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freshnesschronic 07-14-2007 09:45 AM

Censorship, Yo
I don't know if there's a censorship thread but there likely is but I haven't seen anything about one since I've been here so here goes.

Yesterday I was listening to a local pop radio station (B96 96.3) and there was this guy, probably sounded like 35 or mid late 30s? Yeah. Which is weird cause I thought he'd be at least a decade older, based on his opinions. He was calling into the station to give a complaint. I don't know how he initially got through but yeah, he did and it was aired, and he talked to the host saying "I'm here to tell you that I don't like what you're doing and I think you should stop because it's irresponsible. My daughter is 10 years old and you have too much adult related material flowing through you're station."

The radio DJ replied with "I'm sorry you feel that way but I'm going to keep doing whatever I want because this is my job and this is how it's done. Don't you think it's more of YOUR issue as a parent that you kid is listening to it?"

The guy was like "No, this is on public radio and the level of indecency you have is disgusting and filthy and they should kick you off the air. You have kids listening to this stuff all day."

The DJ was like "Ok, listen, I give you the time of day to complain about me and even let you be aired and you're telling me to get kicked off the air? It's parents like you who don't know how to set restrictions or limits, just don't let her listen to it."

The rest of the dialogue consisted of the guy saying "I want to leave a message to your manager" and the DJ saying "Ok, this is the B96 manager leave your message after the---BEEP!" The guy then attempted to record his message but was interrupted by slightly mocking song snippets such as "Milkshake" by Kelis (unfamiliar? Make you're own interpretation).

As a kid raised in a household where I couldn't even see Forest Gump when it was released and couldn't watch the Simpsons until 7th grade; I was definitely in the fighter's corner for the DJ. Since I was so sheltered as a kid, I myself personally believe it is better for to have a realistic interpretation of life, not of some butterscotch happy go lucky hold hands utopia that doesn't exist. And I don't think sex in media, pro wrestling or violent video games are harmful to culture and society. Personally, I am against censorship. If I don't want to watch it, I won't. In this case, listen to it. Simple as that.

Bullitt 07-14-2007 10:24 AM

They've started editing out drugs and anything related in songs just like shit, fuck, etc. on the radio around here. Example: the new Nickleback song went like this yesterday: "The girls come easy and the _____ (drugs) come cheap . . . Everybody’s got a __________ (drug dealer) on speed dial . . . Gonna pop my ____ (pills) from a pez dispenser". I've never been a fan of radio censorship, but this is just getting stupid.

Flint 07-14-2007 10:29 AM

I happened to be listening to an FM station when Alanis Morisette was played, you know the one: "another version of me, is she perverted like me? will she <obvious, awkward blank spot> in a theater?" ...they don't even bother to dub in replacement lyrics like they used to.

Edit: Have you ever noticed how many songs there used to be about having sex with underage girls? What about Pink Floyd calling to "get 'em up against the wall" or Lou Reed saying "colored girls" . . . ...Can an artist produce their best work, while afraid of being offensive? [/random thoughts]

fargon 07-14-2007 11:55 AM

Every radio I have ever owned has had a a control on the operation panel, called a tuner control. Some times it is a knob, or a button, if you don't like what your are hearing change the F___king channel. If that don't work turn the thing off.

Griff 07-14-2007 01:50 PM

Apparently parents don't want to parent.

Uisge Beatha 07-14-2007 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Griff
Apparently parents don't want to parent.

Bingo! Too darned many people today want to sit back and have everything done for them. This society needs to re-learn a bit of personal responsibilty.

rkzenrage 07-14-2007 03:30 PM

Ok... not my ususal... but, people are idiots.
The more you shelter your kid the more you ENSURE they are going to do drugs and fuck someone who they should run from as soon as they meet them.
If you have that impulse, you should just go ahead and give the the speed-ball and crack-whore now, get it over-with.
Fact, just a fact.

Jeboduuza 07-15-2007 01:26 AM

Concerning video games (duh it's me) Joseph Lieberman and Jack Thompson are douches and know nothing about video games.

Fucking bologna.

rkzenrage 07-15-2007 02:20 AM

People who blame music, movies, video games, etc, for kids behavior crack me up.
I assume they are idiots.
I am correct.

Bullitt 07-15-2007 10:56 AM

"Trained on X game" What a load of shit. Anyone who has ever shot a gun can tell you it is nothing like playing a first person shooter video game for God's sake.

Jeboduuza 07-15-2007 11:43 AM

Tell me about it Bullitt.

Here's a snippet of Jack from Wikipedia.

