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Big Sarge 03-17-2011 12:17 AM

Bad News
I've had nothing but bad news this week from the doctors. I feel like the VA is playing Russian roulette with my PTSD meds. Today they put me on 1 mgm of Xanax (as needed for anxiety) and 10 mgm of Valuim (bedtime because Ambien was causing problems with dreams). How do they expect people to be able function? I sure can't take this and work.

Next I get the results of a scrotal ultrasound and examination by a urologist. What was initially being treated as epididymatis turns out to be cysts that are linked to prostatitis. The urologist thinks the underlying cause might be linked to my Lupus.

For the final blow, my MRI shows I have a 5mm tumor on my pituitary gland. My primary care doctor is referring me to endocrinology. They think I might have Cushings syndromone. WTF!!!

I'm pissed. I'm scared. I'm falling apart

Bullitt 03-17-2011 12:24 AM

Stay strong big guy. Be as big of an ass you need to be, but don't let anyone leave your sight until they explain things to the point that you can understand. I hate seeing patients who are just tossed to the wind in the healthcare system. Confused, angry, fearful; none of which needs to be the case. You are your own best advocate for your care, so don't take no for an answer.

SamIam 03-17-2011 12:51 AM

Is there any way you can get some second opinions? I am so skeptical of the VA because of the inadequate treatment they gave my Dad when he was still alive.

Have you recently been on corticosteroids? This is what causes Cushings syndrome. Discontinuation of the drug should alleviate the symptoms.

I have PTSD and my clinic has prescribed me an anti-depressant (paxil) and seroquel (a sort of anti-psychotic). I take the seroquel at bedtime and it allows me to sleep. Anti-anxiety agents are only the third line of defense against PTSD. Some researchers feel that they ultimately make PTSD worse! I take clonezapam if I feel I have an anxiety attack coming on.

You need to be your own advocate - especially with the VA. Research your diagnosis and find out what the most accepted treatments are. Make a list of all your questions and concerns and demand that your doctor address these issues for you, no matter how busy he may think he is.

Being pro-active will help your outlook a lot.

Hope your health issues are resolved soon and not as bad as they seem to you tonight.

Gravdigr 03-17-2011 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 717020)
..a scrotal ultrasound and examination by a urologist...

That sounds, uh, fun?:unsure:

Try not get ahead of yourself, docs are always scaring the shit outta people. I think they get off on it.


Griff 03-17-2011 05:29 AM

Bullitt is right on the money make sure you get complete explanations. You can use the internet to your advantage here as well. I'm sorry you're going through this. Is there an advocacy organization for dealing with the VA?

infinite monkey 03-17-2011 07:22 AM

Sheesh Sarge. :(

Take care of yourself.

monster 03-17-2011 08:59 AM

Oh Sarge, I'm sorry. I echo what Bullitt said, keep on at them until you get the answers you need, don't let them play God even if it means you have to get pissy with them.

Undertoad 03-17-2011 09:25 AM

All I know is when I tried Xanax "as needed" I took one quarter the dosage you have there, and in about an hour I was asleep in the middle of the day. It affects everyone differently but 0.25mg is the starter dose for adults, so if they knock you out, try cutting the pill in half and see if it controls your anxiety effects. Shoot for the smallest dose that controls the symptoms. The Xanax will take a half hour to kick in, so don't be impatient with your anxiety in the mean time.

Also Xanax and Valium are in the same general family of drugs, so I don't understand why they gave you both. I wouldn't take them at the same time.

jimhelm 03-17-2011 09:34 AM

keep your chin up Sarge.

Sheldonrs 03-17-2011 12:02 PM

Thinking good, healthy thoughts for you.

Cloud 03-17-2011 12:11 PM

Ugh, sorry. Hope you have a trusted family member or friend who can help you as an advocate.

footfootfoot 03-17-2011 12:33 PM

knowledge is power sarge,
Eat that elephant one bite at a time.

Nirvana 03-17-2011 01:04 PM

We are here for you big guy!

Gravdigr 03-17-2011 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 717123)
Eat that elephant one bite at a time.


Trilby 03-17-2011 03:31 PM

take heart Big Sarge~! One thing/day/test/doctor at a time, my friend. Keep us posted and we are here for you! :hugs:

Loads of support here!!

Sundae 03-17-2011 03:36 PM

Oh crikey Sarge.
Sorry to hear that, it must feel overwhelming.

As many wiser Dwellars have said - one step at a time, one bite at a time, one test at a time. Much and much and much love to you.

Big Sarge 03-18-2011 12:40 AM

I shouldn't whine. Things could be worse. Ref the Xanax, I have been prescribed .25 & .5 mgm in the past. Never seemed to work. the bright side. I'm trying to look on the bright side. When this tumor is gone, I might have a halfway normal life again.

plthijinx 03-18-2011 12:25 PM

thoughts are with ya big guy! take a day off, grab a fishin' pole and go catch a mess of fish. take yer mind off things for a bit anyway :)

Gravdigr 03-18-2011 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by plthijinx (Post 717328)
grab a fishin' pole and go catch a mess of fish. take yer mind off things for a bit anyway :)

Damn, what a great idea!! It's 75 degrees and beautiful here. Ima do that very thing.

