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Nirvana 07-07-2010 12:35 PM

July 8, 2010: Fingernailed
What were you thinking MS Lohan?


Sundae 07-07-2010 12:52 PM

Send her to prison, I say!

Pete Zicato 07-07-2010 12:58 PM

She is going - 90 days.

Which hopefully means a 90 day moratorium on media coverage of the mess she's made of her life.

Sundae 07-07-2010 01:02 PM

(I know)

glatt 07-07-2010 01:05 PM

Awesome! I love today's camera technology.

xoxoxoBruce 07-07-2010 01:17 PM

Better pic.

Nirvana 07-07-2010 01:36 PM

What about NSFW? :eyebrow:

classicman 07-07-2010 01:51 PM


Shawnee123 07-07-2010 02:17 PM

The only difference between many of us and Lindsey is we're not famous, we're a little older and wiser, our parents aren't five kinds of money-grubbing pimps, and we don't have the paparazzi following us around everywhere we go.

Nice to see self-admitted addicts wanting to hang the self-admitted addict.

Compassion abounds.

glatt 07-07-2010 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 669247)
Compassion abounds.

You don't think that by showing up in court like that, she's showing contempt for the whole legal system? If she's showing contempt like that, then why should anyone show her compassion?

I hope she turns her life around. She's got a lot of talent, and if she can get her act together, it's probably not too late for her. She doesn't seem to give a shit though. It's sad. She's a chip off the old block for sure.

HungLikeJesus 07-07-2010 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Nirvana (Post 669235)
What about NSFW? :eyebrow:

If you've got some, post it please.

Nirvana 07-07-2010 03:20 PM

Truthfully I don't think she thought about her nail design for the court room. I think she did it for the paparazzi to be seen after court when she "got off on more probation."

Not only does she have 90 days in jail after that she has 90 days in rehab. I hope she gets her mind right.

Shawnee123 07-07-2010 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 669257)
You don't think that by showing up in court like that, she's showing contempt for the whole legal system? If she's showing contempt like that, then why should anyone show her compassion?

I hope she turns her life around. She's got a lot of talent, and if she can get her act together, it's probably not too late for her. She doesn't seem to give a shit though. It's sad. She's a chip off the old block for sure.

I too think it was just a "fuck you" in general, perhaps at the paparazzi, perhaps at the public gawking. Whatever it was, it was silly and childish and not conducive to complete and proper decorum...but no biggie. I hope she gets her act together too.

I have much more fun hatin' on the hookers and sleazemen on shows like "The Bachelor" or "Who Wants to Fuck a Millionaire" or "I'll sell my family's dignity, and teach my children to sell theirs, for 15 minutes of fame": the truly troubled "celebrities."

I'm glad I didn't party when I was young. :rolleyes:

classicman 07-07-2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 669257)
You don't think that by showing up in court like that, she's showing contempt for the whole legal system? If she's showing contempt like that, then why should anyone show her compassion?

Right on! This piece of white trash has gotten more fucking compassion than any "non-celeb" would have. Fuck who? Fuck you Lindsay.
The courts have given you every friggin break in the world. YOU screwed up again and thought you were above the law :headshake
Go do your time and LEARN some respect.


Originally Posted by Nirvana (Post 669266)
Truthfully I don't think she thought about her nail design for the court room. I think she did it for the paparazzi to be seen after court when she "got off on more probation."

Yup - probably.

Shawnee123 07-07-2010 05:13 PM

Addicts will always try to sneak and bargain and plot and lie and cheat and steal, to get the object of their addiction. That's simple Addiction 101.

When it's a "celebrity" who gets "all the breaks" all of a sudden it is no longer an addict trying every trick in the book to keep using, it is a circus with the spectators throwing tomatoes and crying "YOU GOT EVERY CHANCE YOU PRIVILEGED LITTLE BRAT."

What if it were your child, going through such a monumental struggle against addiction? Do you think your own child should be held to such scrutiny? Why does addiction become that deep dark thing again...because seeing it in "celebrities" means it could be still with us? It's denial that addiction is a disease. It is a disease.

I'm not condoning her actions, I'm saying that this is hardly the time to throw tomatoes at Ms Lohan.

