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Kitsune 01-31-2007 02:42 PM

Boston Bomb Scare
2 Attachment(s)
Someone gets some circuit boards, solders some LEDs to them, attaches a battery and magnets and puts them around Boston in a bit of creative prank/graffiti fun.

...and then everyone freaks out.


A source close to the investigation told WBZ it was a "sophisticated electronic device" that somebody placed there for a reason. It was not an explosive device and police say it did not pose any danger to anyone.

The device, a large circuit board with wires and batteries, was found attached to a beam with magnets about 15-to-20 feet above a busway that runs below an elevated section of the highway.

A bomb squad officer removed it and authorities blasted it with a water cannon around 10 a.m. to render it useless. The highway and T station re-opened a short time later.
On CNN they're calling the placing of the light-up Adult Swim character Ignignokt a "potential terrorist dry run" and that the devices were "engineered to look like real bombs".

My, my, we're a twitchy and nervous lot these days.

Happy Monkey 01-31-2007 02:50 PM

Boston, eh?

It seems a bit banal for an MIT hack, but I suppose a freshman's gotta start somewhere...

Flint 01-31-2007 02:50 PM

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The Mooninite Quote Generator

Well for one thing, the moon has one third less gravity than your earth, I don't know if you can understand that, but our vertical leap is beyond all measurement. -Ignignokt

Alright, when I say your name, you say 'here.' And we will assume 'here' is short for 'here I am...rock you like a hurricane.' -Ignignokt

Here on the moon, our weekends are so advanced, they encompass the entire week. -Ignignokt

Bow your heads or I'll bow em for ya! -Err

Kitsune 01-31-2007 02:59 PM

Thank god it wasn't Mario blocks.

glatt 01-31-2007 03:00 PM

WTF? It's just an LED throwie on steroids.

Kitsune 01-31-2007 03:24 PM

For what they look like up close, along with pictures of what they look like lit up, check here.

Flint 01-31-2007 03:27 PM

It's a fuckin' Lite-Brite.

Kitsune 01-31-2007 03:30 PM

Pretty fancy lite-bright. The boards look professionally printed.

Happy Monkey 01-31-2007 04:05 PM

Hopping around the coverage of this, I gotta say- who do "the officials" think is menacing our country? A Batman villain? Do they seriously think that a bomb is going to be covered with blinky lights in the form of a cartoon character?

Flint 01-31-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 311905)
Do they seriously think that a bomb is going to be covered with blinky lights in the form of a cartoon character?

That's why they call it terrorism: they want you to know that it's a bomb, but you can't get to it (much less decide whether to clip the blue or the red wire, oh no! the red wire made it go faster!) because it's, like, ten feet up in the air and you don't have a ladder.

Oh my God has anybody got a ladde-BOOM!!! That's the terror part.

Happy Monkey 01-31-2007 04:59 PM

Apparently they're ads. I thought they were a bit boring for MIT.

Flint 01-31-2007 05:05 PM


"We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger."
Revised from: We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger, you fucking morons.


...the objects had been in place for two to three weeks in
Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Portland, Austin, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.

Happy Monkey 01-31-2007 05:14 PM

On the plus side for Turner, they can now start selling them. Boston just made them the hot commodity on college campuses across the nation.

BigV 01-31-2007 05:41 PM

I liked (not) the part about

...City and state officials tried to quell fears today at a press conference at about the time Turner Broadcasting took responsibility for the publicity stunt. Boston Mayor Thomas promised to prosecute those responsible for what was described at the time as a hoax.

"This is not playing around," said Menino, who added that each individual scare could be punishable by two to three years in prison.
Good grief. What if I thought the "lost dog" flyers stapled to telephone poles in my neighborhood were "scary"? 2-3 years per flyer? I'm going to jail because you're a ninny? What happens if the bad guys make a bomb that looks like, I dunno, say, A CAR?!?! Will I get 2-3 years for scaring people who see my car? Wait, I own two cars, that's 4-6 years.


Am I the only one that thinks the "bad guys" are wetting their pants with laughter at the overreaction here? Don't get me wrong--Terrorists==bad. I know that. But prosecuting people for, um, advertising? You're joking, right? No, I didn't think so.

Happy Monkey 01-31-2007 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 311922)
Am I the only one that thinks the "bad guys" are wetting their pants with laughter at the overreaction here? Don't get me wrong--Terrorists==bad. I know that. But prosecuting people for, um, advertising? You're joking, right? No, I didn't think so.

I can support some littering fines, but that's about it.

Here's a first-person account.

Elspode 01-31-2007 06:02 PM

I think we need to make up a bunch of these that have a scrolling display that reas, "This is not a bomb, you dimwits", and the stick them all over the place.