I'm going fishing on the creekbank, and Ima leave the fishin' pole at home!! (you know, so the fish won't bother me!)

Later tater.:blunt:

TheMercenary 03-19-2011 06:26 AM

Sorry to hear you are going through all that Sarge. Hang in there!

casimendocina 03-19-2011 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 717242)
I shouldn't whine. Things could be worse.

Sure, things could always be worse but doesn't mean that you don't need to let people know and talk about it. SG articulated what I would like to have thought of.

skysidhe 03-19-2011 06:18 PM

I agree with bullitt and UT especially and wish you well.

wolf 03-19-2011 06:45 PM

Hugs to you sarge.

And for some unsolicited advice ... ask your doc what he/she knows about beta-blockers and PTSD.

bluecuracao 03-19-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 717242)
I'm trying to look on the bright side.

I believe this is very important. Try not to worry and keep your spirits up as well as you can. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

Big Sarge 03-20-2011 06:46 AM

i really don't understand what is going on with my body. something happened with my first deployment in oif. since then i contracted discoid lupus, had 2 bouts of sarcoma, disc compression (iba syndrome), bilateral tremors, ptsd, neuropathy, 3 rounds of pneumonia, epididydmal cysts, and a tumor on my pituatary gland. ya'll, i'm starting to think i'm not going to be around much longer. i know that is a stupid thought, but something is really wrong.

i wonder if i was exposed to some agent or chemical while doing a sensitive site exploitation

Griff 03-20-2011 07:45 AM

Are you in touch with other guys from your unit who are having similar problems?

plthijinx 03-22-2011 08:28 PM

maybe i'm a little tired or my grey hair is actually blonde, but what is oif?

footfootfoot 03-22-2011 09:05 PM

Any exposure to DU?

footfootfoot 03-22-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by plthijinx (Post 718054)
maybe i'm a little tired or my grey hair is actually blonde, but what is oif?

operation iraqi liberation OIL. ermm, freedom! OIF

plthijinx 03-22-2011 09:19 PM

ah ok then. yep. i'm tired.

Griff 03-23-2011 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 718058)

There is that and the stressful environment and the vaccinations and whatever Hussein's people were (mis) handling. A possible perfect storm of nastiness.

casimendocina 03-23-2011 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 717616)
i really don't understand what is going on with my body. something happened with my first deployment in oif. since then i contracted discoid lupus, had 2 bouts of sarcoma, disc compression (iba syndrome), bilateral tremors, ptsd, neuropathy, 3 rounds of pneumonia, epididydmal cysts, and a tumor on my pituatary gland. ya'll, i'm starting to think i'm not going to be around much longer. i know that is a stupid thought, but something is really wrong.

i wonder if i was exposed to some agent or chemical while doing a sensitive site exploitation

That's a lot of illness so definitely all well and good to stay positive, but in the interests of realism, keep on seeking out as much info as you can so that if you have been exposed to an agent or chemical, there's a better chance of finding out what is was and what can be done. Keep on posting as well.

Big Sarge 03-24-2011 12:02 AM

depleted uranium is a possibility. i've asked the va about it, but they seem to ignore. I've considered exposure to nerve agents. i've been in numerous destroyed vehicles and old ammunition dumps.

i was at the ent today. they put a wick in my right ear and gave me a shot of celestrone. i'm barely functioning at times and i'm worried about my job

plthijinx 03-24-2011 12:19 AM

holy crap man. i don't even know what to say. are they (the va) being hush hush or are they confused to your problem? i guess what i mean is do they know that there is a problem and are being told to put it under wraps? kinda what griff said...

plthijinx 03-24-2011 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 717620)
Are you in touch with other guys from your unit who are having similar problems?

what he said here.

Griff 03-24-2011 04:47 AM

I'm so sorry man.

kerosene 03-24-2011 02:13 PM

I am sorry you are going through so much, Sarge. I really hope you get some decent answers here, pretty soon.

Sundae 03-24-2011 04:02 PM

Sarge I'm so sorry to hear things are so bad.
All yo9u can do is keep trying to get through the best you can.

Healing thoughts.

Big Sarge 03-24-2011 07:09 PM

i've lost touch with the other analyst who served in a similar capacity. he left the army and moved to ohio. from the guys who served as our psd, only one is still serving and he seems to be doing well.

the va is just there. they try hard to take care of us, but the system is overwhelmed with the number of returning soldiers. all soldiers receive 5 years of va care upon return from deployment or discharge. look how long it took to identify agent orange and gulf war syndrome. i'm just stuck in the system.

i feel like there is a root cause to my illness that can be fixed if someone would look at the totality vs specialists treating things as separate diseases. plus they are very "generous" with meds. too generous at times and i worry about the potential for addiction.

anonymoo 03-25-2011 05:33 PM

We pray for your health & hope you become at peace with yourself. We, the collective, support you

footfootfoot 03-25-2011 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 718484)
i've lost touch with the other analyst who served in a similar capacity. he left the army and moved to ohio. from the guys who served as our psd, only one is still serving and he seems to be doing well.

the va is just there. they try hard to take care of us, but the system is overwhelmed with the number of returning soldiers. all soldiers receive 5 years of va care upon return from deployment or discharge. look how long it took to identify agent orange and gulf war syndrome. i'm just stuck in the system.

i feel like there is a root cause to my illness that can be fixed if someone would look at the totality vs specialists treating things as separate diseases. plus they are very "generous" with meds. too generous at times and i worry about the potential for addiction.

