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Spivey 05-17-2004 02:52 PM

Government Harassment and Subliminal Messages
Early last year I went to a shoe store, it was the same store in Portland Oregon where I've always preferred to buy boots. I brought a pair of Bates boots to the counter and the cashier sold me this new pair of boots for only $40.00, even though the price tag indicated they cost $90.00. I am usually quite conscious of how I spend my money and probably would not have purchased them if they had been full price. I did not realize at the time that the cashier was a Government agent and I was programmed by The Government to buy that particular pair of boots. I suspect that The Government had been programming me subliminally at night while I was sleeping.

Later in the evening, I discovered the boots contained an electronic device. The boots began speaking to me using subliminal messages. They said, "We are Interpol, we are here to help you. We want you to travel to California next Tuesday." They claimed they would pay me a million dollars and restore part of my memory that had been brainwashed by the CIA several years earlier. They told me several times that I should tell my story to Geraldo Rivera. When I tried to ignore what the boots were telling me I realized they started making me ill at night. I wrapped the boots in several layers of aluminum foil to see what it would do and the illness suddenly subsided and I slept much better. However, the boots complained and told me they could not help me if they were wrapped in aluminum foil.

The following Tuesday, I traveled to California. Later that night, I was walking down a street in Los Angeles, suddenly I realized I was actually being walked. I discovered that the boots had a muscle control device in them. When I reached the crosswalk at the next intersection, I was struck with a microscopic dart. Several days later, I started feeling ill. My stomach was infected and I felt an intense burning sensation in my eyes. I could not eat any solid food and for almost a week I lived on Tang and vitamins. The boots kept sending me subliminal messages telling me I needed to see a doctor immediately. They kept telling me, "You have stomach cancer" and "You're going to go blind." For several days, I took large doses of vitamins and the illness suddenly subsided. Then the boots told me I was going to be fine, but they never told me what the illness really was.

About a month later, I traveled to San Diego. I was sitting quietly at a bus stop waiting for a bus. I noticed there were several black people there talking and suddenly they left. I suspected they were Government agents sent to spy on me. There was an old white man sitting directly behind me, but he wasn't actually waiting for the bus. He said he had not eaten anything for several days and that he was recently denied his Social Security Disability benefits because he did not have transportation to the hearing. I'm usually suspicious of the homeless, most of them are Government agents. The Government frequently sends these agents after me to beg for money, just to mock me, so I routinely refuse their requests. However, I was not so sure about this man. I said a silent prayer and was convinced that God wanted me to help him. I told him I would give him some money if he promised to buy a Whopper at the Burger King across the street. He promised he would, so I gave him a dollar and two nickels and he went to the Burger King. Shortly before the bus arrived, he returned with a Whopper. He finally had something to eat and I had a renewed faith in humanity. As I got on the bus he thanked me and I gave him a five dollar bill. Unfortunately, for several days, the boots scolded me and said "never give money to bums."

The Government does not believe that I can be spiritually motivated. If I'm spiritually inspired by God, they believe I'm under the influence of mind control devices similar to theirs, so they increase the jamming signals. If I receive a spiritual gift from God, they believe that alien forces are at work. The Government will not accept the fact that their schemes fail because God is not on their side. Instead, they believe that extra-terrestrials are interfering with their plans and they spend their time pursuing aliens that they are unable to catch. Whenever I go to church, The Government uses mind control devices to concoct phony spiritual thoughts and emotions. They transmit subliminal messages to people around me so they will believe that I don't belong there. Church is a place for spirituality not Government mind control.

Torrere 05-17-2004 03:02 PM


glatt 05-17-2004 03:06 PM


Just put the keyboard down, and walk slowly away from the computer...

Happy Monkey 05-17-2004 03:19 PM

Perhaps you could use similar principles as these girls:

and make some tinfoil socks.

jaguar 05-17-2004 03:20 PM

Paging wolf! Paging wolf! Urgent case.

xoxoxoBruce 05-17-2004 03:41 PM

Only if he believes what he's posting, which I doubt. If he does, he's the only one.:)

jaguar 05-17-2004 03:42 PM

If he's a troll he's a dedicated one, that's a lot of writing about I'm not sure what.

DanaC 05-17-2004 03:55 PM

Well I thought it was funny

xoxoxoBruce 05-17-2004 03:58 PM


Originally posted by DanaC
Well I thought it was funny
That means there's hope for you.:)

Elspode 05-17-2004 07:43 PM

You guys all act like you've never owned a pair of mind-control boots before. Sheesh.

Next, you're going to tell me that your cat isn't a minion of Satan.

OnyxCougar 05-17-2004 07:52 PM

My mind CIA boots told me to go to Vegas, where the corruption of agents there led me to the MGM Grand, which everyone THINKS stands for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, but actually stands for More Government Money.

The boots walked me to a bathroom, where I generally meet other agents, but the only person there was a small asian woman who refused to reply to the code message: "There is a banana in my shirt." I'll be reporting her to her superiors. That kind of insubordination is just the thing that led us to miss OBL.

Spivey 05-17-2004 08:15 PM

Next, I traveled to Arizona. The boots insisted that I do not travel to anywhere in Arizona except for Winslow. I hitched a ride with an young white man who drove me to Flagstaff . I stayed at a hotel there for several nights. After the third night I discovered that something had been added to my Tang. The boots told me not to drink it, but it was too late, I had already drank some of it. Suddenly, I felt very tired and weak. The boots told me I had syphillisand that I was going to die of stomach cancer. I started taking large doses of zinc and vitamin C and the symptoms subsided. I believe I was poisoned with an anxiolytic, but I wasn't sure. The boots tried to make me believe that they were looking out for my best interest, but I was not convinced.

