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Big Sarge 09-24-2013 06:35 PM

Government Shut Down
Do you think there will be a government shut down? I'm very worried. All of my income is based upon the Feds. Currently, I draw:

VA Disability
Post 9/11 GI Bill
Nation Guard pay while awaiting my med board

I'm worried. I don't want to go back to being homeless

Adak 09-24-2013 09:32 PM

Nothing is certain with the fight for and against Obama Care and raising the debt ceiling, both causing a lot of disagreement.

Put some $$$ aside, just in case. Even if the current crisis is solved, there will be another one in a few months, as Obama strives to outspend every person who has ever lived on the planet.

Lamplighter 09-24-2013 10:56 PM

This is what CNN is saying (in part, and in sort of a jocular tone)'

September 24, 2013
10 ways a government shutdown would affect your daily life

The good news (for you) is that the men and women
in uniform would continue to keep you safe.
The bad news (for them) is that they'd be paid in IOUs until the shutdown ended.
In January, Sens. Mark Udall, D-Colorado, and Jerry Moran, R-Kansas,
introduced legislation that would have protected pay for the troops
during a shutdown, but it didn't get anywhere.

Rep. C.W. Young, chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee,
told the Air Force Times, "All military personnel will continue to serve and accrue pay
but will not actually be paid until appropriations are available."

Their mid-October paycheck would be the first affected.
In addition, the congressman told the paper, changes of station would be delayed,
medical offerings would be scaled back, facility and weapons maintenance
would be suspended and most civilian employees would be furloughed
until appropriations are available.

You know that whole "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night" thing?
Apparently, the U.S. Postal Service works through shutdowns as well.
Sorry, you won't catch a break from the junk mail.
But hey, you may already be a winner!

The Republicans want to defund Obamacare in exchange for funding the government.
But the health care act at the center of this storm would continue
its implementation process during a shutdown.
That's because its funds aren't dependent on the congressional budget process.

But this is a more serious list in Forbes


Big Sarge 09-25-2013 01:00 AM

Just worried because how much money I make affects how much time I am able to see my kids. I give half my income to pay Bryanna's private school bill. Her mother is still unemployed. As for Addie, I pay child support, health care insurance (I am only supposed to pay for secondary insurance, but her mother and live in boyfriend won't pay because they are buying a house together) and her cheerleading classes.

Sigh, no money means no kids and I might have to live at deer camp again. I realize I obsess but that's the way I am.

Spexxvet 09-25-2013 08:09 AM

Sarge, vote Democrat.

There's a difference in the type of expenditures. I think yours come under the "mandatory spending" type of spending and won't be affected.

tw 09-25-2013 08:16 AM

They could save about $1 billion annually by simply eliminating the paper one dollar bill. Using dollar coins (that are now doing what a dime once did). Then save more money by eliminating the penny. But these extremists are not really concerned about government spending. This threatened shutdown is an example of their agenda: we want America to fail.

If they really wanted to cut costs (save money), eliminating the one and five dollar bill is an easy solution. They don't want to save money. They only want their extremist agenda imposed on all other Americans. And do not care how much damage it creates - even to their own party. No wonder they tried to put a witch in the Senate.

John Sellers 09-25-2013 10:22 AM

The latest from Huff. Post

orthodoc 09-25-2013 07:01 PM

I read that VA services will stop if a shutdown happens ... which makes my blood boil!!! And even though apparently the government will send out paychecks, they may not be sent out until after everything starts up again. That doesn't help those who live paycheck to paycheck.

I hope very much that a shutdown doesn't happen. This is the last nail in the coffin of any respect I ever had for the Republicans. For every day the government is shut down, I suggest that Republican politicians lose five years' worth of pension. Then we'd see some political will to get things done without the grandstanding.

infinite monkey 09-25-2013 07:31 PM

Who does not yet realize that 'government shutdown' can be equated with 'grumble, I'm gonna take my ball and go home'?

so it might actually be happening? Ha! I've heard thar before.

