12:45 AM

PC folks can kiss my South Mississippi ass, but obama is nothing but a chi-town nigger. Now jump on that. And a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. And just in case Christmas might offend, fuck off!

sexobon 12-21-2014 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by busterb (Post 916780)
Got an 1/2 gal of Geo Dickels today. Please disregard anything from me.

I see you're still working on that half gallon and it's a labor of love. :lolsign:

busterb 12-21-2014 01:44 AM

Ha True dat.

Undertoad 12-21-2014 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 916820)
The President has a big mouth. He just surrendered plausible deniability for anything bad that happens to North Korea

Anything bad that happens to North Korea? Something could go bad that they haven't already fucked up by themselves?

It's like, you know that old throw rug gramma had in the 60s that we put at the base of the basement steps so we know where the landing is and it got all moldy? Well, the dog just peed on it. I blame Obama.

Undertoad 12-21-2014 11:16 AM

No, what Obama is doing that is maddening, is blaming Sony:


Obama shot back, saying: "I was pretty sympathetic to the fact that they have business considerations that they got to make. Had they talked to me directly about this decision, I might have called the movie theater chains and distributors and asked them what the story was."
Obama said repeatedly that Sony was supposed to call him.

Really. They called the FBI, which reports to Obama, and who were on the case all along.

Good LORD. Who would have taken that call? And what are we supposed to call the President about from now on, instead of the FBI? And what does the President do at that point, does he start directing traffic on this problem? He's six years into this job and he wants to micromanage? Does he think it's all about him? Why was the very first reaction to deflect blame? Isn't that exactly what we don't respect as a culture?

Why isn't he all over the Director of the FBI on this, whom he appointed only a year ago and whose job is specifically to brief the Director of National Intelligence, who then is supposed to brief the President?

sexobon 12-21-2014 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 916860)
... Well, the dog just peed on it. I blame Obama.

I would blame Bo and Sunny...but you know Barack put them up to it. :p:


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 916862)
No, what Obama is doing that is maddening, is blaming Sony ... Obama said repeatedly that Sony was supposed to call him. ...

... Good LORD. Who would have taken that call? ...

... Why isn't he all over the Director of the FBI on this, whom he appointed only a year ago and whose job is specifically to brief the Director of National Intelligence, who then is supposed to brief the President?

I get the distinct impression that Obama's response to Sony wasn't for domestic consumption so much as foreign consumption. The US tells the rest of the world not to cave in to terrorist demands and then US businesses cave. A double standard undermines the President's effectiveness globally on that point if he doesn't come down hard on un-American business practices by showing the same willingness to intervene that he shows politically with global leaders.

The FBI's jurisdiction is limited to reporting the criminal activity, the hacking. Do we want that expanded to them opening files on American citizens and reporting lawful political incorrectness like not showing some movies in theaters? We might need a Congressional oversight committee on un-American activities to keep track of it all. :(

Griff 12-21-2014 01:36 PM

How much money did Sony spend on his election if he expects a call?

sexobon 12-21-2014 01:58 PM

Maybe Michelle can take those calls. Then we'll have the President and Commander-in-chief with his spouse, First Lady and Call Girl, working on it.

(another lump of coal for me this Christmas)

tw 12-21-2014 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 916875)
Then we'll have the President and Commander-in-chief with his spouse, First Lady and Call Girl, working on it.

Only a wacko extremist, with mental midget intelligence of Rush Limbaugh's dic, proves superiority by insulting others. A damning reality. We know Obama was correct in criticizing Sony for stupidity and spineless ignorance. How many times must Sony be hacked before people as dumb as sexobon finally decide to implement cyber security? Lie for weeks about their fears, indecisions, and inactions. And then entertain a mythical threat. Why do they not also fear Darth Vader? Any moderate would have told Sony to ignore N Korea's threats. But that means a grasp of reality. They could have asked anyone. Instead they only asked their fears.

We know Sony is losing market share in their every business (ie semiconductors, consumer electronics, phones, medical equipment, finance) because management is incompetent. How could someone destroy the legacy of Akio Morita so quickly? Anyone defending Sony for this or so many previous mistakes apparently waits to be told how to think.

