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Undertoad 01-19-2003 11:06 AM

1/19/2003: Man-breast fashion,00.html

Welcome to the latest: shown at the fall & winter 2003 men's fashions by a Brit designer, and taken seriously by an Aussie fashion reporter. Yes, he's wearing falsies.

"The look is controversial but we may see it in some diluted manner in stores," said one retailer's director of fahions.

Chance this particular fashion will be seen on me: 0.00000%

I thought it was important, in this case, to work out the probability to several significant digits.

elSicomoro 01-19-2003 12:26 PM

My own boobies are big enough that I don't need falsies.

wolf 01-19-2003 01:41 PM

Strangely, from a fashion standpoint, I'm finding the man-tits far less disturbing than the sleeve on that turtleneck. What is with that??? Too long and all rumply?

Ah. Screw it. My own idea of high fashion involves the bluejeans without the holes and a teeshirt worn over a turtleneck. (and I have gotten myself a job where I can dress like this at work and not get reprimanded for it)

perth 01-19-2003 02:08 PM

is that jude law?


SteveDallas 01-20-2003 12:27 AM

Two thoughts:

1. This is a job for Kramer and the "bro".

2. I tried (admittedly, not very hard) to imagine how this might show up "diluted" and I did not succeed.

jaguar 01-20-2003 01:03 AM

that garbage song keeps going through my head 'you free yourself with your androgyny'

Elspode 01-20-2003 08:51 AM

A stunning statement in men's fashion, destined to blur the distinctions between art and clothing design...

Huh? What? Where...where am I?

I think I was channeling Mr. Blackwell, there. What? He's not dead? Well, that can be fixed.

xoxoxoBruce 01-20-2003 09:17 AM


Griff 01-20-2003 09:58 AM

Wolfs right, the sweater is somehow creepier than the mansere.

Thadius 01-20-2003 02:19 PM

So the representation in womans fashion would be ... open shirt, hary chest, medallion.. I think I may have dated her already.

juju 01-20-2003 06:56 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
For God's sake, stop! Just stop. Regular fonts are okay.

Griff 01-20-2003 07:16 PM

Jag opened a can o' wupass on him before. He's just not gettin it.

smed 01-20-2003 09:18 PM

I usually just lurk....but something has to be said here.

This model...and ANYONE who had ANYTHING to do with this picture should be drawn & quartered !! PERIOD.

I'm completely comfortable with homosexuals, transvestites, freaks and your life as you please.
But this is just utterly fucking disgusting.

I'm completely repulsed.

juju 01-21-2003 12:49 AM

Hmmm.. are you sure your comfortable with all those things? How can you be completely comfortable with transvestites and still be repulsed by this picture?

It's very telling that you group homosexuals and transvestites into the same set as freaks and weirdos. If you were really completely cool with them, why are they so weird and freakish?

Also, what is it with people who spell out the word 'period'? It's meant to be a little dot that puncuates your sentence! It does not make your point any more valid.

<blockquote>The moon is made of green cheese. PERIOD! End of discussion.</blockquote>
See? I look like a fool, don't I? Just accept my logic because I spelled out my redundant punctuation.

That Guy 01-21-2003 01:38 AM


Originally posted by juju
Just accept my logic because I spelled out my redundant punctuation.
Actually, comma, this guy should have spelled out, open quote, "EXCLAMATION POINT EXCLAMATION POINT," closed quote. Nice (capitol N) point, (comma) though. Period.

juju 01-21-2003 01:52 AM

Wow, you really have a good point! After all, look at all that punctuation you spelled out! Henceforth, I will believe anything that anyone says so long as it ends with spelled-out punctuation. All logic shall be tossed aside, and that person's views will be completly believed be me. Free ticket, people!

dave 01-21-2003 08:41 AM

You've ranted and raved about this what seems like a hundred times. It's <b>old</b>, man. I'm tired of it. Period.

smed 01-21-2003 10:57 AM

First of all.....this is a MAN dressed as a MAN.
MEN don't have breasts like that just in case you haven't noticed.

From my understanding of this situation....this is the fashion industry's answer to MEN who want to dress like MEN yet still show their BOOBS for whatever freakish reason that may be. And it's not just over the edge...its wrong.

As far as my point regarding weirdo's and homo's in the same apologies to the homo's. I was merely trying to point out that I'm accepting of what's normally considered 'alternative'......shit that goes over the edge like this.....unacceptable. Even for a side-show, circa 1890's

Lastly - dont tell me how to write and puncuate asshole.


