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lumberjim 01-15-2004 03:45 PM

Although I have had SOME evidence to the contrary, I would say that most of you are of reasonably high intelligence, and relatively successful in your chosen proffessions. I have always felt that more people smoke pot than don't. I just think people don't admit it. Please be honest with your answer, and stay anon if you wish, or state your views. This may not be a true slice of the populous, as we are mostly nerds, but still, I'm curious

FileNotFound 01-15-2004 03:51 PM

Never did because:
1) I can't afford it.
2) Drug tests and it stays in your for what is it...6 months?
3) Hate smoking.
4) Don't like drugs in general. (Not even Tylenol. I hate the fact that I 'HAVE TO' take Flonase every damn day or I'll be an alergic mess the next morning.)
5) Don't want anymore addictions. EQ is bad enough.

Undertoad 01-15-2004 04:02 PM


Already admitted in another thread so what the hell.

Kitsune 01-15-2004 04:05 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
and relatively successful in your chosen proffessions. I have always felt that more people smoke pot than don't. I just think people don't admit it.
Being successful in my current profession requires that I don't smoke it. Only one job out of all the positions I've ever held didn't require a drug test and I've been told that company has since changed their policies to include them for all new hires.

headsplice 01-15-2004 04:58 PM

Herby Turkey makes me giggle.
I'm normally more paranoid than this, but, it's too late now, and too many people know already for it to be a secret anyhow.
I have another question, for those that smoke/d: did anyone name their piece something interesting? For example, a friend had a red plastic three-stage called Big Red. Another had an ancient piece of glassware called Charlemagne. Another had a black six-footer called Death.

zippyt 01-15-2004 05:03 PM

I have smoked it in the past . I can't now ( work and all that ).
But if i ever win big on the Lotto , then CAMBODIA HERE I COME !!! Its legal there . Find me some nice little resopt on the beach , smoke dope , drink beer , and chase whores !!! Yeppers that will be the life !!!!:joint: :drunk: :doit:

Of corse i will have to subsist on half the winnings , my wife would get her half :rolleyes:

The CIA 01-15-2004 07:35 PM

Re: Herby Turkey makes me giggle.

Originally posted by headsplice
I'm normally more paranoid than this, but, it's too late now, and too many people know already for it to be a secret anyhow.
I have another question, for those that smoke/d: did anyone name their piece something interesting? For example, a friend had a red plastic three-stage called Big Red. Another had an ancient piece of glassware called Charlemagne. Another had a black six-footer called Death.

we thought it was you. now that we have the proof, we'll be right over.

elSicomoro 01-15-2004 07:43 PM

Notice that Jimbo didn't answer his own question...

I smoked a bit here and there from 1992-1998. Had some great times...never had a bad high. I think about getting stoned again every now and then, but I don't really want it that much. Besides the fact that it's not worth the risk anymore, I get high enough off life.

lumberjim 01-15-2004 07:50 PM

i think most folks are aware of my habits, and those that don;t would assume that, having asked the question in the first place, I have more than a casual interest in it. besides, i'd HAVE to be high to write some of the shit i write late at night......

sixfeet 01-15-2004 09:42 PM

I was not comfortable enough to try. I have way too many allergies, would be my luck I would be allergic to that too.

Radar 01-15-2004 09:56 PM


2) Drug tests and it stays in your for what is it...6 months?
1 month blood and urine, 3 months hair......I heard.....from a guy....yea.....that's it.

Beestie 01-15-2004 10:16 PM

Radar wrote:

1 month blood and urine, 3 months hair......I heard.....from a guy....yea.....that's it.
Funny you bring that up... One used to have to worry for only 30 or so days. Well, that's about to change. :(

Sun_Sparkz 01-15-2004 11:02 PM

i replied "never tried" to the poll, but once in high school i had one drag of one joint. that was it i thought it was disgusting and i'd never do it again. One of my ex's (back when i was 17) used to do it daily, and thats where all our $$ went. I used to hate seeing him pull a bong it was so derelict :shudder to think: ... or maybe that was just him... ?

I have heard though that smoking daily can cause the THC levels in your skin to rise which is the reason that most pot heads have such revolting body odour ??