But if it were to happen we just look like a bunch of civil war reeactors, though only based on 'why i oughta...' as opposed to the actual Fort Sumpter. Like some sort of actual cause rather than personal ego.

We look like a bunch of losers. How 'bout some dignity?

orthodoc 09-25-2013 07:38 PM

I'd like to see our veterans keep their dignity.

infinite monkey 09-25-2013 07:44 PM

i would too. How far did Cruz get in actually paving the way for this sort of action?

Not much farther than a bastardization of the classic Green Eggs and Ham story (totally forgetting the moral of the story.)

Oh yeah gosh was he clever yet still helpful? Um, no. How many tax dollars did he burn up? Good job, way to go, yeah.

What'd I miss?

John Sellers 09-26-2013 12:35 AM

Big Sarge's concerns have me thinkin' about my current situation; mainly if I will still get my much needed monthly RSDI checks, and what about Medicare? They're suppossed to do the approval for my new custom manual wheelchair. How will a government shutdown affect that? And what about my my Aunt? She depends on her monthly SSI checks? And then there's everybody else in my family. Will they get paid?

I don't think the big boys are thinkin' about us commoners.

tw 09-26-2013 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by John Sellers (Post 877109)
I don't think the big boys are thinkin' about us commoners.

Why would they? They know most moderates don't vote. Wacko extremists vote religiously. Anyone who does not vote automatically votes these wackos into power.

John Sellers 09-26-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 877114)
Anyone who does not vote automatically votes these wackos into power.

So, voters are more important to government thank non-voters. Is than what you're saying?

BTW, not that anyone here cares, but Medicare has approved my new wheelchair (I called Mobility Medical this morning).

DanaC 09-26-2013 03:49 PM

Excellent news John!

John Sellers 09-26-2013 04:48 PM

Thanks, Love. Meryl at Mobility Medical just put in the order. I'm guessing it'll take a few weeks to build and ship.

Happy Monkey 09-26-2013 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by John Sellers (Post 877141)
So, voters are more important to government thank non-voters.


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 877179)
Excellent news John!

What? That's not excellent, or news!

BTW, not that anyone here cares, but Medicare has approved my new wheelchair (I called Mobility Medical this morning).
Never mind...

orthodoc 09-26-2013 08:27 PM

No, HM, that IS excellent news and we should all mind. A wheelchair that restores a degree of mobility is life-changing.

John S, I'm also glad that Medicare has approved your new wheelchair and I hope it'll ship soon.

Happy Monkey 09-26-2013 08:47 PM

I was doing an Emily Litella, thinking that Dana was reacting to the first sentence, and then realizing that she was reacting to the last.

The wheelchair is actually excellent news!

xoxoxoBruce 09-26-2013 10:05 PM

You do a great Emily, except she was rocket powered... zooooom. :haha:

orthodoc 09-26-2013 11:00 PM

Sigh ... once again I'm a pop culture fail. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have familial sensorineural deafness and don't watch much TV for that reason ....

Never mind.

John Sellers 09-26-2013 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 877228)
I was doing an Emily Litella.,..

Classic Gilda. :cool:

xoxoxoBruce 09-26-2013 11:54 PM

Don't feel bad Ortho, it was a looong time ago and at a time you really had your hands full.
We degenerates and deadbeats soaked that shit up. :haha:

Big Sarge 09-27-2013 04:53 AM

Don't worry Ortho. It is all part of getting old (just teasing with you since I think you look so, so young).

John - I'm proud for you man. You need to put some bling on it and post a photo when it comes in.

DanaC 09-27-2013 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 877271)

John - I'm proud for you man. You need to put some bling on it and post a photo when it comes in.

Death Metal the fuck out of that hog.

Lamplighter 09-27-2013 08:00 AM

Poor John Boehner, :sniff:
The GOP hasn't been mean-spirited enough yet for his "followers".

