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Undertoad 04-20-2004 01:18 PM

4/20/2004: Woman collects rust

Thanks xoxoxoBruce

Rust? She collects rust?

Yes, she does. She's in Indonesia, on a Jakarta beach, right near a scrap metal ship, and for every 100 kg of rust she collects, she's given around $1.

Troubleshooter 04-20-2004 01:20 PM

I'm guessing that someone uses its unique chemical properties or something?

Elspode 04-20-2004 01:51 PM

That is .004545 per #.

Cheap bastards.

CzinZumerzet 04-20-2004 02:32 PM

Oppression in paradise. I wonder what company, what corporation back up the line is keeping her under the jackboot.

CzinZumerzet 04-20-2004 02:33 PM

PS. Incredible picture by the way, thanks for posting it.

Kitsune 04-20-2004 02:50 PM

Someone out there is producing some really cheap thermite.

xoxoxoBruce 04-20-2004 05:19 PM

The sad part is, she's very happy to have a chance to do it.:(

Leah 04-20-2004 07:01 PM

Send her over my way, I've got rust coming through on my car.

Beestie 04-20-2004 07:25 PM


Originally posted by Leah
Send her over my way, I've got rust coming through on my car.

Even if your whole car was rust, I figure that's about $12.00. **

[Paranoid disclaimer]
I did not ask Leah what kind of car she drives. I did not account for the fact that the seats aren't made of metal and, therefore, cannot possibly be converted to rust even though I do acknowledge and understand that they might undergo oxidation, the byproduct thereof would not, in fact, be iron-oxide so I just wanted you to know that I know. Also, I do realize that her car probably isn't all rust or else it wouldn't really be a car. I used a literary device known as "hyperbole" to make my point and wasn't really serious. Any other factual errors in the calculations used in my post are hereby disclaimed and disowned and I can bear no responsibility if that woman actually reads this post and catches the next plane over here to scoop up some rust.
[/Paranoid disclaimer]

Leah 04-20-2004 07:37 PM

I'm sorry to say that the amount of rust on my Honda would not be sufficient for a wage. Although living on the beaches here in Sydney I'm sure there are plenty of cars that could be a good little earner for her. Go girl go.:D

onetrack 04-20-2004 08:01 PM

To get the correct perspective on the pic, and corporate greed .. all you need, is an adjoining pic .. of the scrap company CEO dining on caviar and $250 bottles of wine, on the company expense account .. and then climbing into his $250,000 BMW to drive to the office to collect his $20,000 weekly pay packet .. where he will spend a few seconds to organise the sacking of the above lady, and her immediate family and friends .. because it will improve the corporate bottom line, and return to shareholders .. not to mention, the necessary pay rise it will earn him, for being financially astute .. :D

xoxoxoBruce 04-20-2004 08:17 PM

Oh come now, that never really happens. Does it?:worried:

Sun_Sparkz 04-20-2004 08:33 PM

I am an assistant in a HUGE financial company with all my fellow collegues being big cats just like the one descibed.. and let me asure you.. yes, it DOES happen.

xoxoxoBruce 04-20-2004 09:34 PM

Sparkz, Monday we had a meeting with my bosses, bosses, boss.
He explained they've been trying to outsource our jobs for 4 years. But, until they can find someone willing to take the work, we should work harder and try to be more productive. :haha:

Sun_Sparkz 04-20-2004 09:36 PM

incentive or what!!

please work twice as hard as you currently do, for the same crappy money. meanwhile we will try as hard as we can to make your position redundant.


onetrack 04-20-2004 09:59 PM

This scrap company image, has touched the most raw nerve in my body .. China cannot get enough steel scrap to feed her industries, so the scrap price has rocketed. Scrap is a vital part of steel making, believe it or not .. all furnaces rely on a large % of scrap to produce good quality steel. Using scrap for furnace feed, lowers costs, and improves end product quality, because scrap has a known quality, minimal impurities as compared to iron ore, and takes less energy to turn into fresh steel.