Originally posted by juju
Hmmm.. are you sure your comfortable with all those things? How can you be completely comfortable with transvestites and still be repulsed by this picture?

It's very telling that you group homosexuals and transvestites into the same set as freaks and weirdos. If you were really completely cool with them, why are they so weird and freakish?

Also, what is it with people who spell out the word 'period'? It's meant to be a little dot that puncuates your sentence!

juju 01-21-2003 12:16 PM


Originally posted by smed
Lastly - dont tell me how to write and puncuate asshole.
I wasn't telling you how to do anything. Just giving my opinion!

juju 01-21-2003 12:23 PM


Originally posted by dave
You've ranted and raved about this what seems like a hundred times. It's <b>old</b>, man. I'm tired of it. Period.
Yeah, but it still annoys me just as much. There was only one other incident, I think. Besides, of course you're tired of it. You do it!

dave 01-21-2003 01:42 PM

No, you've gone on about it a number of times.

The fact of the matter is that it is recognized as proper English as an <i>interjection</i>. It's a part of speech (and there's nothing wrong with it) whether you like it or not.

smed 01-21-2003 01:47 PM

I gave my 'opinion' about the picture....which is what this forum is designed to reflect....going by the title.

Your opinion was regarding my response.....and I don't really give a shit what you think about my response or my comfort level with homosexuals and other alternative lifestyles.
If you don't agree....that's your perogative.

the picture illustrates MAN a male member of this species....I feel digusted that the fashion industry considers this depiction a valid representation of what some men may feel looks good in attire.
I disagree....and I'm failry sure that MOST men would.

Furthermore to answer your question regarding my comfort level.....Transvestites have already conceded that they would rather dress like WOMEN and not like MEN....for whatever reason that may be. The picture of this MAN dressed like a MAN, but sporting BOOBS is contrary to most other abnormal expressions of one's confusion with their sexuality. It's not just the redefines the extreme and I don't think it has any valid place in fashion today, or society in general. How the fsck do I explain THAT to my kids? At least with a transvestite...I can tell them that "this man prefers to dress like women becasue he has feelings like a women" WTF do I tell them about this? "This man would prefer to dress like a man, but likes having BOOBS" ??

That's enough of this's pathetic.
From now on I go back to lurking, lest not to offend any MAN-BOOB toting members of the Cellar's society.

Keep your opinions to the subject matter at hand, and you're most likely to ruffle the fewest feathers.


Originally posted by juju

I wasn't telling you how to do anything. Just giving my opinion!

Elspode 01-21-2003 01:48 PM

Is it possible to rename an ongoing thread once it degenerates significantly?

This one needs to be renamed "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah" in order to reflect its current trend.

juju 01-21-2003 02:17 PM

I didn't mean for you to take my comments personally. I only wanted to provoke a little discussion, while making some cute jokes in the process.

As far as your views on man-boobs, I do respect your opinion. That's why I was trying to solicit more information from you -- I was curious about what you thought. I wasn't judging you at all. I guess it just came off that way. As to the punctuation thing, I was only trying to be funny. My apologies.

smed 01-21-2003 03:11 PM

Apology accepted.
You're entitled to your own opinions.
Somehow the humor never transferred off the page, though.

I'm sorry this thread ever's been upsetting since it's inception. I guess the 'toad is doing his job and doing it well!
Kudos to the 'toad.


Originally posted by juju
I didn't mean for you to take my comments personally. I only wanted to provoke a little discussion, while making some cute jokes in the process.

As far as your views on man-boobs, I do respect your opinion. That's why I was trying to solicit more information from you -- I was curious about what you thought. I wasn't judging you at all. I guess it just came off that way. As to the punctuation thing, I was only trying to be funny. My apologies.

Stress Puppy 01-21-2003 05:47 PM

I gotta say, Smed, you don't understand. You should probably read some information on Transvestite/Transgender/Homosexuality/Sexuality in general before forming society-biased opinions. I mean really, you're spazzing out because someone likes something other than what you think should be liked. How can you say that someone's preference is wrong?

Anyway, a Transvestite probably isn't confused about their sexuality. Indeed, they probably understand it better than you understand your own, as they've obviously done enough thinking about it to realize that they feel more comfortable in women's clothing than what would normally be worn by men (which is a concept I think is stupid anyway. Anyone should wear whatever they feel comfortable in anyway, not what society says they should wear because they have certain bodyparts)

Also, some men do have 'breasts'. Not in the literal sense, obviously, since they don't have the mamory glands (Though I wouldn't rule out that possiblity either), but maybe they were overweight and didn't lose the flab from their chest.