Happy Monkey 01-15-2004 11:25 PM

Never done it ( I don't even drink ), but I support full legalization.

wolf 01-16-2004 12:49 AM


Originally posted by Sun_Sparkz
I have heard though that smoking daily can cause the THC levels in your skin to rise which is the reason that most pot heads have such revolting body odour ??
That's just because when you're THAT stoned, you lack initiative to do things like wash regularly.

I smoked weed in college. That's just one of those things that college in America is for, right? Pretty much on a more than daily basis. Then I figured something out.

I wanted to move on to a new activity, and I couldn't.

That scared the shit out of me.

Haven't used any street drug since. That was oooh ... about 22 years ago now.

As all here know, I do drink on occasion, and get genuinely drunk once per year.

Riddil 01-16-2004 11:22 AM

I can't stand it. In college any time it was around I'd try to get baked to figure out what all the excitement was about. I never found the answer.

I've even tried a few other "recreational drugs" in my past... never in abundance though. And as much as people preach "they don't have any long term effects! You're totally back to normal the next day!!" I've not found that to be true. And it's not that I notice I'm slowed mentally after a 'party' weekend... it's that after I've been clean for months in a row I can tell how much sharper I am.

Which has led me to the final conclusion...

It's just not worth it. The headache from trying to buy the stuff, worrying about if you ever get tested, and then worrying about if it's slowing you down...


Not worth the stress.

vsp 01-16-2004 11:51 AM

I've never tried it and never really wanted to, but I've also never had a compelling reason to say "nobody ELSE should be allowed to do it." Like every other mind-and-mood-altering substance, there's a time and a place.

It's a drug that I wouldn't have a problem decriminalizing to the point of being similar to alcohol -- severely restrict minors' access to it, create a DUI category for it, and don't take someone's house and car away when they catch them with a little bit of it.

darclauz 01-16-2004 12:42 PM

like all chemical alterations, i have to wonder...........what's the point???

of course, i'm a diabetic. i can eat a couple of big chocolates, and my brain does the same thing that a drunk's brain does...sometimes i get slurry, sometimes dizzy or dopey, and sometimes i laugh..and laugh....and laugh.


plthijinx 01-20-2004 12:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
insert one-liner here.........LJ as a child?!? (sorry dude! couldn't resist from your previous post!) :beer:

lumberjim 01-20-2004 01:15 PM

OH SHIT. how'd you get that eh?

i hope that's a cracker in his hand.

is that the recently ill boy you spoke of?

did he smoke that before he ate the 3 hot dogs?

plthijinx 01-20-2004 05:49 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
OH SHIT. how'd you get that eh?

i hope that's a cracker in his hand.

is that the recently ill boy you spoke of?

did he smoke that before he ate the 3 hot dogs?

LMFAO!!! naw, that's not my boy! but i did hear that this one in question actually freeze dried his hot dogs and smoked'em:D

farfromhome 01-22-2004 10:49 PM

That's fantastic.Do you see(LJ)why honesty has no place on the internet?Or is the internet the last hope for honesty?I'm guessing you were hoping for an honest discourse.And what do you end up with?Tagged for life as a stoner,of course.
I recall the indignation I felt when drug testing was first being introduced.I have a CDL and we were the first group of people to experience this invasion of privacy.At first we thought that this was some thing that would die or go away.But then I personally witnessed many dedicated,hard-working colleagues lose their jobs and (in a couple of cases) their direction in life.It wasn't how they chose to unwind on their own time.It was the loss of of a decent paying job in a blue collar world where those jobs are becoming extinct.
I would hope that in my lifetime that we could see an end to this foolishness.

daniwong 01-22-2004 10:51 PM

Yes I have.

Yes I do - on rare occasions.

Yes - know many people that do - don't really care either way.

