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bbro 12-01-2006 10:14 AM

Bathroom Etiquette
Okay, I know there is an unspoken rule about standing right next to a guy when at the urinals especially if there are empty urinals, but what about the women's room??

Say there are three stalls empty in a row (excluding handicapped). Do you go to the outside, or the middle? Me, I always go to the outside so if someonw comes in, they take the other outside and there is a buffer of a stall. I also hate it when I am in the outside and someone goes into the middle stall. Why do you have to be right next to me!!?

What are your thoughts? Am I the only woman that feels this way?

Shawnee123 12-01-2006 10:16 AM

OH NO, I feel this way too. I like bathroom privacy. There are about 10 stalls in the college b-room close to my office, and every once in a while someone picks the next corner one instead of all the empty ones on the other side of the wall.

Unless I need to ask them if they can "spare a square" I'd rather keep as much personal distance as possible.

Then you have the women who believe bathroom time is social time. Do your business and get out. Why do women go the bathroom in groups? It makes no sense to me!

rkzenrage 12-01-2006 10:28 AM

Guys, my wife told me this... did you know that chicks talk to each other in that bathroom, while they are on the toilet!!!! *sticks tongue in light socket*

bbro 12-01-2006 10:34 AM

See, I think if I am friends with the person, it is not so bad. I don't go to socialize, but if we are talking before we go in and there is no one in there, we usually continue talking. If I need privacy for a conversation, there is somewhere OTHER than the bathroom to go.

glatt 12-01-2006 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage
Guys, my wife told me this... did you know that chicks talk to each other in that bathroom, while they are on the toilet!!!! *sticks tongue in light socket*

We had some coed bathrooms in college. It was weird for a week or so, but I got used to it. Anyway, there was a couple, both freshmen, that would go in there and sit in stalls next to each other to take craps at the same time. They would hold hands under the stall wall, and one time I heard the guy say "Oh, honey, you must have eaten something that disagreed with you." Wtf?

SteveDallas 12-01-2006 10:45 AM

OK, after that one, I'm joining RK. Where's a light socket??

Shawnee123 12-01-2006 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage
Guys, my wife told me this... did you know that chicks talk to each other in that bathroom, while they are on the toilet!!!! *sticks tongue in light socket*

Not me that is GROSS! :p

rkzenrage 12-01-2006 10:46 AM

Told ya'!

bbro 12-01-2006 11:02 AM

Okay, that's a bit much! EW!! The only thing I passed under the stall was either paper or a cigarette! NO NO NO HOLDING HANDS!!!


rkzenrage 12-01-2006 11:03 AM

"Dude! Look at this turd! I just MADE this!!!"

glatt 12-01-2006 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by bbro
The only thing I passed under the stall was either paper or a cigarette!

A cigarette?! Did you use the hand you just wiped with? Ewww. :D

rkzenrage 12-01-2006 11:20 AM

No! Dude, you hold the pack down and they take their own...
*goes back to lamp*

bbro 12-01-2006 11:21 AM

There was no actual USE of the bathroom when the cigarette was passed.

That's just gross!! :sick:

Shawnee123 12-01-2006 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by bbro
There was no actual USE of the bathroom when the cigarette was passed.

That's just gross!! :sick:

Uh, was one of those "funny" cigarettes, wasn't it? ;)

rkzenrage 12-01-2006 11:30 AM

If so, all germs are negated.

Shawnee123 12-01-2006 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage
If so, all germs are negated.

Or irrelevant. ;)

rkzenrage 12-01-2006 11:35 AM

Damn skippy.

Sundae 12-01-2006 11:42 AM

I used to share a house with two girls who were pretty casual about using the bathroom. If I wanted a long relaxing bath I'd let them know beforehand, to get the bathroom clear for the next hour. They didn't return this courtesy, giving me a breezy, "Oh come in, I don't mind" instead" Well I minded! I actually went to the local supermarket once, because I needed a poo, wouldn't do it in front of her and douldn't wait.


