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bbro 09-19-2015 10:20 AM

New Camera!
I am not sure if this is the right forum, but I got a new camera! A big girl camera! With changeable lenses and everything! The only problem? I have no idea how to use the shit - lol. The package I got came with (I think) everything I need: flash, tripod, 2 UV filters, cleaning kit, macro lens, remote, HDMI cord, extra battery, usb memory card reader, and of course, the actual camera.

Does anyone know of any websites that would be helpful in learning how to use all this stuff? I mean, when am I going to need a separate flash? Or what the difference between the UV filters are - besides the thickness: 52mm and 62mm?


glatt 09-19-2015 10:57 AM

Sounds like you have two lenses. They are probably different sizes and you have a UV filter for each lens. The UV filters are generally jut used to protect the lens. You just leave them on all the time, and they take all the abuse. You'll need to clean them off periodically. Filtering out the UV doesn't do much of anything for the photographs.

I'm not away of any good basic photography websites out there, but I'm sure they exist.


sexobon 09-19-2015 11:02 AM

Might get more responses if the thread is moved to Technology.

Gravdigr 09-19-2015 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by bbro (Post 939564)
I mean, when am I going to need a separate flash?

Portraiture, I would imagine.

Congrats on the new toy. New toys are fun!

Be sure to post your pics as you learn the new-to-you stuff, we'd love to watch your learning curve.

Scriveyn 09-19-2015 01:24 PM

To begin with be aware what you want to photograph: family - landscape -architecture - wildlife - flowers - people in the street - sports - etc.

Then go out and try.

Did you do any amount of photography before, such as with a point-and-shoot camera or your mobile phone?

With some tutorials:

Not a tutorial, but a huge forum with helpful people:

bbro 09-19-2015 02:29 PM

glatt - thanks! I tried googling, but didn't get any relevant answers

sexobon - didn't think of that. I can't move it, though. I don't want to double post :/

Gravdigr - I shall. I plan on doing some walking or something to get some different views. My back yard sucks

Scriveyn - Thanks for the links! I have used a point and shoot, but it never gave me the pictures I actually wanted. I want to do mostly stills of not-people - lol. I do have a cooking blog I want to use it for, too. That'll probably be the first photos I take.

Sperlock 09-20-2015 10:11 AM

You may also find helpful.

footfootfoot 09-21-2015 08:59 AM

Congrats on the new camera!

It sounds like the whole thing is pretty new to you. Since you asked, this is what I'd recommend, they are books not online resources, but they are infinitely better than any website you'll find. Even though they are not about digital cameras they are about the theory and principles that digital photography is based on and 90% of what you learn is directly applicable to digital photography. The other ten percent is translatable. E.g. ASA is now called ISO. Even though you don't use film, the principles of film speed (ASA) and how it relates to exposure translate directly to digital exposure ISO settings. (Exposure=Intensity*Duration) F- stops and shutter speeds are the same, depth of field and so forth. Understanding these concepts will make the camera your bitch in the parlance of the streets, rather than vice versa.

The first is a very clear. understandable book on flash units and even though it was written in 1981, the general concepts of lighting with a flash haven't changed even though some of the bells and whistles available today are pretty shiny. When you do begin looking at flash units you'll understand the pros and cons much better after reading this. And you can get it used for $0.91

The second is another book that I can't recommend highly enough; it's the gold standard for college photo courses. And I just realized I lent my copy to someone, I can't remember who, and they never returned it. Fuck. When will I learn?

Feel free to pm me if you have any questions, or make a thread.

What kind of camera did you get?

glatt 09-21-2015 09:45 AM

I'd add that there are two things to know about photography.
The first is the technical side of it. You want to learn, as foot said, about the different ways you can set the exposure. Several things impact the exposure: the aperture (also known as F-stop); the shutter speed; the ISO (or sensitivity) of the sensor; and manually adding light to the scene by using a flash or moving a subject a next to a window or something.

That brings me to the second thing. The funny thing about the technical side of things is that EVERY single one of those things you can adjust has other things it will impact, and that's where the artistic side of things comes in. You can force the camera to achieve different effects by manipulating any one of them. For example:
-by adjusting the aperture, you can change the depth of field, which is how much of the scene is in focus.
-by adjusting the shutter speed, you can freeze motion sharply, or you can let things have a motion blur
- by adjusting the ISO, you can magnify the "noise" in the image, or get rid of the "noise" altogether.
-by changing the amount of light in the scene, either by using a flash, or other external light, or putting a neutral density filter on the camera to block out light, you can play with the other settings more than you would be able to otherwise

And when ever you change any one of those things, the others will either change automatically to retain the proper exposure level, or if you are in manual mode you will have to change them manually to keep the exposure right. So there are always trade offs. For example, if there isn't a lot of light available, a fast shutter speed can only be accomplished by opening the aperture wide and maybe cranking up the sensitivity of the sensor. So if you are in a nightclub and want to take a picture of somebody dancing without using a flash, they are going to be blurry from moving around. And there is going to be a lot of noise in the picture from the sensor being cranked up.

