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lumberjim 09-23-2007 09:12 PM

Workkin' Out!
How much ya bench?

Put your work out notes here. motivate the rest of us.

Here's what I did today:

25 minutes on the eliptical to warm up. heart rate avg 131, 1.75 miles.

then, the machines....Putting a bit more detail than i will in future so you can get an idea of the machines i use. might just be reps and weight next time.

link to a muscle map

Chest: upright lever press machine with the seat low so it works the top of my pecs. 160 lbs, 8 reps/ 100 lbs 10 reps/ 70 lbs 12 reps....burnouts, no break in between. Then I set the seat high so i'm working the lower boob muscles, and do 120lbs x 6, 80 x 8, 60 x 10, again break between.

Delts/Lats: pulling levers down to the sides.. 180lbs 12 reps ( i was up to 200, but my shoulder is a little hinky) then 120 x 8, 70 x 12.

Abs: Crunch machine 125 lbs 2 sets of 12 or 13 reps.

Biceps: 1 30 lb dumbell. I sit on the end of a bench, put my elbow on the inside of my thigh to hold my arm still. This isolates my bicep..(i had no idea how weak i was until i started doing these) and do 2 sets of 10 curls with each arm, with a 1 minute break between.

Back: Lever machine that simulates rowing a rowboat...90lbs 8 reps, 2 sets...concentrating on using your upper back muscles instead of your arms.

Shoulders: This was kind of a bitch, cuz, again, my left shoulder hurts. Reclining shoulder my arms are forward of my body, and it works the front of my shoulders and upper chest. 70 lbs, 1 set of 8 (I'm pretty beat by now) then I sit up and do a set of 50 lbs with my arms directly over my head (this works the shoulder muscles that connect to your neck[trapezius])

Obliques: I hate this machine. It's like the crunch machine, with the shoulder harness things that drop down, but you twist your torso. I set it on 4 (this is the range of twist....pretty much as far as i can twist) put 70 lbs on it, and twist it. god it sucks. it's like when you bend over for something, and some asshole puts their hand on the back of your head and tries to hold it down so you can't stand up...ya know? gives good results tho.

Triceps: this machine has a tall tower structure with cables and pulley wheels. there's a big thick rope that you hold and pull down. Keep your arms locked to your sides, and pull it down and then apart when you get to the bottom. I did 2 sets of 50 lbs. burns....

I didn't do any legs today other than the cardio.

jinx 09-23-2007 10:28 PM

Today I did:

10 mins 75 steps/min
10 mins 81 steps/min
5 mins 60 s/m - skipping step

lat machine
2/10 50bls
2/10 45 lbs

ab machine
2/10 35 lbs
2/10 30 lbs

rotary torso (the one jim hates)
2/10 25 lbs ( I hate it too)

abductor (thigh/ass)
4/10 50lbs

4/10 80lbs

leg curl (hammy)
2/10 45 lbs

DucksNuts 09-24-2007 12:11 AM

Friggen conversions!!

15 mins on treadmill warm up - program 6, which is hilly run (mostly on max incline)

15 mins on rowing machine

3 circuits of the following, with 15 reps on each machine, each circuit.

Pull Down, in front - 80kgs/180lbs

Pull Down, behind - 80kgs/180lbs

Leg press - 120kgs/265lbs (rawwwrrrrr)

Obliques - 15gs/30lbs

Pecs - 70kgs/150lbs

Squats - 40kgs/90lbs

Abs - 25 crunch, 25 extended legs, 25 on the ball

Dips - 25 (which near killed me!)

Hamstring Curls - 15kgs/30lbs on each leg

15 minute cool down/stretch

Next session is a 45 min cardio circuit...I love these!!

freshnesschronic 09-24-2007 02:18 AM

My health teacher in high school taught me one set of 8-12 reps working until complete muscle exhaustion is the best way to gain muscle strength. That's the method I use. I always try to lift between 8-12, if I rep too little I have to decrease weight, too many reps, increase weight.