China produced 241 million tonnes of finished steel last year .. the first time in the worlds history, ANY country produced more than 200 million tonnes of steel in one year .. and production is slated to increase by double digit %'s in the next few years, from both domestic and world demand.

Scrap steel is bringing US$200 to US$250 a ton in the U.S. .. we in Australia, are a lot closer to China .. and the local major scrap dealer is offering AU$35 a tonne (US$26 ton) for heavy scrap .. delivered and sized ..

The local major scrap dealer has just reported massive increases in profit .. much to the CEO's surprise! :rolleyes:
No mention is made on % of ROI .. but I guess the CEO will be handsomely rewarded for his financial astuteness .. again .. :mad:

Strange thing is .. I can go round up ANY abandoned bogmobile and drop it at the local recyclers and get AU$100 (US$74) for it, provided its complete .. AU$50 (US$37) if they come and collect it.
Methinks there is a large smelly fish in this equation ..

MAdMoNKEY 04-21-2004 01:03 AM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
Sparkz, Monday we had a meeting with my bosses, bosses, boss.
He explained they've been trying to outsource our jobs for 4 years. But, until they can find someone willing to take the work, we should work harder and try to be more productive. :haha:

Maybe his brutal honesty will inspire you? :shotgun:

funkykule 04-21-2004 03:18 AM

That woman has no mask, she must be breathing in loads of dust particles from the rust. not good.

Griff 04-21-2004 06:22 AM


Originally posted by onetrack
This scrap company image, has touched the most raw nerve in my body .. China cannot get enough steel scrap to feed her industries, so the scrap price has rocketed. Scrap is a vital part of steel making, believe it or not .. all furnaces rely on a large % of scrap to produce good quality steel. Using scrap for furnace feed, lowers costs, and improves end product quality, because scrap has a known quality, minimal impurities as compared to iron ore, and takes less energy to turn into fresh steel.

Reading that, I flashed back to MAD Magazines take on 1941, with America getting bombed with her own scrap steel.

paranoid 04-21-2004 10:17 AM


Originally posted by Beestie
[Paranoid disclaimer]
[/Paranoid disclaimer]


onetrack 04-21-2004 10:29 AM


Originally posted by Griff

Reading that, I flashed back to MAD Magazines take on 1941, with America getting bombed with her own scrap steel.

The bombing you Americans are getting in 2004 is just a little different to 1941 .. the bombing this time, is of American Industry by Chinese manufactured products .. and surprise, surprise .. who moved all the manufacturing to China??

No .. wait .. it couldn't have been the CEO's of American companies, could it?? :rolleyes:

Not those same CEO's I poured scorn on, in an earlier post??

And you worry about enemies in the Middle East and Afghanistan?? :eek:

chrisinhouston 04-21-2004 10:59 AM

looks like the photo was taken on "Take your daughter to work day."

Nothing like teaching your kids the value of a good day's work.

xoxoxoBruce 04-21-2004 07:07 PM


Originally posted by MAdMoNKEY

Maybe his brutal honesty will inspire you? :shotgun:

It has, it has, but he's been hiding ever since.;)

e unibus plurum 04-22-2004 09:49 AM

it's a growth industry -- afterall, rust never sleeps.

xoxoxoBruce 04-22-2004 05:13 PM

I remember reading somewhere, 2 tons of steel will produce 3 tons of rust, but it didn't say why. I've always been curious about that, but don't have a clue how I would find out. :confused:

linknoid 04-22-2004 06:14 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
I remember reading somewhere, 2 tons of steel will produce 3 tons of rust, but it didn't say why. I've always been curious about that, but don't have a clue how I would find out. :confused:
Simple chemistry. Pure steel is made of iron and carbon. When it rusts, it adds oxygen to the mix. So what your quoted statistic is saying is that for every 2 parts (by weight) iron and carbon in rust (carbon makes up about 5%, I think), there's one part oxygen.

richlevy 04-22-2004 10:03 PM

I actually saw this on some documentary. In India or Pakistan, some entrepenuer with a radio sits on a beach and instructs the captain of a ship he has purchased for scrap to deliberately beach it during high tide. During low tide, workers swarm over it and strip it down for scrap and parts.

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