Thompson's "high-profile crusades" have made him an enemy of video game aficionados.[60] On occasion, Thompson has sparred directly with the gaming industry and its fans. In 2005, he wrote an open letter to Entertainment Software Association president Doug Lowenstein, making what he described as a “a modest video game proposal” (an allusion to the title of Jonathan Swift's satirical essay, A Modest Proposal) to the video game industry: Thompson said he would donate $10,000 to a charity designated by Take-Two CEO Paul Eibeler if any video game company would create a game including the scenario he described in the letter. The scenario called for the main character, whose son was killed by a boy who played violent video games, to murder a number of industry executives (including one modeled on Eibeler) and go on a killing spree at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Video game fans promptly began working to take Thompson up on his offer, resulting in the game I'm O.K - A Murder Simulator. Afterwards, he claimed that his proposal was satire, and as of May 2007, he has not made his proposed donation.
Freakin' lil bitch can't own up, what a tool.

Bullitt 07-15-2007 01:35 PM

That's hilarious Jeboduuza

"Manchurian Candidate children".. this guy is on another planet

piercehawkeye45 07-15-2007 04:53 PM

I don't really have proof for this but what I've heard is that violent video games are not healthy for very young kids because they will pick up on it but once they get older it is actually a release so they will actually be less violent by playing them.

DanaC 07-15-2007 06:37 PM


People who blame music, movies, video games, etc, for kids behavior crack me up.
I assume they are idiots.
I am correct
*Nods* clearly they are idiots who've never watched a small group of children play make believe. Most children like a healthy dose of gore and fear in their play and in their imaginary worlds. Fairy stories are dark; darker than any video game. We are much more squeamish about that stuff when we become adults.

A 'normal', well adjusted kid can cope perfectly well with the concept of fiction. They learn it very early on (can't recall exactly, but I think it's around the age of 3). The only kids likely to be drawing real-life lessons from their violent shootem-ups are kids who are probably going to act violently or in a disturbed manner, regardless of what they watch/play. Even if they mirror an actual game in their actions: that just means (imo) they've taken their theme from that game; the decision to act violently is entirely separate from the choice of theme.

Jeboduuza 07-16-2007 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 (Post 364249)
I don't really have proof for this but what I've heard is that violent video games are not healthy for very young kids because they will pick up on it but once they get older it is actually a release so they will actually be less violent by playing them.

I heard potatoes have eyes but I doubt they see well underground.

rkzenrage 07-16-2007 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 364269)
*Nods* clearly they are idiots who've never watched a small group of children play make believe. Most children like a healthy dose of gore and fear in their play and in their imaginary worlds. Fairy stories are dark; darker than any video game. We are much more squeamish about that stuff when we become adults.

A 'normal', well adjusted kid can cope perfectly well with the concept of fiction. They learn it very early on (can't recall exactly, but I think it's around the age of 3). The only kids likely to be drawing real-life lessons from their violent shootem-ups are kids who are probably going to act violently or in a disturbed manner, regardless of what they watch/play. Even if they mirror an actual game in their actions: that just means (imo) they've taken their theme from that game; the decision to act violently is entirely separate from the choice of theme.

These are the same, "pot is a gateway drug because heroin addicts did it" morons.
I have never met an addict, yes I have known quite a few, that did not smoke first... so, by their logic, actually cigarettes are the real demon of heroin.
Stupid people are funny and predictable and should not be allowed to hold jobs where they are allowed to speak.

freshnesschronic 07-16-2007 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 364346)
Stupid people are funny and predictable and should not be allowed to hold jobs where they are allowed to speak.

:whofart: Well then we'd have to reverse time by a few tens of thousands of years, wouldn't we. Doh!

piercehawkeye45 07-16-2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Jeboduuza (Post 364341)
I heard potatoes have eyes but I doubt they see well underground.

Mine actually came from a halfway reliable source...

Nivek 07-17-2007 07:59 PM

Holy crap. If you don't want your kid to listen to a radio station that don't let your kid listen to said radio station. Is this guy going to call every producer who has released an R or N17 rated movie and tell them they're sick and disgusting?

And I think censorship has gotten too exaggerated anyway. When you can't say "pills", "gun", or "four-four" in songs then you know it's gotten out of hand. "S---", "f---", and various sexual references should be blocked but everything else inevitably will be heard by a child at some point. If the kids don't hear it on the radio or at the movies or on TV then they're gonna hear it at school, no matter what. Even the private Christian schools have kids who cuss as much, if not more, than a public school.

Shielding your child from what they'll inevitably hear doesn't do anything but make them mad.

Urbane Guerrilla 07-18-2007 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 (Post 364249)
I don't really have proof for this but what I've heard is that violent video games are not healthy for very young kids because they will pick up on it but once they get older it is actually a release so they will actually be less violent by playing them.

