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busterb 05-27-2005 07:26 PM

Buster's BS
Ok the first awaited installment of this thread. If you would like to post and hit on my spelling or grammer, please go somewhere else. Thanks bb
Not to take exception to a post made by, OXB. 27 gears, maybe for off roads things. maybe a nine speed and a 3 speed Brownlite behind, but high speed over the road will knock the fillings out of your teeth. The drive line alignment was a bitch.
But I made my 1st trip hauling ice packed chicken when I was around 15 years old. This truck had a 150 hp engine, with a blower so we had 170 hp. I think the they called it a Cummings JT.
Ive seen trucks with 250 HP and a 5 and 4 tranmission run on level gound, no wind 100 mph.
At that time, the chickens were ice packed, and had to have ice blown in on top and into the bunker. BTW they didn't pay for water or ice. We call the little engine on front of trailer called a put-put. It ran a fan that moved the air. Cranked with a rope on a little walkway on front of trailer.

Anyway I have driven trucks with eight speed roadrangers, 15 speed, 4 by 4, 5 by 4, 9 speed splicers.
Most today are air shift and don't require 2 sticks.
Most freight co's use a 5 speed box, don't want to confuse the union members.
When you get get right with your truck, you can change gears with out the clutch. Except for red lights.
Boy talk about a kick in butt, be sailing along at 80 mph and some hayseed pulls out in front of you.
If you can remember what gear you need to be in to get rolling again, my hats off to you.
27 gears. Maybe, but someone must be counting reverse.
If you think that isn't a trip. I once was in a parking lot in Indio, CA. That was almost empty. So I was pilled to gills and thought, let's see what happens if I put this sucker in high reverse. Holly shit. bb

Can't find the photo of longnosed KW that I drove. Parked in french qt. before they screwed it up with worlds fair.

BigV 05-27-2005 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by busterb
Ok the first awaited installment of this thread. If you would like to post and hit on my spelling or grammer, please go somewhere else. Thanks bb

Right on! I can hardly wait!!


Originally Posted by busterb
I once was in a parking lot in Indio, CA. That was almost empty. So I was pilled to gills and thought, let's see what happens if I put this sucker in high reverse. Holly shit. bb

:mg: I have always wondered...YEEEEEHHAAAAAAA!!

zippyt 05-27-2005 09:19 PM

Oh high reverse can be fun , you get going WAY fast ,, fucking BACKWARDS !!!!!!!

I have never had to deal with a 27 speed , 13 is the max i have EVER had to deal with .

The company i work for has 2 Volvos 440 450 hp i think , one truck weigh 65,000 lbs , the other ( with the 450 ) weighs 45,000 lbs , talk about power to weight ratio !!!!! that thing is a fucking 45,000 lb Porche !!!
Oh and one of our "drivers " has already ripped the rear end out from under it and put it nose down in a ditch !!!
" but I was ONLY going 40 mph !!!"
Yeah RIGHT !!!!!

xoxoxoBruce 05-28-2005 02:01 AM

9 speed x 3 behind = 27 + 3 reverse. A real joy hauling 4800 gallons of milk into NYC. Some people saw yellow cabs, I saw red...bastards.
Now the engines are getting so big they can use automatics in the lowlands but I wouldn't want to do the mountain states with one. That's moot anyway because I gave up my truck license when they went to CDL. Too much hassle with that damn thing. You get a ticket driving anything anywhere and it gets tallyed at home. :(

busterb 05-28-2005 03:47 PM

Ok. I'm going to jump to subject of JUSTICE! Today I was using the county paper for only thing that they’re good for. Place under deep frier to catch grease. OOpps I'd better edit my sig. or someone might drop a bomb on me.
Anyway, Back in past the HDlines were,
14 year old girl kill in auto wreck. Not much detail. A freind gave me a paper from another county. Guess who was in car? The mayor's son. It was his step daughter, who he was (anyway). Story is that he has 13 DWIs, but they never get to court. Yes Boss Hog Is alive. My great town is one of few that has radar, hell the county sheriffs in MS. can't even get one. Boombox law right. When they caught all the whites, they put it away. Before someone gets all out of joint, I have black friends & they know how to play the system here. Also the the sub cheif is blk. and a friend of mine.
The bitch is not only blind, but stupid.
If you have a problem with the law, courts, please try to find someone who knows the court clerk. Someone knows him or her and can talk to them. (I'm not talking about killing some sob.) The judge may be the bad ass, but if clerk never puts papers on his desk. You'll never go to trial. IMHO

Troubleshooter 05-28-2005 05:02 PM

I finally found out how the 13 dui thing works. It's the result of the plea bargaining system.