BigV 09-21-2015 10:28 AM

When I read this:

Originally Posted by bbro (Post 939595)
I have used a point and shoot, but it never gave me the pictures I actually wanted.

I felt compelled to write this.


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 939691)
Congrats on the new camera!


Understanding these concepts will make the camera your bitch in the parlance of the streets, rather than vice versa.


Gravdigr 09-21-2015 02:31 PM

Bbro, you may find this chart somewhat helpful in understanding some of the more basic basics.

glatt 09-21-2015 02:41 PM

Yeah. that's a pretty good link.

I'd like to see a little online simulator where you can slide a bar back and forth for each of the exposure variables and then see the other variable move in response to that change and a sample image change as well.

glatt 09-21-2015 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 939730)
I'd like to see a little online simulator where you can slide a bar back and forth for each of the exposure variables and then see the other variable move in response to that change and a sample image change as well.

Heh. Well, glatt, I'm glad you asked. I did a search and found such a creature.

glatt 09-21-2015 02:48 PM

You know, glatt. I've been playing with that virtual camera for a couple minutes and it's amazing. It has everything. Even simulates sensor noise and shaking hands blurring.

Lola Bunny 09-22-2015 10:19 AM

I'm confused. Is Glatt talking to himself? :3_eyes:

fargon 09-22-2015 01:32 PM

I like the Camera Sim.

Gravdigr 09-22-2015 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 939775)
I'm confused. Is Glatt talking to himself? :3_eyes:

Yeah, he's talking to himself, but, it's for us, so, 'salright.


bbro 09-22-2015 05:23 PM

You guys are awesome, thanks! I am going on a hike this week/weekend (weather permitting) and plan on playing with the camera. I can't wait!

JuliaFord 09-25-2015 06:12 AM

Congrats for your camera, hope to see new videos from your camera.

Griff 09-25-2015 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Lola Bunny (Post 939775)
I'm confused. Is Glatt talking to himself? :3_eyes:

When you're the most fascinating guy in the room, who you gonna talk to?

BigV 09-26-2015 09:47 AM

Whoever is taking your Dos Equis order?

xoxoxoBruce 09-27-2015 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 939697)
That brings me to the second thing. The funny thing about the technical side of things is that EVERY single one of those things you can adjust has other things it will impact, and that's where the artistic side of things comes in. You can force the camera to achieve different effects by manipulating any one of them.

Yeah, but it won't make your supper less burnt after it goes crispy which you're fuckin' with the camera. First things first. :lol2:

bbro 10-02-2015 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 940127)
Yeah, but it won't make your supper less burnt after it goes crispy which you're fuckin' with the camera. First things first. :lol2:

Oh, please. I think we all know that food quality comes before the picture. If it didn't, I don't think I'd be as pudgy - :lol:

bbro 10-06-2015 08:48 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I haven't been able to get outside, really, to take pictures because of the rain that has fallen continuously since the camera came in the mail. I have been playing around with it though. Here are some of my favorites


xoxoxoBruce 10-06-2015 08:50 AM

I see you have a ball. ;)

bbro 10-06-2015 08:52 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Playing with the different pre-set filters part 1

bbro 10-06-2015 08:53 AM

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Playing with pre-set filters part 2

bbro 10-06-2015 08:54 AM

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Some random photos and one collage that I made :)

xoxoxoBruce 10-06-2015 08:56 AM

Good choice of target with a variety of textures and colors, makes an excellent test to compare filters. :thumb:

bbro 10-06-2015 08:56 AM

I am still amazed by the sharpness of the pictures. I've figured out how to manually focus, so I can do ones like the curtain and flower, but better. I don't know how often I will use the filters since they are a pain in the ass to select. Everything else was taken as a normal photo either with or without the flash. Nothing special. The lettuce covered food might have been a macro photo, but that's it.

I'm really enjoying it regardless :)

bbro 10-06-2015 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 941022)
Good choice of target with a variety of textures and colors, makes an excellent test to compare filters. :thumb:

Thanks! That was actually my thought. :cool:

Gravdigr 10-06-2015 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 941017)
I see you have a ball. ;)

She also has a wide mouth.

Things I like: A woman with a wide mouth that likes to have a ball!!


