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Undertoad 02-09-2004 11:25 AM

2/9/2004: Chicken flambe

If it's an animal pic, and it's not Friday, you know it's not gonna be good. And this isn't good: it's man's inhumanity as shown in south Asian lands where the bird flu is forcing them to destroy large numbers of chickens. And apparently they don't really care all that much about the state of the chickens before incinerating them... live. Ow.

wolf 02-09-2004 12:15 PM

Cheaper to just burn them and kill them for the cost of a match than to gas them first, I suppose.

xant 02-09-2004 12:23 PM

Count the number of smiling faces.

Why do they smile? Is it because they are being photographed, and that's What You Do?

Is it because they like the smell of burning chickens?

Is it because their village is being rid of the diseased animals?

Is it because they think it's funny that the live animal is on fire and running around?

Other cultures. Go figure.

sugarcoated 02-09-2004 12:27 PM

Chicken Flambe
Original or extra crispy! South Asian Style.............:)

wolf 02-09-2004 12:40 PM

Welcome, sugarcoated. Patron Saint of what?

FileNotFound 02-09-2004 12:50 PM

They're smiling because they are enjoying watching the chicken die by their will.

It's for the same reason people loved public executions.

"Boy my life sucks, but look at that guy! His is even worse! Ha! I'm pretty lucky..go me!"

juju 02-09-2004 01:29 PM

Heh heh.. sweet.

Slartibartfast 02-09-2004 01:40 PM


Originally posted by wolf
Cheaper to just burn them and kill them for the cost of a match than to gas them first, I suppose.
It costs zero dollars to chop their head off before setting them on fire.

Then again, we might have burning headless chicken running around.

Undertoad 02-09-2004 01:52 PM

Hey yeah, doesn't this whole story end with "...and then it ran under the truck and hit the gas line and... kaboom..."

e unibus plurum 02-09-2004 01:58 PM

from the land of cock fighting... they we're probably placing bets on which bird could go the farthest:(

lumberjim 02-09-2004 02:19 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Richard Pryor's chicken?

Rokko 02-09-2004 02:59 PM


Originally posted by e unibus plurum
from the land of cock fighting... they we're probably placing bets on which bird could go the farthest:(
I say that chicken has at least another 20 yards in 'im.

Brigliadore 02-09-2004 03:00 PM


Originally posted by Slartibartfast
It costs zero dollars to chop their head off before setting them on fire.
Of course sometimes chopping the head of doesnt kill the chicken.

lumberjim 02-09-2004 03:06 PM


"he was a big fat chicken who didn't know he didn't have a head" - "he seemed as happy as any other chicken."
oh, brig, that's just effing wrong! he lived 18 months after his head was chopped off!? that's almost as long as Luvbugz has lived with no brain!


oh, and I"D vote for him over the turkeys we'll be choosing from!

Brigliadore 02-09-2004 03:18 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
oh, brig, that's just effing wrong!
I think the part that is most disturbing is that the town has a festival every year to celebrate Mike. I have never been to it (I hope to convince HP to take me one time soon) but have been told its a small town trying to do its self up real big. So kinda silly but hey sometimes that just the type of thing people need.

Apparently Mike was featured in Life Magazine in 1945, not many chickens can boast that.

Leah 02-09-2004 03:34 PM

That's pretty sick seeing that poor chicken running for it's life on fire. I can't understand how people can be so barbaric, and the story of Mike the headless chicken, well that's truly amazing, if it's in fact a real story.

Brigliadore 02-09-2004 04:41 PM


Originally posted by Leah
the story of Mike the headless chicken, well that's truly amazing, if it's in fact a real story.
It is indeed a real story. The chicken was featured in Life Magazine, in the Oct. 22nd 1945 issue, the article is on Page 53 in the Magazine, with the title of the article being Headless Rooster.

A quick Google Search will land you several hits but below is a link that shows the table of contents for that Life Magazine Issue.

Sun_Sparkz 02-09-2004 10:38 PM

Again i am reminded of why i HATE human life. i hope everyone that witnessed this torture without stepping in to decrease the chickens pain will feel the pain when what goes around comes back around to them.

People that harm things that cannot fight back are the lowest form of scum that will ever exist. Bastards.:mad:

And its because of these uncaring callous countries that these chickens are diseased, because they are so filthy everything living contracts something.

