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Undertoad 05-05-2004 12:54 PM

5/5/2004: Maori warrior protests

The guy's name is Tama Iti, and he's challenging officials yesterday at Parliament grounds in New Zealand, along with 10,000 or so other protestors. About 50 of them were dressed like him, in flax skirts and carrying spears.

Their beef: they're Maori warriors. They stake claim to some of the shoreline that the government is proposing should simply be public coast.

wolf 05-05-2004 12:56 PM

Are they trying to build a casino or something?

lumberjim 05-05-2004 01:04 PM

i think i could take him.

MachineyBear 05-05-2004 02:00 PM

The people around him sure don't seem to be scared of a modern-day warrior.

jdbutler 05-05-2004 02:08 PM


Originally posted by MachineyBear
The people around him sure don't seem to be scared of a modern-day warrior.
That's because he brought a spear to a probable gun-fight.

jaguar 05-05-2004 02:14 PM

This is New-Zealand. They disbanded their army, probably due to boredom.

glatt 05-05-2004 02:15 PM


Originally posted by jdbutler

That's because he brought a spear to a probable gun-fight.

"Secret Service" type guy on the right is most certainly ready to react with an appropriate level of force if need be.

I wonder where this coastland is exactly. So much of New Zealand is undeveloped coastline. It's everywhere.

lumberjim 05-05-2004 02:28 PM

history lesson about the maori

chrisinhouston 05-05-2004 03:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
At the website Lumberjim posted the link to:

"For clothing, they harvested a fairly broad-leaved ground plant called flax, thinned the leaves and made fabrics and ropes from the fibres. They augmented their clothing with the skins of dogs, and hundreds, sometimes thousands, of birds feathers,"

"Men needed to be dressed in a short beard at the chin, hair done in a topknot, and a string from waist to penis. "

String? OUCH!

"There was no shortage of food - birds, insects, grubs, bats, rats, dogs, eels, fish, mussels, berries, pollen, cabbage tree roots, nikau shoots, watercress, fungi and even earthworms."

Oh, an early version of Atkins!

"Including, at one time, the now vanished Moa, a large flightless bird"

I think this is a picture of it!

Leah 05-05-2004 04:59 PM

Gosh, what a stunner he is. I know a few people just like him in real life, scary. :joint:

davepen 05-05-2004 05:09 PM

And the world just yawns...

Skunks 05-05-2004 06:21 PM

What's the story on the hand gestures most of the guys behind him are doing?

lumberjim 05-05-2004 06:24 PM


Originally posted by Skunks
What's the story on the hand gestures most of the guys behind him are doing?
the hand signals are a very old and secret means, " i'm leaning on my cane"

Skunks 05-05-2004 06:53 PM

Fair enough. But why are they all doing it the same way?

lumberjim 05-05-2004 07:01 PM

they're not. two of them are left hand on top, one is right hand on top. this is how you stand when you have a cane, and you're watching a maori try to look like mike singletary.

Troubleshooter 05-05-2004 07:36 PM

You should always take a group that ate its way up the food chain seriously.

Definitely not a demographic to piss off.

davepen 05-05-2004 09:03 PM

and still, the world just yawns...

Bullitt 05-05-2004 09:15 PM

me have stick! poke you eye with big stick! you die! alalalalalalalalalala!!!!!

lumberjim 05-05-2004 09:31 PM


Originally posted by davepen
and still, the world just yawns...
so, you're trying to be cryptic. you're on the edge of pompous, though. careful.

davepen 05-05-2004 09:40 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim

so, you're trying to be cryptic. you're on the edge of pompous, though. careful.

No. not cryptic, wake up.

The world does not give a damn.

What more do you require?

Bullitt 05-05-2004 09:48 PM

Round one.... FIGHT!

davepen 05-05-2004 09:52 PM

Re: Ding!

Originally posted by Bullitt
Round one.... FIGHT!
No fight here, brother. Just curiousity.

Clodfobble 05-05-2004 10:09 PM

No. not cryptic, wake up.

The world does not give a damn.

What more do you require?

Ok, let's put it this way: He was hoping you were being cryptic because otherwise it's an annoying statement, at least the second time around. You remind me of my little brother, who's going through a cute little phase where he feels compelled to remind everyone that "none of it matters" every few minutes.

To wit, it is extremely difficult for the entire world to give a damn in unison about any one thing. On a more realistic level, I most certainly give a damn about the Maori, and the now-extinct Moa. That picture's actually had me thinking about dinosaurs being large feathered birds all day now. And it seems several other people here have an interest in the topic too.

The angsty thing is very unbecoming. Is there anything more underneath it?

lumberjim 05-05-2004 10:12 PM


Originally posted by davepen

No. not cryptic, wake up.

The world does not give a damn.

What more do you require?

just wanted to know if you were saying that you don;t give a damn, or that the world doesn't ,and it bothers you. I got the hint of what you were saying the first time you said it, but when you repeated yourself, it made it seem like you were hoping for some type of reply. "didnt you see my whitty comment?"
so which is it, then? you still haven't said anything.

and if the world does not give a damn, how come it made the IOTD? i give a little bit of a damn. I'm sure some on here feel more for'em than i do. who told you the world yawns?

lumberjim 05-05-2004 10:13 PM

damn it clod......