Then, if touched, the display should suddenly change to an animated explosion, with the word "BOOM!" in it.

Happy Monkey 01-31-2007 06:05 PM

The reporting was pretty consistently calling them "hoax devices", which upon first glance makes no sense, as they obviously were not intended to look like bombs, but that is the terminology in the terrorism law.

Spexxvet 01-31-2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 311916)

"We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger."
Revised from: We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger, you fucking morons.

"but we're really glad we've gotten all this free publicity"

Kitsune 01-31-2007 06:18 PM

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Funniest paranoia event of 2007 so far.

Flint 01-31-2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 311942)
"but we're really glad we've gotten all this free publicity"

I was telling my wife about this, and how they were supposedly in all these other cities for all this time, so what was it that made them a "bomb threat" in Boston? She says "Someone from Turner Broadcatsing 'reported' them in Boston?"

xoxoxoBruce 01-31-2007 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 311890)
WTF? It's just an LED throwie on steroids.

That was my first thought.

[soapbox] Don't be so quick to condemn the mayor and all the city agencies that responded to this. They're doing their job. They're doing what we want them to do for a change.... protect the public. They have to respond to any unknown with maximum caution.
Just because they are within it's range and not watching on TV from a thousand miles away, dictates extreme caution.

How do you know the next terrorist bomb won't have blinky LED cartoon characters on it? Once the bomb is placed, that would be a way to attract the maximum curious people close.

So there's no reason to break their balls for doing their job the way they have scripted and rehearsed it. [/soapbox]

As you were and thank you for your attention. :cool:

Kitsune 01-31-2007 09:05 PM

The stupidity continues following an incident in which the city of Boston protected its citizens by detonating advertisements. A student that works for the advertising company has been arrested and charged with "placing a hoax device that results in panic".


“It is outrageous, in a post 9/11 world, that a company would use this type of marketing scheme. I am prepared to take any and all legal action against Turner Broadcasting and its affiliates for any and all expenses incurred during the response to today’s incidents. Boston will look to coordinate our efforts going forward with Cambridge, Somerville and any other affected agencies.”
So the city of Boston, instead of admitting they mistook a harmless set of lights for a bomb and tied up traffic for hours after announcing to the public that possible bombs had been planted around the city, pulls the "9/11 terrorism card"? And they're trying to tell us the advertising employee caused the panic?

You don't need to plant an actual bomb to bring a city to a halt, scare the public, and cause economic damage. All you have to do is hang a motherboard from a telephone pole or duct tape a flashlight to a bridge girder. That's essentially what this boils down to, right? If the police see something and don't know what it is, the default conclusion is that it's a bomb set by terrorists. And even if the package is harmless, if you're the person that left it, your ass is going to pay for causing panic.

Note to self: don't ever accidentally leave lunch box in the park, again.

I never thought the law enforcement organizations that protect our communities would be reduced to these types of unrealistic, excessive reactions. This is fucking ridiculous.

rkzenrage 02-01-2007 01:24 AM

They freaked out as if they had no brain, then acted like, and continue to act like, a bunch of assholes... that is all.
The terrorists have won, we have no Constitution and our "protectors" are a bunch of fucking ninnys.

xoxoxoBruce 02-01-2007 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsune (Post 311978)
[Note to self: don't ever accidentally leave lunch box in the park, again.

Absolutely, ever wonder how many do turn out to be bombs? Quite a few in this area, a rash of pipe bombs, the last couple years.
Muslim terrorists aren't the only ones that build bombs. Oklahoma City? :unsure:

If anyone would care to volunteer to check out suspicious packages, there's lots of openings, just contact the police.

tw 02-01-2007 05:04 AM

But again a well proven concept is demonstrated:
85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management.

A mental midget president has promoted fears in excess (for personal popularity). Even an advertisement must be a terrorist device. Same advertisements were in 10 other cities without calling out the bomb squad or National Guard. But hype and fear - this is how George Jr promotes popularity - because the boggy man is everywhere.

Of course we had more than enough security before 11 Sept. What changed? The administration stopped investigation after investigation that would have found Atta and his peers. The president, instead, promotes more fear, more dictatorship powers, more money, subvert the courts, torture… so that even LED displays “contain components of an inert bomb”. 85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management.

Secret Service must even check under the president's bed every night. He fears. It once got high approval ratings.

Sundae 02-01-2007 05:22 AM

What can I say - get used to it. Said with sympathy and sadness.

When I lived in London I lost count of how many times my journey was disrupted by a suspect package - in my 3.5 years there not a single one turned out to be a bomb.

