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xoxoxoBruce 01-28-2017 12:02 PM

Women Are Not Equal

A post is making rounds on social media, in response to the Women's March on Saturday, January 21, 2017. It starts with "I am not a disgrace to women because I don't support the women's march. I do not feel I am a second class citizen because I am a woman."
This is Dina Leygerman responding here.


Say thank you. Say thank you to the women who gave you a voice. Say thank you
to the women who were arrested and imprisoned and beaten and gassed for you to have a voice. Say thank you to the women who refused to back down, to the women who fought tirelessly to give you a voice. Say thank you to the women who put their lives on hold, who lucky for you, did not have better things to do than to march and protest and rally for your voice. So you don't feel like a second class citizen. So you get to feel equal.
She describes the many ways women are second class citizens then lists some women to thank.


Thank Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul for your right to vote.

Thank Elizabeth Stanton for your right to work.

Thank Maud Wood Park for your prenatal care and your identity outside of your husband.

Thank Rose Schneiderman for your humane working conditions.

Thank Eleanor Roosevelt and Molly Dewson for your ability to work in politics and affect policy.

Thank Margaret Sanger for your legal birth control.

Thank Carol Downer for your reproductive healthcare rights.

Thank Margaret Fuller for your equal education.

Thank Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shannon Turner, Gloria Steinem, Zelda Kingoff Nordlinger, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, Malika Saada Saar, Wagatwe Wanjuki, Ida B. Wells, Malala Yousafzai. Thank your mother, your grandmother, your great-grandmother who did not have half of the rights you have now.
I think you ladies should read the whole article.
You men who are just brushing this off, reading the article will make you feel superior, more macho and less pussy whipped. :haha:

classicman 01-28-2017 03:19 PM


I am not a "disgrace to women" because I don't support the women's march. I do not feel I am a "second class citizen" because I am a woman. I do not feel my voice is "not heard" because I am a woman. I do not feel I am not provided opportunities in this life or in America because I am a woman. I do not feel that I "don't have control of my body or choices" because I am a woman. I do not feel like I am " not respected or undermined" because I am a woman.
I AM a woman.
I can make my own choices.
I can speak and be heard.
I can VOTE.
I can work if I want.
I control my body.
I can defend myself.
I can defend my family.
There is nothing stopping me to do anything in this world but MYSELF.
I do not blame my circumstances or problems on anything other than my own choices or even that sometimes in life, we don't always get what we want. I take responsibility for myself.
I am a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I am not held back in life but only by the walls I choose to not go over which is a personal choice.
Quit blaming.
Take responsibility.
If you want to speak, do so. But do not expect for me, a woman, to take you seriously wearing a pink va-jay-jay hat on your head and screaming profanities and bashing men.
If you have beliefs, and speak to me in a kind matter, I will listen. But do not expect for me to change my beliefs to suit yours. Respect goes both ways.
If you want to impress me, especially in regards to women, then speak on the real injustices and tragedies that affect women in foreign countries that do not that the opportunity or means to have their voices heard.
Saudi Arabia, women can't drive, no rights and must always be covered.
China and India, infantcide of baby girls.
Afghanistan, unequal education rights.
Democratic Republic of Congo, where rapes are brutal and women are left to die, or HIV infected and left to care for children alone.
Mali, where women can not escape the torture of genital mutilation.
Pakistan, in tribal areas where women are gang raped to pay for men's crime.
Guatemala, the impoverished female underclass of Guatemala faces domestic violence, rape and the second-highest rate of HIV/AIDS after sub-Saharan Africa. An epidemic of gruesome unsolved murders has left hundreds of women dead, some of their bodies left with hate messages.
And that's just a few examples.
So when women get together in AMERICA and whine they don't have equal rights and march in their clean clothes, after eating a hearty breakfast, and it's like a vacation away that they have paid for to get there...
This WOMAN does not support it. ~ Brandi Atkinson

xoxoxoBruce 01-28-2017 05:40 PM

As with any serious protest, in this case the women's march, there will be the very small minority with "pink va-jay-jay hat on your head and screaming profanities and bashing men." I'd guess less than 5% out of multi-millions, but they will get the attention of the media. That doesn't make the cause any less just.