Basically what I'm trying to say here, is that you should just do what you want to do, and let other people do what they want to do (within reason), and not take it personally when someone doesn't think like you. I think you'll be a lot happier that way.

juju 01-21-2003 06:32 PM

There was a guy on Sally Jesse Raphael a while back who had boobs. They weren't natural, he had them done by a breast enlargement doctor. He wasn't gay, either. He was completely heterosexual. He was just a really, really hardcore gambler. He and his friends had always been betting each other over bigger and bigger things, and it had finally resulted in this. I forget how much money he won, but part of the deal was that he had to keep them in for something like two years. But he liked them so much that he kept them!

If only I could find reference to in online! Oh well, you'll just have to take my word for it. He was a man with boobs. Not the flabby man-fat kind, either. Real C-cup boobs. Not unusual for a transexual, I suppose, but if he really was a heterosexual who did it only on a bet, it's quite a story.

BrianR 01-21-2003 07:01 PM

I can't find a reference either, but I remember the bet was recognisable implants over the course of one year for a total of $100,000.

Personally, I wouldn't do it for any money but some guys just can't skip a bet.


Griff 01-21-2003 07:09 PM


Originally posted by juju
Real C-cup boobs.
Why would you ever leave the house? :)

juju 01-21-2003 07:13 PM

I suppose that's why he decided to keep them. :)

Thadius 01-21-2003 09:43 PM

To coin an old English phrase to an old picture.

Nice pair of top Bollocks man...

smed 01-21-2003 10:07 PM

It's not's freakish and should be tolerated no more than a woman running around with a roll of socks in her trou emphasizing a psuedo-penis.
I can't say it's wrong.......however I can have a strong opinion questioning it's validity as art or fashion.

If your going to bust my balls about my opinion...that perhaps you don't agree with.....that's fine. But unless your a MAN who wears outfit's that emphasize your BOOB's, dont talk to me about my understanding of sexuality. I'm not reading shit about Transvestites....I have no time for that drivel...furthermore, I don't give a shit about how they feel and what they like to wear.

Lastly....your a boob wearing she-man, aren't you?
Go hang out with all of the other boob-men here at the Cellar.
I have no time for this degenerative conversation.


Originally posted by Stress Puppy
I gotta say, Smed, you don't understand. You should probably read some information on Transvestite/Transgender/Homosexuality/Sexuality in general before forming society-biased opinions. I mean really, you're spazzing out because someone likes something other than what you think should be liked. How can you say that someone's preference is wrong?

Anyway, a Transvestite probably isn't confused about their sexuality. Indeed, they probably understand it better than you understand your own, as they've obviously done enough thinking about it to realize that they feel more comfortable in women's clothing than what would normally be worn by men (which is a concept I think is stupid anyway. Anyone should wear whatever they feel comfortable in anyway, not what society says they should wear because they have certain bodyparts)

Also, some men do have 'breasts'. Not in the literal sense, obviously, since they don't have the mamory glands (Though I wouldn't rule out that possiblity either), but maybe they were overweight and didn't lose the flab from their chest.

Basically what I'm trying to say here, is that you should just do what you want to do, and let other people do what they want to do (within reason), and not take it personally when someone doesn't think like you. I think you'll be a lot happier that way.

Whit 01-21-2003 10:55 PM


Posted by smed
Lastly....your a boob wearing she-man, aren't you?
Go hang out with all of the other boob-men here at the Cellar.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hmm, I'm more of a leg man myself... Though I'd be remiss if I were to suggest that boobs aren't pleasant. I also think most of the men here would agree, a nice ass is good too. Come to think of it most of the women I know appreciate a nice ass as well. (On guys of course)

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Have a nice day.

juju 01-22-2003 12:40 AM


Originally posted by smed
Lastly....your a boob wearing she-man, aren't you?
Go hang out with all of the other boob-men here at the Cellar.

Dammit. You have me! Folks, I fear I have something to confess to you all tonight. I have man-boobs. Yes, that's right. I'm sorry I didn't reveal it sooner. What can I say? The wife just loves them. I'm sorry. You didn't need to know that. Er, anyway, this completely biases me with regard to this discussion, and for that I am sorry.

Man-boobs represet!

[edit: university server down. alternate link.]

Skunks 01-22-2003 01:02 AM


Originally posted by juju
Man-boobs represet!
That's the best thing this fashion has going for it. All I gotta do to be trendy is don some weird-ass pink sweater and suck my gut in.