It works with martial arts, if not precisely that way broken down by age. Aggression sees a full release.

There are two things you get in a martial arts dojo: the skills, and a big dose of morals. The sensei imparts both, in equal doses, or favoring the dose of morals. Every martial art worth its salt sees to it that sociopaths and brutes don't make black belt, nor teach.

Ibby 07-22-2007 05:01 PM

Fuck radio. Go Sirius.

Oh, and fuck Tipper fucking Gore too. She's the reason I could never vote for Al Gore. Oh, and Darling Nikki fucking owns.

piercehawkeye45 07-22-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 365219)
It works with martial arts, if not precisely that way broken down by age. Aggression sees a full release.

There are two things you get in a martial arts dojo: the skills, and a big dose of morals. The sensei imparts both, in equal doses, or favoring the dose of morals. Every martial art worth its salt sees to it that sociopaths and brutes don't make black belt, nor teach.


It is obviously a choice but I think martial arts a very good thing for people and society and I highly recommend it for anyone (except sociopaths of course), when taught right. It greatly increases self-confidence and, if taught right, will increase the morality of that person, which both will help society in general greatly.

Piccolo Padawan 07-23-2007 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 (Post 364249)
I don't really have proof for this but what I've heard is that violent video games are not healthy for very young kids because they will pick up on it but once they get older it is actually a release so they will actually be less violent by playing them.

it definitely is, I know when I get overly aggravated with the woes of being a teenager, I go off and play GTA or some random shooting game on the xbox. Or even blow off steam by going running.

But censorship in America has gotten entirely out of control. I love Germany because they are allowed to say words like, 'shit', 'fuck' and have naked people on cable television. It's ridiculous, if parents don't want their kids to experience the world and give them a realistic view, then they should either home school them in a bubble and hold their hands all through out life, or not even both to procreate at all, and not even waste our time.

Urbane Guerrilla 07-23-2007 03:52 AM

It can be rather discouraging, noting how some people demonstrate the hard way that they have no business being parents.

Clodfobble 07-23-2007 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Piccolo Padawan
it definitely is, I know when I get overly aggravated with the woes of being a teenager, I go off and play GTA or some random shooting game on the xbox....

But censorship in America has gotten entirely out of control. I love Germany because they are allowed to say words like, 'shit', 'fuck' and have naked people on cable television.

That's funny. Did you know that Germany has the strictest censorship rules for violent videogames out of all the countries where videogames are regularly released? You can't kill a human in a German videogame, period. The usual workaround for this in the industry is to change the blood color to green and add some bit to the storyline somewhere about how they are actually aliens that only look like humans.

The More You Know

rkzenrage 07-30-2007 03:00 AM

Just so I make it clear...
Censorship is stupid.
It is for morons, period.

If you cannot control what you think and how you process information, you are clinically insane and should not be allowed in public.
If you choose not to control your child, you should give them to someone who will or shut-up and not complain about what they are doing.
It is our job to parent, not the world's to parent for us.

Piccolo Padawan 08-01-2007 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 366930)
That's funny. Did you know that Germany has the strictest censorship rules for violent videogames out of all the countries where videogames are regularly released? You can't kill a human in a German videogame, period. The usual workaround for this in the industry is to change the blood color to green and add some bit to the storyline somewhere about how they are actually aliens that only look like humans.

The More You Know

I did indeed know that, but Germany isn't perfect. I just prefer their ideas on censorship in general better than here. Here is just ridiculous with the parents complaining about what their children see and hear on the radio or TV, and what not.

Chewbaccus 08-01-2007 09:22 AM

I love these stories. It's a guaranteed nostalgia trip back to when I lobbied my mother for a solid two weeks to get her to buy me a copy of Mortal Kombat 2 for Genesis. I failed utterly, of course, despite what I still feel was a highly-advanced level of debate and negotiation on my part for a child of my years. If I had to guess, I'd say the negotiations fell apart after she took the radical approach of going to the local EB and seeing MK2 on a demo station they'd set up. I didn't anticipate it, I didn't know parents could or would actually preview questionable material before granting viewing approval to the child. I dropped the ball, and I can only blame myself.

I'm a firm believer in the "it takes a village" philosophy of child-raising. For example, it takes a parent to set and enforce limits upon what the child can and can not see/do/etc., and it takes an older brother to help the child devise ways to covertly circumvent those limits. Such ways include, but are not limited to, playing Chris Rock albums in his car in the child's presence, watching Jackie Brown with the child at his apartment, and taking the child to an ECW house show two towns over. (Killer seats, bro. Thanks again.)

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