....good answer

Clodfobble 05-05-2004 10:16 PM

I can't help it if I type faster than you do. :)

elSicomoro 05-05-2004 10:20 PM


Originally posted by Clodfobble
The angsty thing is very unbecoming.
"Teenage angst has paid off I'm bored and old..."

davepen 05-05-2004 10:29 PM

Oh , man you people really do live in your own world.

I don't (and won't) give a rats ass about the Maori. I live in America and direct my welfare there...

Mewl as you will, Liberal dupes...

No apoligies.


elSicomoro 05-05-2004 10:36 PM

Awww...that's cute! *pats him on the head* Now go run along and play in some traffic...

davepen 05-05-2004 10:37 PM

That would be, apologies. My haste to contradict the left has overcome me.

lumberjim 05-05-2004 10:46 PM

well, aren't you just as much fun as a barrell full of monkeys?

Say something else stupid.

davepen 05-05-2004 10:49 PM

I'm really sleepy right now. If any of you liberal warriors want to compare degrees, mine is from Providence College/Brown University.

elSicomoro 05-05-2004 10:50 PM

Oooh...not just any piece of Ivy League piece of shit.

davepen 05-05-2004 10:59 PM

I must admit, I'm a little suprised at the 'piece of shit' label. Where does this come FROM?

Skunks 05-05-2004 11:37 PM

Mostly it comes from a predisposition to hate people with the name "dave".

lumberjim 05-05-2004 11:38 PM

I must admit, I'm a little surprised that such a well educated person would attempt to lump such a widely variable populous together under one political label, and simultaeneously deride said party. I'm no liberal....not that there's anything wrong with that. Nor am I republican. I could give a shit what party feels the way I do about things. I am lumberjimian.

In closing, I'd just like to say, don't be such a dick, or we'll tear your arms off and beat you with the wet ends.

And as far as living in our own little world goes......welcome to it. sit down, take a load off. ya fat bastard, your feet must be killing you.....Say, is that your head, or is your neck blowing bubbles? be honest.

scothand 05-05-2004 11:42 PM


Originally posted by davepen
Oh , man you people really do live in your own world.

I, and presumably the rest of the folks frequenting here, live in our world. The same world the Maori lives in, sinkholes eat cars, and cute animals appear on Friday.

Elspode 05-05-2004 11:50 PM

I'm sorry, I just arrived. Is it too late for me to be insulted, condescended to or otherwise belittled by someone whose parents spent an extraordinary amount of money to get their snot nosed brat out of the house and into an Eastern college where he could learn how to put people off in five minutes or less?

I'd hate to miss out on that. Superior intellects are always so much fun, especially when they've been drinking or have forgotten to take their meds. Nothing like a good provocateur (which, I'm pretty sure, is French for "irritating little fuck") to liven up the mix.

wolf 05-06-2004 12:28 AM


Originally posted by davepen
I'm really sleepy right now. If any of you liberal warriors want to compare degrees, mine is from Providence College/Brown University.
How the hell did you manage to graduate from Brown and NOT be a raging liberal?

wolf 05-06-2004 12:30 AM

There is a lot of ritualized posturing in Maori ceremony. There are particular stances for greeting, for confrontation, for joy, etc.

Makes it quite clear to other maori what you're on about.

Leaves everyone else clueless.

Image is everything.

jaguar 05-06-2004 08:41 AM


How the hell did you manage to graduate from Brown and NOT be a raging liberal?
I'm still wondering how he graduated at all.

You got the piece of shit label because you talk like an asshole, Ivy League (If I'm right that means your parents are richer than most right? I'm not very up with the US school system) asshole you may be but you can't polish a shit and expect it to shine.

There are liberals here as well as republicans, liberterians, greens, the occasional socialist type and I'm sure at least one facist, yet often we can all engage in interesting debate without resorting quite so quickly to name-slinging. Your brand rubbish spewing would be more at home on . See I made it a nice and easy link for you to click on, run along.

As for you need of ego masterbation though such witty, suave quips, try K5.

Beestie 05-06-2004 09:12 AM


Originally posted by davepen
If any of you liberal warriors want to compare degrees, mine is from Providence College/Brown University.
Thanks for reminding me that I'm out of toilet paper. And its "mine ARE" dumbfuck.

stlbob 05-06-2004 09:12 AM

Not that I'm trying to stop the thrashing of Dave by bringing up some totally unrelated topic ........ how is it possible that every post of his in this thread says that his total post number is 9? Interesting.

Katkeeper 05-06-2004 09:14 AM

Compare degrees? I could match yours with a Seven Sisters degree and raise you one, having graduated Magna cum laude, and I am a "Museum Quality" Liberal.