The same with any protest marches, there will always be a tiny minority damaging property and getting all the attention.

So she doesn't think American women should progress until the rest of the word catches up? American women shouldn't lead by example?

Mountain Mule 01-28-2017 08:59 PM

Newbie here, but good grief what a polemic! You guys seem interesting at least. I've been checking out the Image of the Day for a while now and finally decided to officially sign up. Never been much good at lurking anyhow.

Pamela 01-28-2017 09:07 PM

Welcome! We are an eclectic bunch and 'interesting' is one of the least of the things we are. We are so much more!

Make yourself comfortable, pull up a chair, Jim used to administer the quiz, but I think that has been waived.

plthijinx 01-28-2017 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Pamela (Post 980819)
**snip** Jim used to administer the quiz, but I think that has been waived.

shit. there's a pop quiz?

the dog ate it!


xoxoxoBruce 01-28-2017 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mountain Mule (Post 980818)
Newbie here, but good grief what a polemic!

Polemic, a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.
I'm confused by your statement... which ain't hard :o
Are you referring to one of the quoted articles or one of the posts, all, none of the above?

We're an opinionate bunch, and willing to "share" our opinions. But it's not personal, "attacks" aren't directed at the person (except in a few cases cough tw cough), but to make my point, and shout down the dumb bastard who doesn't agree with me. :haha:

Seriously though, stick around and jump it anytime you like, I'm sure you have things to contribute.

limey 01-29-2017 07:55 AM

Classic, of course you are right to quote Brandi's opinion in full. There are, indeed, many countries where women are worse off, far worse off than they are in the States. But not one of those points negates what Dina Leygerman says.

sexobon 01-29-2017 10:48 AM


... But not one of those points negates what Dina Leygerman says.
I'm not buying that negation was the purpose of Brandi Atkinson's post.

It does attenuate the self aggrandizement of women vying for importance by associating themselves with pioneers of equality rather than sedulous hard work. In the quoted response, Dina Leygerman doesn't mention any men to be thankful to. Of course, she's a woman and men aren't the association of opportunity. It's almost as though Brandi Atkinson's post was meant to bring out the superficiality of some in the movement. That can be healthy for any grass roots effort.

Pico and ME 01-29-2017 02:10 PM

There's no reason to trivialize the March or the Movement, which she totally does. The Women's March, which had nearly a whole world's participation, was about much more than just the women who participated. It keeps the discussion going about preserving womens rights as well as all basic human rights The womens March page explains it best.

And it is definitely a protest against Trump.

sexobon 01-29-2017 02:25 PM

Until protests turn into votes, it's marginalized.

xoxoxoBruce 01-29-2017 02:36 PM

Marginalized by some, but it also communicates to others that their experiences and feelings, which have been suppressed by people saying, "that's normal", "that's life", and "that the way the world works", are valid.
It lets them know that millions of others feel the same way, they are not alone.

sexobon 01-29-2017 02:50 PM

Rattling their sabers, preaching to the choir. They didn't convince one single person who didn't vote in the last Presidential election to go out and vote in consonance with their cause. Couldn't have been very important. :p:

(bet you had to think about that one)

Pico and ME 01-29-2017 03:05 PM

You can't know that yet.

xoxoxoBruce 01-29-2017 03:12 PM

But the preaching to the choir was just the performance. The message to the rest is conveyed by the media, and social media, on both sides of the issue.
What about the 40% who didn't vote, would they if this issue was a referendum on the ballot? Is this "the" issue which would spur them in action?

sexobon 01-29-2017 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pico and ME (Post 980854)
You can't know that yet.