By Deirdre Walsh

Republican divisions force delay in Boehner's debt strategy

Washington (CNN) -- House Republican leaders were forced
on Thursday to delay rolling out their bill to raise the nation's debt limit,
after conservatives complained the package failed to include deep enough
budget cuts and significant changes to entitlement programs

The setback comes as Speaker John Boehner prepares to wrestle with
his conference over how to ultimately handle short term spending
and the prospect of a government shutdown beginning on Tuesday,
if Congress does not act to refill federal coffers.
2 Timothy 4:3-4

Undertoad 09-27-2013 01:22 PM

Here's a sticker for that new ride man. I find it hilarious but then I'm a degenerate and a deadbeat.

Glinda 09-27-2013 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 877385)
Here's a sticker for that new ride man. I find it hilarious but then I'm a degenerate and a deadbeat.

It's part of your charm, UT. ;)

Note: I lol'd. I am a degenerate and a deadbeat, too. Woot.

xoxoxoBruce 09-27-2013 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 877385)
Here's a sticker for that new ride man. I find it hilarious but then I'm a degenerate and a deadbeat.

I knew you were a soaker. :yesnod:

Lamplighter 09-28-2013 06:45 PM

Harry Reid rejects GOP plan


In an unsurprising move, Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) rejected the latest House GOP proposal to delay Obamacare in exchange for keeping federal agencies open for business.

Reid issued a statement calling Boehner a hostage of “tea party anarchists” who are forcing his hand to take the impossibly strong line of attack against the president’s health law. It’s unclear when the Senate will return to take up the House legislation if it is approved later Saturday – some aides have suggested Sunday or Monday, while others said no decision would be made until after the House acts.

Reid left no doubt that the timing didn’t really matter, making clear that the Senate will reject the House bill. Here’s the full statement:


“Today’s vote by House Republicans is pointless. As I have said repeatedly, the Senate will reject any Republican attempt to force changes to the Affordable Care Act through a mandatory government funding bill or the debt ceiling. Furthermore, President Obama has stated that he would veto such measures if they ever reached his desk.

“To be absolutely clear, the Senate will reject both the one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act and the repeal of the medical device tax. After weeks of futile political games from Republicans, we are still at square one: Republicans must decide whether to pass the Senate’s clean CR, or force a Republican government shutdown.

richlevy 09-28-2013 08:36 PM

There are 233 members in the house. About 80 of them are in safe districts. The other 150 odd members at this point are asking themselves if it's more dangerous to piss off the Tea Party and risk a primary challenge on the right, or follow them off the cliff and have their Democratic opponent in the general make the point that this wouldn't have happened with a Democratic majority.

Democrats took the house after a 12 year Republican rule in 2006. Republicans took it back in 2010. Even with a huge amount of gerrymandering at the state level, any large enough event that tarnishes the Republican brand can lose them their 33 seat advantage. Driving the government over the cliff would do it. While Fox News and the right wing media machine can preach to the choir and blame Obama, most of the independents will blame the Republicans.

Boehner is out in the weeds and is vainly hoping the Senate Democrats and Obama will both blink. His party is about to go into uncharted territory in delivering the first US default in our nations history. This will impact everyone, including billionaires. It is an unprecedented man-made disaster that would have global implications.

The President has very limited powers regarding the military in domestic situations under the Posse Comitatus Act with some exceptions to deal with any physical fallout. What powers he might claim with the Treasury and Justice Departments are much less limited. The point would need to be made with the rabid right that by inflicting damage to the government they actually give more power to the President to restore order.

It would be very easy to turn a conspiracy theory into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Adak 09-29-2013 04:06 AM

Wrong - again!

We have had 27 gov't shutdowns, and so far, survived every one of them.

Which is why the democrats won't compromise on their spending. As both Pelosi and Reed have stated "there is nothing that can be cut".