And in the 10-odd years of staying with my grandparents in the school holidays I wasn't able to use a litter bin on a station platform because they had all been removed. True, London was still being bombed by the IRA during this time, but it was an everyday inconvenience all the same.

I'm not suggesting that the authorites didn't over-react in this case, but this is the way the world has been for a while and it seems to have finally caught up with America. In some ways you're lucky that the terrorists only seem to want to make big gestures in your country. It makes the plots easier to uncover.

Kitsune 02-01-2007 06:46 AM

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Dear City of Boston,

After witnessing the horror of yesterday's terrorist scare, I must warn you there are many more suspicious packages in your city! Included is a map of just a handful of the dozens that are hidden in many of your public, populated areas and are concealed in your parks where children play. These packages are often dangerous-looking ammunition boxes, camouflaged plastic bins, and magnetic holders attached to USPS mailboxes and benches. The contents of these packages is a mystery. They are placed by people using a system employed by the 9/11 hijackers, GPS, and are visited frequently by suspect persons attempting to keep their actions secret. Prepare your citizens for the mass panic to come! For more information on what roads to close, buildings to evacuate, and where to deploy your bomb squad/homeland security forces, simply follow this link.

We all pray for the best possible outcome, that these are hoax bombs, and that the criminals involved are quickly arrested and charged for their horrific actions.

Kitsune 02-01-2007 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 312022)
...but this is the way the world has been for a while and it seems to have finally caught up with America.

I heard this same argument used, on both sides of the Atlantic, after 9/11. I don't buy it in either instance and I hope that the US never becomes the police state that the UK is and that Australia is becoming. Just because the people in those countries submitted to it doesn't mean the US should tolerate excessive police force, cameras monitoring every angle of every block of city, and "hoax bomb" freak-outs.

You people are trying to ban pointy objects. Stop being so damned afraid of everything.

Flint 02-01-2007 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 312021)
But again a well proven concept is demonstrated:
85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management.

I was thinking about this yesterday. Fear. It's a great political tool, very useful in securing elections. It crushes all dissent, it spawns awful new laws, unimaginable (to a reasoning mind) legal precedents. So, it's a great tool for those interested in securing power.

But, what will they be securing power of?

A crippled society. A dysfunctional populace.

Fear changes the nature of the society, from the inside out. The country that you've wrestled into submission... Is it something you would even want any part of, now that it's a slobbering brain-dead goon, lumbering along in constant reactionary mode, stumbling forward with no clear goal, cringing at it's own shadow? Is it worth it? Now you're in control, total control, of a wasted, worthless society. You'll be on top for a few short years before the whole house-of-cards collapses.

I don't think the Fear card has been fully considered, before being brought into play.

Undertoad 02-01-2007 08:42 AM

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
-F.D. Roosevelt, during his first inaugural address. He went on to secure three more presidential elections.

Flint 02-01-2007 08:58 AM

On a lighter note, I can't believe TheOnion isn't all over this story. I fully expected to see this featured on AMERICAN VOICES today.

glatt 02-01-2007 09:03 AM

The Washington Post this morning had a spin on this story that I liked. After they reported all the facts in the first several paragraphs of the story, they did a few "man on the street" perspectives from bloggers. Basically calling the officials a bunch of over-reacting morons. But the Post didn't come right out and say it, they just quoted others saying it.

Hippikos 02-01-2007 09:04 AM

Our national railway system was wrecked because of some lose luggages which turned out to be false alarm, as usual.

Airport security checks are now extended to an absolute horror. I needed almost 1 hour to cross the security gates alone in Gatwick recently. Removing jackets, shoes, belts, remove laptop from luggage, seperate liquid containers from luggage. It may take one minute, but if 50-60 people are in front of you..

Them beardy faces in the mountains in Nowheristan have only to sit back relax and see the chaos they've created.

Flint 02-01-2007 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Hippikos (Post 312049)
Them beardy faces in the mountains in Nowheristan have only to sit back relax and see the chaos they've created.

"Mission Accomplished" ...Oh, and not to mention the excellent recruitment campaign we've predictably launched in Iraq. We're so easy to manipulate.

Griff 02-01-2007 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 312044)
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
-F.D. Roosevelt, during his first inaugural address. He went on to secure three more presidential elections. pimping fear.

Elspode 02-01-2007 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsune (Post 312028)
Dear City of Boston,
I must warn you there are many more suspicious packages in your city!

At least Geocaches are generally hidden...making them that much more dangerous and sinister!

Kitsune 02-01-2007 10:22 AM

Another is arrested and charged, this morning.


