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Undertoad 04-25-2006 12:41 PM

4/25/2006: Girl scouts harmless in 1976

xoB finds this in the archives of the National Park Service, who are credited. IotD seeks mind-boggling images and cultural images, and often the shots are of different lesser-known cultures and their mind-boggling practices. Well, presented here is the mind-boggling culture of thirty years ago.

Thirty years ago, if two 15-year-old girls were hitchhiking, through Yellowstone, unaccompanied, it would be incumbent on them to prove THEY were harmless. Not the driver picking them up.

And to prove it, they would announce right on their sign that they were Girl Scouts. Harmless, as in unarmed. And then they would flash the biggest possible smile at the upcoming driver.

It seems like a totally different culture, and yet it's right in the heart of Americana. Today, upon seeing this image, there would be multiple Amber Alerts issued, the national news would gear up for the Lost Scouts story, and helicopters would be flown to start the search for the shallow graves.

SteveDallas 04-25-2006 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
the national news would gear up for the Lost Scouts story

Even more so if they had happened to be blonde. I guess the media can't have everything . . .

You forgot the ritual mutilation of the parents, for allowing the girls to go gasp hiking.

Emrikol 04-25-2006 01:46 PM


(I just had to! I'm so sorry!)

Elspode 04-25-2006 01:53 PM

1. Chick on the left looks to be sporting a well-worn pair of Vasques, which were also my choice of footwear back in the 70's. Great old school hiking boots.

2. Anymore, you wonder who's preying on whom. I neither want to be a hitchhiker nor the prospective provider of transportation to a hitchhiker.

Isn't it incredibly sad that we are apparently totally unsafe in our own country, or that the media has persuaded us that we shouldn't feel safe?

Perry Winkle 04-25-2006 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
Isn't it incredibly sad that we are apparently totally unsafe in our own country, or that the media has persuaded us that we shouldn't feel safe?

I maintain that we're much safer than the media and government want us to believe. I mean you have to be careful but not everyone is out to get everyone else. Otherwise, we'd have quite a bit more chaos in this country than is apparent.

Elspode 04-25-2006 02:36 PM

That's the position I usually take. I think life has *always* been scary. We've just gotten more efficient at gathering and reporting the scary parts.

I think children have always been molested, but that we now have more systems in place to discover and report it, and our society has evolved to the point that we are less likely to look the other way. I think that there have always been horrible, senseless crimes, but we now have more free time to hear about them and ponder the horror.

I also think that the news media presents the most provocative, ghastly things it can so that we will watch them, their ratings will rise, and they can charge more for their advertising. It is a handy byproduct for them that they can then point proudly to themselves and profess that they are "revealing the truth". I'm not suggesting that such horrors should not be reported, but I'm pretty damn certain that the incidents themselves, horrible though they are, are being used as a sort of perverse entertainment to help stimulate profits.

Promenea 04-25-2006 03:25 PM

I used to hitchhike in the 70s, alone even sometimes. Back then nice people would pick you up. Now mostly they won't pick you up because they are scared so it stands to reason that hitchhiking isn't as safe anymore since only the predators stop for you.

gerstle 04-25-2006 03:29 PM

i'd just like to comment that i live about an hour north of yellowstone and my girlfriend and i would each, while alone probably not think twice about hitchhiking anywhere around here. Granted, my girlfriend also runs a 30"+ chainsaw for 8 hours a day...

The point is that life is a bit different here. Hell, i couldn't tell you the last time i locked the door to my house and i'm generally gone for 10-12 hours every day of the week. i still pick up hitchhikers when i'm driving alone in montana on a regular basis. I even picked one up in an audi a couple years ago, he didn't know what to think.

oh, i also still wear vasque sundowners (same boot as the girl in the left) on most hiking trips. That or chacos.

axlrosen 04-25-2006 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode
That's the position I usually take. I think life has *always* been scary. We've just gotten more efficient at gathering and reporting the scary parts.

Or the flip-side way of looking at is, life has always been not so dangerous. Who knows if the odds of getting kidnapped etc. have gone up or down since the "good old days". But the odds of *hearing* about a terrible crime have gone way, way up.