Only someone as dumb as sexobon would then fear threats from a near zero technology country lead by an adolescent. But then who made decisions to even ignore obvious and insufficient cyber security? Then lie about why they cannot release a movie that properly mocks extremists such as Kim Jong-un and sexobon.

A scumbag could apologize for being so ignorant as to disparage Michelle Obama. But he will not until ordered to by right wing wacko extremists who must tell him what to think.

Could he be any dumber? Oh. Then he can star in a sequel of the same name - which Sony would ban if they distributed it. Then sexobon can be praised in history as a great leader like Kim.

What is the difference between Kim and sexobon? Both are wacko and extremist. But Kim is enough of an adult to not call Michelle Obama a whore.

Who has sexobon not yet insulted? How many of us are on his list of whores and pimps?

sexobon 12-21-2014 08:22 PM

Hey tw, cheer up li'l buddy. You got a bad case of the holiday blues there. You know, if you sign up to get on the White House email list, the Obamas will sent you a holiday email. Wouldn't it be nice to hear from your sweetheart? It might improve your disposition as you do more insulting of people than anyone I know. It's just that your developmental disability doesn't allow you to see it that way: you're only capable of seeing your own opinions as incontestable facts. I suppose I haven't been giving you enough attention since 5 of your last 7 paragraphs mention little old me. I'll try to spend more time with you. I know how sensitive you are. Meantime, don't eat any yellow snow! ;)

Lamplighter 12-22-2014 11:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 916891) you do more insulting of people than anyone I know. ...

sexobon 12-22-2014 12:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 49882

Lamplighter 12-22-2014 08:27 PM

loc. cit. #15

sexobon 12-22-2014 09:03 PM

It's a simplified repeat, of where I suspect this President's legacy is headed, for those who like pictorial communication.


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 916820)
... I won't be surprised if a significant part of this President's legacy is that Americans had to settle for less due to his methodology of too often coming up a day late and a dollar short. ...

Griff 12-24-2014 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 916888)
Only a wacko extremist, with mental midget intelligence of Rush Limbaugh's dic, proves superiority by insulting others. A damning reality...whores and pimps?

Happy holidays from the cellar!:santa:

tw 12-24-2014 05:06 PM

Have a Merry Kwanzaa ... even if Michelle Obama and Laura Bush are whores.

xoxoxoBruce 12-28-2014 02:25 AM

Norton says it was an inside job at Sony, North Korea couldn't have done it.

Carruthers 12-28-2014 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 917467)
Norton says it was an inside job at Sony, North Korea couldn't have done it.

I wouldn't be so sure, Bruce...

xoxoxoBruce 12-28-2014 09:31 AM

I'm not sure at all, I'd like to know what Kaspersky thinks.

tw 12-30-2014 08:17 AM

So the Russians hacked N Korean servers to use them as a proxy for an attack on Sony. They obviously picked Sony because its management is (this part is obvious to all) incompetent. Everything else is probably speculation.

Griff 12-31-2014 09:15 AM

New Research Blames Insiders, Not North Korea, for Sony Hack

Looks like a great spin job during what was a rough news cycle for the American police state.

BigV 01-05-2015 11:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
A couple days after Christmas, I had some free time on my hands and I'd notice that the local theater in Twil's neighborhood was showing this film. So I walked up to the box office and said I wanted one ticket for that North Korean snuff film. The guy chuckled and I went in. The showing was very lightly attended, perhaps a couple dozen people in the whole cinema at the only showing, 8:50 on a Saturday night. The movie exceeded my rather low expectations. It has some very funny moments, but it's not especially hysterical or egregious. I really just wanted to say Fuck You to North Korea.

Oh yeah, here's the pic to show it happened. I'm not so good with selfies with my camera phone. That's me on the far right (you don't hear me say that very often), James and Seth, and the margin of my ticket stub.

Attachment 50022

xoxoxoBruce 01-05-2015 01:57 PM

What? You mean that's not you on the left? :eyebrow:

When the shit hit the fan at Sony, I thought all Rogan's previous work was watchable but not close to Mel Brooks or Cleese/Chapman stuff. The whole debacle was an ad-man's wet dream, see this movie for truth, justice and the American way. But since I'm a lazy fuck, if it's not at the local cinema complex, and not too crowded, I'll just give my patriotism lip service. :bj4:

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