Make it legal and tax it I say.

lumberjim 01-23-2004 12:14 AM

yeah. I think that a lot more people would smoke if not for drug testing. And hell yeah, dani, legalize it, regulate it, and tax it and use the income to fund the space missions to mars! or revitalize urban (herb-an) areas. If society can handle alcohol, why not pot?

wolf 01-23-2004 12:30 AM


Originally posted by farfromhome
But then I personally witnessed many dedicated,hard-working colleagues lose their jobs and (in a couple of cases) their direction in life.
If smoking weed (or doing coke or speed or whatever) was more important than their careers, then I question their overall "direction" in life to begin with.

lumberjim 01-23-2004 12:40 AM


Originally posted by wolf

If smoking weed (or doing coke or speed or whatever) was more important than their careers, then I question their overall "direction" in life to begin with.

there's part of the problem. Pot is different than speed and coke. and alcohol, for that matter. Pot does not physically impare you. Those other drugs can poison you or make your heart burst. if you smoke too much pot, you might start to feel a little queasy. AND.....If something important or emergent happens, you are able to straighten out. If you're drunk, or zingin, you lose control of your actions, your balance, heart rate, etc.....

I mean, it takes a little bit of practice to get past the paranoia phase, and the munchies can be inconvenient to a diet, but c'mon.....The worst it can do is make you a bit lazy.

wolf 01-23-2004 01:13 AM

Actually, there's all that slowing of reaction times, loss of ability to concentrate, etc.

There ARE significant impairments in functioning when using marijuana, and for a goodly amount of time afterwards.

Consider: when was the last time you saw this on Action News ... "And the drug test is back on the Septa Driver that crashed his bus into a stationwagon full of disabled nuns. It was found to be negative."

Farfromhome is talking about guys who drive trucks. He doesn't state, but I'm assuming long haul. There are enough problems controlling one of those beasts on the highway sober, well rested, and with good judgment.

lumberjim 01-23-2004 01:20 AM

absolutely....that's why i say regulate it. just like booze.

a responsible driver would never go out driving a truck all highed up. In jobs where reaction times matter, and heavy machinery is involved, drug users are more likely to abuse speed than pot. pot makes you sleepy. truckers like to get hopped up on no-doze. When I was a furniture refinisher, our work was seven to ten times better after lunch. ifaya know whadd i mean? i always refused it when i was a carpenter, and the one time i smoked when i was waiting tables late night at denny's, a party of four state troopers came in to eat and i had to wait on them. fuck.

wolf 01-23-2004 01:33 AM

To find out whether the universe is about to contract to an extreme degree ...

LJ, which Denny's did you work night shift at, and approx when?

lumberjim 01-23-2004 01:48 AM

uh oh.....

in 1991-92 i was late shift (10p-6am)waiter in the smoking section. Exton denny's. I was a minor West Whiteland celebrity. I had a pony tail like steven segal, but blonde. ( this was the period of time immediately following our return from following the grateful dead.) then, in 93-95 i was a manager in wyomissing - taht's west reading

Happy Monkey 01-23-2004 07:42 AM


Originally posted by wolf
Consider: when was the last time you saw this on Action News ... "And the drug test is back on the Septa Driver that crashed his bus into a stationwagon full of disabled nuns. It was found to be negative."
What? Why would they report that? If the drug test was negative, if it were mentioned at all, it would be in the form of "and while drug tests have been negative...".

Undertoad 01-23-2004 08:03 AM

As noted earlier, it takes up to a month for the metabolites to clear out of the blood. So you should ignore it every time they report a driver tested positive for marijuana. 10% of the US would test positive if tested right at this moment. Only a fraction of that is actually impaired.

If half the drunk drivers on the road were high instead, we'd probably save about 10,000 lives a year...

wolf 01-23-2004 10:36 AM

LJ, We're both safe on the Denny's thing ... but that was darn close. My hanging out was done at the West Chester Denny's, a bit earlier than your timeframe at Exton.

We had a lot of fun with the late night waitstaff there, and it would have been just too funny if that had included you.

Where the heck did Denny's go, anyway?

lumberjim 01-23-2004 12:05 PM

the west chester one is one of the only ones left 'round here.

i don;t miss it a little bit. worst job i ever had.

jinx 01-23-2004 12:18 PM


Originally posted by wolf
LJ, We're both safe on the Denny's thing ... but that was darn close. My hanging out was done at the West Chester Denny's, a bit earlier than your timeframe at Exton.

We had a lot of fun with the late night waitstaff there, and it would have been just too funny if that had included you.

Where the heck did Denny's go, anyway?