When you're caught, you're caught, it's hard to make it go away, but they can plea it down to a first time dui. So as long as the DA is willing to play the game you can get as many dui's as you want, and they'll all be first offense dui's.

busterb 05-28-2005 05:04 PM

Nope just never have it come up in court. Then it's not on any record. For insurance or other things

Troubleshooter 05-28-2005 05:16 PM

The spotlight is on Hammond at the moment, not as many tickets go away as used to. We get a lot of federal money so oversight is growing, plus a lot of people are moving from upscale areas into Hammond and they're starting to come into conflict with the GOBC* But give graft a chance and it wedges itself in wherever it can. It takes a while for money to spread itself around.


busterb 05-28-2005 05:22 PM

TS. I see your from the great state of LA. In which I lived and worked for many years. But did you ever spend 6 days in the Red River Parish jail, in Coushatta,LA. Boy try that for kicks. No nothing. Buy snuff from a vending mach. that was marked "not for sale free sample" About 3 bucks a can. Yes it must be great to go to LSU & have the world at your feet. Or perhaps N State?

busterb 05-28-2005 05:31 PM

TS Sorry about that cheap shot. From my 1/2 ass heart. Really. BTW try the Bed & Breakfast thing in red river parish, for about 6 flappin days without soap, towel or a way to shave. Hey! I'm From MS. We can't hold a light to the rednecks there.

Troubleshooter 05-28-2005 05:33 PM

SLU in Hammond actually. I've not been to prison yet, but I've been around a little. Military, offshore, owned my own business, near indigence; no rose colored glasses, but I've seen a few things.

xoxoxoBruce 05-30-2005 12:55 PM

How many countries have you worked in? :confused:

Troubleshooter 05-30-2005 03:05 PM

Technically? Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, and France adds up to 5, but I only spent a few weeks in each at most except for Italy.

Edit: Rosie Roads isn't really a foreign country, but you can add that to the list.

xoxoxoBruce 05-31-2005 06:56 PM

I was asking Buster but thanks for the info anyway. :lol:

busterb 06-01-2005 06:44 PM

Well. OXB I've worked in Nigeria twice, Iran once, Peru 2 trips, same job. Then I guess Sumatra, Indonesia was last shot for me.

busterb 06-01-2005 06:52 PM

BTW. I'm trying to get a post of around the time my rich Uncle turned me loose.

busterb 06-03-2005 03:01 PM

I'll try to start when we left Germany in Jan. 63. Aboard the Upsure?
Anyway it was a troopship, about 1200 onboard. The N. Atlantic isn't nice in winter.
We had to stop in Rota, Spain and pickup some Seabees, and then drop then off in RI.
So we got off ship at Brooklyn navy yard & were carried to Ft. Hamilton, NY for discharge.
After the paper work, back pay, leave pay and a ticket back to POO. Point of origin. We're sent on our way. Most went to the Port Authority bus station to go to other airports. Think I went to NJ. Then some of us went to a bar close by. I had planned it on the trip home, when I took a shower & shaved, I tossed my dirty things in trash. So I had an empty awol bag. At the bar I bought a pint & 4 fifths of whiskey, think maybe I.W. Harper. We were 1/2 bombed when we got on plane to Atlanta.
The gal cut me off after 2 drinks. So I asked if I could please have a 7-up? Yes, ok I'll just mix my own.
I got off plane there & tried to call home or the store my folks owned. Hell I only had 4 numbers. While gone the added 3 more. I got lady working at store after a while and told her to have dad to meet me in Jackson at Thompson field. So I got off the phone and went to catch my flight. A city cop stopped me an asked for my orders. Maybe I was walking a bit sideways. Opps I had crammed all my paper work in my duffle bag to ship home from NY.
Anyway I spent the night in jail in Atlanta, which was about 20 miles from airport at that time. I paid a 15 buck find & they let me go. Hey, how about a ride to airport? Don't push it. Call a cab. The sob cop lied, he didn't change my flight. Another 6 bucks down the hole. Wonder if that's because I first begged, then tried to kick his butt?