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 980852)
Rattling their sabers, preaching to the choir. They [those who later marched] didn't convince one single person who didn't vote in the last Presidential election to go out and vote [during the last election] in consonance with their cause. Couldn't have been very important. :p:

(bet you had to think about that one)

[bold type added]

sexobon 01-29-2017 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 980855)
But the preaching to the choir was just the performance. The message to the rest is conveyed by the media, and social media, on both sides of the issue.
What about the 40% who didn't vote, would they if this issue was a referendum on the ballot? Is this "the" issue which would spur them in action?

No, those days are gone.

Pico and ME 01-29-2017 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 980857)
[bold type added]

You cant predict the effect the march will have. So you don't know how it will effect the next election to come - midterms.

sexobon 01-29-2017 03:48 PM

The indicators are that it will have a negligible effect.

xoxoxoBruce 01-29-2017 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pico and ME (Post 980860)
You cant predict the effect the march will have. So you don't know how it will effect the next election to come - midterms.

You forget, as a long time, nonelected, government employee, his hopes for a better government, society, and world, have been beaten into stoicism by reality. Also he loves to play devils advocate.

I must admit I'm pretty pessimistic myself, but it won't stop me from cheering them on.

sexobon 01-29-2017 04:43 PM

:shocking: NOT!


Mountain Mule 01-29-2017 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pamela (Post 980819)
Welcome! We are an eclectic bunch and 'interesting' is one of the least of the things we are. We are so much more!

Make yourself comfortable, pull up a chair, Jim used to administer the quiz, but I think that has been waived.

A quiz? Eeek! I'm terrible at quizzes and I suspect you guys could probably provide a very clever one to trip this poor old mule up. Besides, I've already figured out that 4 + 5 = 9 and that the seven letter name for the highest mountain in the world is "Everest" when I registered. Could that count for the quiz?

xoxoxoBruce 01-29-2017 10:38 PM

This is like a montessori school quiz, there are no wrong answers. ;)

sexobon 01-29-2017 10:45 PM

The current quiz is in this thread:

You can answer the questions any way you want, it's primarily for fun. I just took it 'cause I recently changed my user title which makes me a born again Cellar dwellar. :D

You can take the quiz; but, you don't have to take it. It's up to you. :cool:

Mountain Mule 01-29-2017 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 980824)
Polemic, a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.
I'm confused by your statement... which ain't hard :o
Are you referring to one of the quoted articles or one of the posts, all, none of the above?

We're an opinionate bunch, and willing to "share" our opinions. But it's not personal, "attacks" aren't directed at the person (except in a few cases cough tw cough), but to make my point, and shout down the dumb bastard who doesn't agree with me. :haha:

Seriously though, stick around and jump it anytime you like, I'm sure you have things to contribute.

Oh my goodness! No, no - my reply was certainly not intended as some sort of personal attack. The word just came to mind when I read Brandi Atkinson's post that Classicman quoted.

I feel that Brandi Atkinson's words were rather over the top, and as a woman, I disagree with a number of the statements she made. I also found it interesting that she would be quoted by a man. I couldn't help but wonder if Classicman was using Atkinson to disagree with your thesis that "Women Are Not Equal."

Women are NOT equal. For example, Atkinson states that she has control over her own body. This may be true for her, but many women all over the world do NOT have control over their own bodies. Certain tribes in Africa still practice female circumcision, a horribly painful and degrading mutilation of a women's body done to young girls who have no say in the matter. Many low income women in a growing number of states in the US are being denied access to Planned Parenthood and other medical facilities where they could obtain information and be provided with appropriate birth control methods. The same is true of access to safe abortions - even early term ones - in the case of unwanted pregnancies. I believe it is the state of Texas that has come up with a rule that fetal matter from miscarriages and abortions should be buried as if they were babies who had died soon after a normal 9 month pregnancy. Good grief! What's next? Will women be required to bury tampons in a series of separate little graves each month? The state of Indiana has also mandated the burial or cremation of embryonic cells from early abortions and miscarriages.