Shawnee123 07-07-2010 05:16 PM

Oh, and by the way. Just you wait until I make my "LEAVE LINDSEY ALONE, BOO HOO" video. Oh hell, it's probably already been done. :)

spudcon 07-07-2010 10:25 PM

Shawnee, you are awesome!

Trilby 07-08-2010 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by spudcon (Post 669331)
Shawnee, you are awesome!

well, she is an Ohio girl...


nil_orally 07-08-2010 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 669290)

What if it were your child, going through such a monumental struggle against addiction? Do you think your own child should be held to such scrutiny? Why does addiction become that deep dark thing again...because seeing it in "celebrities" means it could be still with us? It's denial that addiction is a disease. It is a disease.

Nope - it's a choice. A disease is an illness, like leukaemia, influenza or mumps. Most people do not chose to get a disease.

The trash did this to herself. I am sure she had fun getting to this point. Piper must be paid.

The pity is stocks are out of fashion.

Shawnee123 07-08-2010 07:04 AM

We now return you to your regularly scheduled century.

Trilby 07-08-2010 07:58 AM


monster 07-08-2010 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by nil_orally (Post 669377)
Nope - it's a choice. A disease is an illness, like leukaemia, influenza or mumps. Most people do not chose to get a disease.

Orly? If you follow proper hygeine and live away from other people -preferably in a mosquito-proof plastic bubble, then you will not contract diseases. Most people choose not to do this, so therefore they are making a choice to risk disease, no? How is that different from making a choice to risk addiction by trying an addictive substance? And where do you stand on mental illness? Burning at the stake?

spudcon 07-08-2010 10:19 AM

I agree with Shawnee about not condemning someone because they are addicted to something. We don't know how that began, whether they were tricked or coerced, or just persuaded by a trusted friend or role model.
Having said that, I read years ago that Ms Lohan was a bitch to work with. It seems she hasn't yet found the humility necessary to get help for her problem. Writing fuck you on your fingernails shows where her attitude is. I think 90 days in the slammer and 90 days in rehab may work wonders for her.

Trilby 07-08-2010 10:46 AM

classicman 07-08-2010 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by spudcon (Post 669427)
I agree about not condemning someone because they are addicted to something.

Thats not what she is being criticized about.


Writing fuck you on your fingernails shows where her attitude is. I think 90 days in the slammer and 90 days in rehab may work wonders for her.

SamIam 07-08-2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 669290)
Addicts will always try to sneak and bargain and plot and lie and cheat and steal, to get the object of their addiction. That's simple Addiction 101.

When it's a "celebrity" who gets "all the breaks" all of a sudden it is no longer an addict trying every trick in the book to keep using, it is a circus with the spectators throwing tomatoes and crying "YOU GOT EVERY CHANCE YOU PRIVILEGED LITTLE BRAT."

What if it were your child, going through such a monumental struggle against addiction? Do you think your own child should be held to such scrutiny? Why does addiction become that deep dark thing again...because seeing it in "celebrities" means it could be still with us? It's denial that addiction is a disease. It is a disease.

I'm not condoning her actions, I'm saying that this is hardly the time to throw tomatoes at Ms Lohan.

I am all for throwing tomatoes at her. Can we spell "enable"? Yes, the poor thing has a piss poor attitude because she is an addict and doesn't want to quit. I have zero sympathy for her. She has been protected from the consequences of her actions up until now and she is playing "poor me" and being defiant because she can no longer get her own way.

How many alcoholics and addicts do you think would get into recovery if they never had to pay the consequences of their own actions? Most of them would spend their lives sunbathing on the banks of the Nile.

Addiction is not like cancer. If you really want to recover, you do have a fighting chance. Getting into recovery from alcoholism was one of the hardest things I have ever done. But I know that today I will not pick up that first drink.

I do not expect a get out of jail free card for the things I did drinking just because I have a disease. A major part of recovery consists of taking responsibility for your own actions and making amends to those you have harmed.

Trilby 07-08-2010 12:33 PM

I think she gets away with her shit because she's so cute.