The Democrats know that they don't have to compromise, because the Republicans are split, and don't control the Senate or the Executive house of the gov't. They don't give a damn if you're reduced to poverty over the shut down, because if you are, well - you'll need welfare and food stamps, and housing help, and all the other gov't hand out programs they favor.

The Democrats LOVE the poor - they must, because they make so many of 'em.

richlevy 09-29-2013 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877595)
Wrong - again!

We have had 27 gov't shutdowns, and so far, survived every one of them.

I'm not talking about a shutdown, I'm talking about a default. We came close a few years ago and as a result slipped our credit rating. This costs us real money in terms of borrowing costs. Actually defaulting, even for a second, would have consequences. I heard Rand Paul poopoo this, but his arguments were based on the idea that the money would still be there. Anyone paying a credit card could tell him that the money being there does not prevent the rate from getting jacked up if the check is even a day late.

In the financial markets the mantra for the US is 'full faith and credit'. This is the invisible shield that allows us good credit despite our debt - why we are not being treated like Greece. The Republicans, the so-called part of finance, are threatening that.

Adak 09-30-2013 03:58 AM

There will be no default, according to the Conservatives. (who are in favor of a shutdown).

I love how this is all blamed on the Republicans. You'd think we just had ONE political party that was being hard to deal with.

The fact is, this is the only card that the Republicans can play right now, because the Democrats are in power elsewhere, and have ABSOLUTELY NO intentions of cutting the gov't spending, in any meaningful way. They have refused to do so, ever since Obama came into office, and the Democrats got control of the Senate.

If the Republicans are being obstinate, it's because the Democrats showed them that was what would be required, as they continue to run our national debt to the moon.

DanaC 09-30-2013 04:19 AM

It isn't all about debt ya know. There are people involved. people whose children will go without food, and whose parents will go without care, and who may, just may, need some kind of help whilst out of work.

Cutting government spending, by cutting 'entitlements' may take something off the headline debt figure, but it is a false economy. If people aren't able to afford even the basics for survival then they don't spend. By cutting entitlements you remove a swathe of people from active involvement in the marketplace.

Better to give those benefits and have those people spending that money back in the shops. And better to have those with some financial wriggleroom confident enough that they are not fearful of losing their jobs and starving on the streets, else they also will spend less.

Cutting benefits is a quick fix that ultimately damages the country in real terms.

glatt 09-30-2013 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877694)
The fact is, this is the only card that the Republicans can play right now, because the Democrats are in power elsewhere,

There are 3 branches of government. The executive, the legislative, and the judicial.

The Democrats currently control the White House.
The Republicans control the Supreme Court.
The Congress is split 50/50 between the Democrats and Republicans. One party has the House, and one party has the Senate.

You couldn't get more evenly balanced if you tried.

tw 09-30-2013 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877694)
I love how this is all blamed on the Republicans. You'd think we just had ONE political party that was being hard to deal with.

Did you every read your own posts? Just ask'in.

glatt 09-30-2013 11:59 AM

I'm starting to get the emails at work about what's going to happen during the looming shutdown.

Looks like many of the government entities we work with will remain open for business for a couple weeks. They have financial reserves from fees collected in the previous year and will continue to function. Courts, and the PTO mostly.

Looks like it's really going to happen though.

orthodoc 09-30-2013 02:44 PM

We have our instructions for tomorrow morning. Since workplace safety isn't considered essential, we'll be furloughed. I have a Plan B, though, since I'm not a federal employee and can continue some things on my own.

It'll be strange going in tomorrow morning, tidying up/cancelling meetings etc., and getting back on the metro.

Although - just got an email saying demonstrations are planned at the entrances to our building and we may be prevented from leaving this afternoon. :(

glatt 09-30-2013 03:02 PM

Your son is at the PTO, right? I understand they can stay open for 4 weeks.

Metro is going to lose a lot of money with many federal workers not riding.