Elspode 01-22-2003 09:14 AM


Originally posted by Griff

Why would you ever leave the house? :)

Well, speaking only for myself, I would still have to leave the house i search of the main course, despite the fact that I had the appetizers within easy reach.

smed 01-22-2003 09:37 AM

I wasn't talking to you last response was to StressPuppy's comments from a prior post.
Thank you for your confession in any event......
Nice picture.....I almost vomitted my coffee all over my keyboard.


Originally posted by juju

Dammit. You have me! Folks, I fear I have something to confess to you all tonight. I have man-boobs. Yes, that's right. I'm sorry I didn't reveal it sooner. What can I say? The wife just loves them. I'm sorry. You didn't need to know that. Er, anyway, this completely biases me with regard to this discussion, and for that I am sorry.

Man-boobs represet!

juju 01-22-2003 11:42 AM

Ah well, at least I've made everyone's morning a little brighter (or at least strange). :)

Dagney 01-22-2003 12:25 PM

Just an observation....
I've been peeking in on this thread from time to time just to see what all the hubbub is about....

but I do have one thing to say....twisting Mr Shakespeare's words at the same time.

"The smed doth protest too much, methinks."

Just an observation...

(who doesn't currently have a treatment for pantiesinabunchitis)

smed 01-22-2003 12:50 PM

Re: Just an observation....
Enjoy wearing your man-boobs then......


Originally posted by Dagney
I've been peeking in on this thread from time to time just to see what all the hubbub is about....

but I do have one thing to say....twisting Mr Shakespeare's words at the same time.

"The smed doth protest too much, methinks."

Just an observation...

(who doesn't currently have a treatment for pantiesinabunchitis)

Elspode 01-22-2003 12:57 PM

Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by smed
Enjoy wearing your man-boobs then......

I believe that Dagney has alluded to being a member of the female gender in the past. I would therefore assume that she is able to enjoy her own real, natural features with relative ease and frequency.

Dagney 01-22-2003 01:03 PM

Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by smed
Enjoy wearing your man-boobs then......

Would be a bit difficult for me to wear man-boobs, seeing that the ones I carry around are genuine, grade A, XX chromosome, estrogen enhanced, home grown, permanently attached, girl flesh.

But on a 'serious' note, and I say this without implied humor, smilies, or otherwise; Why the heck does it matter to you if a man wears falsies, or a woman leaves her house packing a little bit more than she was born with? Granted, there are a lot more plain ole vanilla, missionary position, sex once a week if there's no good movies on cable couples out there than there are non 'mainstream' people around, but if they're not in your bedroom or your personal space, why should it matter?

Or is there a latent fear that you can't quite come to terms with lurking in your closets?

Bashing gets no one anywhere, and in the long run, will only end up reducing society to the least common denominator. I for one won't be party to it. I'm just hoping that if you have children, you raise them with an open mind, and to accept differences as what they are, variations in the human condition, not something to be mocked, scorned and hated.

Or should we look for you on the news sometime in the future?

(who's kinda proud of her girl-boobs today)

Dagney 01-22-2003 01:04 PM

Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by Elspode
I would therefore assume that she is able to enjoy her own real, natural features with relative ease and frequency.
OH yes, every day in the shower, sometimes in the car, and um...well, i should stop or I'll be revealing too much of my self here (Pun intended)

But yes, 100% female, and BrianR can testify to it if there's any lingering doubt.


smed 01-22-2003 01:13 PM

Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....
Once again....someone has implied and overlayed opinions regarding my ORIGINAL post.


Homos, Transvestites....any other individual wearing whatever...dressing like whatever.....looking like whatever...I dont give a shit. MAN BOOBS...I hate.

As far as my's empty.

Don't you people have jobs ?


Originally posted by Dagney

Would be a bit difficult for me to wear man-boobs, seeing that the ones I carry around are genuine, grade A, XX chromosome, estrogen enhanced, home grown, permanently attached, girl flesh.

But on a 'serious' note, and I say this without implied humor, smilies, or otherwise; Why the heck does it matter to you if a man wears falsies, or a woman leaves her house packing a little bit more than she was born with? Granted, there are a lot more plain ole vanilla, missionary position, sex once a week if there's no good movies on cable couples out there than there are non 'mainstream' people around, but if they're not in your bedroom or your personal space, why should it matter?

Or is there a latent fear that you can't quite come to terms with lurking in your closets?