Cuteness has killed a LOT of addicts.

classicman 07-08-2010 01:46 PM

Excellent post Sam - many good points :thumbsup:

spudcon 07-08-2010 02:22 PM

No matter what path an addict takes, they will pay the consequences sooner and later. Those brain cells don't grow back, and the damage to cells will come back to bite you later in life.

classicman 07-08-2010 03:08 PM

Yup. My memory loss is attributed to a very well misspent youth.

Shawnee123 07-08-2010 03:46 PM

When we can point and judge, and roll our eyes in chagrin, we must be diverting attention from our own fucked up choices, and our own misguidance, and say to ourselves "no mishap from shenanigans have ever landed on my doorstep." This must be the most glorious of assertions, whether it is true or not.

BigV 07-08-2010 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 669468)
I think she gets away with her shit because she's so cute.

Cuteness has killed a LOT of addicts.

I take great comfort from this. What a relief!

SamIam 07-08-2010 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 669506)
When we can point and judge, and roll our eyes in chagrin, we must be diverting attention from our own fucked up choices, and our own misguidance, and say to ourselves "no mishap from shenanigans have ever landed on my doorstep." This must be the most glorious of assertions, whether it is true or not.

You bet I judge her. I know where she's coming from because I pulled the same crap myself, and I paid one hell of a high price for it. Have you ever considered that many young people look up to her as a role model? What a tragedy. Alcohol and drugs kill people - lots of people. Addiction is one of the most serious diseases out there. Never mind what I did to myself. I could have gotten into my car drunk and killed innocent people. It is only by the grace of God that this did not happen.

Many "mishaps from my shenanigans" landed on my doorstep. Thank God that they were not worse than they were.

glatt 07-08-2010 08:25 PM

So when you get a jail sentence, you don't necessarily always end up serving the entire sentence. You can get time sliced off for good behavior, or if the place is crowded, you might get released early.

Think the officials who decide these things will let her out early, now that everyone knows about what her fingernails said in court? I wouldn't be surprised if she served the full 90 days.

monster 07-08-2010 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by spudcon (Post 669486)
and the damage to cells will come back to bite you later in life.

Not necessarily. Brain cells are very retrainable and there are a huge quantity underused in the average person. But you have to want it and give them a work out. You don't get muscle tone without movement, you don't get brain function without thought. Exercise is key.

(look at any stroke rehab study)

monster 07-08-2010 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 669506)
When we can point and judge, and roll our eyes in chagrin, we must be diverting attention from our own fucked up choices, and our own misguidance, and say to ourselves "no mishap from shenanigans have ever landed on my doorstep." This must be the most glorious of assertions, whether it is true or not.

Hmmm. Is it just my beer-loving perception, or is it mostly the reformed addicts who point and condemn this Lohan woman? Just like reformed smokers are the nastiest, rudest anti-smoking people? And the divorcees are the most anti-marriage? (uh-oh is marriage an addiction too?)

I have no time for Lohan myself, but i have little time for any celebrity. Or criminal. Yup, she's an addict. yup she tried to weasel out of punishment/rehab. yup she hoped her celebrity would help her do that.... if you took the average addict in the street and offered them celeb status, do you think they would clean up their act, or use it to try and get out of the legal consequenses of their actions?

Methinks all y'all former addicts are just jealous you didn't have celebrity to add to your arsenal of excuses for your addiction before you got cured. But you'd have used it the same way she tried to if you'd have had it.

nil_orally 07-09-2010 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 669424)
Orly? .... And where do you stand on mental illness? Burning at the stake?

Nah, as an engineer and previously a carpenter, I think this is not a very good use of perfectly good timber.

My wife has bipolar disorder and suffers deep, deep bouts of depression. She had this condition when I met her, so I made the commitments to her in full knowledge. So to answer the question, I stand in support of anyone I can who suffers.