I wonder if they will go to a weekend schedule if ridership is down significantly. I hope not. That would suck, having to wait half an hour for a crowded train.

orthodoc 09-30-2013 05:01 PM

Yes, my oldest son is at the PTO. He's hoping like mad that this is resolved quickly. He's been told they have about ten days of reserves, but if it's 4 weeks, fantastic.

A weekend schedule for the metro would be awful. We attempted to get downtown this past weekend to see museums and monuments and ended up walking an extra mile or two because the trains were just standing. Good exercise, but we already had a major hike planned. Doing that on workdays would ... well, I guess we'd get used to it.

I'll be furloughed but I can grab an extra desk at another non-government (but occ med/environmental med) office, apparently, so I'll still be going into the city each morning.

Griff 09-30-2013 07:54 PM

Interesting Poll here

79% of the country thinks a shutdown is a bad thing. 46% blame the GOP Congress if it occurs. 69% believe the Reps in Congress are behaving like spoiled children. 58% say the Dems in Congress are. 38% are in favor of Obamacare. 57% oppose it. 60% however think its more important to prevent a government shutdown than stopping ACA. 68% say it would be bad to shutdown the government for a few days. 79% think it would be bad to shut it down for a few weeks.

Bottom line, the people are not convinced that Obamacare is a good thing, however, shutting down the government is seen as an extreme response. The GOP appears to have an extremist problem at least as far as these poll responders are concerned, but the Democrats need to stop pretending Obamacare currently has widespread support. We'll see what happens to those numbers as people get more familiar and implementation continues. One :dunce: reading of it anyway.

xoxoxoBruce 09-30-2013 08:02 PM

Of course people are against it, they've been bombarded with half-truths, and flat out lies for the last six years. Look at ADAK, for Christ sake. Most of the people I meet who are against it have no idea what it is or how it works, no less how it will affect them. Fear of the unknown is one of man's worst.

Adak 09-30-2013 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 877701)
There are 3 branches of government. The executive, the legislative, and the judicial.

The Democrats currently control the White House.
The Republicans control the Supreme Court.
The Congress is split 50/50 between the Democrats and Republicans. One party has the House, and one party has the Senate.

You couldn't get more evenly balanced if you tried.

The Supreme Court is more liberal than conservative, and has already given the legal green light to ObamaCare. So right now, the Court is out of the picture.

That leaves us with the two houses of Congress: Senate and House of Representative. There we have a split between the parties, currently.

What I'm saying is that the two parties need to come to a good compromise on their concerns here - instead of just snarling at each other like a pair of mean dogs. Compromise makes great politics. Being obstinate - and by God the Democrats have been absolutely obstinate about cutting anything substantial from the budget - will only get more of the same from the other party.

That's just human nature. You push people, and they'll start to push back. Duh!

In my opinion, the Republicans would leave ObamaCare alone, IF the Democrats would agree to cut the exemptions, and cut some substantial spending NOW (not in the future, we've seen how that plays out haven't we?).

Since the Republicans in the Senate failed to support further action against ObamaCare, I thought the House Republicans would follow suit. But NO, they have not! So it appears VERY LIKELY we will have a shutdown. Some parts of it will start at Midnight, Eastern Daylight Time, unless the parties can reach some kind of a compromise.

Which is totally unlikely, because Reed has already put his foot in his mouth saying he will not compromise. Well, that cuts the chances of a last minute compromise, right down to about nothing, doesn't it?

Adak 09-30-2013 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 877697)
It isn't all about debt ya know. There are people involved. people whose children will go without food, and whose parents will go without care, and who may, just may, need some kind of help whilst out of work.

Cutting government spending, by cutting 'entitlements' may take something off the headline debt figure, but it is a false economy. If people aren't able to afford even the basics for survival then they don't spend. By cutting entitlements you remove a swathe of people from active involvement in the marketplace.