Bashing gets no one anywhere, and in the long run, will only end up reducing society to the least common denominator. I for one won't be party to it. I'm just hoping that if you have children, you raise them with an open mind, and to accept differences as what they are, variations in the human condition, not something to be mocked, scorned and hated.

Or should we look for you on the news sometime in the future?

(who's kinda proud of her girl-boobs today)

Happy Monkey 01-22-2003 01:20 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by smed

Homos, Transvestites....any other individual wearing whatever...dressing like whatever.....looking like whatever...I dont give a shit. MAN BOOBS...I hate.

So they aren't covered by "whatever"?

Dagney 01-22-2003 01:27 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by smed

Homos, Transvestites....any other individual wearing whatever...dressing like whatever.....looking like whatever...I dont give a shit. MAN BOOBS...I hate.

Well, apparently you DO give a shit, or you'd be able to just let things go and not say anything. Because the stuff that's spouting from your keyboard sort of smells like it.

If you hate your MAN BOOBS go work out, develop yer pecs, do SOMETHING. Good lord man, I'm thinking something definitely has your knickers in a twist, and sitting is a lot less than comfortable for you.

By the way, in your first sentence you contradict yourself, if you don't 'give a shit' about what someone looks like or wears, then the whole concept of falsies for men should be moot for you. (They are worn you know...ya tuck em in your bra and go on with your life...ohh that's right you don't want to hear it!)

Anyway, yes, I have a job, I do my job, and the Cellar is a respite from fairly taxing calls of a technical nature from people who refuse to admit they're wrong.

Hrmm...boy, this sorta seems deja vu-ish....


Elspode 01-22-2003 01:28 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by smed
Once again....someone has implied and overlayed opinions regarding my ORIGINAL post.
Don't you people have jobs ?

I wasn't implying or overlaying anything...just responding to what appeared to be a misperception about the gender of Dagney, who is unlikely to need man boobs and would therefore have little opportunity to enjoy them. FWIW, I think they're silly as hell, but then I think lots of things are silly (hats for dogs, interchangable multicolored snap-on cell phone faceplates, baggy shirts with clothing manufacturers' names on them written really large like it mattered to anyone in any way who made the damn shirt, false claims of human cloning, those sorts of things).

I find fewer things actually offending me these days as I really don't want to waste the energy on being offended unless it is really important. Man boobs don't make the offensive list for me, but clearly they do for you. And that's cool...

BTW, I *do* have a job. Damn good one too, because I get paid very well for what I do, and what I do frequently allows me time to banter about on The Cellar. Doesn't get to be much better than that, huh? Later, we're going to play Quake 3 on our office LAN. We also had free pizza for lunch, and I think we're going to go home early because it is snowing.

If anyone ever hears me complain about my job, just remind of the above paragraph, okay?

perth 01-22-2003 01:34 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by Happy Monkey

So they aren't covered by "whatever"?

monkey, shut up! your putting words in his mouth or something. :)

whats up with the sig?


smed 01-22-2003 01:59 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....
Thank you.
My thoughts exactly.
Seems like everyone in here likes the idea of men running round wearing outfits that accentuate their boobs.
Guess I picked the wrong crowd of boob-wearing folks to express my opinion to.

Freakin' Elpsode didn't even read my reply well enough to figure out that I wasn't even talking to him.....and Dagney obviously has a lot of time on her hands to discuss my likes/dislikes.

I'm not giving you people any more fodder to philosophize(sic) about. Go play with your man-boobs.


Originally posted by perth

monkey, shut up! your putting words in his mouth or something. :)

whats up with the sig?


perth 01-22-2003 02:03 PM

oh shit, now i look like i agree with you.


Elspode 01-22-2003 02:10 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by smed
Thank you.

Freakin' Elpsode didn't even read my reply well enough to figure out that I wasn't even talking to him.....

Sorry about the misunderstanding, but you did say "you people", thus sort of making it seem like you were addressing more than one person's response.

Whit 01-22-2003 02:10 PM

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tsk. I can't believe you people. Making light of this poor guy. I mean he's okay with anything but man-boobs. Where is your compassion? Perhaps he was a victim of far to many purple nurples, or texas titty twisters or whatever they were called at your school. Yet, here you are rubbing salt in the wound. Shame on the lot of you. Can't you see you've hit a nerve? And still you make fun. For shame.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the by, I'm somewhat surprised that Dave isn't all over this thread. Usually anybody that's this easily baited would bring him like a shark to blood. Oh well.