Why do I have such a hard attitude against drug-f*cked people like Ms Lohan? Let me see, in no particular order of impact to me:
1. A dfa (drug-f*cked ars*hole) crossed the 4 lane highway median strip and ran into my mate's car killing his wife and two kids. The dfa got off with 100 hours of community service.
2. A dfa ran into the back of my bike when stopped at a red light. No screeching tyres - no attempt to stop. Punched it out from between my legs. I ended up in the back of the tray of the ute (pickup) for about 150m, until I was thrown out as she hurled around a roundabout trying to disappear before anyone got her number. Claimed in the police interview she didn't see me because of the blizzard. It was a 35C day in December (summer in Oz). The dfa got a 3 month suspended sentence. She did not have insurance (or rego), and my insurance mob claimed market value was $3500 less than what I had paid when I rode it out of the showroom an hour and a half earlier.
3. A dfa (probably not the same one) has broken into my house or car to steal things 8 times now.
4. A dfa ruined a friend's singing career when he slashed across the face and throat because she was taking too long to hand over her phone and purse when being mugged. She was shaking with fear at the time. She still talks strangely, and refuses to look people in the eye in case she sees them looking at her facial scar. 23 stitches. The dfa had a sob story, so got a suspended sentence. Marteen is still serving hers.

Calling a drug addiction a disease implies the person has a medical condition that requires our empathy. Bullshit. These people need a funnel inserted into an orifice and one of their victims to pour aqua regia in, preferably warmed to 20C above ambient. I would not suggest the mouth, as then one wouldn't hear the screams.

toranokaze 07-09-2010 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by nil_orally (Post 669377)
Nope - it's a choice. A disease is an illness, like leukaemia, influenza or mumps. Most people do not chose to get a disease.

By that criterion:
Everyone who got skin cancer from sun bathing. They did it to themselves. Fuck them they don't need chemotherapy because they choose to go in the sun.

Depression because you choose to stay in bed you choose to not go outside you choose to eat a bullet. They don't need therapy or anti-depressants because they choose to let themselves be taken over my sadness

How about schizophrenia they choose to hear the voices, they choose to listen to them so why do they need medication.

All pain suffering and illness can be show as a sequence of choices that doesn't mean someone doesn't need help.

Furthermore, she can be both a bitch and an alcoholic they are not mutually exclusive

SPUCK 07-09-2010 05:54 AM

---Webstirs Dicktionary---

Main Entry: losˇer
Pronunciation: \ˈlü-zər\
Function: noun

1 : a person or thing that loses especially consistently
2 : a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed; also : something doomed to fail or disappoint
3: Lindsay Lohan

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 05:56 AM

I can't wait to make fun of all your kids and revel in their misgivings. Please to list all your friends, family, and associates who are dealing with demons, so that I may point out how horrible they are as humans. Those on the road to recovery need not apply, unless they slip, then the mighty hammer of guilt shall be brought down upon their heads. That'll keep 'em straight.

edit: the girl received fair punishment, that hopefully will get her on the road to recovery. Why are so many so bitter at HER, just another addict in a sea? Because she's a celebrity. Seems silly, disease knows no social status. I suspect an underlying whine "but if I had all SHE has I'd be grateful and oh so responsible." You don't know. You haven't walked a mile in her 4000 shoes. Jealousy.

Trilby 07-09-2010 06:39 AM

monster - I have sympathy for LiLo. She's cute and rich and talented - a deadly trifecta for an addict if ever there was one.

I have been forced to watch her slow train wreck of a life and I get no happiness from it. I know I'm an addict - I know I am weak and I know my brain has been warped and habituated due to my own choices (that soon enough weren't 'choices' but 'compulsions')

Lindsay is crying, begging for help IMHO. Even the tips of her fingers are a cry for help. I hope someone is strong enough to give her the help she needs. she NEEDS jail/rehab. She probably needs a bodyguard to protect her from herself.

Griff 07-09-2010 06:49 AM

The girl needs to change her mind, but I can't see where she'd get the determination from. Jail time might be a chance to breath but she needs to do some serious work by herself on herself. She strikes me as too cynical to embrace whatever system "The Man" foists on her. Has there ever been a child actor who didn't have a crack-up?

xoxoxoBruce 07-09-2010 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by toranokaze (Post 669600)
All pain suffering and illness can be show as a sequence of choices that doesn't mean someone doesn't need help.

Yes help, not sympathy.

classicman 07-09-2010 07:48 AM

Oh the poor thing - she's an addict.
Take it easy on her.
Its not her fault.
She can't help herself.
Its a disease.
Give her a hug.

before something really terrible happens that affects not only hers, but dozens of other peoples lives as well.... FOREVER.
This can and does end up as a life sentence for completely innocent people.