We're evolved to take news as evidence. 1000 years ago, you only heard about events that happened in your village. If you heard about one kidnapping a month, things really were VERY unsafe. But now if you hear about one kidnapping a month, that's one kidnapping in the entire U.S. But yet it still feels like the same evidence of danger, so we don't let our kids play outside, etc.

Flint 04-25-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad
Today, upon seeing this image, there would be multiple Amber Alerts issued, the national news would gear up for the Lost Scouts story, and helicopters would be flown to start the search for the shallow graves.

The sensationalistic media tends to give us the impression that the world is a more dangerous place. What we have these days is a situation where the bad news is crammed down our throats so often that we think it happens more often. It doesn't, it's just reported more often. How many blowjobs do you think JFK got that we never heard about in the news? Clinton got one, and they still won't shut up about it.

My band does a cover of Henley's Dirty Laundry.

Trilby 04-25-2006 04:44 PM

I hitch-hiked the entire summer of '82. I quit after the father of one of my classmates recognized me hitching, pulled over and bawled me out. He was pretty pissed off. (but,he did give me a ride home!:)

I don't think the Girl Scout Council would approve of this. Not even to sell cookies.

Girl on the right looks rather Sound of Music-ish.

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2006 07:20 PM

There' been an awful lot of rapes in the news.
I think I'll start hitchhiking to work. ;)

I knew you couldn't resist that picture, UT.

seakdivers 04-25-2006 07:36 PM

xoB - you are a dirty 'ol man...

I never pick up hitchhikers here - we have 14 freakin' miles of paved road. For fuck sakes they can walk to where they want to go.

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2006 07:48 PM

I'll have you know I shower daily. Gotta be ready, ya know. :p

Only 14 miles of sub-zero, with homicidal bears and pumas and stuff.

ferfanerd 04-25-2006 07:57 PM

I worked at Old Faithful in 96 and 97 in two giftshops. My boyfriend didn't have a car and would hitchhike where ever he needed to go that wasn't walking distance. This is common practice for the employees that work in the park that didn't drive out to the park. I had a car (1974 Super Beetle)and picked up hitchhikers when I wasn't in a hurry to be somewhere. You have more family-on-vacation and Retiree types coming through the park than anything. And guns are not allowed in the park. Im not saying no one ever gets through but...

seakdivers 04-25-2006 10:03 PM

xob - Pumas?

I am getting you a globe or a map for Christmas this year.

xoxoxoBruce 04-25-2006 10:42 PM

Pu-mas, is from an old Smothers Brothers routine. :D

rkzenrage 04-26-2006 01:06 AM

Statistically we are far safer now than ever before.
It is just reported more.
School violence is way down, school murder is WAY down over the last twenty years. But if you watch the news you would think there is an epidemic of kids killing other kids since Columbine... fear turns the set on.... fact. That is all.
"We have breaking news of something you may be eating that could be killing you RIGHT NOW... story at 11".

magilla 04-26-2006 09:36 AM

I worked near Crater Lake, OR in the 70s and 80s, and I used to hitch up to Portland on long weekends to see my GF. And I hitched to school (about 13 miles) and back every day for a whole semester (Corvallis OR to Albany). I think once I didn't get a ride and had to miss class. One trucker who picked me up made a point of showing me his machete, and once a couple put me in the back of their pickup with a large canine, but I never really had a problem. Wow. I haven't thought about that in years.

BigV 04-26-2006 10:30 PM

Gave a ride to a guy last week. I guess he wasn't hitchin, but just walking down the shoulder of the freeway. I had passed his disabled vehicle a half a mile earlier. I've accepted rides from strangers too.

Flint 04-27-2006 08:34 AM

I don't watch TV. At all. There is no signal going into my TV except the S-video cable from my 5-disc DVD changer (okay I have a VCR too). I keep some Family Guy or Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Simpsons or Seinfeld in there and maybe a movie or two I'm in the middle of, maybe some porno, I have plenty of things to entertain me. No need whatsoever to let the squawking propoganda freaks into my living room. Banish TV from your life - not just a little bit but completely - cut the cord! You will feel a million times better within a short span of time.

mlandman 04-27-2006 08:45 AM


Not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact, there's all sorts of right about that.