Uryoces 02-10-2004 12:49 PM

Those filthy, scummy heathens? Not worshipping the correct God? It's our burden to educate them, give them tooth brushes and whatnot.

Okay, I was laying it on thick. There's obviously a lot of feeling there in this, Sun. I agree that it's pretty needless. Just whack the heads off, then burn them if they need to.

juju 02-10-2004 12:54 PM

Why should I care about the pain of a chicken? I only look out for the well-being of other humans so that the race in general will look out for me as well. You know -- "Treat others like you would like to be treated"? There's nothing a chicken can do for me. Therefore, why should I care?

Uryoces 02-10-2004 03:02 PM

Yeah, juju, there's a strange dichotomy there. Although I eat meat, I don't take pleasure in it's demise. i.e. I won't play with the food; I won't light it on fire and let it run around the yard.

Sun_Sparkz 02-10-2004 04:38 PM

Thats amazing Juju, i cant even begin to fathom even cosidering having a thought like that. Its just something that has always been my most strongest ever of feelings, issues like this. I see a lot of humans die, and feel next to nothing, but when its an animal.. it just tears me apart.

Ask not what your chicken can do for you, but what you can do for your chicken.

(like say, cut off its head before burning it)

juju 02-10-2004 04:53 PM

But where's the rationality?

This reminds me of when one my friends said to me, "Wow.. even your emotions are rational!" Maybe she was right...

Sun_Sparkz 02-10-2004 05:08 PM

Not everything has to be rational. I understand why you feel that way, i just dont understand how you _could_ feel that way.

I dont think all humans are equal, I think all life is equal, and i give as much respect to the quality of life to a fish, or a chicken than i do to a baby, or my grandfather.... which is a high amount of respect.

Treat others like you would like to be treated"? There's nothing a chicken can do for me. Therefore, why should I care?[/b]

You dont eat eggs (or any of the 100000 products made from eggs)? you dont eat chicken? have you ever slept on a feather quilt? have you ever sat on the farmhouse verandah and been relaxed by the soothing pecking of the chickens scratchin round on the lawn?

Brigliadore 02-10-2004 05:16 PM


Originally posted by Sun_Sparkz
have you ever sat on the farmhouse verandah and been relaxed by the soothing pecking of the chickens scratchin round on the lawn?
I'm just guessing here, but I bet his answer is going to be no.

dar512 02-10-2004 09:03 PM


Originally posted by juju
Why should I care about the pain of a chicken? I only look out for the well-being of other humans so that the race in general will look out for me as well. You know -- "Treat others like you would like to be treated"? There's nothing a chicken can do for me. Therefore, why should I care?
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat people and animals that can't do a thing for them.

juju 02-10-2004 09:31 PM


Originally posted by Sun_Sparkz
You dont eat eggs (or any of the 100000 products made from eggs)? you dont eat chicken? have you ever slept on a feather quilt? have you ever sat on the farmhouse verandah and been relaxed by the soothing pecking of the chickens scratchin round on the lawn?
Weelll, that's not what I mean. All those things are beneficial to me, but they come about against the will of the chicken (at least, the first two do, and in the last case, the chicken is completely indifferent). That's not really what I meant by, "What they can do for me". What I mean is, a chicken is not going to stand up for me when I'm being beaten, or help me find food when I am starving.

The whole reason man created civilization and morality is so we can protect each other, group together, and help each other out. We're just more effective that way. Chickens are not smart enough to participate in our group, so there's no good reason to extend morality to them.


Originally posted by Sun_Sparkz
Not everything has to be rational. I understand why you feel that way, i just dont understand how you _could_ feel that way.

I dont think all humans are equal, I think all life is equal, and i give as much respect to the quality of life to a fish, or a chicken than i do to a baby, or my grandfather.... which is a high amount of respect.

I prefer everything to be rational. Why would you give the same respect to a fish and a human baby? A fish can't do anything for you except die so you can eat it.

I do see what you're saying, though. I just find the discussion interesting. :)

Sun_Sparkz 02-10-2004 09:40 PM

I just mean that i would feel as much pain and sorrow for a tortured dying animal as i would for a tortured/ dying human. If not more because its so helpless. Its just like when the retarded kids used to get picked on at school - they couldnt do anything about it, they didnt even know why it was happening, I am upset that certain people in the human race can inflict or tolerate such behaviour, which makes my views on the human race even more frowned upon.