Dagney 01-22-2003 02:12 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by smed
.....and Dagney obviously has a lot of time on her hands to discuss my likes/dislikes.

Nahhh I've taken to entertaining myself with my girl boobs...much better conversation I think.


Dagney 01-22-2003 02:13 PM


Originally posted by Whit
By the by, I'm somewhat surprised that Dave isn't all over this thread. Usually anybody that's this easily baited would bring him like a shark to blood. Oh well.
I think Dave has been officially excused from play today, rumor has it, he's not feeling too well.

But one never knows, he may be up and at`em sometime in the near future.


smed 01-22-2003 02:29 PM

Thank you for your compassion and understanding.
My sentiment exactly....I pretty much only stated that I hated Man-boobs fashion but it seems that the lot of the bunch assumed that I'm offended by nearly anything not "Norman-Rockwell-ish" and that's really not the case.
And seems as if the regulars are having fun with me because of my ONE strong opinion in the nearly 2 years I've been lurking about this neck of the woods.... you better beleive I've learned my lesson.

And you're right again...I am suprised we haven't heard Dave's rant on this topic....but perhaps he agrees with me and has recognized that its pointless agitating me over what I thought was a CLEAR explanation of my LIKES/ DISLIKES regarding the man-boob issue.

As far as the purple-nurple crack....speculation is futile....I had a normal childhood with nothing outside of the usual beating by the local bully for my lunch money. I've got no skeletons in my closet, I pretty much lead the straight-n-narrow.

Anyone else care to have some fun with me? Christ with all the BULLSHIT going on in this world, why would you people want to debate my ass over the MAN-BOOBS issue? I'm damn sure that NONE of you are going to be sportin' an outfit that looks like this anytime soon! Furthermore....I'd be willing to bet that the majority of you would cross the street if you encountered the boobed-man in your travels one day.

Why argue about something that's CLEARLY out of the ordinary.....even for shit that usually out of the ordinary?

I'm going to Linux World tomorrow....I hope I don't run into any of you there.....if I'll know who I am....I'll be wearing my MAN-BOOBS !!


Originally posted by Whit
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tsk. I can't believe you people. Making light of this poor guy. I mean he's okay with anything but man-boobs. Where is your compassion? Perhaps he was a victim of far to many purple nurples, or texas titty twisters or whatever they were called at your school. Yet, here you are rubbing salt in the wound. Shame on the lot of you. Can't you see you've hit a nerve? And still you make fun. For shame.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;By the by, I'm somewhat surprised that Dave isn't all over this thread. Usually anybody that's this easily baited would bring him like a shark to blood. Oh well.

dave 01-22-2003 03:32 PM

Heh. Whit is right. I thought juju did a fine job though, and I definitely am not feeling well.

Happy Monkey 01-22-2003 04:20 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Just an observation....

Originally posted by perth

whats up with the sig?

Just a stupid little joke. Multiply length and width... :3eye:

warch 01-22-2003 06:02 PM


Christ with all the BULLSHIT going on in this world, why would you people want to debate my ass over the MAN-BOOBS issue?
Oh smed, that's a great quote. Cookie of the second. To answer, I'd say cause the one thing more beloved than man-boobs is the silly. ;)

MaggieL 01-22-2003 07:52 PM


Originally posted by juju
Not unusual for a transexual, I suppose, but if he really was a heterosexual who did it only on a bet, it's quite a story.
Bzzzt.! Lots of transsexuals are heterosexual. ;-) Not me: I'm bi...but lots. In fact, this statement is true even if we don't waste time on the inevitable argument as to exactly "which transsexuals are homosexual" from people who think they know more about gender and sexuality than they really do.

Not all male-to-female transsexuals get implants, either....some of us get sufficient development from hormones that the risks and expense of the implants aren't worth it.

By the way, Google <i>"man 'breast implants' bet"</i> got it in one:'r closet's making an awful lot of congnitive dissonance noise for one that's empty. Might as well admit the guy in the leading pic has a fairly nice rack (as such things go) and the fact that at first glance it turns you on squicks you severely.

He lights up my lesbian side too...until my cortex kicks in after a second or two and says "hey, those are breast forms". Disappointing on a subliminal level.

I really do prefer natural boobs, and on women.

elSicomoro 01-22-2003 07:57 PM


Originally posted by MaggieL
I really do prefer natural boobs, and on women.
Me too.

I've always had a standing rule: I never date a woman with smaller boobs than me. I did that one time...and it just didn't work out. *shrugs*

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