I do one set of:

free weights:
- dual 40 lbs standing bicep curls
- single 60 lbs standing overhead two hand tricep extension
- dual 40 lbs sitting on bench shoulder presses
- dual 40 lbs laying on bench chest press
- 100 lbs (50 each side) barbell standing bicep curls

- 120 lbs chest fly
- 120 lbs chest press
- 110 lbs shoulder press
- 130 lbs lat pull down
- 110 lbs seated row
- 120 lbs seated tricep extension
- 130 lbs seated lower back stretch

My chest is what I really want to improve because I don't have one at all. Lower body falls at the way side-my calves and thighs and hammies are big naturally. Makes me look like an Inuit. Abs I workout for endurance so I usually do 130 lbs of 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps ab/oblique on the torso revolve machine on both the left and right side (16-24 reps total for both sides is one set).

I try to balance this every other day of the week, with the off day reserved for basketball. Weekends don't count-cause they're weekends!

Trilby 09-24-2007 09:47 AM

I walked 15 steps from the couch to the toaster, spread cheddar on my English muffin and walked the grueling 15 paces back to the couch.


theotherguy 09-24-2007 09:49 AM

One cup of coffee from the desk to lips and back again. Several times.

Clodfobble 09-24-2007 10:53 AM

How do you "spread" cheddar, Bri? Did you pre-melt it or something?

lookout123 09-24-2007 11:12 AM


1 50 minute game of small-side soccer (scored once, got flipped in the air once back hurts like a bitch)

Workout: (circuit,no break between exercise)

Chin-ups, 12
Push-ups - hands on medicine ball, 20
Inverted crunch with medicine ball, 30
30 lb (each arm) butterflies on swiss ball, 15
30 lb (each arm) reverse push up, 15
Dips with Medicine ball between knees, 15
Squat, jump, through, catch medicine ball, 15
Jump rope, 60 seconds

Repeat three times.
Wash it down with Endurox R4 and finish with 1 mile run.

queequeger 09-24-2007 11:48 AM

Does everyone here do full body workouts every day?

I work one or two muscle groups a day, usually 4-6 exercises per group, and either 3 or 6 sets per exercise.

For instance, yesterday I did chest heavy, so I did 3 sets each of bench press, incline press, decline press, free weight butterflies, machine butterflies, and machine bench press.

Today (if I have time, got lots of crap to do) I'll be doing biceps and triceps light, so probably 6 sets each (with rest only after the 3rd set) of standing curls, prayer bench hammer curls, machine rope curls and machine prayer curls. For the triceps I'll do standing arm extensions (that's a guess, not sure what they're really called), close grip bench press, prayer bench pulldowns, and machine rope pulldowns.

Heavy weights, I do 3 sets of 70%, 80% and 90% of maximum weight (which, for bench press is about 170 on a good day) with a minute or two between sets.

Light weights is more of a circuit thing, with six sets at 60, 70, 80, 80, 70, 60 and I break once at the top for 2 minutes, no breaks between exercises.

If I've got time I'll do 30 minutes on an elliptical, and I try (though, over the last two weeks I've been horrible about it) to run a few miles every morning, or go swimming at lunch. My cardio doesn't really cross over into regular working out, though, usually more like 2-4 times a week.

lookout123 09-24-2007 12:04 PM

i try to get as close to full body as i can each day ( i don't work with heavy weights though). I follow the idea of never doing the exact same workout twice, though.

Sundae 09-24-2007 12:12 PM

I've just come back from joining the gym.
I'm going to start with yoga, aqua aerobics, and possibly line dancing

lookout123 09-24-2007 12:15 PM

awesome! do not, i repeat, DO NOT, do what most of us do - let that membership go to waste.

Sundae 09-24-2007 12:29 PM

HM paying for it til I'm back at work
he already accepts he has taken on poking-me-until-I-go duties

queequeger 09-24-2007 12:40 PM

If you force it for a month, you'll magically start wanting to go. You'll start looking forward to it, planning what you're going to do next.

theotherguy 09-24-2007 12:40 PM

HM sounds like a really great guy.

jinx 09-24-2007 01:19 PM

Sounds great SG.
Our place has TV's in front of the cardio equip. If you find a good show you can easily lose an hour on the treadmill...
I bet you'll enjoy the yoga. I took a 1 on 1 class that nearly killed me, obviously would see huge results if I stuck with it, but the schedule doesn't work for me. I know 2 different women that decided to try yoga out to get some exercise and are now instructors they liked it so much (1 was a very highly paid fashion photographer in NYC)

Enjoy yourself - and keep posting!

monster 09-24-2007 04:02 PM

Just swam today. 48 lengths (2/3 mile) 25 mins, half breaststroke, half freestyle.