Better to give those benefits and have those people spending that money back in the shops. And better to have those with some financial wriggleroom confident enough that they are not fearful of losing their jobs and starving on the streets, else they also will spend less.

Cutting benefits is a quick fix that ultimately damages the country in real terms.

No, it isn't better! The number one priority for any country's economic health, is to maintain a good private sector.

That's the people like you and me, that pay the gov't our money. If the private sector businesses go bust, the gov't will be TOTALLY OUT OF $$$, and unable to pay it's debt. You will be bankrupt pretty soon, and unable to buy ANYTHING. Our money won't be worth the paper it's printed on. That's a financial collapse, and THAT is something you and I, NEVER want to see happen.

That is what we're headed for - and everybody knows it if they're into economics at all - it's like the Soviets, when they overspent during the Cold War years. They kept it up for about 30 years, but inevitably it wiped them out.

We could cut a lot of fat out of the federal gov't - no doubt about it. But the Democrats know that the more people they have getting some kind of $$$$ from the gov't, the more Democratic voters they are likely to get on the next election day.

So they spend, and spend, and spend, and of course, grow the federal gov't bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and ...

Stormieweather 09-30-2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 877817)
38% are in favor of Obamacare. 57% oppose it.

Of those that oppose it, quite a few do so because they don't feel it goes far enough!! Additionally, conservatives oppose "Obamacare" far more vehemently than they do the "Affordable Care Act". :rolleyes:

Adak 09-30-2013 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 877831)
Of those that oppose it, quite a few do so because they don't feel it goes far enough!! Additionally, conservatives oppose "Obamacare" far more vehemently than they do the "Affordable Care Act". :rolleyes:

Would that be BEFORE he called the Tea Party "Teabaggers" in a public speech, or AFTER?

I heard that in an audio file today, and I was quite shocked that the President of the United States, would make such an offensive remark as that, in a public speech. It's not like he doesn't have speech writers, and notes, etc.

If you can't stay civil, you don't belong in politics.

Lamplighter 09-30-2013 10:57 PM

2 Attachment(s)

If you can't stay civil, you don't belong in politics.

This from the 2/27/09 protest of the American Tea Party at the White House...

Attachment 45540

This from the 9/10/09 pre-March on Washington...

Attachment 45539

Jonathan Alter's book, The Promise: President Obama, Year One,
revealed that Obama used the term in November 2009.

Adak, please note the dates above...
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and calls itself a duck,
is it unusual for someone else to call it a duck ?

xoxoxoBruce 09-30-2013 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877833)
Would that be BEFORE he called the Tea Party "Teabaggers" in a public speech, or AFTER?

Only because stupid fucking traitors was already taken by FOX.

Adak 10-01-2013 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 877842)
Only because stupid fucking traitors was already taken by FOX.

Exactly. Obama campaigned that his would be the most transparent presidency ever, and bring us together.

Instead, the court today dismissed his refusal to release documents relative to the fast and furious gun running deal, brushing aside his request for executive privilege.

Every class of American has been distanced from the next, by his campaign to "redistribute wealth".

I expect demonstrators to use the simple connection of tea bag with teabaggers, but I don't expect my Congress man, let alone the President to act that way.

Being good at calling others names isn't a legacy fit for any President.

xoxoxoBruce 10-01-2013 04:40 AM

It's really scary you actually believe the shit you spew.

Griff 10-01-2013 07:48 AM

Looking at what shuts down and what doesn't gives me a sense of how skewed our priorities have become. Let's see, Vet call centers close, WIC shuts down, small number of Head Start programs close, NIH research disrupted, CDC outbreak tracking hampered, but at least Homeland Security keeps chugging along.

Lamplighter 10-01-2013 08:05 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Is there a bit of irony showing on Google today ?

Google Search page honors today's 123rd Anniversary of Yosemite Park

Attachment 45542

Google News link to ...