I majored in biology in college and one of my required classes was Embryology. We were all required to chloroform live mice in various stages of pregnancy in a bell jar and make microscopic slides of the fetal matter once we had dissected mama mouse. I saw with my own eyes that a mouse zygote is NOT a complete replica of a cute tiny mouse, but rather an interesting assortment of cells with a shape peculiar to the early stages of embryonic development. A human zygote or embryo at 8 weeks or so is not much different. So, not only do women not have complete control over their own bodies, a woman in Texas or Indiana doesn't even have a say over a few hundred cells her body may happen to produce. Craziness!

Thus, my use of the word "polemic" the definition of which is explained in some detail by Wikipedia:

~snip~ A polemic (/pəˈlɛmɪk/) is contentious rhetoric that is intended to support a specific position. Polemics are mostly seen in arguments about controversial topics. The practice of such argumentation is called polemics.

Polemics often concern issues in religion or politics. A polemic style of writing was common in Ancient Greece, as in the writings of the historian Polybius. Polemic again became common in medieval and early modern times. Since then, famous polemicists have included the satirist Jonathan Swift, the socialist philosopher Karl Marx, the novelist George Orwell and the linguist Noam Chomsky. ~snip~

If I inadvertently attacked Classicman with a Marxist writing style, I most humbly apologize.

Did I pass the quiz?

sexobon 01-29-2017 11:23 PM

We don't do the Kobayashi Maru.

xoxoxoBruce 01-29-2017 11:30 PM

No no, I didn't think you were attacking anyone, by using polemic I thought you deduced we were attacking each other. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I think the rest of my post is safe.

That wasn't the quiz, as sexobon pointed out in the post before yours. :D

Gravdigr 01-30-2017 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 980887)
You can take the quiz; but, you don't have to take it.

It is the same price.[/RonWhite]

footfootfoot 01-30-2017 04:54 PM

Some are more equal than others.

classicman 01-31-2017 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 980831)
Classic, of course you are right to quote Brandi's opinion in full. There are, indeed, many countries where women are worse off, far worse off than they are in the States. But not one of those points negates what Dina Leygerman says.

Wasn't intended to, but thanks.


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 980887)
I just took it 'cause I recently changed my user title...

Yeh, like 7-8 YEARS ago.

sexobon 01-31-2017 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 981058)
... Yeh, like 7-8 YEARS ago.

That was my username.

My user title recently changed here (it was déjà vu).

classicman 02-01-2017 04:08 PM

Stop with your damn facts and proof and links and all that.

Snakeadelic 02-18-2017 09:01 AM

quoted by classicman:

I control my body.

I call shenanigans on that single line. If women in the US really, honestly, truly had control of our bodies, my ovaries would've been gone by the time I turned 22. Instead, due to serious side effects of pesticide exposure they have not worked properly without chemical intervention EVER and I've been forced to keep those damn little cancer bombs since they fired up and refused to do their job properly in, lemme think...spring of 1984. As it is, I'm in early menopause and only have to wait another 19 years (or until I get cancer) to have the bitches removed the way I've been wishing for since I was 14 years old.

My best friend fought and fought and fought just to get her tubes tied. This woman, at that time, was borderline-morbid obese, 80% deaf in one ear, 60% deaf in the other, legally blind with her contacts in, had been repeatedly told she should NEVER get pregnant because her CLASS FOUR HEART MURMUR wouldn't let her live past her second trimester, and 110% hated being around babies and little kids. She was also in her late 20s by then, so not exactly 'high school bullsh*t' on this one.

And as the surgeon was washing up in the prep room while I held her hand until the sedation kicked in, he looked disdainfully at us and, in just about the most condescending, contemptuous tone I have ever heard from anyone, says to her:
"Well. I guess I really can't talk you out of this."

As she started crying, I smiled back at him and snarled "NO SIR YOU CAN NOT." Without me there, he might very well have refused the surgery her MD and her gynecologist had both strongly advocated that she have immediately!

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