I spent *many* late night hanging out at the WC Denny's in the late 80's. I worked at The Oyster Bar (The Marshallton Inn), and we'd all go as a group after work and drink coffee. Good times...

headsplice 01-23-2004 01:43 PM

Isn't the Oyster Bar the leather bar in the Police Academy movies?

jinx 01-23-2004 05:42 PM

That was the Blue Oyster wasn't it?

elSicomoro 01-23-2004 06:20 PM


P-J 01-23-2004 07:20 PM

wtf??? how did this thread move from weed to restraunts???

elSicomoro 01-23-2004 07:33 PM

Stick around for a while and it will become crystal clear.

farfromhome 01-23-2004 08:10 PM


Originally posted by wolf

If smoking weed (or doing coke or speed or whatever) was more important than their careers, then I question their overall "direction" in life to begin with.

A number of thoughts ran through my head upon seeing your post , wolf.Heres the first-Nice generalization.Smoking pot or...coke,speed-what else?Do you also think that speeding or shoplifting is also the same as the crimes of rape or murder?
Second thought-Believe it or not,there are millions of people in this country who go to work every day,do their damn best and go home.They leave their work at work.These people take pride in what they do at work.But it is not their "career".Its a job.Some of the most well-rounded people I know can keep that perspective.
Third thought-I am not a long haul trucker nor do I come from that background.The majority of people in this country who have a commercial drivers license sleep in the their own beds ever night.That was a pretty stupid assumption on you part.
Now ,can I make an assumption(since you felt free to)?I'll bet the world is only black and white to you,isn't it wolf?What a suprise you're a cop.Sarcasm intended.

Troubleshooter 01-23-2004 09:36 PM

I have never smoked pot and I've never done any form of non-legal chemical. Even in high school I drank only infrequently. During my time in the navy the only use I had for alcohol was for negative effects (sometimes you feel that forgetting can be a good thing).

As far as the specifics of weed goes, I don't smoke because it's a control issue. I don't like being out of control.

The people I see who smoke only infrequently don't seem to have any problems with it. On the other hand, the ones who I see that smoke regularly (daily, several times a week) have reached a dead stop in their lives. Why? I see the loss of motivation, and I see the prodigious amounts of time and money they put into acquiring it and I have to wonder why ANYTHING as unimportant as things like that ultimately are are so central to their lives.

As to the legalization issue, I say legalize all of it and then punish people who get out of line with ANY form of intoxicant equally and severely.

Troubleshooter 01-23-2004 09:45 PM


Originally posted by farfromhome

A number of thoughts ran through my head upon seeing your post , wolf.Heres the first-Nice generalization.Smoking pot or...coke,speed-what else?Do you also think that speeding or shoplifting is also the same as the crimes of rape or murder?
Second thought-Believe it or not,there are millions of people in this country who go to work every day,do their damn best and go home.They leave their work at work.These people take pride in what they do at work.But it is not their "career".Its a job.Some of the most well-rounded people I know can keep that perspective.
Third thought-I am not a long haul trucker nor do I come from that background.The majority of people in this country who have a commercial drivers license sleep in the their own beds ever night.That was a pretty stupid assumption on you part.
Now ,can I make an assumption(since you felt free to)?I'll bet the world is only black and white to you,isn't it wolf?What a suprise you're a cop.Sarcasm intended.

In defense of wolf in this case, we can amend her statement to be:

If risking any form of proscribed activity that is not important to life or it's furthering is more important than keeping food on the table and lights burning, then I question their overall "direction" in life to begin with.

Wolf, if my amendment of your statement is in error or not in keeping with the intent of your statement let me know.

lumberjim 01-23-2004 10:51 PM


Originally posted by Troubleshooter

The people I see who smoke only infrequently don't seem to have any problems with it. On the other hand, the ones who I see that smoke regularly (daily, several times a week) have reached a dead stop in their lives.

your sample group must be quite limited. I know several people who would contradict your stated trend. Snoop Dog. Cheech and Chong. Bill Clinton.

People aren;t gonna tell you if they smoke every day. how do you know your boss doesn't fire up the bong on a nightly basis? You have never tried it, therefore your opinion is somewhat weakened. You may have the ability to observe and deduce, but if you have never tried it, I question your exposure to it, and the validity of your conclusions about it.

oh, and welcome aboard.