Thought the one on the right was a boy, when you look at the clothes and hat.

Harmless girlscout lesbians.

Dammit there should be a movie with that title.

Jordon 04-27-2006 10:10 AM

Whan that aprill with his shoures soote
The droghte of march hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour
Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
Whan zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
Tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the ram his halve cours yronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
That slepen al the nyght with open ye
(so priketh hem nature in hir corages);
Thanne longen Thelma and Louise to goon on pilgrimages

MaggieL 04-29-2006 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jordon
Thanne longen Thelma and Louise to goon on pilgrimages

Some phobias just don't let go...
Thelma and Louise weren't lesbians...but the *were* armed, and blew a rapist away.

Tsk, tsk, tsk....

mlandman 04-29-2006 12:59 PM


Some phobias just don't let go...
I don't think the word phobia means what you think it means.

xoxoxoBruce 04-29-2006 01:29 PM

1- A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.

2- A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

I think she does. ;)

mlandman 04-29-2006 02:29 PM


Some phobias just don't let go...
Thelma and Louise weren't lesbians...but the *were* armed, and blew a rapist away.
I don't see how the two sentences relate to each other.

xoxoxoBruce 04-29-2006 02:35 PM

It's a continuation of this thread. ;)

MaggieL 04-29-2006 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by mlandman
I don't see how the two sentences relate to each other.

If you don't see how Jordon can look at two Girl Scouts and see Thelma and Louise...then you're beginning to understand.

xoxoxoBruce 04-29-2006 06:12 PM

Uh, don't you think you might be a teeny tiny bit bias about know, from previous experience.:lol:

rkzenrage 04-29-2006 06:40 PM

Jordon: Bruce... I see gay peeeepuuul!

MaggieL 04-29-2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Uh, don't you think you might be a teeny tiny bit bias about know, from previous experience.:lol:

Biased perhaps. But not prejudiced.

xoxoxoBruce 04-29-2006 11:02 PM


MaggieL 04-30-2006 05:20 PM

Seems like Jordon has gone to seek more fertile fields, where his lack of debating skills won't be so prominent

rkzenrage 05-01-2006 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by MaggieL
Seems like Jordon has gone to seek more fertile fields, where his lack of debating skills won't be so prominent

He does seem to have issues with direct questions, even when they are laid-out very simply for him. Extremely confusing for me.

chrisinhouston 05-02-2006 12:16 PM

I have to question the term "Harmless" just meaning they will not be of any harm to anyone.

I had a female friend who was hitchiking home from college in upstate NY in 1969 and was picked up by a state trooper and booked for prostitution on the basis that she was young, female and soliciting a ride and who knows what else. The charge was later dropped but could that idea also be part of the meaning of "Harmless" on these Girl Scout's sign?

MaggieL 05-02-2006 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by chrisinhouston
I had a female friend who was hitchiking home from college in upstate NY in 1969 and was picked up by a state trooper and booked for prostitution on the basis that she was young, female and soliciting a ride ...

I had a female friend who was hit by a car in Smyna, DE in 1970 who was booked for prostitution on the basis that the ambulance attendant discovered she wasn't wearing panties under her ankle-length peasant skirt.

xoxoxoBruce 05-02-2006 03:30 PM

That makes sense, if she wasn't wearing a locked chastity belt she must be a hooker. :rolleyes:

SteveDallas 05-02-2006 04:49 PM

So what happened? Was she actually prosecuted?

MaggieL 05-03-2006 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas
So what happened? Was she actually prosecuted?

I don't think I recall they wrote a summons and she just never went back to Smyrna.

footfootfoot 05-03-2006 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Pu-mas, is from an old Smothers Brothers routine. :D

And why, pray tell, was that not on your cmep mix?:mad:

footfootfoot 05-03-2006 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by BigV
snip... I've accepted rides from strangers too.

What is your position on candy?

dar512 05-03-2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
What is your position on candy?