Nice pics, Bbro. Keep playing with it, that's how ya learn!:thumb:

bbro 10-06-2015 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 941051)

Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
I see you have a ball. ;)

She also has a wide mouth.

Things I like: A woman with a wide mouth that likes to have a ball!!


Nice pics, Bbro. Keep playing with it, that's how ya learn!:thumb:

HA! You guys are funny :P It supposed to be nice this weekend, so I am going walking or hiking or something with nature.

xoxoxoBruce 10-06-2015 06:37 PM

Oooo, naked nature selfies. Hot damn. :elkgrin:

bbro 10-13-2015 07:19 PM

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Got some good ones from my hike today.

bbro 10-13-2015 07:20 PM

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I don't know what this is and I left it as is when I left

bbro 10-13-2015 07:22 PM

4 Attachment(s)

bbro 10-13-2015 07:26 PM

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Last ones. Can't believe I got a squirrel :D

xoxoxoBruce 10-13-2015 08:51 PM

It was a dark and stormy day... ;)

bbro 10-13-2015 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 941884)
It was a dark and stormy day... ;)

Not much sun under the canopy :) I got some showing the sun beyond the trail - lol

glatt 10-14-2015 07:23 AM

Looks like a nice place to walk! I like the stonework in that dam.

bbro 10-14-2015 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 941923)
Looks like a nice place to walk! I like the stonework in that dam.

I thought it was pretty cool. There was another one further down that was broken in half.

I am going on the same trail tomorrow, I think, with the zoom lens. Gonna see if I can get a better picture of those squirrels

xoxoxoBruce 10-14-2015 05:04 PM

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Watch out, the squirrels are only second to rabbits in their thirst for blood. You don't have to worry about nut attacks, but they go for the throat next.

bbro 10-15-2015 07:17 PM

4 Attachment(s)
I went out on the same trail today with the zoom lens. It's much harder to take pictures with it since you have to plan being so far back. I still got a lot of good pictures of squirrels. It also seemed like there were a lot more leaves on the ground.

bbro 10-15-2015 07:19 PM

3 Attachment(s)
More pics

xoxoxoBruce 10-15-2015 07:19 PM

Gnarly. :thumb:

bbro 10-15-2015 07:19 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Squirrels. And me :)

bbro 10-15-2015 07:29 PM

Any critiques are welcome :)

xoxoxoBruce 10-15-2015 07:38 PM

Who's that squirrel?
And who the hell is that squirrel?
The Shadow knows.... muhahahahaha. ;)

classicman 10-16-2015 08:10 AM

Nice pics ... Cute squirrel and nice shroom.

Gravdigr 10-16-2015 09:59 AM

Bbro, do your squrls speak with a British accent? All my squrls speak with a British accent.

bbro 10-16-2015 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 942098)
Who's that squirrel?
And who the hell is that squirrel?
The Shadow knows.... muhahahahaha. ;)

I cannot reveal my contact's names :cool:


Originally Posted by classicman
Nice pics ... Cute squirrel and nice shroom.



Originally Posted by Gravdigr
Bbro, do your squrls speak with a British accent? All my squrls speak with a British accent.

They didn't speak this time. Just threw their nuts at me :eek:

bbro 10-17-2015 08:35 PM

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Got it!

bbro 10-17-2015 08:36 PM

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I love mushroom pictures

xoxoxoBruce 10-17-2015 10:33 PM

That first picture look like a great place to gawk at scenery and fall flat on your face. Be careful, don't try to look through the camera and walk at the same time. :thepain:

bbro 10-17-2015 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 942324)
That first picture look like a great place to gawk at scenery and fall flat on your face. Be careful, don't try to look through the camera and walk at the same time. :thepain:

LOL - I always stop because I would face plant INTO the camera. :D

xoxoxoBruce 10-17-2015 10:52 PM

Turn it around quick, 'cause pics or it didn't happen. :haha:

Griff 10-18-2015 08:24 AM

These are wicked cool bbro! Your mushroom shot are really interesting but don't tell classicman where they are, he'll eat your subjects.

bbro 10-18-2015 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 942327)
Turn it around quick, 'cause pics or it didn't happen. :haha:

My friend I was with would've happily taken the pictures before I got back up :sweat:


Originally Posted by Griff
These are wicked cool bbro! Your mushroom shot are really interesting but don't tell classicman where they are, he'll eat your subjects.

Thanks :) I think I am getting the hang of this. I am loving the manual focus. That was a huge problem with the point and shoot - it would focus on the wrong thing.

He can eat long as I get my shot first :p:

classicman 10-18-2015 10:22 AM

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lol - none of hers look edible to me yet...

But since you didn't ask. I took a couple while out yesterday. Believe it or not, two sides of the same tree. MAJOR SCORE. :D

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