Finally I lost my patience, I was tired of their lies and told them I didn't want their money. The boots told me that since things were not working out they would pay me $250,000.00 to keep quiet. Then they claimed they were not Interpol boots anymore, but were under the direct control of the CIA. They said they had ordered Interpol to cease their operation, and claimed they were going to recover the part of my memory that had been brainwashed. When they did selective brainwashing on me years ago, they brainwashed the wrong part of my mind. Now, they were making the claim that they were able to restore my lost memory. I didn't believe they really knew how to restore my memory, I believe they just wanted to use me for inhumane medical experiments. They promised many things, but never delivered. They claimed they were going to pay me victims compensation money, but never did. They said they would allow me to sue The Government for two million dollars and settle out of court for one million, but they never followed through.

About a month later I traveled to Phoenix, Arizona. There I learned yoga from some people from India. Yoga can't cure any particular disease but is considered to be generally beneficial to a healthy lifestyle in a holistic way. Yoga can be a very affective way of improving concentration so that one can become more resistant to mind control devices. The boots objected and said if I continued to practice yoga I would become ill and require an exorcism. They used a muscle control device to interfere with my exercises.

The boots told me I should return to Portland, Oregon. I hitched a ride with an old Mexican man to the town of Kingman, there I camped for the night in a park. In the morning, an old Datsun car pulled into the parking lot. The driver had bleached blond hair and wore very tight pastel-colored clothing, he behaved like someone who pretends to be straight, when in fact he was probably gay. There was an incoherent woman with track marks on her arms in the front passenger seat and a man with a canine in the back. The driver claimed he was traveling to Oregon and offered me a ride. I accepted and sat in the back seat next to the canine.

The driver told me they were traveling to the Grand Canyon and then to Oregon, but he was driving towards Winslow. I didn't realize it at the time but this was all a replay of a past CIA operation. A crucial part of the operation was to stop along the highway and defecate while the cars went by. We stopped in Winslow at a gas station and the driver asked me to put some gas in the tank and demanded that I give him some gas money. When I told him I didn't have any money, he became enraged and said "I ain't gonna' give you a free ride!" They sped away, leaving me behind. At this point I realized that this was a piece of an old brainwashing scenario and I suspected that The Government was attempting to reverse some past brainwashing. I don't think The Government was going to run through the entire scenario that day, but the boots told me I should try to remember the next part.

Three days later, the boots started sending me subliminal messages of an S&M routine that included flogging for punishment. Crucial parts of the routine included executing oral-anal service to humans and canines, wearing a leather mask, a reverse mohawk haircut, and imagining that I was a canine with shaggy hair. The boots told me to forget about God because canines are without sin, they told me "shed your clothes, wear nothing but hair and ride away with an Indian on a motorcycle!"

The point of this was to remember The Prophecy of Winslow. Remember the prophecy and tell The Government of the prophecy. I don't think The Government considered the possibility that there was no way I would allow them to put me through such torture. I don't know why they changed their minds and now wanted to recover a prophecy that they did not accept years earlier when they erased it from my memory. I didn't understand why they held me responsible, nor did I understand how a canine prophecy would be of any use to them.

Later that month, I was poisoned by a Government agent disguised as a Taco Bell employee. She gave me some tainted nachos and about thirty minutes later I started having heart convulsions. I took large doses of vitamin B1 and Aspirin to keep my heart beating. After only a few days, I looked as though I aged several years. It was quite obvious to me that The Government wanted to frighten me so that I would never have anything to do with Geraldo Rivera. It is also possible that they intended to create a near death experience in a futile attempt to recover my lost memory.

When I got back to Portland, the boots told me I should put them away. When I started wrapping them in foil the boots objected, and claimed it was unnecessary. I didn't believe them, so I wrapped them anyway.

The boots were not the only method The Government used to harass me. About a month later they used electronic waves while I was asleep which caused me severe back pain, then they used ultra-low frequency sound waves to make me ill. They told me I had to wear the boots for my own protection and they wanted me to wear the boots when I testified before The Committee. After about a week of harassment I decided to throw the boots away. When I walked to the trash can I began to remove the foil and I felt a muscle control device trying to prevent me from throwing them away. A muscle control system can control every muscle in the human body including speech. They can even control the behavior of a witness on the witness stand which explains why The Government wanted me to wear them when I testified before The Committee.

I suspect that the boots were never really from Interpol, I think it was just another lie. I believe it was the CIA the entire time.

Years ago, I remember reading about Jim Jones and his followers moving from California to Jonestown, Guyana because they were being harassed by the CIA and Interpol. I now believe that their mass suicide in 1978 was actually a mass murder committed by The Government using mind control devices.

elSicomoro 05-17-2004 08:21 PM

Looks like j03L10T is back...

lumberjim 05-17-2004 08:22 PM


how much do you want for those boots?

xoxoxoBruce 05-17-2004 08:42 PM

I'll have what he's having.:yum:

The CIA 05-17-2004 09:19 PM

the boots
spivey, we want those boots back. Bring them to Winslow Az by Wednesday or we'll send the EM pulses out and give you stomach cancer again.....and all of the vitamin C in your neighborhood has been laced with mind control nano chips....not that we need them for you. The earlobe implants are still working wonderfully.

wolf 05-18-2004 12:30 AM

Somebody's a quart low on their Haldol this morning ...

(opinion: seems too organized for real crazy.)

jdbutler 05-18-2004 07:52 AM

Is this like the creative writing forum where you take on a character and write a paragraph or two about him/her for the amusement of the readers. If so, I claim first dibs on "The Boots".

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