Attachment 45541

Take some time today to read Dr Seuess to your girls. Oooops.... your boys.
Errrrr.... whatever

Adak 10-01-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877847)
Exactly. Obama campaigned that his would be the most transparent presidency ever, and bring us together.

Instead, the court today dismissed his refusal to release documents relative to the fast and furious gun running deal, brushing aside his request for executive privilege.

Every class of American has been distanced from the next, by his campaign to "redistribute wealth".

I expect demonstrators to use the simple connection of tea bag with teabaggers, but I don't expect my Congress man, let alone the President to act that way.

Being good at calling others names isn't a legacy fit for any President.

Look it up Bruce. It's in Obama's speeches. Of course, when Bush raised the debt ceiling, Senator Obama called it "a failure of leadership", etc.

When he continues to raise the debt ceiling, it's perfectly fine. When he can't get his way on any matter, he blames it on Republican leaders, the Tea Party, the House, ultra conservatives, hard line conservatives, etc. Everybody but him.

What's he doing? Running guns into Mexico - saying he had nothing to do with it, but claims executive privilege when data on the program is subpoenaed. Huh?

Our consulate in Benghazi is attacked with explosives, mortars, squad level machine guns, and fire bombs. He goes to bed, knowing that the military can't approve any rescue, without his direct approval.

Then he has his flunky Susan Rice on FOUR major news shows, telling how it was a video demonstration. That's not what the CIA reported to him.

Time after time, speech after speech, he has slurred the character of those who have money. He doesn't call them bastards or anything, but he slurs them, nonetheless, repeatedly. That justifies his efforts to steal from them, and give it to someone else.

He tells us on the Tonight Show, that the feds don't spy on us. A few days later, the next leak comes out, proving that yes, the Feds are spying on us, and they're spying on us both overseas (which we knew), but also inside the US., and on a massive scale never seen before.

Aren't you weary of all his lies? I sure am. I expected a lot better than this, out of Obama. I expect politicians to lie - it goes with the job, from time to time, but he's really carried it far beyond what I was hoping for.

Stormieweather 10-01-2013 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877833)
Would that be BEFORE he called the Tea Party "Teabaggers" in a public speech, or AFTER?

I heard that in an audio file today, and I was quite shocked that the President of the United States, would make such an offensive remark as that, in a public speech. It's not like he doesn't have speech writers, and notes, etc.

If you can't stay civil, you don't belong in politics.

Do you feel it is hypocritical to hold the President to a higher standard than the rest of our political "leaders"? I mean, they're free to spew some of the most vile, hatred filled, violence inducing statements I've ever had the misfortune to experience, all while hiding behind Christianity, but the President is expected to not only accept such filth, but stay absolutely neutral and dispassionate??

Conservative Hostility Liberal Hostility

You'll note that I included both liberals and conservative examples in my links. Personally, I am appalled and disgusted that people have the disrespect to speak about our President (any President) the way they do. You may not like or agree with him, but he is still our leader and representative to the world. If you actually care, then vote. But show some fucking respect.

As for the government shut down, Congress needs to forfeit their paychecks while this occurs. They barely work as it is and they have a hell of a lot of nerve making people work for free or go without a paycheck while they sit on Capital Hill and drink. I hope the American people vote every single ignoramus who allowed this to happen out of office next year.

xoxoxoBruce 10-01-2013 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877923)
Look it up Bruce. It's in Obama's speeches. Of course, when Bush raised the debt ceiling, Senator Obama called it "a failure of leadership", etc.

I know that, and I'm not happy that he's followed the same path as previous presidents, but the half-truths and flat out bullshit you repeat from talk radio has no bearing on anything that's going on in congress.

Adak 10-01-2013 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 877926)
Do you feel it is hypocritical to hold the President to a higher standard than the rest of our political "leaders"?

No! He is the President! He needs to act accordingly, not like what you might expect from a Congressman, etc.


