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Undertoad 05-07-2009 01:09 PM

What's mildly amusing you today?
My back yard neighbor has generally been rude to me. Today the lawn service came after 7 days straight rain, and mowed his lawn with a big heavy tractor with big bubble tires on the back.

Haha, if they play football on it they don't have to draw any lines :lol:

My lawn is a mess, but it's a marsh out there and I'm waiting until it dries to cut it.

SteveDallas 05-07-2009 01:34 PM

Ouch! :cool:

Mine is horribly overgrown, only 10 days from the last mowing (and first of the season). But yeah, nothing doing till it dries out. (I'm hearing thunder outside my window as I type this . . . )

glatt 05-07-2009 01:36 PM

I planted grass seed in several large dead spots on our lawn, and all this rain has been absolutely wonderful. I haven't had to water virtually at all, and the new grass is already thick and lush. It's so freakin' GREEN here.

lumberjim 05-07-2009 02:13 PM

i mowed yesterday morning in the 4 hours of not rain we had.

Trilby 05-07-2009 03:39 PM

HA HA! Stupid neighbor!

The woman living next to me is a complete nut job; she spent two SOLID years building and re-vamping her house (question: if she had to do so much to the house, why'd she buy it just couple years ago? would have been easier to find a more suitable house than to do what she's done). Takes a lot of money to look that cheap, ya know?


(This is the woman who put a camera on my house---that complete NUTTER)

given all that, UT, looks like you live in a pretty swanky neighborhood!

LabRat 05-07-2009 03:42 PM

How funny Brianna...just not too long ago after our neighbors were annoying us, I thought to myself "at least they don't have a camera on our house like Bri had. I wonder what ever happened with all that?."

What ever happened with all that?

Trilby 05-07-2009 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by LabRat (Post 563579)
How funny Brianna...just not too long ago after our neighbors were annoying us, I thought to myself "at least they don't have a camera on our house like Bri had. I wonder what ever happened with all that?."

What ever happened with all that?

:) I told my ex husband about it. He said he was going to go over there and ask her why she had a camera on our teen-aged son. She took it down toot-sweet. Dumb cow.

she's rude, a rumor-monger, stirs the pot every chance she gets, accused one neighbor of pulling a gun on her (didn't happen) and another neighbors dog "killed" her cat - again, the dog did nothing. Her cat is fine. She makes shit UP. I have to keep telling myself that she's mentally ill so I don't just go over there and punch her nose in.

Aliantha 05-07-2009 05:27 PM

The thing that's mildly amusing me RFN is listening to Max farting. Seriously, that kid could fart for Australia if he keeps it up. It doesn't seem to bother him at all. He just lies there and farts.

SteveDallas 05-07-2009 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 563598)
Seriously, that kid could fart for Australia if he keeps it up.

I understand there are some cultural differences and such, but I hadn't realized it was an national sport.

Aliantha 05-07-2009 05:52 PM

Yep, along with the 10 mile burp

Undertoad 05-07-2009 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 563578)
given all that, UT, looks like you live in a pretty swanky neighborhood!

It's nice. But I'm in this weird place now, post-failures, where I can't afford to live here, can't afford to sell, and can't refinance.

Dickwad back there puts in a pool - they use it once per year. Buys a trampoline because the kids two doors down have one - his kids use it once, never again. Removes his perfectly fine deck and replaces it with a permanent concrete patio - they never sit out on it.

monster 05-07-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 563608)
Buys a trampoline because the kids two doors down have one - his kids use it once, never again. .

Perhaps because it's on a goddam freaking hill?!!1!! or is that just the camera angle?

Undertoad 05-07-2009 07:22 PM

No, it's on a fucking hill. The yard does flatten a little at the bottom.

monster 05-07-2009 07:33 PM

Well that's mildly amusing me. :lol:

SteveDallas 05-07-2009 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 563608)
It's nice. But I'm in this weird place now, post-failures, where I can't afford to live here, can't afford to sell, and can't refinance.