I also worked in a building where a chattering crowd of girls would descend on the Ladies to do their make-up and gossip. I wouldn't mind but it was a telephone call centre! Who did they think was going to see them? I always found it very awkward walking in all unsuspecting and finding them lined up at the sinks. My usual trick was to yank some toilet paper out of a cubicle and blow my nose, as if that was all I'd come in for. I didn't want to have a wee while they were there in case a fart slipped out.

Yes, I know it's all natural, but I was younger then. I just couldn't face three or four glamour pusses when washing my hands, knowing they'd shared the remains of the day with me.

Shawnee123 12-01-2006 11:45 AM

I had a college roommate who I swear wouldn't answer the phone without her makeup on. She piled it on for about an hour every day. Let me tell ya...all the makeup and daddy's money didn't help her looks.

SG...I bet those roomies were to blame for your whole "pants/ascending fart" incident.

Sundae 12-01-2006 11:48 AM

I can't lay the blame for that at their door sadly. I shared with the girls in London. whereas the rolling fart phenomenon was here in Leicester.

rkzenrage 12-01-2006 11:49 AM

One of my wife's best friends wears it to the beach. She has one loose, I swear I can hear it rattling around in there when we are in the car.

dar512 12-01-2006 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
I can't lay the blame for that at their door sadly. I shared with the girls in London. whereas the rolling fart phenomenon was here in Leicester.

It would be a crying shame, SG, if you didn't take "Rolling Fart Phenomenon" as your user title for a short while. :D

Edited to add - could be a great band name, too.

rkzenrage 12-01-2006 11:53 AM

Rolling thunderess perhaps?

Hoof Hearted 12-01-2006 12:39 PM

Hubby and I are casual about our eliminations, though we both prefer privacy for the solid waste.

In public restrooms, I have difficulty doing anything other than a 'tinkle'. I greatly dislike for others to 'hear' me passing wind and plopping. If I MUST poo in a public restroom and there are other people in there...I will toss some TP into the toilet bowl to muffle the plops.

Why do I like to be so silent? I must have been a cat in a former life.... =^..^=

xoxoxoBruce 12-01-2006 09:30 PM


Why do I like to be so silent?
Because that's when you're most vulnerable and a predator might hear the plops.

The Sloths in South America..... and you know how long it takes them to get anywhere..... will climb down from the tree canopy to crap. Unless it's raining, then they let it drop because nothing will hear them.

Too much information.....sorry. :blush:

DucksNuts 12-01-2006 10:02 PM

I always go for the first stall, I read from one of those really reliable information sources (ok ok, it was Cleo but I was young!!) that said they are the least used, so usually the least germiest. That said I reckon after cleo posted that little gem, they are now the most used.

I like a bit of buffer space when available.

My girlfriend and I in our younger and drunker days, would always go in the same cubical, it was funny to hear the comments made and catch a glimpse of the looks.

I guffawed so hard once whilst in a public toilet, I had just entered and sat down (to pee), when I heard a loud rumbly explosion from the other occupied stall and a very loud ..."oh shit, oh my god, I'm soooo sorry. Dont get anything from that hamburger stall!!".

SteveDallas 12-01-2006 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts
I always go for the first stall, I read from one of those really reliable information sources (ok ok, it was Cleo but I was young!!) that said they are the least used, so usually the least germiest.

It may be that the toilet seat is the least of your worries.

footfootfoot 12-02-2006 06:48 PM

I had a friend who used to quip "The two words you never want to hear in the men's room: 'Nice cock'."

One night we were out drinking at a brew pub and getting fairly buzzed. We both were in the men's room at the urinals when a couple of young college kids walked in and took up spots along the wall. My pal finished up before I did and as he yanked up his fly he looked over at me and said in a loud enough voice "Nice cock." and walked out without looking back.