"The individuals who placed these packages should be warned that there is a heavy penalty -- two to five years imprisonment for each one of them. We are not playing around."

"Public safety officials are all working together. There is no time for anyone to panic."
Of course not. It wasn't time to lock down the city, either, or have the bomb squad rush around to blow up lighted advertisements. Yet, this is exactly what your city did.

Maybe I'm wrong in being outraged by this and perhaps I should report anything suspect and take it seriously in this "post 9/11 age", but there is something about this that makes me think that this is a big statement being put out by the city of Boston that condemns any action that is outside the accepted norm. After seeing the ads, seeing what they looked like and what they were made of, and hearing what the law enforcement reps said about them both before and after, I now believe that they could not have possibly have been mistaken for bombs -- no other city with these ads reacted this way, no other reports were filed. Even in the remote possibility that one could have been, there is no way they were mistaken for explosives after they detonated the first one, then the second one, and then were still claiming they might be deadly devices while inspecting the third and forth ones.

If a simple Lite Bright-like board could be confused for an "improvised explosive device", then they can charge anyone under these laws for damn near doing anything "suspicious". We're going to see a lot more of this. No, it is absolutely not normal. No, we should not accept it. This is clearly abuse of power, plain and simple.

tw 02-01-2007 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsune (Post 312028)
After witnessing the horror of yesterday's terrorist scare, I must warn you there are many more suspicious packages in your city!

Nobody builds a bomb and covers it with flashing LEDs. Putting a visual timer on a bomb - that is only in the movies (Goldfinger) so that brown shirts can understand 'what is a bomb'. Typical bomb, instead, is in a grocery bag or a UPS package.

A thin sign of LEDs with some D batteries? Only a brown shirt would call that a bomb. But again, why are we in Iraq? Same reason cited by Hitler's Mein Kampf. Preach to the brown shirts and marginalize the people of intelligence. Then fear can be promoted - such as Saddam conspiring with bin Laden. It is how Hitler then came to power.

Are you a brown shirt? Did you believe outright and intentional lies that Saddam conspired with bin Laden? Then George Jr needs you for his team. You will then see bombs even on flat LED panels. Promote more fear.

These brown shirts would even prosecute students hired to distribute LED advertisements. "Components of an inert bomb"? Well then I was building terrorist weapons using Op amps and noise makers in early 1960s. Why, back then, was it considered humor - and today considered terrorism? 85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management. The mental midget and his allies feared those who knew what he really was back in 2003.

We so cannot be trusted that even White House lawyers must rewrite all science reports - so that science is made safer. This so that only the brown shirts know what is good for America. No wonder the mental midget has driven quantum physics and stem cell research from this nation. No wonder it takes up to five years for a science student to get a visa - to study in America. We don't need no stink'in science. We have brown shirts.

BigV 02-01-2007 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsune (Post 311943)
Funniest paranoia event of 2007 so far.

:lighter :STANDING OVATION: :lighter:


Happy Monkey 02-01-2007 10:29 AM

Everybody needs some stickers that say "This looks absolutely nothing like a bomb" for all of their possessions, just so nobody can accuse them of having "hoax devices".

cowhead 02-01-2007 10:34 AM

the whole thing is very very silly.. but the part that bothered me the most is when the boston police chief is saying " materials used were consistant with IEDs" hmmm.. batteries, wires and circuit boards? CRAP!!! EVERYONE AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER!!! NOW!!! whew.. I wonder how much we could get out of bill gates?

Flint 02-01-2007 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 312087)
Everybody needs some stickers that say "This looks absolutely nothing like a bomb" for all of their possessions, just so nobody can accuse them of having "hoax devices".

No matter how you word it, the sticker could be construed as "threatening" etc. ... Logic and reason do not apply here.

Flint 02-01-2007 10:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is the worst theat Boston has faced since the giant-spaceship-guitars-that-explode-the-Earth.

Shawnee123 02-01-2007 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 312096)
This is the worst theat Boston has faced since the giant-spaceship-guitars-that-explode-the-Earth.

Awesome! :biglaugha

"We were just another bomb out of Boston..."

Flint 02-01-2007 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 312097)
Awesome! :biglaugha

I'm not gonna lie to ya, I'm listening to that album right now. Tom Scholtz (lead guitar, engineer) is an MIT graduate with a Master's Degree in Mecchanical Engineering, and a kick-ass guitarist (see: solo section of Hitch a Ride). btw: whatever happened to vocal harmonies in rock bands?

BigV 02-01-2007 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 311963)
That was my first thought.