So hello USA first night.

Dad came to pick me up, I was in lounge drinking a Bush Bavarian beer, had never heard of it. The Bavarian part sounded well, but yuk.
He walked up by me and said “see you’re having breakfast." I told him about 20 yrs. later where I spent the night. While on way home we went by the gold coast, which was across the county line from Jackson and some what wet. I hadn't told him about the whiskey in my bag. We stopped at a place to get a pint & he asked me if I remembered all the times I had asked about a scar on his arm, while small? He introduces me to a guy and says "he stabbed me when we were about your age."

I'm trying to work up to when I started working in S. LA. Then offshore and overseas.

I was having a great time. Most of the upward mobile gals thought we had money, because we owned the five & dime. I was trying to catch gals, some were after me. In Oct. I was running after my first great love, who had moved & wrecked dad's pickup. 27 days in hospital. A couple of weeks on crutches.

Got married, yeah I know. NOW :headshake

Griff 06-03-2005 05:38 PM

Was Germany any fun in the early sixties?

busterb 06-03-2005 07:13 PM

You bet it was.

xoxoxoBruce 06-04-2005 01:05 AM

I worked with a guy that was in an armored outfit in Germany about that time. He came back an alcoholic. :)

busterb 06-04-2005 02:39 PM

Wonder why? Beer was a dime a big glass, Coke, as in pop was $.25. Do the math

busterb 06-14-2005 06:48 PM

Really didn't know where to post this, but BS seems to fit.
A Mule and a fool.
While read a book, Mike loaned to me. “ A Treasury of Southern Folklore.” I ran across this about the mule, if you’ve never plowed you might not understand.
I also read a reference to the Whiskey speech that I posted . here Seems like he not only was guilty of setting on the fence, but also Plagiarism .

Now for the Mule story. BTW I stole this and it’s not verbatim.
Over a hill trailed a man behind a mule drawing a plow. Unexpectedly the plow hit a root, the mule stopped, and the man began to grumble as he fixed the hames. “Bill,” Your just a mule, the son of a jackass, and I am made in the image of God. Yet here we work hitched up together year after year. I often wonder if you work for me or I work for you..
I think it’s a partnership between a mule and a fool, of surely I work as hard as you, if not harder. Plowing or cultivating we cover the same distance, but you do it on four legs and I on two, therefore I do twice as much as you.
Soon we’ll be preparing for a corn crop. When the corn is harvested I give 1/3 to the landlord for being so kind as to let me use a small speck of Gods earth. 1/3 goes to you, the rest is mine. You consume all your portion, while I divide mine among 7 children, 6 hens, 2 ducks and a store keeper. If we both need shoes, you get’em. Your getting the best of me and I ask you, is it fair for a mule, the son of a jackass to swindle a man, the lord of creation, out of his substance?
Why, you only help to plow and cultivate the ground, and I alone must cut, shock, and husk the corn, while you look over he pasture fence and heehaw at me. All fall and most of winter the whole family from baby up picks cotton to help raise enough money to pay taxes and buy a new set of harness and pay the mortgage on you. Not a thing, you ornery cuss, do you have to do. I even have to do the worrying about the mortgage on your tough, ungrateful hide.
About the only time I am your better is on election day, for I can vote and you can’t. After election I realize that I was fully as big a jackass as your papa. I’m prone to wonder if politics were made for a man or a jackass, or to make jackasses out of men. And that ain’t all Bill, when your dead that’s suppose to be the end of you. But me? The preacher tells me that when I die I may go to hell forever. That is, Bill if I don’t do as they say. And most of what they say keeps me from getting any fun out of life.