Troubleshooter 05-06-2004 09:16 AM


Originally posted by Katkeeper
I am a "Museum Quality" Liberal.
Define please.

elSicomoro 05-06-2004 09:29 AM

In the words of one of my favorite modern philosophers, Calvin Broadus: "Niggaz who talk shit get dealt with real quick."

elSicomoro 05-06-2004 09:33 AM


Originally posted by Katkeeper
Compare degrees? I could match yours with a Seven Sisters degree and raise you one, having graduated Magna cum laude, and I am a "Museum Quality" Liberal.
Hmmm...well, I don't have a Seven Sisters degree, but I do have a BA and graduated Magna Cum Laude myself. Oh, and I'm a sycamore liberal.

Katkeeper 05-06-2004 09:37 AM

"Museum Quality" Liberal was a description used by Garrison Keillor when liberals were being seriously bashed. I loved it and assume it means one takes the liberal position on most issues.

And we will rise again...

Happy Monkey 05-06-2004 09:40 AM


Originally posted by stlbob
Not that I'm trying to stop the thrashing of Dave by bringing up some totally unrelated topic ........ how is it possible that every post of his in this thread says that his total post number is 9? Interesting.
At the moment, all of yours say 23. The post number is global, and not linked to the individual post.

Though putting individual post number in there could be interesting, ie "Post 503 of 984".

davepen 05-06-2004 10:00 AM

An apology
So, at first I'm thinking: why am I getting all these goddamned emails?

When I finally click on the link, it brings me here.

My laptop has been in the possession of a co-worker for the past several days and apparently this is his idea of a joke. Although it's mildly amusing, I don't share his sense of humor.

Please accept my apologies for this.


jdbutler 05-06-2004 10:03 AM

"And do you know why I'll be the last liberal standing? Because I'll have a motherfucking gun!"

But, Lady Syc, do you have enough clips? "So many assholes, too few bullets". (Claymore mines are excellent also!)


wolf 05-06-2004 10:05 AM


Originally posted by Beestie
Thanks for reminding me that I'm out of toilet paper. And its "mine ARE" dumbfuck.
Only if he has more than one degree. If he trasferred from Providence to Brown, "is" would be correct.

Beestie 05-06-2004 10:09 AM

Ouch. Hate it when that happens. The only good thing about getting punk'd is the [payback I/payback I]

Let us know how it goes :)

wolf 05-06-2004 10:27 AM

I think that he got his ass smacked, knows he is outclassed, and wishes to retire from the field somewhat gracefully. This would be a skill leaned in an Eastern Ivy League School.

"My friend did something unauthorized on the laptop I lent him" is the internet version of SODDI. ("Some Other Dude Did It.")

lumberjim 05-06-2004 10:34 AM

Re: An apology

Originally posted by davepen
So, at first I'm thinking: why am I getting all these goddamned emails?

When I finally click on the link, it brings me here.

My laptop has been in the possession of a co-worker for the past several days and apparently this is his idea of a joke. Although it's mildly amusing, I don't share his sense of humor.

Please accept my apologies for this.


SO you're saying your screen name was possessed by someone else?

i have to think about whether or not i'm buying that. on one hand, i could see it happening, but then, i could also see this as a duck and cover reaction to the group's vitriol.

i guess i'll give you the benefit of the doubt because the earlier posts you made were relatively normal.

Beestie 05-06-2004 10:34 AM


Originally posted by wolf Only if he has more than one degree. If he trasferred from Providence to Brown, "is" would be correct.
I assumed that (s)he meant undergrad/grad. Had (s)he but one degree, there wouldn't be much point in including the Providence reference especially given the context.

If someone is showing off how much smarter they are then the rest of us then its always a good idea not to fuck up their Ivy League English in the process.

And lighten up with the grammar Nazi callouts. I've made four grammar correction posts in the last few days - the first ever such posts from me since I joined the Cellar. Three were clearly a joke (a friendly jab at LJ and two at Paranoid) that no one should have taken seriously and one (in this thread) that was well deserved.

lumberjim 05-06-2004 10:39 AM


Originally posted by Beestie
(a friendly jab at LJ
yeah, but you enjoyed it. be honest. it was very enlightening, btw, and gave me flashbacks of mrs Jones from 8th grade. i hated that bitch. fucking red pen weilding powertripping, half stack, pint sized, evil little twat. " Mr Helm, if you can't keep focused, you'll need to sit right up here in front......"

mmmmbacon 05-06-2004 10:46 AM

Anyone see the movie Whalerider? It's the first thing I thought of when I saw this Maori dude.

wolf 05-06-2004 10:58 AM

I thought of a couple movies ... Once Were Warriors, and another one I saw at the UofP International House ... The Storehouse (Te Rua).

(aside: While looking for info on the one movie, I found this. It really has been translated into every language, hasn't it ...)

jdbutler 05-06-2004 11:16 AM

Re: Re: An apology

Originally posted by lumberjim

i guess i'll give you the benefit of the doubt because the earlier posts you made were relatively normal.

I agree, give the guy a break, I believe his ass is sore enough already. (Talk about an immediate gang-bang!) :doit:

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