Lady Sidhe 01-24-2004 09:12 PM

Been there, done that.

I personally think it should be legalized. Having had to take psychopharmacology classes for my psych degree, I know that drugs such as weed and acid aren't as harmful to the body as alcohol is.

The legal drugs, such as tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine, are ALL physically and psychologically addictive, and cause a tolerance in users (translating into more money for the companies who sell them). Certain illegal drugs, such as marijuana and LSD, are not physically (though they can be psychologically) addictive, and do not cause tolerance in users. I was even told, albeit grudgingly, by my psychopharmacology instructor, that LSD is basically a seratonin reuptake inhibitor. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Acid is basically an antidepressant....

Why is alcohol, which is highly addictive, physically dangerous (it can cause long and short term memory loss, cirrhosis of the liver, retrograde amnesia; and, due to lowered inhibitions, is a cause of drunk driving, murder, spread of STD's, alcohol poisoning and interpersonal abuse) legal, when a drug such as marijuana, (which can cause short term memory loss; is not a statistically significant cause of violence in users; which can have at least as much of a medicinal application as the cocaine sometimes used in dentist's offices; and whose overdose isn't fatal as alcohol overdoses can be) is not?

If the criteria for the legality of a drug is its level of dangerousness to the human organism, then alcohol should top the list of illegal drugs. While I'm not advocating drugs--legal or illegal--I AM showing the arbitrary nature by which drugs are deemed legal or illegal by the government. The criteria for legality would seem to be: a high level of addictiveness, a high potential for creating revenue, and high controllability/regulatory nature (for example, it's harder for a regular Joe to grow tobacco than it is for him to grow weed. Therefore, weed is made illegal, and tobacco is made both legal and more addictive with chemicals--high addictiveness, high revenue, high controllability). Ta-da!


Lady Sidhe 01-24-2004 09:18 PM

They ought to make weed legal, sell it in packs for say, $30 a pack, which is generally what a quarter would go for, and if you're caught driving on it, slap you with a DUI, just as they would a drunk driver. That way they make their money, and there will be something out there less dangerous than alcohol which gives kinda the same feeling (except you don't toss your cookies, and you don't have a hangover the next morning...and best of all, you can't KILL yourself by ingesting it, as you can with alcohol).

Of course, I grew up in a family that had a problem with alcohol, so It really irks me when people talk about how "bad" weed is, when they go out and get drunk every weekend.


elSicomoro 01-24-2004 09:32 PM


Originally posted by Lady Sidhe
Why is alcohol, which is highly addictive, physically dangerous (it can cause long and short term memory loss, cirrhosis of the liver, retrograde amnesia; and, due to lowered inhibitions, is a cause of drunk driving, murder, spread of STD's, alcohol poisoning and interpersonal abuse) legal, when a drug such as marijuana, (which can cause short term memory loss; is not a statistically significant cause of violence in users; which can have at least as much of a medicinal application as the cocaine sometimes used in dentist's offices; and whose overdose isn't fatal as alcohol overdoses can be) is not?
Because Anheuser-Busch has a lot of money.

farfromhome 01-24-2004 09:42 PM

"Been there,done that."
Lady Sidhe:I bow to you.There is nothing more I could add to your comments.Read what she says,folks.

xoxoxoBruce 01-24-2004 10:06 PM


Originally posted by sycamore

Because Anheuser-Busch has a lot of money.

So do the drug lords but they don't spend it on lobbyists and Super Bowl commercials.:)

elSicomoro 01-24-2004 10:15 PM

Exactly! That's the problem with the illegal drug industry...

Lady Sidhe 01-25-2004 07:36 PM

Re: "Been there,done that."

Originally posted by farfromhome
Lady Sidhe:I bow to you.There is nothing more I could add to your comments.Read what she says,folks.
OMG! Someone actually agrees with me? *all choked up* I don't know what to say...*has an emotional moment*:D


Troubleshooter 01-25-2004 08:01 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim

your sample group must be quite limited. I know several people who would contradict your stated trend. Snoop Dog. Cheech and Chong. Bill Clinton.

People aren;t gonna tell you if they smoke every day. how do you know your boss doesn't fire up the bong on a nightly basis? You have never tried it, therefore your opinion is somewhat weakened. You may have the ability to observe and deduce, but if you have never tried it, I question your exposure to it, and the validity of your conclusions about it.

oh, and welcome aboard.