Tell me, William, considering these things, how you can keep a straight face and look so dumb and solemm?

xoxoxoBruce 06-14-2005 10:14 PM

And Bill doesn't have a wife and kids braying at him.:thumb:

busterb 09-11-2005 07:58 PM

I've been w/o power and phone for 11 days and I thought I had it bad. I made a few photos around here for insurance. But damn if I will post any. After seeing some of the things on tv, I'm humbled!
Sure I lost the stuff in my freeze and fridge.
But other than an old radio, some things that were wet, 2 bedrooms that have bad water damaged and most of my roofing gone. (Son is to help me tomorrow with tar paper on it.) I'm a lucky SOB.
Some of my friends are living in tents in S. LA. and have no jobs left to return to. Some I have no clue if they'er alive.
I feel sure there'll be enought blame to go around.

If you feel the need to help, I can't tell you how to go about it.
Some of the ice I've got here came from as far away as WI. and Conn. Someone is going to make a killing off the human suffering again.

Sorry I was a bit down, But now I feel better.:smack:

Elspode 09-11-2005 10:11 PM

Buster, we're all really glad that you came through relatively unscathed. Those of us who were untouched by the disaster except for a temporary spike in fuel prices really cannot imagine how awful it must be for those who have lost homes, jobs and loved ones.

melidasaur 09-11-2005 10:49 PM

Glad you're back, buster!!!

marichiko 09-12-2005 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by busterb

Now for the Mule story. BTW I stole this and it’s not verbatim.
Over a hill trailed a man behind a mule drawing a plow. Unexpectedly the plow hit a root, the mule stopped, and the man began to grumble as he fixed the hames. “Bill,” Your just a mule, the son of a jackass, and I am made in the image of God. Yet here we work hitched up together year after year. I often wonder if you work for me or I work for you..

Busterb, your mule story sounds like one my Daddy would have told. He grew up on a tobacco farm in Kentucky during the depression and him and his brother spent a lot of time plowing the fields behind a mule. My Daddy said a mule is the most cussed animal you might ever hope to meet, but I think he had a sneaking fondness for them. He was a chief supply officer in Burma in WWII, and for a while the only way you could get supplies in to our guys fighting in the jungles there was via mule train. My Dad told how an enemy sniper aiming for him hit his lead mule instead and the mule went off the trail down over the side of the mountain. My Dad would get tears in his eyes telling that story. "Best damn mule I ever had," he used to say.

busterb 09-16-2005 08:28 PM

To be in the front row?
I’ve talked to a bunch of folks since the storm. And now the Red Cross is giving vouchers for 300 bucks for head of household, and 250 for each dependent.
Dependents are swappable outside.
Most of the people set in front row at church are a bunch of sorry sob’s

I know a guy who is tied in with the chamber of commerce took his mother and got a voucher for him and 4 more grown kids. Then he went back and got one for him and his wife.

Another big time church guy is retired from the post office and had the pull to get a generator to save all. He got vouchers, and some of his kids who work for lawyers also got them.

I don’t want a damn thing but what’s coming to me. I’ve not seen anyone from insurance yet.

Does anyone, but me see something wrong with their conduct? Praise the lord?
Later I’ll have a few comments about MEA, not taste, but the pain in butt. Hey I eat c-rats years ago.


Griff 09-16-2005 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by busterb
Does anyone, but me see something wrong with their conduct? Praise the lord?

Nobody loves a hypocrit. Just cuz they're stealing from all of us, they think its cool? :mad:

xoxoxoBruce 09-17-2005 06:07 PM

Unfortunately it probably reflects how the live their lives....and run their businesses. :(

tw 09-17-2005 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by busterb
I don’t want a damn thing but what’s coming to me. I’ve not seen anyone from insurance yet.

The Mississippi Attorney General has filed against five major insurance companies for not responding to the Katrina disaster. FEMA and the federal government as of 18 days later still has not contacted many disaster towns nor even setup any facilities so that people can register for assistance. The toll free help line that George Jr bragged about is so understaffed that most callers never get through.