And how many of your neighbors are in the same situation?

classicman 05-07-2009 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 563618)
Perhaps because it's on a goddam freaking hill?!!!! or is that just the camera angle?

That thing SHOULD have a camera on it - Guaranteed to get a nice shot of a kid launching off it at that angle. hehehe

Aliantha 05-07-2009 08:27 PM

Funniest home Videos here we come! Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!

ZenGum 05-07-2009 10:27 PM

Class talking about the division of labour and self-sufficiency. I asked them where they'd get milk from. "A cow!" cried they. How? I asked. Several attempted to demonstrate. None of them had the action anywhere near right. A few were miming tugging on the teats like pulling on a rope to ring a bell. One showed a twisting action like wringing out a wet cloth!!!
MOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

SteveDallas 05-07-2009 10:55 PM

You should've brought a real cow to class so it could kick the shit out of them.

LabRat 05-08-2009 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 563623)
No, it's on a fucking hill. The yard does flatten a little at the bottom.

Well, you have the right idea there.

Sneak over there tonight and you and J use it. ;)


DucksNuts 05-10-2009 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 563607)
Yep, along with the 10 mile burp

I've won this many, many times.

ZenGum 05-11-2009 12:07 AM

Of course, now it is the 16.1 kilometer burp.

ZenGum 05-11-2009 01:16 AM

A few minutes to fill at work, so I hit wikipedia and surf the random pages.

click .... Uruguayan soccer leagues .... click ... Orlov revolts in Greece ... click HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHY CLICK CLICK CLICK

monster 05-11-2009 07:49 AM

Second-hand furniture is mildly amusing me today.

ZenGum 06-04-2009 04:47 AM

So,chatting with a colleague today, discussing the behaviour of some of our students: laziness, cheating, generally having their heads up their arses.
My fellow teacher remarked that "a lot of the Chinese students should just be lined up and shot".

I had to check my watch, but yes, it was June 4th ... the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.

I shouldn't laugh, but I bloody well did.

Pie 06-04-2009 08:05 AM

:lol2: Yep, yer going to hell. Save me a seat.

Shawnee123 06-04-2009 08:21 AM

I passed a student in the hallway, and she was talking to a friend about her mother.

She said "I mean, COME ON. I'm an ADULT. I'm 19 AND A HALF."

If you don't know why that's funny, you're too young.

classicman 06-04-2009 08:27 AM

HA HA HA HA - Thats too rich.

SteveDallas 06-04-2009 08:36 AM

Did you write her up for being there without a hall pass? :angel:

Shawnee123 06-04-2009 08:38 AM

Nah, I just smacked her and sent her to her room.


SteveDallas 06-04-2009 08:49 AM


/is going to hell

Shawnee123 06-05-2009 10:19 AM

On the way into work, I was behind a car (then passing in the passing lane) that had a license plate that read:


I was laughing, and as I passed dude glanced over and i gave him a thumbs up.

I loved it.

ZenGum 06-05-2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 570672)
Nah, I just smacked her and sent her to her room.


Next time, smack her and send her to my room.

ZenGum 06-06-2009 07:34 AM

The twenty/20 cricket world cup.

I am very pleased that the Netherlands managed to beat England.
I am pissing myself laughing that England managed to lose to the Netherlands. :lol2:
Not that I am a mean person or anything.

Pie 06-08-2009 02:27 PM

She's trying a little too hard
Great, now she's a crippled female minority.
Sotomayor’s New Accessory on Capitol Hill
Judge Sonia Sotomayor sported a cast during a visit with Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa on Monday. She fractured her ankle in a stumble at La Guardia Airport.
Yeah, I know, I'm going to hell... Which I don't believe in anyways...

Trilby 06-08-2009 05:14 PM

Pie- if you don't believe in hell then you are going to Double Secret Probation Hell which, I hear, is worse.

Aliantha 06-08-2009 05:44 PM


ZenGum 06-08-2009 06:08 PM


So, after defeats to the West Indies and Sri Lanka, Australia has been knocked out of the twenty/20 world cup.

It's all my fault.

Aliantha 06-08-2009 06:11 PM

It's not your fault Zen. It's Roy's fault.