Bullitt 09-24-2007 04:57 PM

I would kill for my school to have a pool for me to do laps in. Somehow we can pay off whoever to let us have our home football games in the Football Hall of Fame stadium, and straight up buy a whole apartment complex to house extra students this year, but can't be bothered to add a frickin pool to our wellness center. We have to use the one at the Jewish Community Center down the street. How's that for irony. My old high school has a better gym facility than this. [/end rant]

I've been using the for a couple of months now and I have been feeling the effects of it. I'm not ripped, yet haha, but I feel much more energized, wake up well rested (which is huge for me), and just overall feel more fit. It seriously looks like some lame off of TV thing, but it's (plus better diet and regular 8 hours of sleep) been working for me.

DucksNuts 09-24-2007 11:28 PM

SG - if you lose motivation and find yourself not wanting to go to the gym....make yourself get organised and go....but, tell yourself that if you get changed and STILL dont want to work out, that you can just walk out of the changeroom and go home.

Its a trick that my old PTer used to say and it works.

I workout 6 days a week, but I do 8 sessions a week.

I run 4 days, 2 days of strength training and on Tuesdays and Thursday I do a run in the morning and a aqua aerobics or bootcamp workout of a nite.

Trilby 09-25-2007 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 388432)
How do you "spread" cheddar, Bri? Did you pre-melt it or something?

It's that Kaukauna spreadable cheddar from Wisconsin that comes in a tub.

(You see how I'm talking about food in an exercise thread? I'm in complete denial and should have my jaw wired shut for six months. I disgust myself.)

Shawnee123 09-25-2007 07:56 AM

Ah yes! Great on the Sociables. ;)

Flint 09-25-2007 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 388493)
...Our place has TV's in front of the cardio equip. If you find a good show you can easily lose an hour on the treadmill...

The drummer for Slipknot (Joey Jordison) practices his double bass for hours, sitting in front of the TV.
I have tried doing mindless single-stroke rolls on a practice pad while watching movies. Developing "muscle memory" ...

Flunt 09-25-2007 10:22 AM

.'..but for some reason, as soon as i take my mind off of what i'm doing, my right hand goes tube shaped, and starts a-thrusting back and forth.'

jinx 09-25-2007 10:26 PM

I don't work out every day, usually 4-5 days/wk, and it's mostly the same every time... slowing adding weight over time.

Worked out today - pretty much the same as Sunday but only 20mins on the stairmotherfucker, 75 and 68 steps/min.

lookout123 09-25-2007 10:50 PM

pretty bruised and sore from sunday's harsh tackle.

45 minutes on the cycle, 1 mile run.

pull ups - 10
chin ups - 10
medicine ball crunches - 20
medicine ball pushups - 20

3 sets.

monster 09-25-2007 11:21 PM

Planned to work out and swim today, but got drafted into marshalling kids for picture day at school. Lots of corridors and stairs, and some mental shit too. I earned my beer.

Griff 09-26-2007 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 388852)
The drummer for Slipknot (Joey Jordison) practices his double bass for hours, sitting in front of the TV.
I have tried doing mindless single-stroke rolls on a practice pad while watching movies. Developing "muscle memory" ...

That is huge in fencing as well. If your reactions are automatic and correct the game slows down.

Sundae 09-26-2007 11:56 AM

Had my first yoga lesson today.
I will admit I didn't enjoy it.

It didn't start well - we got there after the start of the class (okay - only a few seconds, but I was out of breath, sweaty and mortified) because of HM's inability to be on time for anything. Grrrr.

I then had problems with any positions on my knees - they aren't great at the best of times, but I have bruises and scabs from falling over on Monday. So that was all ouch ouch ouch.

Then my severely underworked muscles meant I shaked badly holding any position, which doesn't help my naturally poor balance.

And finally my rolls of fat got in the way of any positions not covered by the above complaints.

Yes I am going again. The fact I disliked it mostly because I was so bad at it makes me far more determined than if I'd accomplished it all easily but just didn't enjoy it.

