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Stormieweather 11-03-2011 02:26 PM

They're all nutballs.

(Yes, the air is nice and clear up here on my high horse :thumb:)

classicman 11-03-2011 03:14 PM

Absolutely. My conclusion is the guy needs to just go away.
If this is the best plan his team could come up with in 10 days, it just shows how completely incompetent they are.
That is not leadership. Thats Bullship.

The money issue hasn't even started yet. Has anyone else read about the campaign finance issue?

Griff 11-03-2011 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 769759)
The funny thing is, it's got nothing to do with the left. It's right vs. right. I'm a lefty, and I see all this unfolding and I don't care. Cain looks like an idiot, sure. But they all do. It wasn't a liberal smear job against Cain, it's the conservatives tearing each other apart.

I realized that after I posted. I'm sure it came out because of a fellow Republican's digging, but now the money is starting to flow into his campaign just as he should be shutting down, because the faithful assume its a left wing smear, of course the usual right v left propagandizing is still occurring it is just after the information has come out. Look at merc's reaction assuming innocence while the left assumes guilt and the sides switch when they get going on Clinton. Politicians are generally awful people so I assume a lot of this stuff is true, but I'd like to see ideas be the main source of discussion, since workable ideas are, so far, missing from this election cycle.

classicman 11-03-2011 04:40 PM

Well said Griff - I hadn't thought of that as a reason.
Gah - - - totally messed up.

TheMercenary 11-03-2011 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 769726)
None of us know because the settlement contained a non disclosure agreement. Do you know the answer to any of these questions? I think Cain has drawn so much of the worst kind of attention to himself in this imbroglio. He *acts* guilty by the way he's changed his story, by the way he's parsed words "I'm not saying I didn't sign it, I'm saying I don't recall signing any settlement." etc etc. The last time I heard this kind of response was from my eight year old trying to get out of punishment for not taking out the trash. "I am not saying I didn't take it out, I'm saying I don't remember if I took it out."

FFS. You have children. Don't you recognize this voice, this uncomfortable squirming? If he did it, he should man the fuck up and say so. If he did not, he should man the fuck up and say so. He's had ten days BEFORE the story broke to get his shit together. ****THIS**** constitutes his shit being together?

Not good, not good at all.

Bottom line, Liberals are willing to jump on the band wagon of demonizing Cain over accusations where as they have no defense over a sitting President shooting his DNA on a young professional staffer while in the White House. An accusation is just that, often the expedient thing to do is to arbitrate, and what ever the decision is after that is what happens, you pay them off, you agree to something in private, issue over. It still does not rise to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, as Clinton was accuse of (due to his lies on the stand), not to mention his lies to the public, "I did not have sex with that woman". You people become more laughable every day.... :lol:

TheMercenary 11-03-2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 769882)
Absolutely. My conclusion is the guy needs to just go away.
If this is the best plan his team could come up with in 10 days, it just shows how completely incompetent they are.
That is not leadership. Thats Bullship.

The money issue hasn't even started yet. Has anyone else read about the campaign finance issue?


classicman 11-03-2011 05:52 PM

yeh, well right now it looks like it sure as heck won't be Cain. The man is so incompetent that he can't even get out of his own way.

ZenGum 11-03-2011 07:53 PM

Okay, enough of my mumblemumblemumble solutions.

Here it is:


Classicman/Lookout in 2012
I know neither of you want it, which is why you are perfect for it.

BigV 11-03-2011 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 769941)
Bottom line, Liberals are willing to jump on the band wagon of demonizing Cain over accusations where as they have no defense over a sitting President shooting his DNA on a young professional staffer while in the White House. An accusation is just that, often the expedient thing to do is to arbitrate, and what ever the decision is after that is what happens, you pay them off, you agree to something in private, issue over. It still does not rise to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, as Clinton was accuse of (due to his lies on the stand), not to mention his lies to the public, "I did not have sex with that woman". You people become more laughable every day.... :lol:

As usual, you don't answer my questions.

As for what happened between Clinton and Lewinsky and what happened between Cain and these three women, you fail to make a distinction between consensual sex and sexual harassment. They're as different as happy-sexy-fun time and rape. Consent is crucial. It seems clear that there was consent in Clinton's case, it seems equally clear, indeed the very definition of sexual harassment, that there was NO consent in Cain's case. If you don't understand this, or don't respect this, you need to stay the fuck away from me and my family and my friends. It's not that hard to understand, but based on your post above, you don't get it.

What I find hilarious is that your "defense" of Cain is "Clinton did it!" REALLY? That's... ok with you? That Cain's no worse than Clinton? You've made your opinion of Clinton pretty clear over the years, and if this isn't damning with faint praise, I don't know what is. Hilarious.

You don't get what sexual harassment means and you excuse it because other people did something. If attitudes like your continue to represent Obama's opposition, this is gonna be easier and more embarrassing than I previously expected.

classicman 11-03-2011 08:45 PM


Lamplighter 11-03-2011 09:30 PM

Tomorrow (Friday, the 4th) is the next big day for Herman Cain's campaign.

Supposedly, the attorneys will decide what, if anything, will be allowed for the confidentiality agreements with the Natl Restaurant Assoc and the two women accusers.

Also, Friday night is the announced campaign debut of Gloria Cain.
We hope she is not at home ironing a leopard-print dress.

ZenGum 11-03-2011 09:38 PM

Hey, at least it would be ironed.

Lamplighter 11-04-2011 11:01 AM

This is mind-bending...

Herman Cain accuser attorney: Settlement dated 9/99, Kilgore signed


Joel Bennett, the attorney for one of the women who complained
about Herman Cain at the National Restaurant Association said Friday
that his client's settlement was dated in September of 1999
and signed by the trade group's general counsel but not Cain.

classicman 11-04-2011 11:48 AM


Lamplighter 11-04-2011 04:24 PM

I guess when I need to explain it, it's not so weird... think 999

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