Meanwhile, last time I looked, busterb's county was not even listed by FEMA as a disaster area. So why is the Red Cross handing out so many vouchers? A question more addressed to what even the Coast Guard Admiral is complaining about. Without specifically naming names, something about George Jr, Karl Rove, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, etc spending so much time and money traveling to LA, MS, and AL on publicity trips rather than cutting through a bureaucracy that has been trained instead to plan for terrorism.

Go for the cash. It’s plentiful. George Jr says we will massively increase that money - in the classic tradition of every MBA. When management fails, get people to forgive by throwing government money at them. Since Americans never blame leaders for spending extravagantly, then there will be plenty more. This kind of politics even worked for Hughy Long. If later the cash is no longer necessary, then contribute (back) to the Red Cross.

Feel no guilt. The system is still so broken that I have little blame for anyone going for themselves. I only have a problem when those who are profiting from this screw up fail to help a neighbor who is clearly needier. Katrina has already become massive government welfare for Halliburton type companies. Trucks even full of ice are traveling all over the country from city to city, and then waiting in places like Memphis for days to be told where to travel to next. It is that screwed up.

Get whatever you can as long as it is legal. Then feel free to redirect that aid to others who really needed it anyway. The response is that classic MBAed. Feel no guilt.

Brett's Honey 09-18-2005 08:39 AM



Originally Posted by busterb
Dependents are swappable outside.
Does anyone, but me see something wrong with their conduct? Praise the lord?

There are always some people like that around to take advantage of a situation. A lot of that went on here a few years ago after a bad ice storm. Some folks who weren't without power for a week or two, and didn't lose a lot of their food, etc. lined up for the $250.00 FEMA money available to people who lost their week's (or more) worth of groceries. But what can we really do about it?
I beleive in Karma.........they'll get theirs some how, some day.

busterb 09-18-2005 08:44 AM

Jasper county is on the list. But then again it looks like every co. in state is on there?
The PDF shows better. Sorry bb

xoxoxoBruce 09-18-2005 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Brett's Honey
But what can we really do about it?

Call Zorro....or Spiderman. :D

busterb 09-18-2005 02:36 PM

Red Cross
The RC is at the first baptist chruch now, but if not a member hit the road.
If someone can point me how to raise hell about this, I'd really appreciate it. That sucks. A lady that is head teller at bank and married to the mailman I mentioned above told me sorry.
Give money to red cross never.

richlevy 09-18-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by busterb
The RC is at the first baptist chruch now, but if not a member hit the road.
If someone can point me how to raise hell about this, I'd really appreciate it. That sucks. A lady that is head teller at bank and married to the mailman I mentioned above told me sorry.
Give money to red cross never.

Welcome to the world of faith based initiatives. Does the press know?

busterb 09-18-2005 03:29 PM

"If someone can point me how to raise hell about this, I'd really appreciate it." Just sent a thing to redcross, but guess that's pissing up a rope.

richlevy 09-18-2005 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by busterb
"If someone can point me how to raise hell about this, I'd really appreciate it." Just sent a thing to redcross, but guess that's pissing up a rope.

Well, I just sent an e-mail to ABC News 20/20. Maybe they'll check it out. The Red Cross is a private organization, so I doubt the government can help. A little public exposure should fix things up, though.

I am a contributor to the Red Cross, so if you'll tell me the name of the town, I'll make my own complaint to them at

busterb 09-18-2005 05:16 PM

Bay Springs, MS. 39422 And the great 1st Baptist church. Thanks. BB I sent them a nice message.

richlevy 09-18-2005 06:29 PM

I sent them an inquiry, also. How are you doing? Did you get your roof fixed or at least patched?

xoxoxoBruce 09-18-2005 06:34 PM


A lady that is head teller at bank and married to the mailman I mentioned above told me
I would suggest you check it out for yourself. She may be wrong. :eyebrow:

busterb 09-18-2005 07:01 PM

Well Bruce she asked me to leave. Said was for members of the church only!

xoxoxoBruce 09-18-2005 07:06 PM

Oh OK, I thought you meant she told you it was happening there.
Boeing is collecting from employees for the Red Cross. I'll make a complaint to them. :mad:

busterb 09-18-2005 07:10 PM

Hey Bruce, she told me that it was for only members of church. I posted a what ever to Lou Dobbs at CNN and 1 to working for change. If anyone has any ideas of where to post, I'll give it a shot. Thanks BB

Brett's Honey 09-18-2005 07:16 PM



Originally Posted by busterb
The RC is at the first baptist chruch now, but if not a member hit the road.