Going to try & go twice a week.

theotherguy 09-26-2007 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 389223)
I then had problems with any positions on my knees

From what I have read, you should have been great at those! :thumb:

I really think you are going to like yoga. I found it to be one of the most relaxing things I have ever done. However, once the VCR died, I stopped doing it. I really should look into a DVD version or a class.

lumberjim 09-26-2007 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 389223)

And finally my rolls of fat got in the way of any positions not covered by the above complaints.

when I first started at the gym, i had to set the squat machine to a way outside setting cuz my enormous gut was in the way. it gets better.

on our way to the gym now.

theotherguy 09-26-2007 02:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)

jinx 09-26-2007 07:39 PM

35min - 15elev (steepest), 2.5mph

Lat 4/10 45lb

Ab 3/10 35lb 1/10 30lb
Rot 2/12 25lb each way

Abductor 4/10 50lbs
Adductor 2/10 40lbs

Squat 4/10 80lbs
Curl 2/12 45lbs

Swam for a while - just playing and cooling off, no laps

lumberjim 09-26-2007 07:48 PM

eliptical 35 mins ...avg heart rate 141

chest press: 160 lbs x 12/ 100x 8/70/10 burn outs
2nd set 140 x 8/ 90x8/ 60x 12

-old bitch jumped on the lat machine just before me. old bitch

crunch machine: 125lbs 2 sets of 15 ...owie

-goddamned old man jumps on the lat machine infront of me. goddamn old man.

shoulder press: 90 lbs, 10 reps hurts, so stopped at one the fucking lat machine is open!

Lats: 200 lbs X 8, 130X10, 90x10
set2: 160lbs X 8, 110X 12, 80 X 15

ISO curls: moved up to the 35 lb dumbell today , 7 reps each arm, rest then only 4 1/2 each. arms are gonna be huge.

Tricep machine: 50 lbs, 2 sets of 10

then swimming. one sprint of 50m. and playing with the kids.

jinx actually got in the pool today. you should have seen her in her hot pink bikini with the little frilly skirt thingy.... hawt.

monster 09-26-2007 10:53 PM

1.5 hours figureskating. remembered to hold the abs in most of the time...

jinx 09-30-2007 07:13 PM

1hr yesterday (15elev - 2.5mph - 560calories)
45min today (same - same - 440)

Same-ish strength training both days

lumberjim 09-30-2007 07:34 PM

45 minutes on the treadmill 13 elev, 2.3 mph avg heart rate 154
(while watching the cowboys beat the snot out of the rams....did you see that play where the snap went flying over Romo's head, and he chased it back like 30 yards, and then ran it all the way back for the 1st down?! christ! )


chest: burnouts: 160lbs x 8 , 120, 80 rest 140x 5 100, 70

lats: burnouts: 200lbs x 8, 150, 100 rest 150x10, 100

crunch machine 125 lbs 15 reps, 12 reps

Iso curls 35lbs 7 reps each, rest, 4 reps.

back: 2 sets of 14 x 90 lbs on the row machine

shouders: 90 lbs 2 sets of 10

triceps: 2 sets of 10, 50 lbs

leg curls: 2 sets of 11 at 7o lbs. i am really weak in the hamstrings.....i think its cuz i have no ass.

TheMercenary 09-30-2007 08:04 PM

80 min on the rugby pitch yesterday. Today rest, recover, work.

DucksNuts 09-30-2007 08:10 PM

Hacked up left lung....25 mins

Hacked up right lung....18mins

Abs of steel

monster 10-01-2007 12:48 AM

painted the deck. took three days. On second day, could feel stiffness from first day, so must be exercise. On third day, nearlly died . Definitely worth mentioning in th workout log.

Sundae 10-01-2007 09:58 AM

Just come back from a terrible yoga class - I won't go to one o that teachers ones again until (if!) I get a lot better. She was very fond of a position called Downward Facing Dog (I heard Diamond Dog, but HM corrected me on the way home). My arms aren't strong enough to hold it for more than 10 seconds, so back on my knees for most of the lesson.

Never mind, there are another 2 instructors so I'll be okay - and I feel better about the first class I took now!

Tomorrow I am going line dancing, and Wednesday to Water Workout. If my swimming costume arrives that is - had to buy it from eBay because the local sports shops don't stock my HUGE size...

monster 10-01-2007 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 390950)
Just come back from a terrible yoga class - I won't go to one o that teachers ones again until (if!) I get a lot better. She was very fond of a position called Downward Facing Dog (I heard Diamond Dog, but HM corrected me on the way home). My arms aren't strong enough to hold it for more than 10 seconds, so back on my knees for most of the lesson.

Never mind, there are another 2 instructors so I'll be okay - and I feel better about the first class I took now!