Missionary. Candy's more conventional than you might think.

footfootfoot 05-03-2006 01:52 PM

in that case, "HE HE HE"

xoxoxoBruce 05-03-2006 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
And why, pray tell, was that not on your cmep mix?:mad:

I haven't hear it since 1963. ;)

MaggieL 05-04-2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
I haven't hear it since 1963. ;)

I have most of the Smothers' albums on vinyl...used to belong to my father.

xoxoxoBruce 05-04-2006 02:46 PM

I haven't hear it? Good grief, since we got spell checking, I've gotten sloppy about rereading for obvious errors.


...used to belong to my father.
Are you insinuating I'm elderly? :lol:

When I was going to school in Boston, I'd buy the albums there for my buddy's wife because they were hard to find in the sticks.

MaggieL 05-04-2006 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Are you insinuating I'm elderly? :lol:

Anyone who still has vinyl is elderly.
Anyone who can *play* it is a fetishist.
Anyone who can rip it to MP3 is a geeky fetishist.

That would be me.

xoxoxoBruce 05-04-2006 06:40 PM

Geez, I've never been called "geeky fetishist" before. I don't know if I should be insulted or say thank you. :mg:

MaggieL 05-04-2006 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Geez, I've never been called "geeky fetishist" before. I don't know if I should be insulted or say thank you.

Take it in the spirit in which it was offered. :-)

Here's another disk my father had. I don't have the originals, unfortunately

xoxoxoBruce 05-04-2006 10:09 PM

I take it he was into audio pretty heavily. :blunt:

mitheral 05-05-2006 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by MaggieL
Anyone who still has vinyl is elderly.
Anyone who can *play* it is a fetishist.
Anyone who can rip it to MP3 is a geeky fetishist.

That would be me.

It's only fetishist if you actually do play it. I mean, I have rope in my house (and latex!) but that doesn't make me a part of the BSDM scene.

dar512 05-05-2006 04:37 PM

Well in order to rip vinyl, you've got to be able to play it. My turntable is hooked to my PC as I slowly transfer all the old vinyl to digital.

xoxoxoBruce 05-05-2006 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by mitheral
It's only fetishist if you actually do play it. I mean, I have rope in my house (and latex!) but that doesn't make me a part of the BSDM scene.

So your saying it's your actions, and not the tools, that define your bondage fetish. :lol:

MaggieL 05-06-2006 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
I take it he was into audio pretty heavily.

Indeed he was...although by profession he was a clergyman. Ultmately he was a regular contributer to The Journal of Church Music...but his interest in music was much broader than that.

That RCA recording (it was on loan; he didn't own it) he played for me in like those days he was also an elementary school science teacher at Pen Ryn, whic in those days was an Episcopal parochial school. The mid 1950's--the Sputnik era--was a truly amazing and magical time to have a science teacher in the family.

footfootfoot 05-07-2006 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by dar512
Well in order to rip vinyl, you've got to be able to play it. My turntable is hooked to my PC as I slowly transfer all the old vinyl to digital.

what program do you use to record the vinyl to your pc? i.e. how do you go from analog to digital? May be obvious to some, but not to me. I've a bunch of vinyl I'd love to transfer.

zippyt 05-07-2006 10:16 PM

Foot if you have a sound card you can get RCA to Mini jack cables at radio shack ( or sum such ) hook these up to your line in , there are MANY adio progs available , some free and some pay , when you get one make sure you can play with the sound levels and convert to MP3

BigV 05-07-2006 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
what program do you use to record the vinyl to your pc? i.e. how do you go from analog to digital? May be obvious to some, but not to me. I've a bunch of vinyl I'd love to transfer.

It's not obvious or trivial to get good digital transfers from vinyl. But it's not impossible. One of the main difficulties is the setup, which makes the prospect of transferring many albums more appealing--bulk rates, so to speak.

A friend and I have agreed to undertake digitizing each of our record collections this summer. It's not past the pencil and paper stage, though. I'll keep you updated as events warrant.

Undertoad 05-07-2006 10:37 PM

Older turntables need a phono preamp?

zippyt 05-07-2006 11:05 PM

My turn table has a preamp built in , if yours doesn't you could just hook it up to a tuner ( stereo ) and use the tape 2 output , again rca to mini cable .

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