I dont really care if animals do nothing for me, It would give me satisfaction just to see them in safety and comfort. Just because they cant vote for me, or drive me to work in the morning doesn't mean i shouldn't care weather or not they are running around on fire.

richlevy 02-10-2004 09:49 PM

So thats why the chicken crossed the road!:angry:

elSicomoro 02-10-2004 09:50 PM

Where's quzah?

quzah 02-10-2004 10:53 PM


Originally posted by juju
Why should I care about the pain of a chicken? I only look out for the well-being of other humans so that the race in general will look out for me as well. You know -- "Treat others like you would like to be treated"? There's nothing a chicken can do for me. Therefore, why should I care?
It's a damn shame slavery is illegal here. I'd buy your ass and torture you to death over a long period of time, regardless of whatever our colors are. I mean, why the fuck should I care if you're in pain when I can buy you? Money makes the man. Having more makes me better than you. You're a classless low cast piece of shit. If you were on fire, I wouldn't take the time to piss on you to put it out.

I mean, really, I only look out for the well-being of other rich people. What can a worthless piece of shit like you do for me? Therefore, why should I care?


Sun_Sparkz 02-10-2004 10:58 PM

ah,,,, quzah.

I am not entirely sure if u were taking a stab at Juju or sticking up for our feathered friend but if it was the latter i offer my applause.


xoxoxoBruce 02-10-2004 11:15 PM


The whole reason man created civilization and morality is so we can protect each other, group together, and help each other out. We're just more effective that way.
Bullshit. Civilization was created by my group to kick your groups ass. You can convert to my group or die. Your choice.:p

juju 02-10-2004 11:20 PM

I think I see the point you're trying to make, Quzah, but it really has nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make. I'm not insinuating that I'm better than chickens. I'm just saying that there's nothing they as a species can do for me.

A poor person can still help out a rich person in a time of need. Use your imagination, there are countless examples you could think up.

juju 02-10-2004 11:35 PM

Think <i>reciprocity</i>.

Sun_Sparkz 02-10-2004 11:36 PM


I'm not insinuating that I'm better than chickens. I'm just saying that there's nothing they as a species can do for me.
this i understood. but why do you need a reason to be compasionate about something? You can't tell me you dont have a heart, you have to feel -something- for these poor defenseless chickens being burned alive. don't you?

lumberjim 02-10-2004 11:52 PM

c'mon. juju's just being a smart ass. he doesn;t really feel that way. this is just like the whole " i don;t love my parents" horsepuckey he lays down when he's feeling the need for a debate. I mean, SOMEONE's got to take an opposing viewpoint, or there's no argument/debate, and this is much less interesting.

Juju's a giver, man.

juju 02-11-2004 12:07 AM


Originally posted by Sun_Sparkz
this i understood. but why do you need a reason to be compasionate about something?
Because, like most people, I'm selfish. I don't want to direct energy into something that has no gain.

It's like if you took a $100 bill out of your pocket and burned it with a lighter. Unless you're a pyromaniac, what's the point? You've just wasted $100. I don't want to waste compassion on those who can't reciprocate.

Happy Monkey 02-11-2004 12:09 AM

So your compassion is a limited resource?

juju 02-11-2004 12:13 AM

Well, there's only so many hours in the day. Plus, do I really need that emotional roller-coaster? Being enraged is very tiring.

juju 02-11-2004 12:17 AM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce

The whole reason man created civilization and morality is so we can protect each other, group together, and help each other out. We're just more effective that way.
Bullshit. Civilization was created by my group to kick your groups ass. You can convert to my group or die. Your choice.:p

That doesn't necessarily conflict with what I said, though.

Whit 02-11-2004 12:19 AM

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hey, UT, how sure are you that chicken is alive anyway? Maybe you city types have heard, but don't believe. Chickens will run around without their heads. The case of Mike earlier in this thread was extreme, but it's true. My point is, do we know this chicken didn't have his skull bashed in and was then thrown in the fire? Then jumping out again of course. Though, for all intents and purposes, dead?
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I mean throwing live chickens in a fire without so much as a fence to keep them in? So they can just run out like this guy? That's got to be a fire safety no-no.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I looked on Snopes but couldn't find it... Oh well.

Whit 02-11-2004 12:21 AM

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, since these chickens are diseased it would make more sense to crack their skulls than cut off their heads. Don't get diseased chicken blood everywhere that way.

juju 02-11-2004 12:29 AM


Originally posted by lumberjim
Juju's a giver, man.
Hey, let's keep those kinds of secrets to the bedroom, Jim. They don't need to know that!