Tomorrow I am going line dancing, and Wednesday to Water Workout. If my swimming costume arrives that is - had to buy it from eBay because the local sports shops don't stock my HUGE size...

Hey SG, "Downwards facing dog" (often shortened to downwards dog or down dog) is a "resting" position which you will encounter a lot in all yoga classes as it's often used as a "segway" between poses. And you will get better at it. But meanwhile, talk to the instructors ask them for an alternative -they will probably recommend the child pose. But if you keep changing instructors, you'll soon run out of them! 10 seconds is pretty good for a beginner, anyway! Well done you. Just try to see the instructors as allies rather than enemies. And don't see difficulty as failure. Ask for alternatives/help to improve.

lumberjim 10-05-2007 08:22 PM

1/2 hour on treadmill......burned 400 calories :finger pop:

chest: burnouts 160lbsx8, 120,, 100x5, 70x5

lats/delts 200 lbs X 10, 150 x 10, 100x 10 rest 150 x 8, 100 x 5....woof.

obliques: twisty bastard machine, 12 each side postition 4 70lbs :grr:

iso curls: 35 lbs set of 4 each side, rest, set of 6 each side

triceps: 2 sets, 50 lbs

hammies: leg curls 75lbs x 12, 2 sets

swam a few laps...mostly playing around though.

i have a cold. working out is teh suxor when you have a cold. especially a new one. bleh.

monster 10-05-2007 09:08 PM

on Weds I did my ice class and fell on my ass.

on Thurs I swam 3/4 of a mile in 40 mins.

today I walked with the 1st and 2nd grade to a park 10 minutes away, and back.

Guess which took the most energy and caused the most pain?

Sundae 10-06-2007 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 391032)
Hey SG, "Downwards facing dog" (often shortened to downwards dog or down dog) is a "resting" position which you will encounter a lot in all yoga classes as it's often used as a "segway" between poses. And you will get better at it. But meanwhile, talk to the instructors ask them for an alternative -they will probably recommend the child pose. But if you keep changing instructors, you'll soon run out of them! 10 seconds is pretty good for a beginner, anyway! Well done you. Just try to see the instructors as allies rather than enemies. And don't see difficulty as failure. Ask for alternatives/help to improve.

I wonder if we're talking about the same pose - HM said it was a dynamic pose. He did back me up, saying the class wasn't pitched correctly (it's supposed to be "All" but he said it was level 2). He's done yoga for years and felt it was too advanced for 75% of the class (not the dog position of course, that's just my currently flabby muscles), but in terms of strength and balance, not enough rest and the lack of interaction. He's going to carry on going to her class though, because he's at that level already.

The specific issues I had with this teacher I didn't have with Bernadette (the previous week), so I'll go to her class for the next few weeks. Or Margaret's - I haven't been to one of hers yet and I'd like to try them all. I know I'm negative, but the instructor in the above class really wasn't good for me - she demonstrated all the positions but then held them with her eyes closed for example, whereas Bernadette circles the room giving individual help. She also spoke very quietly and used the yoga names without their English description. She's only there until the end of October, so after that we'll go back to Vitor, who HM says is also very helpful to beginners.

I am going to keep going with this - if only because when I see the other women doing the harder versions of the poses with sweat drips off my nose doing the easy one I envy them their serene calm. I'd like to earn a bit of that.

monster 10-07-2007 05:29 PM

Yeah. sounds like a poor instructor. I bet it's the same pose, and it's not intended to be a resting pose, hence the "", but..... :D

Sundae 10-10-2007 11:08 AM

Line dancing yesterday - 90 mins of seeing my fat red balloon face bob about behind all the dear little old ladies. Still - every time I do it I tell myself I will sweat less next time... It may only be a tiny amount less, but if I'm sweating it's working, right? One of the songs we danced to was Copperhead Road by Steve Earl - too cool! Shame it was a hard dance with lots of turns so I barely heard the song :)

Water Workout today - oh my word I LOVED it!
I have no doubt it will hurt like buggery tomorrow - I could feel it working even as I was doing it. I think I should go twice a week as it's something I enjoy.