I completely lost it, mid piss convulsing with laughter, spraying the floor.

Ya had to be there.

Elspode 12-05-2006 07:20 AM

Ladies, if you want to cause an uproar in the public loo, you should try using this line.

Sundae 12-05-2006 12:32 PM

I have a similar story. I was on the streets of London for the millenium celebration. Although provision had been made for the huge crowds, there would never be adequate toilet facilities for female Londoners swigging champagne and beer on a cold night.

I was queueing for the Ladies like a good girl, when my two male companions came back to join me - they'd already been and gone if you get my drift. They persuaded me to use the near-empty Gents otherwise we'd be there all night.

As I was washing my hands I heard my then-boyfriend (standing guard) talking outside and a woman came in laughing. When she spotted me she did a quick double take and then said, "The man outside said he'd let me in if I gave him a kiss" to which I responded, "He said that to me too, but I've already seen his cock..." made a wry face and gestured with my little finger.

I exited with a big grin on my face and didn't tell him why for ages.

bbro 12-05-2006 12:42 PM

OMG!! That is hilarious!! I wish I was that witty half the time.

I remember the one and only time I went in the men's because the women's was broken at a bar. I was told that someone would be standing guard. There is no stall, merely a dividing wall between the sink and the toilet/urinal area. I did my thing, balancing precariously on my heels and went to wash my hands. As I left, I discovered there was NO guard and encountered a guy on his way in!! Luckily, I didn't have to use it again because they got the women's fixed. I think next time I will lock the freaking door!

Trilby 12-05-2006 12:49 PM

hm. usually the stall next to the first stall is germiest. (aka--the SECOND STALL!--which would be a good name for a rock band) and there is a surprising amount of spunk on grocery-cart handles (or, so I'm lead to believe) the thing IS: NO ONE wants to hear/smell/experience anyone else's dump or spunk. These are private things best emitted in the presence of the ultimate beloved or a highly paid companion.

Sundae 12-05-2006 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
These are private things best emitted in the presence of the ultimate beloved or a highly paid companion.

Next time I'm out I'll approach sopme beautiful young boy at the bar and say, "Scuse me love, can I pay you a lot of money to listen to me poo?" :worried:

Trilby 12-05-2006 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
Next time I'm out I'll approach sopme beautiful young boy at the bar and say, "Scuse me love, can I pay you a lot of money to listen to me poo?" :worried:

No denying that that is one way to approach it--my thought was that a person could find someone ELSE (aka: a kinkster) who would gladly pay for the priviledge. I do apologize--I'm a heartless capitalist. :(

Always seeing a way to make a buck via other people's weird-ness.

Sundae 12-05-2006 01:24 PM

Oh I get you now! Meh, knowing my luck I'd end up falling for them and they'd break my heart by only being interested in me when I'm on the glass coffee table.

Elspode 12-05-2006 01:45 PM

At Kansas City's Kemper Arena, there is a hopelessly inadequate supply of women's toilets, with the result that, during concerts, anyway, the ladies queue up to use the men's room private stalls while the men use the long trough urinals. Well, most of 'em, anyway. A few years back, I went to take a leak, and some chick was sitting on the sink, having a wee. Needless to say, she looked pretty blasted.

I did not wash my hands.

hampor 12-05-2006 01:51 PM

A friend of mine, Joe, was was using the urinal and an older man came in and starting using another one. After a while the other guy said out loud,

"Three weeks of antibiotics and it's still green."

Of course, on hearing this Joe really couldn't help glancing in that direction, and the guy yelled out.

"Ha Ha, made you look!"

rkzenrage 12-05-2006 02:26 PM

Awesome! I wish I could still use a urinal... I would do that ASAP!

SteveDallas 12-05-2006 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
Always seeing a way to make a buck via other people's weird-ness.

A digital camera.. a web site.. and go to town :)

Griff 12-05-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode

I did not wash my hands.

I wonder if she did?

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