My sample is quite varied, but like any form of statistic, it is subject to being skewed by the environment in which it is taken. Also, considering the size of the purported smoker's pool, they would be considered outlyers. Also, statistics are only a trend and should always be subject to revision.

While I'm quite sure that Snoop Dog smokes regularly, he is just a rapper, just because a lot of people like something doesn't mean it's good.

I like Cheech and Chong too. Cheech Marin looks to have gotten a semi-serious acting career and we have no way of knowing how he chooses to entertain himself. Did you see where they busted Tmmy Chong for the first time ever just recently? All he supposedly had was a bunch of pipes and an ounce. Just because his son runs a headshop.

And Clinton is a cretin. And again we don't know if he fires up regularly or not.

I also find it amusing that everone who smokes comes back to the argument that because I haven't tried it I don't have any basis on which to argue, but if you look at the point I made previously I didn't say that the weed was the cause. I'm trying to see if it is the cause or if it is just another symptom of a greater issue. But I say again, everyone I've seen who smokes reglarly is stalled.

Just to clarify my exposure. Sadly, most of the people in close proximity to me smoke. I attend college. Also, regardless of my opinion, I have never been of the notion to report anyone who smokes or does acid, and all of the people around me know that.

I'm a lot more exposed than people give me credit for. : )

And thanks for the welcome.

lumberjim 01-25-2004 08:28 PM


I'm trying to see if it is the cause or if it is just another symptom of a greater issue. But I say again, everyone I've seen who smokes reglarly is stalled.
ok. so now you've met someone who bucks the trend.

So. you're in college. These people that are stalled are also in college? or are they the friends you have that do not attend, and instead of studying, they go to work during the day, and then tune in at night? What i'm wondering is how old you and these stalled people are. Not so I can say you're too young to kow anything, but because I want to differentiate your impression of their being "stalled" from their choice in how they spend their free time.

It comes down to perspective. You may see them as stalled. They may feel that they have arrived. Your goals are your goals. You choose to do without drugs, and I absolutely respect that, but how can you be in a position to refer to someone's life as stalled?

I think you hit the edge of it in the quote above. There definately are stalled people in the world. Many of these, I'm sure, get high a lot. They probably also drink and do whatever else they can get their hands on as an escape from their unsatisfying existence. However, there are plenty of people ( oh, and the examples I used last time I said this were meant to be humorous) that DO smoke regularly, yet hold important and respected positions, provide for their families, and hold sway with other people's lives.

Troubleshooter 01-25-2004 09:19 PM

Just to put me in perspective...

34, male, capricorn, heterosexual

GED because I screwed around too much.

4 years in the US Navy, two of them spent on board a 688 class Fast Attack Submarine (SSN 705).

1 year as part-owner of a role-playing game store

Several of the past ten years have been spent doing computer/technical problem solving.

I've spent a year working in a psychiatic facility as a psychiatric aid.

Presently I'm in college majoring in sociology and working on the school's computer network.

I've seen many different perspectives as to what comprises success and achievement. One of the things I've seen is that, regardless of what your measure of success is, it almost invariably includes continuing to grow, whether it's through formal education or simply personal growth. I see a dearth of that in the people I'm referring to.

wolf 01-25-2004 09:43 PM

Cool ... you're a nutwrangler too?

What kind of facility are you working in?

Troubleshooter 01-26-2004 09:45 AM


Originally posted by wolf
Cool ... you're a nutwrangler too?

What kind of facility are you working in?

Um, define nutwrangler please... : )

I work/attend Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond.

I maintain 4 labs with about 120 PCs total.

And you?

wolf 01-26-2004 09:53 AM

When you were working as a psych tech, you were a nutwrangler. Sorry I interpreted that as Past rather than Present ...

lumberjim 01-26-2004 09:55 AM

everybody loves a good nutwrangler.

wolf 01-26-2004 10:05 AM


Originally posted by Troubleshooter
And you?
I commit people.

Troubleshooter 01-26-2004 10:05 AM


Originally posted by lumberjim
everybody loves a good nutwrangler.
You and me both...

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