ETA: for some it is already too late. Perhaps its not for her.
Look at Drew Barrymore for example.

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 07:49 AM

Hypocrite. Of all people.

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 07:50 AM

Oh, yeah, and no it's not about Lindsey. It's not about sympathy. It's about addiction. It's about hitting rock bottom before getting the help you need. Get over yourselves, holier than thou's.

I'm all for killing drunk drivers, but it's not my call.

Look at your own family. Condemn them for their mistakes...forever.

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 669615)
The girl needs to change her mind, but I can't see where she'd get the determination from. Jail time might be a chance to breath but she needs to do some serious work by herself on herself. She strikes me as too cynical to embrace whatever system "The Man" foists on her. Has there ever been a child actor who didn't have a crack-up?

Ron Howard. :)

Trilby 07-09-2010 08:13 AM

classic - for every finger you point at someone else, there are three pointing back at yourself.

No one is coddling LiLo. Not now, anyway. YOU ever spent any time in jail?

Griff 07-09-2010 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 669639)
Ron Howard. :)

No shit, how'd that happen? :)

classicman 07-09-2010 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 669644)
classic - for every finger you point at someone else, there are three pointing back at yourself.
YOU ever spent any time in jail?

Yup - you?
I've had issues with addiction personally and I've tragedy strike those close to me. I got a damn good understanding of where this can lead.

And its about fucking time that people stopped coddling her and those like her. For all these people to want to act like its OK, dismiss her issues and make excuses for for her is ridiculous.
There is still time for people to step in and HELP her... before its too late.
Its too late for too many others.

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 669647)
No shit, how'd that happen? :)

Probably good parenting, or just plain damn luck! :)

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 09:23 AM

Think how it would feel if, rather than a huge outpouring of support from family, friends, and even strangers, everyone turned their back on you, called you names, told you to suck it up.

As to the quitting drinking crap, I've heard that a lot, peppered with "oh, I'm having a few beers tonight" if the social atmosphere seemed to call for a couple beers. That's not addiction. That's drink-guilt. Oh, and lying.

Pete Zicato 07-09-2010 09:27 AM

I don't blame people for having addictions. I blame people for aiding and abetting their addictions. I don't see Lindsay fighting the good fight.

SamIam 07-09-2010 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 669563)
if you took the average addict in the street and offered them celeb status, do you think they would clean up their act, or use it to try and get out of the legal consequenses of their actions?

Methinks all y'all former addicts are just jealous you didn't have celebrity to add to your arsenal of excuses for your addiction before you got cured. But you'd have used it the same way she tried to if you'd have had it.

LOL I'd have done ANYTHING to keep drinking and get away with it!

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pete Zicato (Post 669671)
I don't blame people for having addictions. I blame people for aiding and abetting their addictions. I don't see Lindsay fighting the good fight.

If everyone immediately fought the good fight, there would be no addiction, yes? :confused:

What is the time frame for rock bottom? Is she off schedule? The silly tramp. Off with her head for not having that epiphany that former addicts report, on everyone else's terms and in anyone else's time. Not fit for society, that one. :p:

classicman 07-09-2010 09:45 AM

She doesn't have to fight, Pete. She's on so many medications right now its ridiculous.
She is a media created cash cow. What she needs is to get away from her false friends, dysfunctional family and management team who are more concerned with living off of her than in her own well being. Odds of that actually happening? ZERO.
Then again she is getting advice from her "friends who have already gone to jail, Kim Kardashian and Lane Garrison who killed a passenger in his car while driving drunk.

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 09:48 AM


Too much. I gotta get out of this thread. For christ's fuck.

SamIam 07-09-2010 10:08 AM

Shawnee, if I ever start drinking again (God forbid), I want you as my sponsor. :p:

glatt 07-09-2010 10:14 AM

I read this morning that her lawyer quit.

Shawnee123 07-09-2010 10:15 AM


Shawnee, if I ever start drinking again (God forbid), I want you as my sponsor. you don't. I would totally suck at sponsoring. I'm good at commiserating though, if there's an opening. :) And stay on the path, Sam, you are doing wonderfully!

glatt: her lawyer looked pretty disgusted with her in the sentencing video, as I would have been.

I hope the girl gets some help. She needs it.

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