By the way, I'm pretty sure in the movie it is always referred to as "Iocaine powder". A silly point, I guess, since it <i>is</i> a poison.

juju 02-11-2004 12:36 AM

I was just joking there, just to be clear. In fact, last year when I went to vote for our state senator, there was a proposed measure that would increase the penalties in the city for animal cruelty from a misdeameanor to a felony. I voted against it, 'cause fuck 'em, they' don't contribute to our society. Why should they get the benefits? And it didn't pass (though that was mostly because all the hunters were afraid the law would be misused).

juju 02-11-2004 12:43 AM

Heh... the best part of that is, my wife was FOR the measure. But she didn't vote, so her opinion didn't count. It's really fun ribbing her about that.

wolf 02-11-2004 01:22 AM

It's not good for high volume, but apparently the preferred method for killing chickens is to grab the feet, grab the head, and pull until you feel a little *pop*, severing the spinal cord.

A coworkers former college roommate was working at a Tyson Chicken plant as part of his agricultural management degree. The interns all had to learn all the positions on the line as part of the management training. When it came his turn to kill the chicken, he pulled too hard and ripped it's head off. It did the running around spraying blood thing, as expected. He got ribbed about it the rest of his time at the plant.

lumberjim 02-11-2004 01:30 AM

I sold a car to a "chicken-chaser" once. At the time i worked for a dealer that specialized in bad credit deals, and this guy had been a chicken chaser for 4 years.....since his promotion to that position. I didn;t ask. His broncoII that he traded stunk so goddamn bad, I made the detail guy park it away for me when the deal was done.

I have a strict rule about sitting in a car that is not worth as much as my pants.

quzah 02-11-2004 02:15 AM


Originally posted by juju
I was just joking there, just to be clear.
I was making a point. Why is it such a burden to have compassion? But to be clear, if you were on fire, I still wouldn't take the time to piss on you to put the fire out.


juju 02-11-2004 08:20 AM

I should hope not. That would be pretty inefficient compared to stop-drop-and-roll. There are <i>some</i> things I can do for myself. Maybe instead you could just drive me to the hospital afterwards?

Griff 02-11-2004 08:29 AM

We (US) did away with something like 72,000 chickens yesterday over the avian flu... Mother nature or terrorism concentrated ag is an easy target. Of course the back yard folks in asia aren't doing so well either.

e unibus plurum 02-11-2004 10:35 AM


Originally posted by juju
There are <i>some</i> things I can do for myself.

quzah 02-11-2004 12:38 PM


Originally posted by Griff
We (US) did away with something like 72,000 chickens yesterday over the avian flu... Mother nature or terrorism concentrated ag is an easy target. Of course the back yard folks in asia aren't doing so well either.
As opposed to the normal thousands upon thousands upon thousands per day that this country kills for food. Canada uses upwards of 40,000 male chicks per day for fertalizer. 72,000? Shit. That's a drop in a bucket.


glatt 02-12-2004 09:28 AM


Originally posted by quzah

72,000? Shit. That's a drop in a bucket.


Takes a lot of food to feed a nation of 300 million souls.

quzah 02-12-2004 12:33 PM


Originally posted by glatt
Takes a lot of food to feed a nation of 300 million souls.
You're amusing. Most of the food crops raised go to end up feeding cattle and not people. Raising "live stock" is far more wasteful than raising plants to feed those same souls.


juju 02-12-2004 12:47 PM

Why do you sign your name when it's automatically added to the left of your post? It's not as if we're going to miss who it's from.

quzah 02-12-2004 12:50 PM


Originally posted by juju
Why do you sign your name when it's automatically added to the left of your post? It's not as if we're going to miss who it's from.
Why do you care?


juju 02-12-2004 12:59 PM

It's something I used to do when I first came here, and then that thought came to me in a sort of revelation. After that thought occured to me, I couldn't figure out why I was doing it, so I stopped. I was just curious what your reaction would be to the same thought.

I don't mean it in a sarcastic way at all.

ladysycamore 02-12-2004 01:10 PM

ah that poor bird...
As sad as that looks, I had to laugh. And to the person who said original or crispy...LOL, you rule! :D

Griff 02-12-2004 01:13 PM


Originally posted by quzah

Why do you care?


Humorous and yet in no way meat-based.


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