I mean, they're free to spew some of the most vile, hatred filled, violence inducing statements I've ever had the misfortune to experience, all while hiding behind Christianity, but the President is expected to not only accept such filth, but stay absolutely neutral and dispassionate??

Conservative Hostility Liberal Hostility

You'll note that I included both liberals and conservative examples in my links. Personally, I am appalled and disgusted that people have the disrespect to speak about our President (any President) the way they do. You may not like or agree with him, but he is still our leader and representative to the world. If you actually care, then vote. But show some fucking respect.

He had it. Then he lost it. Why? Because he's lied repeatedly, about damn near everything. He kept his word though about his intentions to make electric rates soar, and make even clean coal fired plants, too expensive to operate anymore.

And of course, to "redistribute wealth", which is the socialist agenda where they steal from the wealthy, and give it to someone else that they like more than you. They get a lot of voters that way, and can stay in power.


As for the government shut down, Congress needs to forfeit their paychecks while this occurs. They barely work as it is and they have a hell of a lot of nerve making people work for free or go without a paycheck while they sit on Capital Hill and drink. I hope the American people vote every single ignoramus who allowed this to happen out of office next year.
That won't happen. As our past years have shown, NOTHING is Obama's fault, and this will be no different. He can cut into our right to free speech, our right to carry firearms, our right to privacy, and anything else he can wants, almost. AND NOBODY IN THE MEDIA (hardly) reports on any of it, in a negative or critical way. He can lie like a rug, and it's just fine, fine. Surely you've noticed this?

The shutdown will all be blamed on the Tea Party/Republicans, and with all the expansion of the federal gov't, the Democrats are a shoe in for several elections, as long as they don't really screw up something. If you work for the gov't, you won't vote for a party that might stop that department you work in. It's a quite cushy, symbiotic relationship. Never mind that it's all coming out of the taxpayer's wallet - not the gov't.

Obama's latest speech has him saying "I won't negotiate under threat...".

Well, that's bullshit - because that's what politicians DO all the time. They negotiate - they compromise. THAT IS THEIR BUSINESS!! He's negotiated with the President of Iran, who supports terrorism around the globe - even tried to negotiate with the Taliban, recently. But he won't negotiate with his fellow Americans.

Because Obama knows he doesn't have to compromise this time, so he'll have NONE of it. Eventually, the Republicans will have to give up. At least, that's the ending I see.

What do you see? How will it end?

Lamplighter 10-01-2013 12:16 PM

Somehow there is a similarity between this toy
and Adak's mouse-like postings and the Cellar cats ...

Adak 10-02-2013 08:08 PM

Rather classic Obama moment:

The WWII monument (along with several others - MLKing, ALincoln, etc., are open air - they have no walls or fencing around them. You walk right up to them.

Well since the shut down, Obama has the Feds erect a barricade around them - all the popular one's at least. So you can't get near them, with a sign telling you it's shut down due to the gov't shut down.

Of course, NOW they have to have park rangers or guards there, to be sure these barricades are not torn down.


From the Midwest, an "honor" flight of WWII vets were here today, to remember their buddies who died, at the WWII memorial.

But it's "closed" and barricaded.

So the 80 and 90 year old vets, tell the park rangers, etc. "Get outta my way sonny!", and they go right past those barricades!

And Obama can take his nuisance shut down, and stick it where the sun never shines.

Erecting barricades ("Barrycades", now), around OPEN AIR memorials, just to vex us, when WE are the one's who paid for the memorials, not the gov't, (which pays for nothing by itself), just shows the poor character of Obama.

I was hoping that cooler heads would prevail, and a compromise would be reached on the issues surrounding the shutdown.

Now, I'm also hoping the Republicans "stick it" to Obama, and make him pay for his contemptible behavior. Locking us out of our own open air memorials -- :(:(:(

Griff 10-02-2013 08:15 PM

17 Republicans have come forward willing to fund the Government.

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