That someone is you. You have to be your own advocate and educate yourself, then tell the docs what to look for. You are more invested in you than they can or will be. You can do it. And avoid the addictive meds.

Big Sarge 03-27-2011 06:50 PM

True. I'm reading everything I can find on Cushings.

Alluvial 03-27-2011 09:05 PM

Which VA are you going to? Can you come down to the big hospital in Jackson?

busterb 03-27-2011 09:26 PM

Jackson may not be any better than where ever. Best whishes Sarge.

Big Sarge 03-27-2011 10:23 PM

My VA Center is Memphis

zippyt 03-27-2011 10:51 PM

Go to Zennys East ( Just down the road from there ) Get a rubin on marbled rye bread , it'll make ya feel Betterer !!! ;)

Alluvial 03-28-2011 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by busterb (Post 718928)
Jackson may not be any better than where ever.

I wasn't sure which center he was going to. Some of the ones out in the sticks are less than stellar. That's why I asked. :)

But, Memphis is probably pretty good, except that I imagine they see quite a few veterans.

@zippy: If he wants to feel REAL good he could go to the Pink Pony. ;)

zippyt 03-28-2011 07:07 PM

he could go to the Pink Pony

Well thats the desert After the god sando

plthijinx 03-29-2011 03:35 PM

the medical center here in houston might be able to help sarge. and if you need a place to stay, mi casa es tu casa.

Big Sarge 03-30-2011 10:06 AM

thanks guys. i'm pretty much stuck in the the va system because of medical costs. my insurance is tricare reserve and only pays 80%. the va treats me for free for anything that is service related

morethanpretty 03-30-2011 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 719612)
thanks guys. i'm pretty much stuck in the the va system because of medical costs. my insurance is tricare reserve and only pays 80%. the va treats me for free for anything that is service related

is there a way you can see a non-va doc, if they can show it is service-related it will be responsibility of the gov to pay? Even if you have to pay initial costs and get reimbursement, it would be worth it for quality of care?

TheMercenary 03-31-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 719905)
is there a way you can see a non-va doc, if they can show it is service-related it will be responsibility of the gov to pay? Even if you have to pay initial costs and get reimbursement, it would be worth it for quality of care?

Unfortunately no. They have a system and force you to use it.

Big Sarge 04-02-2011 01:23 PM

This is going to be fun!! I took my last dose of Celexa (primary PTSD med) yesterday. My refills weren't in the mail today. So I'm going from 60mgm a day to nothing. Ya'll better pray for the folks who piss me off today. LOL

Sundae 04-02-2011 01:28 PM

Bad news indeed.

When I moved to Aylesbury I couldn't get registered with a Doctor without photo ID. I has to wait until my driving licence came back with my Aylesbury address.

I'm on anti-depressants?!
They've run out....

Although it worked out well in the end.
My new practice switched me to Citalopram and I'm a shiny new version of myself because of it.

I'll keep everything crossed that you get them on Monday.
I'm sure they'll stay in your system that long.
I hope.

Big Sarge 04-02-2011 02:01 PM

Celexa & Citalopram are the same drug. I'll hop in the car & drive over to bum a few from you. LOL

Sundae 04-02-2011 02:36 PM

Give it time.
It's really helped me.

And yes, when it happens it's mind-blowing :)
or shall I come over and blow it for yo9u?

Big Sarge 04-03-2011 02:52 AM

omg, see now you've started the wild fantasies racing through my head. sg you can be so naughty

plthijinx 04-03-2011 04:22 AM

SG has "healing hands" and Big Sarge is "nude". y'all? get a room! and don't come out for a month. :D

skysidhe 04-04-2011 12:29 AM

I want to be a sex pot like SG.

Big Sarge 04-04-2011 03:48 PM

I've gotten to the point that I can't handle things. I'm about to call the Military One Source hotline. Today's doctor was Chinese & spoke poor English. In fact, she had to use a translation phrase book & pointed out things for me to read. Now they're thinking my levels were skewed because of the prednisone, 3 shots of decadron, and a shot of Celestrone (however you spell it) in a 2 week period. Now she thinks I have Addison's. Isn't that the exact opposite? Why can't sher get me in to see Endo???

Still no PTSD meds & now I'm out of HCTZ & my Beta blocker. Doctor says they are sorry. They called the pharmacy (express scripts) & I should have received it on 31MAR11. If it isn't here in 2 weeks, they'll try to re-issue. WTF!!!

Yes, I'm raging. I know there is nothing that can be done, but I can't keep going like this

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