Well, that's real "Christian" of them! I'm almost speechless.....and the Red Cross shouldn't agree to that either.

richlevy 09-18-2005 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Brett's Honey
Well, that's real "Christian" of them! I'm almost speechless.....and the Red Cross shouldn't agree to that either.

I can't believe that they did. I'm guessing this woman was acting on her own. I'd certainly track down a city official and ask them. If that is really the church's policy, then the Red Cross should set up in a school or town hall.

busterb 09-19-2005 06:20 PM

Dear James:
Thank you for sharing this information. I will convey it to the appropriate individuals on the disaster operation for their review and handling. I will also copy the vice president of Chapter Quality Assurance for her review.
The American Red Cross provides relief assistance to disaster survivors from all walks of life without regard to race, creed, nationality or economic status.
Thousands of individuals will continue to look to the Red Cross to provide for the most basic human need and we have short and long term plans in place to do that.

The constant and consistent role of the Red Cross is to provide a safe place for people to stay and to see that their emergency needs are met.

Thank you for letting us know.

The American Red Cross Public Inquiry Center

xoxoxoBruce 09-19-2005 06:38 PM

Buster, was this Bitch wearing any Red Cross insignias or name tag with a Red Cross on it? Anything to make her official? :question:

busterb 09-20-2005 01:43 PM

Naw, just the nice folks in their sunday duds. A couple of people at a table with computers.

Undertoad 09-21-2005 08:09 AM

News story this morning mentioned that the Red Cross is overwhelmed and so they are relying on "faith-based organizations" to do some of the work.

busterb 09-23-2005 11:29 AM

Crawford, TX 76638
Will be declared a disaster area by FEMA. Crews are already standing by to help the 7?? folks who live there. Just joking, maybe. Then the ranch will house people fleeing the storm?
BTW I tried to call the # for SBA, what a joke.

busterb 09-23-2005 08:03 PM

Less you forget. Some of us white trash as still alive and awaiting help. See this post in case you've forgotten about us.

xoxoxoBruce 09-23-2005 08:15 PM

Aw, quit bitching and stir the mash before it burns and makes the "product" taste funky. I know you've had wives screw you worse than this "cane". :lol:

busterb 09-23-2005 08:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I just took a look at move on .org. Does anyone see anything wrong? about this? Just for blacks? Hello speak up.

wolf 09-24-2005 12:48 AM

But buster, you know there weren't any White people in New Orleans, you already said so yourself!!

busterb 09-26-2005 07:51 PM

About the 2 SBA offices in MS. A reply from my?

We're not happy about that either - two are not enough to serve Mississippi adequately.

Brian Perry

Communications Director

Congressman Chip Pickering (Miss-3)

busterb 09-28-2005 01:50 PM

The storms have given a new meaning to the song."Drifters - Up On The Roof."
Which is where I need to be, to try and tack down tarps. Wind got the tar paper that my son and I put on the 19th. My help came by last night and told me that he had to help someone put up a deer stand today. Right :smack:

busterb 10-14-2005 10:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Per the weekly-wipe this week we had peak winds of 119 mph in county, a staggering number considering the location of Jasper Co. in so. central MS. Damage report soon as I scan it. bb

busterb 10-14-2005 06:00 PM

I have no idea what the diffrence between major and minor might be. The insurance co. has looked and told me they would pay close to 10k. But that is trying to paint the sheetrock that's molded and falling down. Maybe that's minor to some folks, but to me it's a BFD.

busterb 11-02-2005 03:24 PM

Anyone want seed from my ornamental hot pepper? Looks great in pots and makes great pepper sauce. More photos
Pm me your snail mail address I’ll send “ya” some. Please put a buck or 2 in the tip jar.

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