[soapbox] Don't be so quick to condemn the mayor and all the city agencies that responded to this. They're doing their job. They're doing what we want them to do for a change.... protect the public. They have to respond to any unknown with maximum caution.
Just because they are within it's range and not watching on TV from a thousand miles away, dictates extreme caution.

How do you know the next terrorist bomb won't have blinky LED cartoon characters on it? Once the bomb is placed, that would be a way to attract the maximum curious people close.

So there's no reason to break their balls for doing their job the way they have scripted and rehearsed it. [/soapbox]

As you were and thank you for your attention. :cool:

Dear xoB:

Once again, you display the wisdom and calmness for which you are known. You're right on target. The public agencies *are* expected to respond. We all agree on that. But I think I may not have made my point clear.

I don't condemn the public safety officials for responding to the physical threat. I **do** condemn those officials who made statements about prosecuting people for what happened here. That is not right. This is no act of terrorism, I don’t care how freaked out somebody got.

Somebody was suspicious, there was a call, there was a response and it turned out to be a big false alarm. I called 911 once and nobody had to go to the hospital after they came. I said I was sorry I overreacted, I was scared, I didn’t know what to do, so I called. The first responders, the fire truck full of firemen and the aid car full of emt/paramedics, said “No problem. You did what you were supposed to do.” And I didn’t get charged for the trip or the call, I didn’t get arrested and prosecuted for guessing wrong about the seriousness of the situation.

We’re well past the panic phase of this event. It’s not an emergency anymore. There’s no need to respond with force, to speed through town lights and sirens blazing. There is no crime here, so why is there all this talk of prosecution? THAT’S what I’m chapped about.

If it’s “the law”, then the law is w-r-o-n-g. If it’s a judgment call on the part of the prosecutor, then his judgment is wrong. It’s over, nothing to see here, move along people, as you were, etc, etc. Jail?! Why? Explain why this is an act of terrorism.

Elspode 02-01-2007 11:12 AM

Isn't it time we changed the words to America the Beautiful?

"from every mountainside, let freedom - echo (asitrecedesintothedistance)."

BigV 02-01-2007 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Griff

Originally Posted by Undertoad
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
-F.D. Roosevelt, during his first inaugural address. He went on to secure three more presidential elections. pimping fear.

You could say that but I think you'd be 180 degrees from the truth. I hear that statement as "Stand up. Don't be afraid. There's nothing out there. It's ok, you're just scared."

GWB "pimps fear". WMDs. Yellowcake. Nukyular Islamofacists. Most of all "Them."

GWB points over there and says "that's scary". FDR pointed at the American people and said "there's nothing to be scared of".

Big difference.

Shawnee123 02-01-2007 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by Flint
whatever happened to vocal harmonies in rock bands?

In Jr Hi my best friend had the album and had me listen to the harmony at the end of More than A Feeling, right before it goes out. I think it was my first intro to listening to "arrangement" of music and harmony. Good stuff.

Flint 02-01-2007 12:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Kitsune 02-01-2007 01:21 PM

I think it is very important to listen to what the people of Boston think.


Hey Borat, you’re not a citizen? That’s too bad. How does five years at Cedar Junction sound, followed by a steerage-class flight back to the Third World hellhole from which you came, to annoy the taxpaying citizens? It’s from us to you, Borat. Don’t consider your deportation an obscene gesture. Think of it as a work of art, in progress.

Happy Monkey 02-01-2007 01:30 PM

Jeez, what a worthless column...

Flint 02-01-2007 01:30 PM

:::can't seem to type up a coherent response to this at the moment:::

Flint 02-01-2007 01:33 PM

But...what we're Freedom ??? :::head explodes:::

Kitsune 02-01-2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 312134)
Jeez, what a worthless column...

If you think that was worthless, you should check out the press event for the two arrested.

That was, perhaps, the most smart ass "no comment" I've ever seen.

Happy Monkey 02-01-2007 02:13 PM


Flint 02-01-2007 02:18 PM

"Ad Hoax Suspects Make Mockery Of Situation" The title of this video, once again, confounds my ability to comment appropriately.

BigV 02-01-2007 02:19 PM

tit for tat

Flint 02-01-2007 02:20 PM

That was it. Thanks, BigV.

BigV 02-01-2007 02:32 PM

News voice off camera: "Are you afraid if you go to prison, you'll get your hair cut?"

Dreadlocks: "That's a very good question. I think, I think the laws in this country are still pretty comfy as to, as to that, I feel that whatever happens my hair is safe at the moment."

"You're squandering the sympathy of the people by not talking about...."

"...your clients are not generating much sympathy with the press or the public with their attitude".

Scolded by the reporters? hahaha. It's a perfect response. A non statement for a non event.

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