Here's a bit of trivia for you. He puts his boat in the water at the boat ramp just down the road from us.

We're expecting to see a lot more of him from now on. lol

TheMercenary 06-08-2009 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 571864)

So, after defeats to the West Indies and Sri Lanka, Australia has been knocked out of the twenty/20 world cup.

It's all my fault.

It's not your fault. It's Bush's Fault.

ZenGum 06-09-2009 05:46 AM

Emails from my students today:


.... sorry for the convinince....

....diarhoea which I have had for the pass two days ...

Shawnee123 06-09-2009 07:57 AM

Oh Zen, this really dumb lady I used to work with (whose title included the word communications) sent out an email to everyone in the college email system in which she apologized for the "incontinence."

I'm sorry, indeed!

ZenGum 06-09-2009 08:38 AM

Hell, one of them just wrote an essay in which he repeatedly referred to "global worming".

Yes, really.

Life imitating the cellar.

dar512 06-09-2009 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 571849)

People who need people.

dar512 06-09-2009 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 572084)
"global worming".

Well if you gots teh worms, you want to get rid of all of them.

Chocolatl 06-09-2009 09:07 AM

Dog has "buried" her rawhide under a pile of USB cable smack in the middle of the living room. What a 21st century dog.

SteveDallas 06-11-2009 07:07 PM

What style of connector??

Anyway. There was a bloodmobile at my workplace today. I stopped in at the end of the day to bleed off a pint. While I was on the table, The Day the Music Died came on the radio. I realized I couldn't listen to it without hearing the words to the Weird Al version going along at the same time.

Aliantha 06-11-2009 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 572088)
People who need people.

Mainly people being dicks. ;)

glatt 06-12-2009 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 573049)
What style of connector??

Anyway. There was a bloodmobile at my workplace today. I stopped in at the end of the day to bleed off a pint. While I was on the table, The Day the Music Died came on the radio. I realized I couldn't listen to it without hearing the words to the Weird Al version going along at the same time.

Maybe later someday, Vader, now he's just a small fry

Juniper 06-12-2009 08:47 AM

Oh yes, Weird Al has "ruined" a bunch of songs for me. My son listens to them all the time!

Shawnee123 06-12-2009 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 573049)
What style of connector??

Anyway. There was a bloodmobile at my workplace today. I stopped in at the end of the day to bleed off a pint. While I was on the table, The Day the Music Died came on the radio. I realized I couldn't listen to it without hearing the words to the Weird Al version going along at the same time.

I love it. I have actually not heard that one. When I hear Another One Bites the Dust, though, I can't help but hear Another One Rides the Bus.

ZenGum 06-12-2009 09:15 AM

You have heard White and Nerdy, haven't you?

That should be our theme song.

Pie 06-12-2009 09:19 AM

I know it's mine! :)

I'll throw my vote in for Amish Paradise. And Nature Trail To Hell. And One More Minute.

ZenGum 06-12-2009 09:22 AM

The cellar: practically over-run with nerds.

Shawnee123 06-12-2009 09:49 AM

I lost on Jeopardy?

SteveDallas 06-12-2009 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 573349)
You have heard White and Nerdy, haven't you?

That should be our theme song.

Not bad, but I identify more with "It's All About The Pentiums."

Sundae 06-12-2009 12:19 PM

I coloured my hair again today.
I really liked in white-blonde.
But when my Mum's spiteful friend suggested to her that I cannot be depressed if I colour my hair (which I only do to make people look at me) I decided FUCK HER.

A very silly reason to colour my hair Barbie Slut Pink (it matches my toenails now)
Which is why I am mildly amused at myself.

DanaC 06-12-2009 12:39 PM

excellent move Sundae!

Shawnee123 06-12-2009 12:44 PM

Agreed! CAn you get some polka dots in there? Fuck that old bat friend of your mom's.


classicman 06-12-2009 12:54 PM

So she says if you color your hair you aren't crazy.... then you color your hair.
I'm beginning to wonder about both of you.

Then again you could have shaved your head bald....

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