Yoga tomorrow. Bleurgh. Still, it's with Bernadette again, so my only issues will be with my own body. I did have a sneaky thought that now I had an exercise I enjoy I could give up yoga, but then realised the very fact I have trouble with yoga and not with Water Workout means they are both necessary. Anyway, I can't give something up just because it's hard - I'm a procrastinator not a quitter.

lumberjim 10-10-2007 07:14 PM

today.....a phucking hour on the dread mill. burnt 729 calories. yahoo. avg heart rate 146, max 154.

then the weight room

chest: 160 x 10, 120 x 8, 80 x 8 no rest between 140 x 3 (ouch) 100 x 5, 80 x 5. guess i did too much in the first set, or didnt rest long enough.

lats, delts: 200 x 12, 150 x 10, 100 x 10 x 8, 100 x 8, 70 x 12

obliques: 1 set of 10 each side @ 70 lbs.....still hate this machine

crunches 2 sets of 13 at 125 lbs

iso curls, 35 lbs, 8 reps each, rest, 6 reps each.

triceps: 1 set of 10 at 75 lbs.

then swimming :

fooled around and played with the kids mostly, but jinx agreed to race me in a freestyle sprint ( 1 lap ) I crushed 1.5 body lengths..... and then i almost died of exhaustion. call 911.

DucksNuts 10-10-2007 09:18 PM

SG - thats the thing about Water *shouldnt* feel it tomorrow and if you are stiff from other will work them out.

I love water aerobics.

I am not working out because I am drowning in my own snot and can hardly breathe :)

Sundae 10-11-2007 01:56 PM

'm not really feeling it, woohoo!

Yoga was better today - I'm sticking with Bernadette for the time being.
I came out of it feeling quite peculiar - as if my legs had been put on backwards. So I went for a walk for another hour - not bad.

I've also booked in for my gym induction, even though I only intend to use the CV room. Well the weather is on the turn and it's good to know I'll have somewhere to walk in the dry.

theotherguy 10-11-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 393842)
I am not working out because I am drowning in my own snot and can hardly breathe :)

And you plan on getting laid this weekend? Snot does not equal sexy.

DucksNuts 10-11-2007 06:44 PM

In your world maybe

monster 10-11-2007 09:10 PM

Natural lubricant?

- - - -

swam a half mile today

DucksNuts 10-11-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by theotherguy (Post 394093)
And you plan on getting laid this weekend? Snot does not equal sexy.

Oh Oh....more proof... NSFW LINK

Aliantha 10-11-2007 11:52 PM

yucko. lol Is there anyone that finds that arousing?

ZenGum 10-12-2007 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 393842)

I love water aerobics.

I am not working out because I am drowning in my own snot and can hardly breathe :)

It isn't sexy (to me) but it could be great exercise:

[Advertising voice]
Yes! Snot-aerobics! Now at a special snot-pool in a gym near you!
The higher viscosity of the snot means more resistance, more support, and a better workout. And the wholesome organic goodness of the snot will enrich your skin with essential vitamins and nutrients, maintaining your skin's natural balance and leaving it looking younger and silky-smooth!

(pardon me while I go and :vomit: )

Sundae 10-12-2007 09:33 AM

Turns out today is the day I feel like I've been beaten with a big dirty stick.
Something about yoga - despite its benign appearance and the intensive stretching we do, it makes me ache like buggery the next day.

Water Workout on Monday, Line Dancing on Tuesday and then probably Yoya on Wednesday - induction Thursday then we're back to where we started. Scary having the week planned out ahead!

theotherguy 10-12-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 394290)
Oh Oh....more proof... NSFW LINK

That is just so very wrong. You my dear, are a freak.

DucksNuts 10-13-2007 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by theotherguy (Post 394448)
That is just so very wrong. You my dear, are a freak.

'tis why you love me :D

Oh and bugger about the ouchies SG

lumberjim 10-16-2007 06:57 PM

1/2 hour eliptical journey while listening to 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court'

Chest: up to 180 today x 8, 120x 6, 80x6
rest, 2nd set 140x5, 100x5, 70x15

lats: 200 x 8, 150 x 8, 100 x 8 rest 170 x 8, 120 x 8, 70x 20

crunch machine: 135 x 10, 2 sets's crazy....125 isnt enough, but 135 almost killed me.

triceps: 60 lbs 2 sets of 10

leg curls 75 lbs 2 sets of 10

curls 35 lb iso curls...8 each, then 4 each.

and i was up to 280 again, goddamnit. i must be retaining water.

monster 10-16-2007 08:29 PM

Oh bugger off, I'm too busy to work out.

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